Journal Entries

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Reflective Journal 1: Planning and Implementation Of Learning Programs

Name: Lesthelyn U. Bangunan Date:

Course/Major Field: BPE-SPE Cooperating Teacher: Hershey D. Ayano

1. Do your lesson plans contain all essential elements? What are these elements?
What do you do to consider the learners’ needs capacity, available resources
and your teaching skills?
Yes, I can say that my lesson plans contain all essential elements such as
having activities that can be keys inorder to achieve my learning targets from the
students. Using HOTS questions that could sharpen the minds of my students.

2. How do you ensure that your learning activities are relevant to the topic? What
factors do you consider?

Everytime I decided to use a specific activity for my lesson, I see to it that

is is congruent to my learning objectives. I use learning activities that are not only
fun but at the same time, it will give additional learnings for my students about my

3. To what extent do you participate in and/or cooperate with your cooperating

teacher in the planning and implementing of the classroom activities that
contribute to the development of your learners? Provide two examples.

Implementing classroom activities that can contribute to the development

of the students is a must and I am so thankful that my CT shares her opinions
about such things. There was a time when she introduced various activities that I
can be used in my lessons inorder to test the ability of my students and
sometimes she shares strategies to me inorder to sustain the interest of my
Comments/Other Learning Insights

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback



Areas for Improvement _______________________________________.

Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor ______________________

Reflective Journal 2: Using Instructional Materials

Name: Lesthelyn U. Bangunan Date:

Course/Major Field: BPE-SPE Cooperating Teacher: Hershey D. Ayano

1. How often do you make use of available instructional materials in teaching?

What evidences would show that these materials contribute to the attainment of
your lessons’ objectives?

I always use my instructional materials in all of my classes because I do

believe how important instructional materials are in the learning process of each
students especially in my Grade 7 classes because I have 2 students that are
verbally impaired so my instructional materials will help them to understand my
lesson somehow.

2. Are your instructional materials interesting enough to arouse and sustain the
interest of the learners? What evidences would show that you have been
successful in ensuring their effectiveness?

Yes. Because I never settled for traditional instructional materials only. I

am always encouraged by my cooperating teacher to include the ICT always in
my classes and aside from using the ICT, I use instructional materials that are
not dull yet Ims that are catchy and somehow uniques for them.

Signature of the Pre-Service Teacher _____________________

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s


Strengths ___________________________________________

Areas for Improvement _________________________________________.

Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor_______________

Reflective Journal 3: Actual Teaching

Name: Lesthelyn U. Bangunan Date:

Course/Major Field: BPE-SPE Cooperating Teacher: Hershey D. Ayano

1. Cite evidences that would show the relevance of learning activities to lessons’

Learning activities must connect to the learning objectives that is why

everytime I plan for my lesson, I take time in thinking what could be the best
activity to be used. First, activities that are catchy and unique can keep the
excitement and the interest of the students the same thing that I have observed
during my demonstrations. Second one, activities that make the students think
beyond the box and can open the box of their creativity because it is very
essential that students should do more in class while the teacher facilitates.

2. What verbal and nonverbal communication skills do you apply to make your
teaching effective? Cite instances.

F. Bangoy National High School adopt inclusive education and I have

students in my Grade 7 class that are verbally challenged that is why it is very
important for me to use learning materials that would cater their needs and the
needs of my other students at the same time. So what I did, I used hand gestures
while explaining my topic and I applied ICT and play videos for them to gain
ideas about my topic.

3. To what extent are your learning lesson outcomes achieved? How do you
know? What are the indicators?

It is very essential that in planning lessons, the objectives must be

achieved at the end of the discussion and to check if I have achieved my learning
targets, I have activities that would require my students’ understandings about
my lesson and I conducted pencil-paper test aside from performance task
through that way I have concluded that my objectives were achieved because of
their output and scores.

Signature of the Pre-Service Teacher _________________________

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s



Areas for Improvement


Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor ________________________.

