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I/C :
Appreciation Page

Objectives Page

Introduction Page

Questions Page

Further Exploration Page

Conclusion Page

Reflection Page

References Page

The arch is an incredible architectural discovery, dating back to ancient times but still in
wide use today, as, up until the 19th century, it was the only known method for roofing a
building without the use of beams. It comes in many shapes-semicircular (Roman),
segmental (less than half a circle), or pointed (Gothic). The arch developed from the
post and lintel or possibly the corbel, which is similar in shape and principle to the arch.
Efforts to build corbeled roofs with smaller units and less weight could have eventually
led to the discovery of the arch.
Arches are made of wedge-shaped blocks, called voussoirs, set with their narrow side
toward the opening so that they lock together. The topmost voussoir is called the
keystone. Once locked into place, the arch cannot collapse under any amount of weight
and the only danger is of the voussiors crumbling under the pressure. To keep this from
happening, most arches require support from other arches, walls, or buttresses.
The arch has been found in many different cultures, as early as Mesopotamia. The
Egyptians used it in tombs and vaults but never for monumental architecture, such as
temples. They apparently thought it unsuited to this purpose. The Greeks also used the
arch solely for practical constructions, but many of the principles they developed were
later exploited by the Romans.
Overall, it was not until the time of the Etruscans that the arch was used in any kind of
monument. The best example of this is the Porta Augusta, where the arch is combined
with Greek architectural ideas. The Romans borrowed this combination and used it over
and over again, but its invention belongs solely to the Etruscans.
The Romans took many great strides in the development of the arch. While they
borrowed many techniques from earlier races, the Romans invented the idea of setting
an arch on top of two tall pedestals to span a walkway such as a public highway. The
outer wall of the Colosseum appears composed almost completely of arches. Here we
see examples of the barrel vault and the more complicated groined vault, both
developed by the Romans from the basic arch. The Romans also used arches for
common purposes, such as in the building of bridges and aqueducts.
Arches continued to be used in Medeival times, especially in cathedrals, (above, second
from right), where they helped support the great weight of the stone ceilings, especially
when walls were weakened by the presence of many windows. It is here that buttresses
were often used to support the arches. Sometimes called "flying buttresses" because of
their height, buttresses are a simple construction of a stone pillar with a "bridge" at the
top that joins onto the arch or walls of the building, giving extra support to the
construction. Arches were also often found in long rows in cathedrals to help support
each other. It is about this time that the pointed arch began to be developed, as an
alternative to the traditional rounded arch. This pointed or Gothic arch became very
prevalent in the architecture of the time.
First of all, I would like to say thank you to my parents for providing everything,
such as money, to buy anything that are related to this project work, their advise, which
is the most needed for this project and facilities such as internet, books, computers and
all that. They also supported me and encouraged me to complete this task so that I will
not procrastinate in doing it.

Then I would like to thank to my teacher, Pn Lui for guiding me throughout this
project. Even I had some difficulties in doing this task, but she taught me patiently until
we knew what to do. She tried and tried to teach me until I understand what I’m
supposed to do with the project work.

Besides that, my friends who always supporting me. Even this project is
individually but we are cooperated doing this project especially in disscussion and
sharing ideas to ensure our task will finish completely.

Last but not least, any party which involved either directly or indirect in
completing this project work. Thank you everyone.

The aims of carrying out this project work are:-

 to apply and adapt a variety of problem-solving strategies to solve problems;

 to improve thinking skills;

 to promote effective mathematical communication;

 to develop mathematical knowledge through problem solving in a way that

increases students’ interest and confidence;

 to use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely;

 to provide learning environment that stimulates and enhances effective


 to develop positive attitude towards mathematics.

The diagram below shows the gate of an art gallery. A concrete structure is built at the upper
part of the gate and the words ‘ART GALLERY’ is written on it. The top of the concrete structure
is flat whereas the bottom is parabolic in shape. The concrete structure is supported by two
vertical pillars at both ends.

The distance between the two pillars is 4 metres and the height of the pillar is 5 metres. The
height of the concrete structure is 1 metre. The shortest distance from point A of the concrete
structure to point B, that is the highest point on the parabolic shape, is 0.5 metres.

0.5 m

1m B

(a) The parabolic shape of the concrete structure can be represented by various functions
depending on the point of reference. Based on different points of reference, obtain at
least three different functions which can be used to represent the curve of this concrete

(b) The front surface of this concrete structure will be painted before the words ‘ART GALLERY’
is written on it. Find the area to be painted.
Procedure and Findings
(a)Function 1

Maximum point (0,4.5) and pass through point (2,4)

y=a ¿

b=0 , c=4.5

y=a ¿

y=a x2 + 4.5−−−(1)

Substitute ( 2,4 ) into(1)

4=a ¿

4 a=−0.5


∴ y=−0.125 x 2+ 4.5
Function 2

Maximum point (0, 0.5) and pass through point (2, 0)

y=a ¿

b=0 , c=0.5

y=a ¿

y=a x2 +0.5−−−(2)

Substitute ( 2, 0 ) into(2)

