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Early age strength


assessment of
concrete on site

The European Concrete Building
Project is a joint initiative aimed at
improving the performance of the
concrete frame industry.

The principal partners in the world’s

most ambitious concrete research
programme are:

British Cement Association

Building Research Establishment Ltd
Construct - the Concrete Structures
Reinforced Concrete Council
Department of the Environment,
Transport and the Regions

The programme involves the

construction of a series of full-sized Figure 1: the Lok-test jack in position.
concrete structures in the Large
Building Test Facility at Cardington,
where they are being subjected to This Guide provides recommendations for determining the
comprehensive testing of the building
process and of their performance. strength of concrete on site at early ages (less than three days)
With support from the DETR and the Key messages
Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council, the first of these Knowledge of concrete strength at an early age:
buildings, a seven-storey in-situ flat • Allows significantly increased efficiency of in-situ concrete frame construction.
slab concrete frame, was completed
in 1998. The results of investigations • Enables early striking of formwork and its economic re-use. This is further
into all aspects of the concrete frame explained in a companion Best Practice Guide, Early striking for efficient flat
construction process are summarised slab construction.
in this series of Best Practice Guides. • Enables early prestressing with safety.
These Guides are aimed at all • Can give an indication of long-term strength, enabling early confirmation of the
those involved in the process of quality of the concrete as placed.
procurement, design and construction
of in-situ concrete frames. They Best practice
should stimulate fundamental change • Use pull-out inserts cast into the concrete to determine early age strength.
in this process in order to yield
significant improvements in the cost, • Horizontally cast members (e.g. slabs) - locate inserts, using a floating cup,
delivery time and the quality of on the top surface of the slab near the end of the pour.
these structures. • Vertically cast members (e.g. walls, columns) - locate inserts on the formwork,
with provision for early access before striking.

concrete structures group 1
Recommended test method
The principle behind the test method is 100
that the force required to pull an insert

Measured cube compressive strength (N/mm2)

out of concrete can be correlated with
the concrete’s compressive strength.
The test equipment most commonly
used in the UK at the current time is
the Lok-test system. Load is applied
40 Manufacturer’s
through a manually operated jack recommended
(Figure 1) that screws into the stem of correlation

the insert. The jack bears against the 20

concrete surface through a reaction
95% confidence limit
ring, typically of 55 mm internal 0
diameter. From the peak tensile force 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
recorded by the jack, and by using an Force measured by Lok jack (kN)
empirical correlation chart (Figure 2),
the equivalent concrete cube strength Figure 2: Illustrative correlation between strengths determined by the
can be estimated. Details of the actual Lok-test and by conventional cube testing.
correlation chart to be used, together
with the appropriate confidence limits,
are available from the manufacturer of
the Lok-test equipment. (See below
for address.)
Two main types of insert are used
(Figures 3 and 4). For horizontally cast Cone of failure Floating cup Steel plate with holes
on testing |< 25mm >|
concrete there is a plastic buoyancy Screw with washer
cup that floats on the top surface of the
concrete, while for vertically cast
concrete the insert is attached directly
to the formwork. The floating cup Screw
inserts are particularly easy to use since
they do not require any pre-planning,
but care must be taken to avoid the
reinforcement. They are placed by
hand and it is not essential that they
remain perfectly vertical.
One key feature of this method is that Plate nailed Stem
Disc Stem Disc
small changes in compressive strength to formwork
Cone of failure
are easily detected. Also concrete (a) Fixed to formwork (b) Floating type on testing
variables such as aggregate type do not
significantly affect the correlation. Figure 3: Lok-test inserts.
In the absence of more specific tests
for correlation, the manufacturer’s
recommended strength correlation for
these pull-out tests may be relied upon.
When used in combination with the
suggested locations for sampling
the concrete and appropriate
confidence limits, this will give a
lower bound strength.

