Levels of Understanding Assessed by Multiple Choice Questions

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First Periodical Examination English for Third year

(English-American Literature)


1. Analyze the reading selection about the text read.

2. Define words using context clues.
3. Identify the parts of sentence based on its structure
4. Explain the given words based on what have been understood.

Topic K C A AN S E Total Total

P number number
of items of
1. Values ( Reading Text: 1-10 10 10
Comprehension Test)

2. Context Clues 11-20 10 10

3. Kinds of Sentence 21-30 31-40 20 20
According to Structure
4. English Literature in 41-50 10 20
Medieval Times

Test Types:

Multiple Choice- 1-20

Identification- 21-40
Essay- 41-50

Prepared By:

TCP Summer Class 2019
Levels of Understanding Assessed by Multiple Choice Questions

During the 1948 convention of the American Psychological Association, a group of

educational psychologists decided it would be useful to classify different levels of
understanding that students can achieve in a course. In 1956, after extensive research
on educational goals, the group published their findings in a book edited by Harvard
professor Benjamin S. Bloom. Bloom's book lists six levels of intellectual understanding,
summarized in the chart below.

Label for Level of

Nature of Understanding in the Level
Knowledge Recognizing and recalling information, including

 dates, events, persons, places

 terms, definitions
 basic facts, principles, theories
 Methods and procedures.

Comprehension Understanding the meaning of information, including

 restating in your own words

 translating from one form to another (e.g., numbers
into words)
 interpreting, explaining, summarizing

Application Applying general rules, methods, or principles to a new,

specific situation, including

 classifying something as a specific example of a

general principle
 using an appropriate formula to solve a problem

Analysis Identifying the organization and patterns within a system by

identifying its component parts and the relationships among
the components.
Synthesis Discovering or creating new connections, generalizations,
patterns, or perspectives.
Evaluation Using evidence and reasoned argument to judge how well a
proposal would accomplish a particular purpose.

(Adapted from: Bloom, B.S. (Ed.) (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The
classification of educational goals: Handbook I, cognitive domain. New York ; Toronto:
Longmans, Green.)

Because PSY 002 is Penn State's basic, introductory course in psychology, I expect
students to achieve primarily the first three levels of understanding in the course.
Consequently, almost all of the multiple choice questions in our exams aim to assess
those first three levels of understanding. I expect more of the three higher levels--
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation--in my advanced 200- and 400-level courses. In
those courses I usually assess understanding with projects, essay questions, or papers
rather than with multiple-choice questions. You will probably find that your other
instructors tend to grade introductory and upper-level courses differently.
Knowledge, Comprehension, and Application Questions

(These are the same sample questions that appear on the review of the first

Multiple-Choice Questions for Basic Knowledge

1. Which of the following is one of the major approaches to psychology?

a. psychoanalysis
b. structuralism
c. psychiatry
d. New Age Movement

The textbook describes six major approaches to

psychology on pages WIP5-WIP10: behavioral,
psychoanalytic, humanistic, cognitive, neurobiological, and
sociocultural. This was also covered in the class lecture
on Modern perspectives in psychology. Structuralism is an
Correct answer: A older approach that died out completely. I did not cover it
in class; it is described on pages WIP4-WIP5. Psychiatry is
a specific branch of medicine, not a major approach to
psychology. The New Age Movement, which I did not
cover, is described on page WIP12 as a

2. Sensation, perception, and memory are of particular

interest to which group of contemporary psychologists?

a. psychoanalysts
b. behaviorists
c. humanistic psychologists
d. cognitive psychologists

Areas of specialization in psychology are

described on pages WIP15-WIP17 of the
textbook. Sensation, perception and memory
are described in the textbook as topics that
involve pure (that is, basic) experimental
Correct answer: D research (page WIP16). I talked about
these areas in our class on Psychology's
careers and areas of specialization. I was
more specific than the textbook in my
lecture, describing these three areas as part
of the field of cognition.

Multiple-Choice Questions for Comprehension

2. Using operational definitions answers which question?

a. who
b. why
c. what
d. how

To answer this question correctly, you have

to understand two concepts: (1) the What-
How-Why questions posed by scientists
(Who is not one of the questions, so answer
(a) can be eliminated); and
(2) what we mean by an operational
definition. An operational definitions (Lecture
on the Experimental method is psychology)
include objective descriptions of the
independent variable (What happened to the
subjects) and dependent variable (What the
Correct answer: C
subjects did) in an experiment, so (c)
"what" is the correct answers. The question
of how things came about concerns
explaining what was observed by identifying
the immediate causes. Identifying immediate
causes is the goal of experiments. Why
questions concern a deeper level of
explanation through theories of how the
distant past has affected the present. The
What, How, and Why of psychology were
covered in the first lecture of the course.

