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Yogyakarta, 29 Maret 2019

Dear :

Bpk Human Resources Development Arif Budi Santoso, ST

PT. Yoga Cipta Perdana Group

Jalan Halmahera No.1 Cibelok Taman Pemalang Jawa Tengah

With Respect,

Based on information from social media, your company is openning job vacancies, through this letter
i voluntered to applay for work in an institution that you lead as Civil Engineer, here is my date :

Name : Haidar Fathun Mubarok, ST

Date of Birth : Sleman, 10 October 1989

Education : S-1 (Strata 1) Civil Engineering

Address : Sucen Rt 03/ Rw 05 Triharjo Sleman Yogyakarta

Phone : 082238450135

Email :

To Complete some data required as a consideration of Mr. HRD Arif Budi Santoso, ST i also put the
Completeness of the data themselves as follows :

 Curriculum Vitae
 Ijazah
 Transkip Nilai
 Passport Photo

This my application letter, i made with truth and honestly, and for the attention and coorperation

From Mr. HRD Arif Budi Santoso, ST, i thank you very much.

Best regards,

Haidar Fathun M, ST

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