Site planning
and practical issues
• Check that localised test damage to
the concrete surface finish will be
• Position inserts 50 mm clear of
• Use regularly calibrated equipment.
• Use a trained operator.
• Base strength assessment on an
average of at least four results.
Figure 4: Lok-test inserts for formwork (left) and floating cup (right)
In general, due to relative differences made in situ. The determination of Guide, Concreting for improved
in curing and compaction, concrete at formwork striking time or prestressing speed and efficiency). Each of the 30
the top of a pour is less strong than that time is a two-stage process. The first points plotted on the graph is an
at the bottom, so strengths derived from stage is to calculate the strength average of four test results.
testing the top surface may be required for the concrete to resist the
considered to be conservative. If it is dead load of the structure plus the
• The correlation curves for the Lok-
test were found to be applicable to
necessary to test vertically-cast estimated construction load. For form-
the Capo test (see Table 1).
members, access to the test concrete work striking this is further explained
will need to be provided, e.g. by in the companion Guide, Early striking • The value of in-situ tests such as the
providing small removable panels in for efficient flat slab construction. The Lok-test was clearly demonstrated as
the formwork. second stage is to determine a lower a means of verifying that the
bound estimate of the concrete’s required strength for early striking
Background strength as recommended in this Guide. (as early as 19 hours after placing
Most concrete delivered to site is Techniques for assessing the in-situ the final concrete in a slab) had
covered by quality schemes. However, strength of concrete have improved indeed been achieved.
many users need to have specific data greatly over the past 20 years and the • Where minimal damage to the
on the strength of the concrete as in-situ concrete building at Cardington surface of the finished concrete is
placed in their structure, e.g. for early provided an ideal opportunity to assess acceptable, Lok-tests carried out in
striking of formwork or early pre- what could be achieved using the best sufficient number and at the
stressing for safety. This has led to possible practices. A structured appropriate locations can replace
significant benefits in terms of process programme of tests conducted by information from temperature-
efficiency and overall speed of Liverpool University and Queen’s matched cubes
construction. University of Belfast enabled the
relative merits of different techniques to • Air-cured cubes will tend to give a
The disadvantages of cube testing for lower bound estimate of the in-situ
early-age strength assessment are: be effectively assessed and compared.
It should be stressed that many of these strength (i.e. the results are
• Generally, the results of testing techniques are not new and are dealt conservative). This means that they
come too late to allow economical with extensively in relevant parts of will not allow the full benefits of
remedial action to be taken should BS 1881(1). early striking to be derived,
a problem occur. particularly in cold weather
Details of results conditions.
• Despite best intentions, the samples
are not necessarily representative of from Cardington • In-situ tests such as the Lok-test can
the concrete in situ. be carried out quickly and easily as
The results are summarised below. required, whereas there are logistical
• The making, storing, transporting, Further information about the work difficulties in transporting cubes to a
testing and cleaning of cubes and carried out on the in-situ concrete testing house and having staff
cube moulds is a time-consuming building at Cardington and background available at short notice to test the
and non-productive process, and will references can be found in the main specimens.
usually be impractical for very early research report.
age strength measurements. • A single correlation curve could not
• For the Lok-tests, the combined be derived for the Limpet pull-off
These shortcomings are eliminated if correlation for all concretes was
measurements of concrete strength are test (as opposed to the pull-out tests
found to be very close to the
recommended) or for maturity
manufacturer’s correlation (Figure 5).
The Lok-test equipment can be obtained from the This is particularly encouraging
Danish manufacturers: given the very diverse range of • 28 day in-situ concrete compressive
Germann Instruments A/S
concretes at Cardington, with their strengths could be predicted from
Tel +45 39 67 71 17
Fax +45 39 67 31 67 different strengths, cement types and three day Lok-test results with a
e-mail workabilities (see Best Practice reasonable degree of accuracy. This finding should, however, be
treated with caution since it will
depend on the temperature history
100 •• of the concrete up to three days after
pouring and subsequently.
Measured cube compressive strength (N/mm2)

80 Cardington
• Acceptance of concrete and
appropriate concrete quality control

•• procedures need to be viewed in
• the context of the type of concrete
• •• specified and emerging British
• •
40 • and European standards. These
• • recommended are moving towards avoiding the
• correlation
• • necessity for site testing. For the
20 •
foreseeable future, formal

•• compliance is likely to continue
0 to be based on cube or cylinder
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 strength measurements at 28 days.
Force measured by Lok jack (kN)

Figure 5: Correlation of Lok-tests and cube tests carried out at Cardington.