2. Why did John B. Watson reject the structuralist study of mental events?

a. He believed that structuralism relied too heavily on scientific methods.

b. He rejected the concept that psychologists should study observable behavior.
c. He believed that scientists should focus on what is objectively observable.
d. He actually embraced both structuralism and functionalism.

Both the textbook (page WIP5-6) and

Lecture 2 (History of basic and applied
psychology), emphasize that Watson
thought he could make psychology more
scientific by restricting itself to what was
objectively observable by several persons,
that is, observable stimuli in the environment
and the observable behaviors that are
Correct answer: C triggered by the stimuli. Comprehending an
issue means understanding the main points.
For this question, you would hopefully not be
distracted by the technical terms
"structuralism" and "functionalism" (which I
did not even talk about in class) but target
right in on Watson's main point--that in his
opinion a scientific psychology must restrict
itself to observables.

Multiple-Choice Questions for Application

1. Explaining a student's poor performance on an exam to the unfair
difficulty level of the questions refers to what kind of cause?

a. immediate, external cause

b. immediate, internal cause
c. developmental cause
d. necessary and sufficient cause
e. weak cause

I talked about different types of causes of

behavior on the first day of class. There
really is such a concept as a necessary and
sufficient cause, but I didn't talk about this in
class and it doesn't apply to this example.
Any cause outside of a person is an external
Correct answer: A cause, and the difficulty level of the test is a
property of the test. Possible internal causes
for poor performance might have been lack
of motivation to study, low intelligence, or
sleepiness. Developmental causes refer to
history, which is not mentioned here. I never
mentioned weak causes.

2. A researcher shows erotic films to one group of subjects and violent films to another
group of subjects. The researcher then assesses the cooperativeness of each group of
subjects. The independent variable in this study is

a. the level of cooperativeness.

b. the type of film seen.
c. the level of sexual arousal in subjects.
d. the level of aggressiveness in subjects.

The independent variable describes how the

groups of subjects in an experiment are
treated differently by the experimenter (see
textbook, page MET-16 or your notes for the
lecture on the Experimental method in
psychology). In this example, the difference
Correct answer: B is in the type of film they were shown. The
films might result in differences in (c) sexual
arousal or (d) aggressiveness, but these
were not even studied by the researcher.
(a) cooperativeness represents the
dependent variable in the study.
General Hints for Approaching Multiple Choice Tests

1. Understand that there is always one clearly best answer. My goal is not to trick
students or require you to make difficult judgments about two options that are
nearly equally correct. My goal is to design questions that students who
understand will answer correctly and students who do not understand will answer
2. I never provide two options that are nearly equally correct unless I provide a
choice such as (e) a and b above, if both (a) and (b) are correct. I don't like to
use options such as "a and b above," "all of the above," or "none of the above"
very often, but I will once in a while. So make sure you read all of the choices
before answering.
3. You are wise to go back over your answers to verify that you have answered the
questions correctly. However, you should NOT change an answer unless you are
almost absolutely certain that you either misread the question or options or
overlooked one of the options. Research has shown that if you are just plain
unsure about a question, your first instinct is most often correct so that changing
your answer is not a good strategy.
4. Don't read unnecessary complications into the questions. There are no hidden
meanings in the wordings of my questions. I use college-level vocabulary words,
but the meanings of the questions are meant to be plain and straightforward.
5. If a question really stumps you, skip it and go back to it when you have gone
through all of the questions. But don't forget to go back and put
down something for every question. A blank answer is always wrong, and there
is no penalty for guessing. The last thing you should do before turning in your
answer sheet is to check that you have answered every single question.
6. If the correct answer does not jump out at you right away, see if you can
eliminate some of the options as definitely wrong. It's okay to write on the test
booklet, so you can cross out options you think are incorrect.
7. Most questions will have four options, lettered (a), (b), (c), and (d); sometimes I
add a fifth option, (e). I do not have a favorite option letter that I use more often. I
do not try to make sure to use an equal number of (a)s, (b)s, etc. The pattern of
marks on your answer sheet will not spell out a satanic message. So concentrate
on the content of the questions and response options, and pay no attention to
how many times you are marking a particular letter.
8. DO make sure you choose the letter corresponding to the answer of your choice.
I feel almost as bad as the student who knew the answer was (d) but accidentally
marked (c), but there's nothing I can do about that.
9. DO follow the advice in the textbook (pages xiii-xiv) about spreading out your
review rather than cramming and about being in good physical shape through
plentiful sleep, proper diet, and exercise. Staying up all night studying is more
likely to hurt than help your performance.
Course Description

Field Study 5 is an outcomes-based course designed to provide FS students with

opportunities to learn assessment strategies as they are applied in the teaching-learning
process. It is basically an observation course intended to help Field Study students
observe the application of principles of assessment in actual classroom teaching. The
FS student observes how the Resource Teacher assesses learning in the cognitive,
psychomotor and affective domains in various levels using revised Bloom’s taxonomy,
Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy and the Knowledge, Process, Understanding,
Product and Performance (KPUP) of the Department of Education.

