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Fluid flow is a complex phenomenon. But we can obtain some useful properties for
steady or streamline flows using the conservation of energy.
The Swiss physicist Daniel Bernoulli first derives an expression relating the
pressure to the fluids speed and height in 1738. His result was called Bernoulli’s
principle is based on the law of conservation of energy and applies to ideal fluids.


Bernoulli’s principle sates that the sum of pressure energy, kinetic energy, and
potential energy per unit volume of an incompressible, non viscous fluid in a
streamlined irrotational flow remains constant along streamline.
P +1/2v2 + gh = constant

This implies that,

𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 ∝ 1/𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒

Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782)

Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss scientist and mathematician who along with Leonard Euler
had the distinction of winning the French Academy prize for mathematics ten times. He also
studied medicine and served as a professor of anatomy and botany for a while at Basle,
Switzerland. His most well known work was in hydrodynamics, a subject he developed from
a single principle: the conservation of energy. His work included calculus, probability, the
theory of vibrating strings, and applied mathematics. He has been called the founder of
mathematical physics.

Consider a non viscous liquid and incompressible fluid flowing steadily between
the section B and D of a pipe of varying cross section. Let the velocity, pressure
and area of a fluid column at a point X be v1, p1 and A1 and at another
point Y be v2, p2, and A1. Let the volume that is bounded by X and Y be moved
to M and N. let BC= L2 and DE =L2.let the density of liquid be 𝜌.

Now if we can compress the fluid then we have,

A1 × L 1 = A2 × L 2

We know that that the work done by the pressure difference per volume of the unit
is equal to the sum of the gain in kinetic energy and gain in potential energy per
volume of the unit.

Work done = force × distance

⇒ Work done = p × volume

Therefore, net work done per volume = p1 – p2

1 1
Also, kinetic energy per unit volume = 𝑚𝑣 2 = ρ𝑣 2
2 2

Therefore, we have,
Kinetic energy gained per volume of unit = ρ (𝑣22 –𝑣12 )
And potential energy gained per volume of unit = p g (h2 – h1)

Here, h1 and h2 are heights of B and D above the reference level taken in common.

Finally we have,

p1 – p2 = ρ (𝑣22 –𝑣12 ) + p g (h2 – h1)
1 1
⇒ p1 + ρ 𝑣12 + ρ g h1= p2 + ρ 𝑣22 + ρgh2
2 2
p+ 1
⇒ ρ𝑣 2 +ρgh=Constant

p+ 1
ρ𝑣 2 is Constant.

This proves Bernoulli’s principle.

∞ Bernoulli’s principle is a fund mental principle of
fluids and dynamics based on the law of
conservation of energy.

∞ In Bernoulli’s equation p ρ𝑣 2 +ρgh=Constant
The term (p+ρgh) is called static pressure, because it
is the pressure of fluid even if it is at rest, and the
1 2
term ρ𝑣 is the dynamic pressure of the fluid which is
pressure by the virtue of its velocity . so Bernoulli’s equation
can be written as

Static pressure + Dynamic pressure = Constant

∞ If a liquid is flowing through horizontal tube, h

remains constant and we can write,
P+ ρ𝑣 2 = 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
This shows that if we increase 𝒗 increases, p decreases and vice
versa. Thus for a streamline flow of an ideal liquid flowing
horizontally, the pressure decreases while velocity increases and
vice versa.
Application of Bernoulli’s principle in day to day life

1. Airflight

One of the most common everyday application of bernoulli’s principle is

air flight. The main way that Bernoulli’s principle works in a air flight
has to do with the architecture of the wings of the plane. In an airplane
wing the top of the wing is somewhat curved, while at the bottoms
wings are totally flat. While in a sky air travels across both the both top
and the bottom concurrently. Because both the top and the bottom part
of the plane are designed differently, this allows for the air on the bottom
to move slower, which creates more pressure at the bottom, and allows
for the air on the top to move faster which creates a low pressure o the
upper surface of the wing.