0=a ¿

4 a=−0.5


∴ y=−0.125 x 2+ 0.5
Function 3

Maximum point (2, 4.5) and pass through point (0, 4)

y=a ¿

b=2 , c=4.5

y=a ¿

Substitute ( 0 , 4 ) into(3)

4=a ¿

4 a=−0.5


∴ y=−0.125 ¿

Area to be painted
= Area of rectangle - Area under the curve
¿ 4 x 1−2 ∫ (−0.125 x 2+ 0.5 ) dx

−0.125 x 3
¿ 4−2 [ 3
+0.5 x ]0

¿ 4−2 ( 23 −0)
¿ 2 m2
Further Exploration
(a)(i) Structure 1

Area=2 m2

Volume=Area x Thickness

¿ 2 m2 x 0.4 m

16 3
¿ m

16 3
Cost = m x RM 840

¿ RM 896
Structure 2

Area=Area of Rectangle− Areaof Triangle

¿ 1 m x 4 m− x 4 m x 0.5 m

¿ 4 m 2−1m 2

¿ 3 m2

Volume=Area x Thickness
¿ 3 m2 x 0.4 m

¿ 1.2 m3

Cost =1.2 m3 x RM 840

¿ RM 1008
Structure 3

Area=Area of Rectangle− Areaof Trapezium

(4 m+1 m)
¿ 1 m x 4 m− x 0.5 m

¿ 4 m 2− m2

¿ 2.75 m 2

Volume=Area x Thickness

¿ 2.75 m 2 x 0.4 m

¿ 1.1 m3

Cost =1.1 m3 x RM 840

¿ RM 924
Structure 4

Area=Area of Rectangle− Areaof Trapezium

(2 m+4 m)
¿ 1 m x 4 m− x 0.5 m

¿ 4 m 2−1.5 m2

¿ 2.5 m2

Volume=Area x Thickness

¿ 2.5 m2 x 0.4 m

¿ 1 m3

Cost =1 m3 x RM 840

¿ RM 840

∴ Structure 4 will cost the minimum ¿ construct , that is RM 840.

(ii) As the president of the Arts Club, I will decide Structure 4 as the shape of
the gate to be constructed. It is because Structure 4 will cost the minimum and
it is easier to be constructed compared to Structure 1 which is a curve.

(b) (i)
k (m) Area to be painted(m2)
0.00 0+ 4
4 x 1− x 0.5=3
0.25 0.25+ 4
4 x 1− x 0.5=2.9375
0.50 0.5+ 4
4 x 1− x 0.5=2.875
0.75 0.75+ 4
4 x 1− x 0.5=2.8125
1.00 1+4
4 x 1− x 0.5=2.75
1.25 1.25+ 4
4 x 1− x 0.5=2.6875
1.50 1.5+ 4
4 x 1− x 0.5=2.625
1.75 1.75+ 4
4 x 1− x 0.5=2.5625
2.00 2+4
4 x 1− x 0.5=2.5

(ii) There is a pattern in the area to be painted.

The area to be painted decreases as the k increases 0.25m and form a series of

3, 2.9375, 2.875, 2.8125, 2.75, 2.6875, 2.625, 2.5625, 2.5

We can see that the difference between each term and the next term is the

∴ We can deduce that this series of numbers is an Arithmetic Progression
(AP), with a common difference, d=−0.0625

In conclusion, when k increases 0.25m, the area to be painted decreases by


(c) The area of the concrete structure ¿ be painted

(k +4 )
¿ 4 x 1− x 0.5

¿ 4− + 1

¿ 3−

∴k →4


Areaof concrete structure ¿ be painted → 3−1

→ 2m 2

The shape of the concrete structure will be a rectangle with length 4m and
breadth 0.5m, which may look like this:
A gate is a point of entry to a space enclosed by walls, or a moderately sized opening in a
fence. Gates may prevent or control entry or exit, or they may be merely decorative. Other terms
for gate include yett and port.

Larger gates can be used for a whole building, such as a castle or fortified town, or the
actual doors that block entry through the gatehouse. Other than that, selection of gate also
depends on beautifying or some religious believe in feng sui which is bring luck in life.

As I doing this project, I notice that quadratic function and integration can be so close in
our daily life. There are many shape of gate outside there. Different shapes of the gate have
different cost. From quadratic function and integration, we can know area of the gate. From the
area we can get volume og the gate. As the result, we can know cost of the gate by times volume
with RM840 (price for 1m³)

After we know concept of quadratic function and integration, we can apply it in our life.
In order to meet the budget or saving money, we can capable to decide on which shape or design
more favorable and reasonable.

While I conducting this project, a lot of information that I found. I have learnt how to build a
concrete gate structure with good quality and proper price.

Apart from that, this project encourage the student to work together and share their
knowledge. It is also encourage student to gather information from the internet, improve thinking
skills and promote effective mathematical communication.

Last but not least, I proposed this project should be continue because it brings a lot of
moral value to the student and also test the student’s understanding in Additional Mathematics.
 Additional Mathematics Form 5

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