SRS AI Portal v1

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Software Requirements


AI Portal

Version 1.0
Software Requirements Specification for AI Portal Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................ii
Revision History.............................................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Assumptions...................................................................................................................................1
1.3 References......................................................................................................................................2
2. Proposed System Features......................................................................................................2
2.1 AI Capability within HCL..............................................................................................................2
2.3 AI Trends and Use cases.................................................................................................................3
2.4 KPIs for AI adoption­Success and failure stories...........................................................................4

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Agum Sharma 1.0
Software Requirements Specification for AI Portal Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose 

This document identifies high level requirements and functionalities/Business rules to include in AI portal as a
part of delivery in STiP

Portal to include

 HCL specific AI capability

 AI specific use cases and emerging trends per vertical Project Management
 KPIs(Key Peformance Indicators) for adoption of AI specific solutions- Customer success and Failure

1.2 Assumptions

The sample user story mentioned in each section is just a reference sample, there will be multiple 
user stories under each system feature depending on the role of the user.
User story and journey map will be finalized post designing of the screens and GUI (Graphical user 
interface) for the portal.

1.3 References

The idea ,requirements, features and functionalities for AI portal have come forward after analyzing
and taking idea  from the following online portals available­intelligence­for­the­real­world­to­set­up­an­ai­center­of­excellence

2. Proposed System Features

2.1 AI Capability within HCL

2.1.1 Description
Software Requirements Specification for AI Portal Page 2

Artificial intelligence is one of the most powerful technologies for reshaping business in
decades. It has the ability to optimize many processes throughout organizations and is already
the engine behind some of the world’s most valuable platform businesses.

It is necessary to have specific organization unit dedicated to AI. AI Centre of excellence comes
into play to gather organization wide scattered resources, solutions, products that revolve
around AI.

This feature in AI Portal will display HCL specific AI products, solution, expertise etc.

2.1.2 Users and Access Level

User System Access

ETO Admin Read /Write


HCL employees Read

2.1.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Ability to include :

HCL’s AI specific project/product

1.1 Project/Product description

1.2 Customer/Client served
1.3 Imapct/Revenue generated
1.4 AI Technology used
1.5 Video link
1.6 Presentation,usecase for the project/product
1.7 Team and Practise name
1.8 Team location
1.9 Key members

REQ-2: Ability to include :

HCLs expertise in AI
This would include HCLs employee who have key technical or functional skills in
AI specific technology

2.1 Name of Employee

2.2 Practise name
2.3 Technology known
 Machine Learning
 Deep Learning
 Predictive Modelling
 Computer Vision
Software Requirements Specification for AI Portal Page 3

 Reinforced learning/Decision making

 Image and speech recognition
 Others
2.4 Project details (if any)
2.5 Other info
2.6 Contact details

REQ-3: Ability to add Send request button which would receive request from HCL teams
who want be part of the portal either to include
Project/Product which is AI specific OR expertise in technology

REQ-4: Project/Product specific details to be viewed on a separate page

REQ-5 Expertise details to be viewed in table format which would name

expertise(Technology), Practise details

REQ-6 Ability to add View Details button beside each expertise

REQ-7 Pop up window should appear with all the expertise details when clicked on View
Details button

2.1.3 Sample User Story


HCL employee


 Log in to AI portal and verify user lands on the screen with three tabs displaying AI
capability within HCL, AI Trends and use cases and KPIs for AI adoption

 User click on AI Capability within HCL and verify user lands on the screen which has
all the AI specific Project/Product name in an interactive and creative format

 Along with that user view HCL’s expertise tab on the screen
 User clicks on a particular AI project and lands on a screen with all the details relating
to the project on screen
o Project/Product description
o Customer/Client served
o Imapct/Revenue generated
o AI Technology used
o Video link
o Presentation,usecase for the project/product
o Team and Practise name
o Team location
o Key members
 User clicks on back button and lands on the previous screen. Verify there is an option
to send request so that user can send in request to enter their project
Software Requirements Specification for AI Portal Page 4

 User clicks on send request and is able to enter all the details relating to project and
submit it successfull

2.2 AI Trends and Use Cases

2.2.1 Description
This specific feature would have all the emrging AI tech trends and vertical specific usecases

2.2.2 Users

User System Access

ETO Admin Read/Write Access

HCL employees Read Access

Other Read Access


2.2.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Ability to view AI specific use cases according to Verticals

 Physical Sciences & Healthcare
 Banking and Financial Services
 Retail and CPG
 Media &Entertainment
 Manufacturing and High Tech
 Oil and Gas
 Telecommunication
 Public Services
 Aerospace and Defense
 All
Software Requirements Specification for AI Portal Page 5

REQ-2: Ability to view AI uses cases according to Business Functions and Horizontals

 Marketing
 Sales
 Operations
 Customer Service
 Supply Chain
 All

REQ-3: Add a section for trending vendors in AI

REQ-4: Search feature to search emerging use cases based on Vertical and horizontal

REQ-5: Portal should display 5-6 top usescases acrros all verticals on the landing page of AI
Trends and Use Cases

2.2.4 Sample User Story


HCL employee


 Log in to AI portal and verify user lands on the screen with three tabs displaying AI
capability within HCL, AI Trends and use cases and KPIs for AI adoption

 User click on AI Trends and use cases and verify user lands on the screen which has all
the top 5-6 AI specific uses cases

 Verify user is able to view according to a particular and horizontal

 User clicks on a Retail and CPG vertical and lands on a screen with all AI usecases
relating to the particular vertical
 User enters vertical as Retail and CPG and Business Domain as Marketing and clicks
on Search. Verfiy all the use cases relating to the desired vertical and horizontal are

2.3 KPIs for AI adoption-Success and failure stories

2.3.1 Description
This feature captures key performance indicator and factors for the adoption of AI, Its latest
hype cycle and customer success and failure stories
Software Requirements Specification for AI Portal Page 6

2.3.2 Users

User System Access

ETO Admin Read/Write Access

HCL Read Access

Other Read Access


2.3.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Section for the case studies in the field of AI highlighting success factors for the
adoption of AI

REQ-2: Customer interviews or usecases mentioning success and failure stories in terms of

2.3.3 Sample User Story


HCL employee


 Log in to AI portal and verify user lands on the screen with three tabs displaying AI
capability within HCL, AI Trends and use cases and KPIs for AI adoption

 User clicks on KPIs for AI adoption and verify user lands on the screen which has all
the top case studies related to AI

 User click on one case study and is able to view the same

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