This is what that creates a lift which allows a plane to fly. An airplane is
also acted upon by a pull of gravity which opposes the lift, drag and
thrust. The thrust is a force that enables the airplane to move forward
while the drag is the air resistance that opposes the thrust force.
2. Baseball
When throwing a curveball, the pitcher imparts spin on the ball as it is
leaving his hand. As the ball travels through the air, the spin causes the
ball to disturb the air around it. Friction provided by the stitches of the
baseball causes a thin layer of air to move around the spinning ball in
such a way that air pressure on top of the ball is greater than on the
bottom. This causes the ball to curve downward. Consequently, a
spinning baseball has more air turbulence on top of the ball, which
produces a slower air speed over the ball. At the same time, air moving
under the ball accelerates and moves faster, producing less pressure on
the bottom of the ball. The ball moves downward faster than would
normally be expected because of this.

Real Life example of Bernoulli’s principal

In March 2018, the men's Australian cricket team was involved in
a ball-tampering scandal during and after the third Test
match against South Africa , when Cameron Bancroft was caught by
television cameras trying to rough up one side of the ball to make it
swing in flight.
3. Sailing

Bernoulli’s principle is also the governing theory behind sailing . Most

people believe that sailing is just having a big sale and that when u\you
put it up, the winds just takes your boat and drag it along the sea. This is
not 100% correct. this is true only in the cases when the boat is moving
with the wind, it usually moves perpendicular to the wind, and the boat
moves not because of the wind but because of concept of lift, as same as
in the case of air plane.

All sailboats have two parts to it: a sail which points north and keel in
opposite direction. If the speed of the air increases on the sail there is
less pressure on the sail. And conversely there is less pressure on the
keel but a higher speed. Just like air plane this produces the lift and
propels to sail in the water.
4. Atomizer or Sprayer

When a fast gas stream is injected into the atmosphere and across the top
of the vertical tube, it is forced to follow a curved path up, over and
downward on the other side of the tube. This curved path creates a lower
pressure on the inside of the curve at the top of the tube. This curve-
caused lower pressure near the tube and the atmospheric pressure further
up is the net force causing the curved, velocity-changed path (radial
acceleration) shown by Bernoulli's principle.

The difference between the reduced pressure at the top of the tube and
the higher atmospheric pressure inside the bottle pushes the liquid from
the reservoir up the tube and into the moving stream of air where it is
broken up into small droplets (not atoms as the name suggests) and
carried away with the stream of air.
5. Venturimeter

The venturimeter is used to measure the rate of flow of a fluid flowing

through the pipes. The working of Venturimeter is based on the principle
of Bernoulli’s equation. Bernoulli’s Statement: It states that in a
steady, ideal flow of an incompressible fluid, the total energy at any
point of the fluid is constant. The total energy consists of pressure
energy, kinetic energy and potential energy or datum energy.


A Venturimeter is a device that allows flow rates through pipes to be

calculated by measuring the difference in pressure created by a
contraction in a pipe. ... Knowing the pipe diameter, this velocity can be
converted into a flow rate.
Limitations of Bernoulli’s principle:

1. Bernoulli’s principle ideally applies to fluids with zero viscosity or

non viscous fluid. In case of viscous fluids, we need to take
account of work done against viscous drag.

2. Bernoulli’s principle has been on the assumption that there has

been no loss of energy due to friction. But in reality when fluids
flow some of the kinetic energy gets converted into heat energy
due to work done against internal forces.

3. Bernoulli’s principle s only applicable to in compressible fluids

because it does not take account of elastic energy of fluids.

4. Bernoulli’s principle is only applicable to streamline flow of fluids

and not when the flow is turbulent.

5. Bernoulli’s principle does not take into consideration the angular

momentum of fluids. So it cannot be applied to fluid flows along a
curved path.


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