Field Study is anchored on the following Professional Education subjects:

Assessment of Teaching 1 and 2.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, the FS student must be able to:

1. Evaluate assessment practices against principles of assessment

2. Distinguish among the different methods and forms of assessment

3. Use different assessment methods, tools and tasks to measure learning in the
cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of learning and in the different levels
based on revised Bloom’s taxonomy, Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy and
DepEd’s KPUP

4. Practice Outcomes-Based Education by formulating assessment tasks and items that

have content validity with the help of a Table of Specifications

5. Compute grades using DepEd’s KPUP framework

6. Describe the meaning of computed grades in terms of proficiency

7. Describe how to report student’s performance meaningful

My Learning Activities

I will observe two classes; record my observations with the use of an observation Sheet.


Indicators of assessment FOR, OF and AS Learning

Resource Teacher: Jackielyn E. Quinones Teacher’s Signature __________ School:


Grade/Year Level: 9 AND 10 Subject Area: English Date: May 25, 2019

Assessment FOR Learning Assessment As Learning Assessment OF Learning

Write observed teacher Write observed teacher and Write observed teacher
activities that manifest student activities that activities that manifest
assessment FOR learning. manifest assessment AS assessment OF learning.
(Assessment while teacher learning. (Self- (Assessment at the end of
teaches. Conduct of pretest assessment). teaching).
and posttest are included).

Activities that manifest The teacher and the As I observed, activities

assessment for learning students were having an in that manifest assessment
that I have observed are class discussion of learning of learning are using
written assignment in which points, self-assessment like anecdotal notes in which
the teacher assigns in a group activity, there is teacher record specific
students to make sure that, given rubrics for their observation of individual
everything taught is on a performance and rate it student behaviors. Other
given topic that is from the list of criteria. This activities that were
essentially locked in the can be also use for peer conducted by the class
brains of students. Also and self-assessment that were quizzes which were
progress monitoring, the students can assess very common as it was
teacher assess the themselves. Also the used every day at the end
progress of students and teacher uses checklist in of the day’s instructions. In
evaluating the effectiveness which students rate their groupings and role playing,
of the instructions. Another own progress. Other teacher uses rubrics in
is learning logs, focused activities are learning log rating the performances of
questions, journals, pretest, that students will write their every group presenter.
non-graded quizzes, minute notes and monitor own Mainly the most common
paper, learning probes and learning activity that for assessment
item analysis of summative of learning is summative
assessments. assessment like major
exams, unit test,
departmental test, chapter
test and mastery test.

My Reflections

Write your reflections on the following:

1. As a student, did you like assessment? Do students like assessment? Why or why

As a student, I like assessment because it motivates me and help me structure my

learning. Assessment acts like a map, if you follow those paths, you will reach the goal.
Students like assessment as well, because it will help them improved their learning. It
will also provide feedback on how they are going. Feedback is intended to help them
identify weaknesses and build strength to improve the quality of their next piece of

2. What can you do to eliminate student’s fear of assessment? Can frequent formative
assessment (Formative assessment) reduce if not eliminate fear of assessment?

Helping students overcome their fear of assessment are through understanding their
fear, support them by helping them better understand what they are afraid of. As soon
as they become aware of the fear behind and learn to specify their concerns, they can
start thinking of ways to cope and overcome their fear. Another thing is letting them
compare their past performance with the present achievements. Ask the students to
compare their current level with their skills and knowledge. In this way they will become
prepared and think that formative assessment is a challenge for them to overcome.
They should be used to it because it is part of learning.

3. Do you like the idea and practice of self-assessment (assessment AS learning)? Why
or why not?

For me, yes I like the idea of practice self-assessment because it assesses
understanding as well as knowledge. It also promotes student-centered learning which
encourages students to examine their own learning and levels of understanding. It also
consolidate learning in which reflecting on things that they have learned requires
students to consider new knowledge in the part of their previous experiences. Promote
deeper learning, the process of explaining the assessment criteria, or indeed defining
the criteria in consultation with students can help promote deeper learning as students.
Develop judgments skills so they can define what is good or bad about piece of work.
My Learning Activities


Indicators of assessment FOR, OF and AS Learning

Resource Teacher: Jackielyn E. Quinones Teacher’s Signature __________ School:


Grade/Year Level: 9 AND 10 Subject Area: English Date: May 25, 2019

Which of the following principle were observed by the Resource Teacher?

Principle of Assessment Observations (Described behaviors of the

Resource Teacher that is/are aligned to
each principle).
1. Make use of tools for assessment data Which assessment tools did Resource
gathering and multiple sources of Teacher use?
assessment data. It is not pedagogically The teacher uses documentary portfolio,
sound to rely on just one source of data exams, oral presentations, written reports,
gathered by only one assessment tool. quizzes and many more
Consider multiple intelligences and
learning styles.

