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My name is Angie and I have always liked animals, I currently have two dogs. A
Siberian Husky whose name is Ares and is 10 years old, why that name is inspired
by the Greek god of war. I also have an American Pitbull which is called Sakura
and is 3 years old, its name is inspired by a Japanese flower.

They are from puppies with us and they are part of our family, we adopted Sakura
because before lived in the street in the city of Villavicencio. A friend brought her to
take care of her for a day, but we could not let her go when she saw how tender
she is.

Everyone asks us, is it hard to take care of them? How do they live with two dogs
so big? but I answer yes, it is difficult but we love them.

They like to eat fruits like apple, mango and peach, they also eat a lot of bread.
The carrot is their favorite vegetable and whenever I arrive at night, they receive
me joyful.


When I was little, I liked to visit my grandfather, he always told my sister and me
stories of his youth and, sometimes, of legends and fables.
One day he told us an ancient legend where a famous king gathered all his sages,
telling them that he had obtained a ring from his last conquest. He was very
valuable and could keep something inside him. He asked them to help him find a
phrase that was full of wisdom and that would serve him for any time of life.
After thinking a lot, the phrase arose, this will happen, why this phrase? It is
because it is useful for the good and bad things that life has.
My grandfather died 3 years ago, I remember him for his beautiful way of seeing
life and all the beautiful moments that I shared with him, but above all for the
stories he shared with me and they will always allow me to remember him. He died
of a car accident, fractured his hip and spent time in a bed. For us, as a family, it
was difficult to see him in that state, but it was an opportunity to give him back all
the time he had with us.

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