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Finding a good entry point can be one of the hardest trading skills to learn. Many new traders
dont even think twice when entering a trade.

A bad entry can ruin your risk reward and put you in a bad position rather then a good one,
getting a ideal entry and using accumilcation techniques can be the deciding factor of your
success in alot of trades, it can also give your stop loss more breathing room.

“If you were a profressional trader, working for a large financial institution if you didnt get a
good entry point, you probably wouldnt enter the trade at all”

Click the title of each technique/strategy for more in depth info.

Supply and Demand Zones

Altcoin Mastery Fibonacci Strategy

Morning Star/Shooting Star Candle Stick Pattern

Simple line entry strategy

VPVR Entry points

Imagine if you were about to buy 500,000$ of a stock or cryptocurrency, how would you go
about it? Would you market buy it all in one go and possibly drive the market into a huge
pump.. or into a fakeout and suffer a huge loss? Or would you plan the optimal points to
enter, allowing you to maximize your pro�its and manage your risk by not going all in
straight away.

When entering a trade you can use a percentage of the amount you were going to put into
the trade in pre planned speci�ied entry points to maximize pro�it and lower risk, accumil-
cating the investment and making pro�its as you go along. Its highly likely that ce you enter a
trade it will come back to the same entry point, you can use this to your advantage by “”dou-
bling down”” if the trade still looks strong.. you can also “average in” if your initial entry was
bad, lowering the average price you brought per token.


Using the BTCUSD 4HR as an example:
Figure 1: First demand zone created, following a strong bear strend we reversed with a nice wick, notice how we
come back to this zone and it presents a good buy opportunity each time. Stops would be below this level.

Figure 2: First supply zone created, strong reverse of trend with shooting star reversal (see page (x))
First selling point for our buy in, notice how when price crossed this level later on the price shot up, a con�irmed
candle close outside a demand or supply zone can be a strong buy/sell signal.

Figure 3: Second larger supply zone created, price reversed from here with a nice wick, notice how when the price
broke through zone (2) again it the market really panicked and dumped off. Ive highlighted other possible entry
points on this zone and will update on how it plays out as it is a current chart.

Figure 4: Second demand zone created, the price also came back to this zone and didnt even touch the zone which
can be a bullsh sign, as we are trading above this zone a break of the bottom level will be a sell signal or stop loss if
you were trading this.

The bottom of
the last candle
before reversal
becomes the
Distal Line.

The close of the

same candle
becomes the
Proximal Line.
This creates the
demand zone.

Once the 4th candle closes bullish you can open a long with a SL at the bottom of the 2nd candle.

Morning star candlestick patterns can be strong reversal signs, but need to be traded
safely as they are not always reliable, try to only use them at areas that are likely to be a
“bottom” of a trend.

They consist of the �irst candle being bearish and large bodied, the second candle being
a doji, usually tiny with a two distinct wicks and the 3rd candle being bullish, large
bodied and surpassing 50% of the value of the �irst candle.

A shooting star is the oppiosite of a Morning Star.


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