2. Learners must be given feedback about Give examples of comments of teacher on

their performance. Feedback must be students work/answer.
specific. “Good work!” is positive feedback
and is welcome but actually is not a very -“Very Good!” -“Perfect work or excellent
good feedback since it is not specific. A work” -“Okay, nextime please review your
more specific better feedback is “You ;lesson because only few got the highest
observed rules on subject-verb agreement score” -“excellent work”.
and variety of sentences. Three of your
commas were misplaced.”

3. Assessment should be on real-world How was this demonstrated?

application and not on out-of-context drills. The teacher asks the student to make their
own poem. The activity is an individual
work in which they will think of their own
4. Emphasize on the assessment of How was this done?
higher-order thinking This is done by the teacher and students’
discussion using HOW questions.
Students are encouraged to ask questions
and other students will answer it.
5. Emphasize on self-assessment. Were students given the opportunity to do
(Assessment as learning). selfassessment?
Example for this is when after quiz, the
students will check their own paper with
honesty or in rating themselves using
assessment rubrics.
We assess what we value and value what we assess. What should I do to make
assessment worthwhile?

To make assessment worthwhile, consider the following tips:

Don’t rush. Assessment yielding fair and reasonably accurate and truthful results to
take some time and thought to choose or create.

Aim for assessments and questions that are crystal clear. If students find questions
difficult to understand, they may answer what they think is the spirit of question rather
than the question itself, which may not match your interest.

Guard against unintended bias, a fair and unbiased assessment tool describes
activities that are equally familiar to all and uses words that have common meanings to

As a variety of people with diverse perspective to review assessment, tools before

implementing them. Try out assessment tools with a small group of students before
using them on a large scale. Inform students if the nature, purpose and results of each
assessment .Protect the privacy and dignity of those who are assessed. Give students
ample opportunities to learn the skills needed for the assessment. Then evaluate work
fairly, equitably and consistency.

Valuing the Assessment is important because of all the decisions you will make about
students when teaching and caring for them. Today's students need to know not only
the basic reading and arithmetic skills, but also skills that will allow them to face a world
that is continually changing. They must be able to think critically, to analyze, and to
make inferences. Changes in the skills base and knowledge our students need require
new learning goals; these new learning goals change the relationship between
assessment and instruction. Teachers need to take an active role in making decisions
about the purpose of assessment and the content that is being assessed. Mainly,
assessment affects decisions about grades, placement, advancement, instructional
needs, curriculum, and, in some cases, funding.

My Learning Portfolio

1. Assessment should be on real-world application and not on out-of-context drill.

Research on GRASP of G. Wiggins and JayMcTighe.Construct a real-world
performance assessment task.

Goal: The student’s goal is to make a slogan and poster.

Role: The students will be the artist in making slogan and poster.

Audience: The audience will be their classmates, adviser-teacher, supervisor-

teacher, principal and other school

Situation: The students will create unique slogan and poster base on their own
imagination. The students will draw a scenario for poster and write a persuasive,
interesting phrase for slogan.

Product, Performance and Purpose: To develop their skills in drawing, combining

colors, and imagining concepts.
2. Here is an intended learning outcome: “the student must be able to apply the basic
assessment principles in the teaching-learning process”. Assess the attainment of
that objective learning outcome by way of 2 multiple choice test items.

1. The following are the basic assessment principles, except;

a. assessment should lead to informative reporting

b. assessment should be fair.
c. assessment should be educative
d. none of the above.

2. Which of the following is true when assessment should be valid?

a. assessment tasks and associated criteria effectively measure student attainment.

b. assessment tasks should primarily reflect the nature of discipline.
c. assessment to be reliable and this requires clear and consistent processes for
d. assessment of students must be computed to undertake their roles and

3. Research on how to assess higher-order thinking skills. Give 2 examples of test

items that measure applying and analyzing.

Compare and contrast assessment and testing.

Describe the implications of portfolio to education.
My Learning Activities

I will observe 3 Resource Teachers and focus my observation on their assessment

practices with the help of an observation Sheet.

OBSERVATION SHEET # 2.1 Traditional Assessment Practices

Learning in the Cognitive Domain and Declarative Knowledge

Resource Teacher: Jackielyn E. Quinones Teacher’s Signature __________ School:


Grade/Year Level: 9 AND 10 Subject Area: English Date: May 25, 2019

Paper-and-Pencil Tests Please put a check (/ ) on the test

which the teacher used and give at
least 2 test items as examples. You
may ask for samples of past tests
that your Resource Teacher use in
the past to complete your matrix.
Selected-response type
 1.Alternate-response Direction: True or False. Write X if the
statement is true and O if the statement is
___1.The center of the earth is very
___2. Electrons are smaller than
 2.Matching type Direction: Match the word in column A with
its meaning in column B.
___1.Hardworking. a. trust in one’s ability.
___2.Planner b. work diligently.
c. always stick to plan.
 3.multiple choice 1. The formula for the volume, V, of a
cuboid (rectangular prism) with
base length l, width w and height h
is V = l × w × h, a cuboid has
length 2 m, width 50 cm and height
150 mm What is its volume?
a.0.15 m3 b.1,500 mm3
c. 15,000 cm3 d. 15,000 m3

