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Submitted to: Sir Salman Khatani
Public Relation (612)
University of Karachi

MARKETING: The action or business of promoting and selling products or services including
market research and advertising
Good marketing is result of planning and execution.
Public relations builds up credibility. Public relations and marketing boosts an organization's
credibility. Plus, these intermediaries communicate to a certain audience which looks to them to
filter out all nonsense. Marketing builds company reputation

EXAMPLES: Social media is an effective example of marketing brands and products like
television commercial.

PUBLICITY: It is gaining public visibility or awareness for product, service, or your company
via media
It is a deliberate attempt to manage the public`s perception of subject like politician and
performing artists Creativity gives fresh ideas , unusual shapes and pictures, in variety it gives
different techniques to target people ,advertisements may need to be seen or heard more than
Favorable publicity increase the demand , unfavorable publicity decrease the demand.
Effects of bad publicity are loss of trust from Public, it also effects on sale like reduces the sale
of the product, financial loss , cease and desist orders of company. Extent of truth is greater in
EXAMPLES: Ad of Grand opening of malls on channels , teasers on rushed areas or different
banners mystery guests , free refreshments ,free entry etc.

PROMOTION: Promotion keeps the product in the minds of the customer and helps stimulate
demand for the product. Promotion involves ongoing advertising and publicity.
The ongoing activities of advertising, sales and public relations are often considered aspects of
The main aim of promotion is to ensure that customers are aware of the existence and positioning
of products
EXAMPLES: Sponsorship , Exhibition Contest, Free samples etc

ADVERTISING: Advertising is a means of communication with the users of product and

Since the main purpose of advertising is to create and sustain demand for products or services
and expand the market, the prospective buyers automatically become interested to buy such
products and services.
EXAMPLES: Hoardings , banners , flags , wraps etc

Q: Is money required for public relation?

It totally depends on the situation and vary from situation to situation.
When you want to do marketing of your product so you print brochure , or you give ad so for
that you required money.
Paid media is exactly the media you pay for.
In unpaid internship, in this situation of public relation money is not required.
Media coverage that is earn through public relations is free e.g. feature story and news.

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