Comparison of test methods or where increased confidence is This Best Practice Guide is based on
required from using a range of research report, Early age acceptance of
The use of pull-out tests involving techniques. An outline description of concrete (Improved quality management),
pre-planned inserts is the method available test methods is given in Table 1. by J.H. Bungey, A.E. Long, M.N. Soutsos
and G.D. Henderson.
recommended in this Guide. However Whatever techniques are employed, it BRE Report 387, published by CRC Ltd.
there may be situations where such is important that an attempt is made to
testing is not appropriate e.g. where determine a lower bound estimate of
special finishes are used, where the the concrete’s strength.
planned inserts have not been installed, 1. BSI. Testing concrete. London BS 1881.
Parts 5-209, 1970-1998.

Table 1: Comparison of test methods Best Practice Guides in this series

• Improving concrete frame construction
• Concreting for improved speed
Technique Description Advantages Disadvantages and efficiency
• Early age strength assessment of
Lok-tests Pull-out test involving Quick, inexpensive, Some preplanning concrete on site
pre-planned inserts provide good needed. • Improving rebar information and supply
either fixed to correlation. Some local damage. • Early striking for efficient flat slab
formwork or floating Small changes in construction
on top surface. strength can be • Rationalisation of flat slab reinforcement
Correlation is not Further Guides are planned
mix specific.
Research partners for this Guide
Liverpool University
The Queen’s University of Belfast
Capo tests Pull-out test involving Less preplanning Slower than Lok-test.
Building Research Establishment Ltd
drilling of concrete required, inexpensive Some local damage.
RMC Readymix Limited
after hardening. and provide good Surface preparation
Same jack and correlation. may be needed.
correlation curve Correlation is not
used as for Lok-test. mix specific.
Useful for
supplementary tests.

Maturity Direct measurement Relatively inexpensive. Correlation with

measurement of temperature-time strength is mix
history of concrete. specific.

Cube testing* Compressive testing Less expensive than Costs of making,

(a) Air-cured of cubes made on site temperature-matched transporting,
cubes in accordance with cubes. testing etc.
BS 1881 and stored Provides lower bound Not testing concrete
adjacent to the value. actually in the 97.503
structure in ambient structure. First published 2000
conditions. ISBN 0 7210 1554 9
Price group A
(b) Temperature Compressive testing Provides accurate Relatively expensive. © BCA, BRE Ltd, Construct, RCC, DETR
matched cubes of cubes made on site results Disadvantages as for
and stored under air-cured plus extra Published by the British Cement Association
controlled conditions equipment costs. on behalf of the project partners.
in accordance with Impracticality of British Cement Association
BS 1881: Part 130: use on site. Century House
1996. Telford Avenue
Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6YS
Limpet pull-off Pulling off a metal Inexpensive Correlation is For further copies of the Best Practice Guides
test disc together with to perform. mix specific. ring the Concrete Bookshop on 01344 725704.
a surface layer of No pre-planning Time needed for All advice or information from the British Cement
concrete bonded required. bonding to surface. Association is intended for those who will evaluate the
to the disc. Superficial damage Surface preparation significance and limitations of its contents and take
responsibility for its use and application. No liability
only. needed. (including that for negligence) for any loss resulting from
Poor correlation such advice or information is accepted. Readers should
note that all BCA publications are subject to revision from
between pull-off time to time and should therefore ensure that they are in
force and concrete possession of the latest version.

*N.B. Water-cured cubes should not be used for early age strength assessment, because the curing environment
is not related to that of the concrete in the structure.

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