2. To calculate the average velocity, v,

of an object that moves distance d
in time t, use the formula v = d/t, a
car travels 100 meters in 4
seconds. What is its average

a. 90 km/h b. 25 km/h c. 90 m/s

d. 25 km/s
Constructed-Response type
1.completion 1._____are drugs which relieve pain and
induces sleepiness.
2. The capital of the Philippines is
2.Short answer type 1. Ano ang klima?
2. Ibigay ang pitong kontinente ng daigdig.
3.Problem solving 1.find an equation of the line containing (-
4, 5) and perpendicular to the line
5x -3y=4.
2. A rectangle field has an area of 300
square meters and a perimeter of 80
meters. What is the length and width of the
4.Essay 1. Describe the different types of plate
2. Explain the different processes that
occur along the plate boundaries.
a)restricted 1. Why did Minos imprison Daedalus in the
Labyrinth? 2. What happens to Icarus?
Explain briefly.
b)non-restricted 1. Write an informative article from a
2. Make a reflection paper about the story
entitled, “The Soul of the Great Bell”.
5.others (Analogy) 1.PRODUCT: MULTIPLE as DIVISION:
a. quotient b. sum c. dividend
d. difference
2. BIBIG : USAP as MATA: __________
a. lakad b. kain c. tingin
OBSERVATION SHEET # 2.2 Traditional Assessment Practices
Learning in the Cognitive Domain and Declarative Knowledge

Resource Teacher: Jackielyn E. Quinones Teacher’s Signature __________ School:


Grade/Year Level: 9 AND 10 Subject Area: English Date: May 25, 2019

Paper-and-Pencil Tests Please put a check (/ ) on the test which

the teacher used and give at least 2 test
items as examples. You may ask for
samples of past tests that your Resource
Teacher use in the past to complete your
Selected-response type
1.Alternate-response Panuto: Isulat ang X kung ang pahayag ay
tama at O naman kung ang payahag ay
mali.Isulat sa patlang ang sagot bago ang

___1.Malaki ang naitulong ng mga likas na

yaman sa pagsulong ng ekonomiya.
____2. The commoners are called aliping
2.Matching type A B
1. India (indio) a.magtampisaw
2. Wallow b.tawag ng espanyol sa mga Pilipino
c. gayuma
3.multiple choice 1. Ang ating lipunan ay binubuo ng iba’t-
ibang institusyon o sector.Alin sa mga
institusyon sa lipunan ang itinuturing na
pinakamaliit at pangunahing yunit ng

a.paaralan c. pamahalaan
b. pamilya d. barangay

2.Alin sa mga sumusunod ang una at

pinakapangunahing pamantayan sa
paghubog ng isang maayos na pamilya?

a. Pinagsama ng kasal ang magulang

b. Pagkakaroon ng mga anak
c. Pagtatanggal ng pamilya sa kanilang
d. Mga patakaran sa pamilya

1. In what subjects was traditional assessment method used most?

Traditional assessment method used most in Araling Panlipunan.

2. Which among subject was authentic assessment method used most often?

The traditional assessment tools/test were used most often were the multiple-
choice test, true or false test, completion type test and essay question test.

3. In what subjects was authentic assessment method used most?

Authentic assessment method is used most in subject like English, Filipino,

Science and Math.

4. Which products or performance were assessed? Give examples.

The products or performance of students that were assessed are their skills in
research, revising, oral skills, debating and other critical thinking skills. Also their
creativity and other talent.

5. What assessment tools and tasks were used to assess learning in the cognitive
domain, and declarative knowledge?

For the cognitive domain the assessment tools and tasks to be used were the
multiple-choice test, completion types test and essay questions (restricted and non-

6. What assessment tools and tasks were used to assess the learning of psychomotor
skills/procedure knowledge?

To assess the learning tasks of psychomotor skills procedural knowledge,

consider the students different learning areas like, drawing, models, playing musical
instruments, singing a song, dancing, putting a puzzle together, dramatization or role
playing, writing, reading a poem, and presenting a speech.

7. Was there assessment of learning in the effective domain? Explain your answer.

Yes, there was assessment of learning in the affective domain because its
emphasizes the feelings of the learner in the teaching-learning process. The students
will not only engage in developing their cognitive and psychomotor domain but also the
affective domain. Affective domain plays an undeniable role in education.

