Engineering Mathematics - III (Also Old Sem.-III Equivalence)

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Seat Number

ÔãâãäÞã¦ã - 006


Engineering Mathematics – III

(Also Old Sem.- III Equivalence)
(124111 / 214111)
P. Pages : 3
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used for writing
paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All the questions are compulsory.
5. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
6. Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.


1. Attempt any two.

a) i) Solve (D2  4D  4)y  xe 2x cos x. 4

ii) Solve (D2  3D  2)y  e2x (1 x2 ) 4

b) i) Solve (D2  2D  2)y  ex tan x by V. P. method. 4

ii) Solve ( x2 D2  xD  1)y  X log x 4

c) Solve (D3  7D  6)y  ex cos x cos 2x 8


2. Attempt any two.

a) A spring for which stiffness K = 700 N/m hangs in a vertical position with it's upper end 8
fixed. A mass of 7kg is attached to the lower end. After coming to the rest, the mass is
pulled down to 0.05 m and released. Discuss the resulting motion of the mass;
neglecting air resistance.

2 8
b) Solve  u  a2  u subject to the condition
t  x2
i) u is finite for all t. ii) u (0, t) = 0
iii) u (  , t) = 0 iv) u (x, 0) = x ; 0 < x <  .

ÔãâãäÞã¦ã - 006 1 P.T.O

ÔãâãäÞã¦ã - 006
 2u  2u 8
c) Solve   0 subject to the condition
 x2  y2
i) u ( x, )  0 ;  x.
ii) u (0, y )  0 ;  y.
iii) u (1, y )  0 ;  y.
iv ) u ( x , 0)  sin3  x ; 0  x  1


3. Attempt any two.

t 

a) i) Find L   t e 3t cos 2t dt .

0 

 4
et sin 2t
ii) Evaluate  t

S  2 
Find L1  cot 1 
1 4
b) i) 
S  3 

  4
1 
S 
ii) Find L   by convolution theorem.

S  4 
 
d2y dy 8
c) Solve 4  4y  6 e t ; y (0)   2 , y (0)  8.
d t2 dt


4. Attempt any two.

a) i) Explain Kurtosis and types of Kurtosis. 4

ii) Calculate first four central moments from data. Hence find 1, 2. 4
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
f 5 15 17 25 19 14 5

b) i) In a sampling a large no. of parts manufactured by a machine; the mean number 4

of defectives in a sample of 20 is 2. Out of 1000 such sample, how many would
be expected to contain atleast 3 defectives.

ÔãâãäÞã¦ã - 006 2
ÔãâãäÞã¦ã - 006
ii) Given a random variable having a normal distribution with mean 18.2 and S. D. of 4
1.25. Find probabilities for i) less than 16.5 ii) greater than 18.8
[Given P (z = 1.36) = 0.4131 ; P (z = 0.48) = 0.1844].

c) Consider two regression lines 8

5x – 8y = –17 ; 2x – 5y + 14 = 0
Calculate i) Mean values of x and y.
ii) r (x, y)
iii) Find  x ; if  y 2  16 .


5. Attempt any two.

i) Find D. D. of   x 2 y z  4x z2 at (1,  2, 1) along 2 i  j  2 k. 4

ii) Find Fourier sine transform of 4
x ; 0  x 1

F (x)   2  x ; 1  x  2
0 ; x2

   4
b) i) Show that F  y2 cos x  z2 i  2y sin x j  2x z k is irrotational. Hence find its
scalar potential.

 4
ii) Solve the integral equation 0 f ( x ) cos x dx  e ;0

Using Fourier integral representation. 8

c) 3
  sin x  x
Show that 0  44
e cos x.


ÔãâãäÞã¦ã - 006 3 P.T.O

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