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Teaching Practicum- B.


It has been agreed that everyone will follow the same format:

1. Learning outcome are general expectations of the lesson. This will be

extracted from the HSP e.g.
3.2 Acquire key words at various stages of development.

2. Learning objectives are specific expectations of the lesson. This may be

written as:

By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

3.2.1. Recognise 5 out of 10 complete words.
3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words, etc.

3. IIUM stressed on the importance of CCTS and moral values be

incorporated in the lessons taught (list of CCTS and Moral values as

4. Provide clinical supervision:

a) pre- conferencing, observation of lesson in twos and post-conferencing.
b) Take note while observing the lesson, be focused on what you want to
c) Make sure development of lesson progress systematically.
d) if you notice trainee face certain T&L weakness guide and advice them
as to how to overcome the weakness.
e) do a follow-up and make sure the trainee improves.

Dr. Annisa Nor Jettey

Program Co-ordinator
16 moral values in the KBSR syllabus

1. Purity of body and mind

2. Compassion
3. Moderation
4. Humility
5. Respect
6. Love
7. Justice
8. Freedom
9. Honesty
10. Diligence
11. Gratitude
12. Public-spiritedness
13. Courage
14. Self-reliance
15. Cooperation
16. Rationality
17. Patriotism
18. Good Citizenship

Critical and Creative Thinking Skills (CCTS)

1. Compare and contrast

2. Categorize
3. Analyze
4. Sequence
5. Rationalize
6. Predict
7. Interpret
8. Infer
9. Hypothesize

Dr. Annisa Nor Jettey

Program Co-ordinator

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