8. To which multiple intelligence did the assessment tools and tasks respond? Come up
with a Table of the intelligences which were given attention and corresponding
assessment task used.

MI Assessment
1.Linguistic *Ask students to write in a journal
*Give oral exams and/or essay tests.

2.Logical/mathematical *Assign science labs and experiments.

3.Bodily/Kinesthetic *Have students complete logic problems

and games.
*Challenge students to write and perform
plays. *Have students build models or use
other hands-on techniques to show what
they learned.

4.visual *Invite students to create collages,murals

and posters.
*Encourage students to illustrate their
ideas using maps, charts, and graphs.
*Help students use school equipment to
make a video or slide show.

5.Interpersonal *Stage a classroom debate.

*Have students works collaborate to
brainstorm and prepare a project.

6.Intrapersonal *Ask students to identify their own

academic strengths and weaknesses.
*Have students think of personal goals and
give progress reports.

7.Musical *Challenge students to identify and explain

patterns in music or poetry.
*Asks students to write lyrics to familiar or
compose a new song.

8.Naturalist *Ask students to keep environmental

journals and share their observations.
*Invite students to lead classmates on a
nature walk to point out interesting plants
and animals they found during
independent study.
My Reflections

What happen when your assessment method and tool do not match with your domain
of learning?

When assessment methods and tools are not congruent with the domain of
learning then the teaching and learning process is a failure. The goals and objectives
will be too difficult to achieve, the learner will become easily discouraged, which
decreases motivation and interferes with compliance. Otherwise, time and effort on the
part of the teacher and learner will be wasted. Objectives should be clear and precise in
order for the students know what to achieve at the end of the lesson.

Have you been fair to learners whom we learned are equipped with multiple
intelligence when in the past we only used paper-and-pencil test which was most fit only
for the linguistically intelligent learners?

No, because each student has varied amount of multiple intelligence. It would be
unfair to those students equipped with multiple intelligence. We should think of ways
how to apply MI, especially in this generation, millennial are on high technology,
competitive and challenging. In teaching and learning process, teacher should consider
that every student has its own uniqueness on how to learn inside the classroom. As a
student teacher, we should understand the theory of multiple intelligence to avoid
overuse or misuse of it. However, varied activities inside the classroom can help
students develop their skills and talents, with the proper use of multiple intelligence
inside the classroom.It will give them chance to develop their natural abilities and skills.
They would be able to show and come out from their shell.

My Analysis

1. What is the counterpart of Bloom’s recalling in Kendall’s and Marzano’s and

The knowledge domain’s in DEpEd’s KPUP which was defined as facts and
information that students needs to acquire. The knowledge domain contains similar
skills with Bloom’s Taxonomy that includes defining, describing, identifying, labelling,
enumerating, matching, outlining, selecting, stating, naming, and reproducing.In the
product/performance is similar to applying which includes , perform, create, construct
and produce.

2. Are the levels of learning or processing of what is learned in Bloom’s Kendall’s

and Marzano’s similar or intirely different? Diagram.

(1956) Bloom’s Anderson,Krathwohl (2001) Marzano’s level

Marzano & Kendall(2006) Evaluation create
knowledge self-system thinking Synthesis
evaluate organizing metacognition
Analysis analyze applying
knowledge utilization application apply
analyzing analysis Comprehension understand
generating comprehension Knowledge
remember integrating retrieval

3. What did you discover about assessment tasks and learning outcomes? Are they
aligned? Explain.

I discover about assessment tasks and learning outcome that they are aligned.
They are congruent to each other because the teaching-learning process is
successful. All the behavioral domains used in the learning goals are realized in the
classroom discussion. The tasks and other activities are intended base on the
learning outcome of the lessons in which they are all well done by the students and

3. Students study based on how they are tested. To avoid “teaching-to-the-test”

(teaching something because it will be tested or covered in the test) or superficial
factual testing, what levels of knowledge processing should teachers use more?

There are three levels of knowledge; factual, conceptual and procedural.

To avoid teaching-to-the test, teacher should use more the conceptual level of
knowledge because conceptual teaching is to look how learners transfer their
understanding across subject boundaries and how their learning becomes part of
everyday, real-life interactions in thinking, problem-solving and action. In this way
student apply what they have learned into real-life situation which in results in
assessing their learning progress at the end of the lesson and the performance is

My Reflections

Perhaps even without a scientific survey, you agree that most of the
assessments that make take place in the high school are in the low levels of
recalling,knowledge ,retrieval.What can be some reasons behind this?

Some other reasons behind this is because majority of students are not paying
attention, or they may have different ways on recalling information. Other reasons are
information don’t back up the information using homework to help them recall
informations. Also information are mostly stored in short term memory.Educators on the
one side may also not use Bloom’s taxonomy that students only developed lower-level
skills. Or it might be the misuse of Bloom’s taxonomy.Mainly, students learn and
remember in different ways that’s why most of the assessment are in low levels of
recalling knowledge.

