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Thurs, July 31 at 12pm EST below is Dr. Brown's contact info.

Primary Contact # 704-992-6062 Backup Contact # 704-305-0035

new book - Gay and Christian?: Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality.

Our other dates/topics:

August 4th
10am- Dr. Jeff Tomkins of ICR on the DNA of chimps and humans
11am – David Witt of Spirit of Martyrdom on sharing love with Muslims in dangerous contexts
At 12 pm - Paul Asay and Bryce Morgan on God and Batman!

Thursday 8/7/14 – 9am – 10am

Aug. 21st
11am - The Church!
12pm - Dr. Kurt Wise on science issues relating to the Creation and The Flood

Future requests out:

– Dr. David Minton
-Dr. Stephen Meyer
-French theologian, ex-atheist

Jordan Worley’s two comments … Batman and L’Abri


Jennifer Spiegel (Phoenix, AZ) loved this one--not geeky. Unlike · Reply · 1 · July 14 at 7:10pm

Alex McConnehey (Associate Pastor at Agape Assembly of God Waterloo,IN) I just listened to the show, I did
have a concern. Vocab asked the guest about things to the nature of reading Harry Potter. I will agree with the
guest that it is necessary to understand the culture to a certain degree if you're going to be able to reach them,
especially apologetically. What I did not agree with was his comment in response saying that if we don't read these
books or watch these movies that we are being loving. That may not have been his direct line of thought but it
certainly was in his subtext. Understanding the culture is great, but what about purity? It should not be required that
I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or read Harry Potter in order to reach the lost. I can meet them on other less
controversial entertainment. at 5:44am

Read Tweets from Andrew Chandler @cheesmo


Greg Harvey ( Columbia, Missouri) · February 13 at 8:13pm

Great show. I agree with your analysis. I was reminded of an incident when a young lady I knew was having a fit of
paranoia and wouldn't tell even tell me where she lived because she thought her family was evil. I called a Christian
counselor I knew to get advice. After I explained the situation to her she just simply said, "Sounds like she's looney
tunes!" Did she have to get a degree to come to that conclusion? I would have been far better off asking my pastor
instead. She was a complete waste of time despite having her own counseling business.
RESPONSE from Did Jesus Exist? DEBATE part 1 [12/01/2013]
Phill Durbin (Cincinnati, Ohio) - June 25 at 8:49am
Backpack Radio > Apologia Radio. I found evidence to support the claim. Guest: David Fitzgerald

Response from Major Announcement!

Dr. #JonathanSarfati is speaking @#BPR's 4th Year Anniversary Event! - September 14, 2014
@2pm - Info here:

Spencer Hawkins (Tempe, AZ) Does Backpack Radio officially endorse young earth creationism? June 19 6:56pm
Hazuki Azuma Good ol' Sarfati! Now I know just how seriously to take this whole circus...June 19 at 7:05pm

Dale Langmade (Phoenix, AZ) May 21 · This is well worth listening to.

Episode #125 with Clay Jones

Shawn White’s comments

Unbeliever’s Radio Blog – Spencer Hawkins

Reformed Christianity and Abortion
Jeff Durbin’s Ignorance: “The Christian Worldview Gave Rise to Science”
Jeff Durbin Responds… Sort Of

Apologia’s response: Silly Atheist. Science is for Christians! – 7/12/2014

Presuppositional Apologetics: the Uniformity of Nature
Tweet: #Atheist article calls me "Vocab Malone, the #Presuppositional Hypocrite" ... I wonder if I can
get that trademarked? Presuppositional Apologetics: the Uniformity of Nature (July 14)

Apologia Radio’s Blatant Hypocrisy

Apologia Radio: History of Modern Science & Two Fallacies

And a positive one … from our show on BHI [08/04/2013] - EPISODE #149

#BPR gets a POSITIVE link from the UNBELIEVERS #atheist blog for our show on
the #BlackHebrewIsraelites #BHI!
purple-tunic/ Racism and Religion in a Purple Tunic

Valentin Moldovan (Portland, OR) They are right, Jesus Is not a white man Like · Reply · 1 · June 3 at 5:45pm
Erasmo Garcia (Miami, FL) One major argument that destroys the theology of BHI is, that they deny the deity of
Christ. Another is it seems they(BHI) don't hold the Bible as their ultimate authority over their own reasoning, and
that the Bible has been corrupted. Like · Reply · June 3 at 3:58pm
Andre Salais (Tempe, AZ) Yes, but he also wasn't African.
response.../ June 4

From Timothy J. Hoffland

Tim: Thank you for telling us! We fixed it and you should now be able to either listen online or download it
now at this link:

You may also be interested to hear an interview we did with a scholar who studied under him, Dr. Michael
Kruger -

Blessings, Vocab

BTWN Episode 13 - Vocab Malone of Backpack Radio - Twitter Games - Podcast Highl

Back Pack Radio Review By Len of the Bible Thumping Wingnut Podcast on YouTube … on the
Tithing vs Giving [05/25/2014]

#192 and Truth in Love to Mormons [06/15/2014]

#195 with Mark J. Cares

It takes an average of 6 months for us to get around (over) 1,000 hits

From September to October 2012 is the transition when our episodes started growing: going from an
average of under 1,000 hits (200-900) to 1,000-2,000

For example, here is a GI Joe podcast I listen to - They have

between 1-5,000 hits on many of their episodes - only a few dip below ours. Their show runs 2 hours
often, is not professional, has a lot of excess banter, is weak on audio quality and can be hard to wade
through. And it is only about GI Joe stuff!

Then there is Redemption Radio - the show Jeff did before Apologia. It is no longer on the air, ran less
time than us and yet it's hit count is still comparable to ours.

My cousin who runs a podcast all about RPG's says they get 3-7,000 per episode but he may exaggerate
a bit. Still, the fact he think and knows that is high enough to brag about gives me an idea of what a good
amount of hits would be. I think we should avg. more like 2,000 per episode and it should take us only 3
months to get there.

We are niche. We are Christian and Reformed and seminary-level but still ... the closet show like us
besides apologia would be Reformed Forum out of Westminster, I wonder what they

Anyway, to me , it proves the point we don't nearly as big a base as we may think and will not do too
much short term harm by switching our name and may do more long term good by it being better for
marketing us as well as closer to our current MO. Lastly, our FB page has 665 likes. Apologia has 2,649.
We have 211 followers on Twitter. Apologia has 436. They have about 200 more Tweets than us but still,
we have been on Twitter longer.

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