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What You Need to Know Before a Massage Session

If you’ve never been to a spa before, there are some things you should be familiar with. A massage
therapy is always a great relaxation method, but not everyone knows exactly what to expect. Yes, you
will be almost naked, and yes – the therapist will have to touch your skin in order to provide the
massage. However, let’s see exactly what you need to expect when going to a spa for a massage.

It’s Normal to Be Naked

Don’t expect to be totally naked – you will get to keep the underwear, but that’s about it. You may be
embarrassed to be naked in front of total strangers, but for the therapist this is perfectly normal. You
need to remember that for them it’s natural, and you shouldn’t be embarrassed if you have marks on
your skin or cellulite. Once you’ll be on the massage table, you will receive a big towel to cover yourself
up so the therapist can work on each of your body parts.

Take a Shower

Yes, hygiene is important for everyone, so if you plan to go to a massage session, make sure you take a
shower before going there. It will help you feel more relaxed both physically and psychically, you’ll feel
more relaxed when a stranger touches you and, of course, you will smell nice (a plus for both you and
the therapist).

The Gym and the Massage

If you’re used with going to the gym, make sure you use the gym before going to the massage session. If
you plan to go to the gym after the massage, you will feel too lazy. Using the gym before the massage
will warm up your muscles and the body will also be tired. If you plan to take a deep tissue massage, you
need to know that it’s forbidden to make any physical exercises for at least 14 hours after the massage.


If, at any point during the massage therapy, you feel uncomfortable, you need to tell this to your
therapist. Communication is essential, because you are the one that needs to enjoy the time spent
there. If the therapist doesn’t know if you’re feeling pain at some point, he or she won’t know how to
solve this situation for you.

Lots of Water

Yes, the water that everyone is talking about is great after the massage. It will help your body eliminate
toxins and it will also hydrate all your cells. However, avoid the coffee and nicotine for at least a few

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