We measure what we value and we value what we measure. Then we have to

assess what we value and value what we assess.What is one big message of
Bloom’s revised taxonomy, Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy of
objectives/to teachers regarding the assessment process?

One big message of Bloom’s revised cognitive taxonomy , Kendall’s and

Marzano’s new taxonomy of objectives, to teachers regarding the assessment process
is that Bloom’s Taxonomy was developed to provide a common language for teachers
to discuss and exchange learning assessment methods. Specific learning objectives
can be derived from the taxonomy, though it is most commonly used to assess learning
on variety of cognitive levels.

The goal of an educator using Bloom’s Taxonomy is to encourage higher-order

thought in their students by building up from lower-level cognitive skills. Behavioral and
cognitive learning objectives are given to highlight how Bloom’s Taxonomy can be
incorporated into larger scale educational goals or guidelines. The key phrases can be
used to prompt for these skills during assessment process.

My Analysis

1. For TOS to ensure test content validity, what parts must it have?

The TOS must have a measurement of goals and domain to be covered based
on the chosen subject content for the intended lessons. Its table should have cognitive
levels with its corresponding percentage emphasis given to each topic and percentage
lower and higher level processes. The proper use of cognitive taxonomy that is
appropriate to your discipline. The amount of time available, and the importance of the
test. Mainly, the TOS parts should shows what will be tested (and taught).

2.Among the TOSs that you researched on, which is a better TOS why?

Among the TOS that I researched on, the best TOS was the sample TOSs in
Araling Panlipunan 10 posted by teacher Rivera Arnel in his slide share. He published it
on June 6, 2016.
In his sample TOSs, show the indicated topic in first column, by chapter. It has
number of days in 2nd column and items in 3rd column. In the fourth column shows
percentage and the leveling of cognitive taxonomy then in the last column is the item
placement. The last row is the total. The TOSs is simple and easy to understand which
is why I can say it is better than the other TOSs.

3. Can a teacher have a test with content validity even without making a TOS?

Yes, because there are teacher who do not use TOSs but still they have
evidence because they have lesson plan and results of the assessment is recorded
although it may not be detailed. Aside from that, it is fine as long as the lessons
objective is achieved at the end of the lesson. It actually depend on the principal of the
school whether they require having the teacher to make table of specifications.

4. Explain why the use of TOSs enhances that content validity?

The use of TOS enhances the content validity because it shows the results of
placement level attain by the students. In this way teacher can analyze the content
areas. It also shows if there is match between what is taught and what is tested.

My Reflections

Read this conversation and reflect on teacher’s assessment practices. Write your
reflections here.

But we only talked about Puerto Princesa

For- like 2 seconds last week.Why would she put that on the exam?
you know how teachers are……they’re always trying to trick you”
Yes, they find the most nit-picky little details to put on their test and don’t even
care if the information is important,Its not just fair , I studied everything we
discussed in class about the Philippines and the things she made a big deal
about ,
like comparing the Philippines . And to think all she asked was
“What’s the capital of Singapore? Really? Grrrrr….

(Adapted from Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, Vol. 18 No. 3 Fe.

Did you have similar experience? Reflect on it.

Yes, very much similar, I have had many experienced like that before. Not to
mention the teacher’s name. There is really teachers who use to trick their students.
They will discuss a topic for the whole week and suddenly in the exams, you will just
surprise that all of the topic she put on the exams are very far from what she discussed.
Students will get confused and think that the teacher is not serious in his profession. In
results students will fail in the subjects or else got 100 in the exams because it is very
easy, like it is taken from the exams of lower grades school. Teachers should avoid
doing that because it is not proper anymore. Students will lost trust and might not
respect that kind of teacher. They will also think, the teacher is lazy or he/she does not
master the subject matter. He is not good in his chosen field. Also it will be unfair on the
part of students because there will be no learning happen. It is a waste of time and
energy. On my part, I will never do that to my students because I know how it feels and I
don’t want my students to hate me because when teacher practice that kind of habits,
they also make biased grades to students. I want my students to remember me in
unforgettable good memories with them not in a way that they will remember me
because of the bad experience they have with me.

My learning Activities


Classify the portfolio examine. Use the checklist below

Type of Portfolio Tally (How many did you Frequency

Developmental/process IIII- IIII- IIII- IIII- IIII-IIII 30
porfolio/growth portfolio
Display showcase/best IIII- IIII- IIII- IIII- IIII-IIII 30
work portfolio/Showcase
Evaluation/Assessment IIII- IIII- IIII- IIII- IIII-IIII 30

Observation Checkist

Select three (3) best portfolio from what you examined. Which elements is/are present
in each?Please check.