Reflective Journal 4: Test Preparation

Name: Lesthelyn U. Bangunan Date:

Course/Major Field: BPE-SPE Cooperating Teacher: Hershey D. Ayano

1. What measures have you taken to assure yourself that your test items were
clear and simple?

Designing test is an important part of assessing students’ understanding

of course content and applying what they are learning in order to know if they
really understand what has been discussed by a teacher. In making my test
items, I see to it that it is parallel to my learning objectives and measures what is
needed to measure. In this way, I can monitor the learning progress of my
students and to check if they were paying attention during my discussions. In
making test items, it is very crucial since it must reflect the purpose of the
instruction which is intented to assess. However, this woul be a great help for the
students’ improvement in learning that is why giving an assessment to students
is one of the skills that a teacher must have according to the article that I have
read during our discussion in Assessment 2. In addition, when making test items,
I avoid using complex terminologies so that the students will be able to
understand easily all the questions and the students may find it difficult to
understand if complex and convoluted sentence construction is used. Avoiding
unnecessary informations in making test items is a must so that it will be more

2. How did you provide testing accomodations for disadvantaged learners?

Advance learners?

In a four corners of a classroom, not all students have the same intellectual
ability and some of them are disadvantage learners while some are not and that
is why I see to it that my testing accomodations will cater their differences no one
will be left behind. Before giving test, I conducted review and clearing of doubts
and questions and I make sure that they have understood my lesson.
3. Do your test item provide for a wide range of differences in ability? Describe
how this has been catered for.

Yes, because it measures the versatility of my students. As I have mentioned,

constructing test items is indeed crucial and a challenging part of the teacher that
is why it is a skill that must be developed gradually. Constructing test items that
will cater all the domains in learning is more effective because in this way the
teacher can be able to know the different strengths and weaknesses of the
students. When I make my test items,

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback



Areas for improvement


Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor_____________________

Reflective Journal 5: Checking, Marking and Interpretation of Test Results

Name: Lesthelyn U. Bangunan Date:

Course/Major Field: BPE-SPE Cooperating Teacher: Hershey D. Ayano

1. What types of information about your pupil’s/student’ progress have you

obtained? How did you make use of these effectively?

Through my quizzes and performance task I have monitored their performances

in my class and their improvement as well. Students have different areas where
they excel faster or improve right away that is why I am always open for their
different grows from the beginning of my classes up to the end.

2. If there were learners who did poorly in one subject area, what did you to
address this?

Students differ on their learning styles. There are students who can easily catch
the topics and there are students who need further explanation in order to absorb
the topic. If there are a lot of learners who do poorly in one subject area, what I
will do is to review the topic. Then I will determine if where specifically the
students find it difficult to understand so that I can give emphasis to it and so that
I can be able to formulate reinforcements in order to address this problem. And
one of the best things to do is to schedule microteaching in order to alleviate
student’s difficulties.

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback



Areas for improvement ____________________________________________

Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor __________________________

Reflective Journal 6: Self-Evaluation

Name: Lesthelyn U. Bangunan Date:

Course/Major Field: BPE-SPE Cooperating Teacher: Hershey D. Ayano

1. What concerns and/or major isssues and/or concerns did you encounter
during practice teaching? How did you resolve these?

There are different challenges I have encountered during my practice

teaching such as keeping the interest of my students because there are times
that we have problems with proper ventilation because the electricity often
fluctuates and I have problems also in minimizing the noice of my students
because some teachers from the other classroom easily get disturbed because
the classrooms in our building are not that big compared to the classrooms of
other building. What I did, when these situations caught their attention right away
and sometimes I choose activities that would require their 100% focus towards
their work and I also used activities that can be done individually.

2. Did you find your consultation, conferences with your cooperating teacher, TEI
practicum supervisors and other practicum mentors important? Cite an instance
where such was most significant. Why? Having chance to talk to them is a great
way of aquiring important ideas, knowledge and technique inorder for me to grow
in the field of teaching. They checked our lesson plans and helps us to be more
productive in teaching. Their feedbacks from our demonstrations teaches us on
how to stay effective and at the same time confident infront of our students.

3. What is the most important learning insight did you have about teaching that
will surely inspire you in your chosen profession?

For me teaching is an honor and a responsibilty. To teach diversed students is a

previledge because being a teacher you can be a motivator to those students
who are demotivated to pursue in achieving their goals and you can be a channel
of knowledge and wisdom to them and at the same time a parent who mold their
good values. Teacher touches lives of their students and I always dream to touch
the lives of individuals to be great on their own and be great for the betterment ot
others and in this society.

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback



Areas for improvement


Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor ____________________


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