Elements of Portfolio Put your Check ( /)here

1.Cover letter-“About the Author” and “What My Portfolio 
Shows About My Progress as a Learner”.
2.Table of Contents with numbered pages 
3.Entries-both core (required items) and optional items 
(chosen by students).
4.Dates on all entried to facilitate proof of growth over time. 
5.Drafts of aural/oral and written products and revised 
revisions, i.e. (first drafts and corrected/revised versions.)
6.Reflections 

My Analysis

1. Did I see samples of three different types of portfolio?

Yes, there are three different types of portfolio sample; these are Development,
Display showcase, and assessment portfolio.

2. What did I observe to be most commonly used portfolio?

As I observed, the most commonly used portfolio are assessment portfolio and
development portfolio because in the assessment portfolio it documents what the
student has learned. While the development portfolio, document the learning
progress of the students.
3. As I examined three selected portfolios, did I see all the elements of Portfolio?

During my actual observations of the three selected portfolio, there are only two
elements that I saw these are entries and drafts. They did not yet include those other
elements .Later on; the teacher will require them to make cover letter, reflections, dates,
and table of contents at the end of the school year.

4. Is it necessary for a teacher to use varied types of portfolio? Why?

Yes, because using varied types of portfolio is that students will have more
concrete evidence in different areas of learning. The evidence is extremely good.
However, all students can keep their records and make their portfolio complete.
Teacher also would be able to know and monitor students development and at the
same time enhance students innate abilities.

5. If one element or two elements of portfolio are missing will this have any impact
on the assessment process? Explain your answer.

Yes, if one element is missing, there would be impact of the assessment

process, but somehow the teacher can still do assessment process and give value
assessment to the students work.

My Learning Activities


Interview of my Resource teachers

I will ask the following questions:

1. Where do you use the scoring rubrics? (Student outputs or products and student

“I use scoring rubrics to student’s outputs or products and activities”.

2. What help have scoring rubrics given you? When there were no scoring rubrics
yet? What did you use?

“Scoring rubrics are of great help to the teacher especially in students output
and performances. If there were no scoring rubrics yet, I plainly ask the students
questions with regards to their output from their answer then that’s the time I will do the

3. What difficulties have you met in the use of scoring rubrics?

“Sometimes the scoring rubrics will vary if the students output and performances
would not meet the specific criteria”.

4. Do you make use of holistic and analytic rubrics? How do they differ?

“Yes, I use both holistic and analytic rubrics. Holistic scoring gives students a
single, overall assessment score for the paper as a whole. Analytic scoring
provides students with at least a rating score for each criterion, though often the
rubric for analytic scoring offers teachers enough room to provide some feedback
on each criterion”.
5. Which is easier to use – analytic or holistic?

“Holistic is easier to use because easy to construct, not time consuming and
easy to score”.

6. Were you involved in making of the scoring rubrics? How do you make one?
Which is easier to construct- analytic or holistic?

“Yes, I already made scoring rubrics an I make one depend on the goals to be
achieved in certain lesson. Holistic is easier to construct.

My Analysis

1. What benefits have scoring rubrics brought to the teaching-learning process?

The benefits are that the students get good grades and useful feedback on his
performance while teacher gets an easier way to rate the work or performance of the

2. How are scoring rubrics related to portfolio assessment?

Portfolio assessment is use to document what a student has learned. It is

considered authentic tools of assessment because the evidence is concrete. While the
scoring rubrics assess students performance. Same as portfolio assessment it assess
the strength and weaknesses of students as well as its progress in the learning process,
so they are somewhat related to each other because they are both use in assessing
students works and performance.

3. To get the most from scoring rubrics, what should be observed in the making
and use of scoring rubrics?
When using scoring rubrics, teachers need to focus on the criteria by which
learning will be assessed. This focus on what you intend students to learn rather than
what you intend to teach that helps improve instruction.

The criteria and performance-level descriptions in rubrics help students

understand what the desired performance is and what it looks like.

My Reflections

Can rubrics help make students become self-directed or independent learners?

Do rubrics contribute to assessment AS learning (self-assessment) What if there
were no rubrics in assessment?

Rubrics defined as a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work or what counts.
Rubrics help students and teachers define “quality”. When students use rubrics
regularly to judge their work and made it easier for teachers to explain to students why
they got the grade they did and what they can do to improve.

Using rubrics in assessing students whether self or peer assessment. Rubrics use as
self-evaluation to monitor themselves, correct and use feedback from peers to guide
their learning process. It helps them to become self-directed or independent learners
because understanding the process of getting to the standard, students show where
they will be. They can explain to their teacher their level of performance which they
belong. A student who self-assesses enables them to realize ways in which to improve

If there were no rubrics in assessment then it would be difficult to assess the

performance of students especially in group activities or any activities that require
rubrics. Giving grades to students will be not accurate and in result to bias grading.
Students will not understand why they got the grade. There will be no descriptions of
their grades. They will never know the learning target of the activity. There a possibility
that the activity will become failure on the part of students as well as to teachers.

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