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ACETYLATION TEST Primary and secondary amines react with acetyl chloride to form amides, which
precipitate from the solution.
Sample in a dry test tube+ 0.5ml Acetyl Evolution of heat and HCl gas Amine
chloride added dropwise.

Pour the above mixture to a beaker A solid derivative is obtained

containing 10ml water

Sample in a dry test tube + 2ml Evolution of heat and HCl gas & Amine Primary and secondary amines react with Benzoyl chloride to give solid
dil.NaOH + 0.5ml Benzoyl chloride A solid derivative is obtained derivatives.
added dropwise

Carbylamine Test (Isocyanide

reaction) Aliphatic and aromatic primary amines give carbylamine test. The
Foul smell of carbylamines Aliphatic or Aromatic Carbylamine (Isocyanide) produced in the reaction has a foul odor.
Sample + 3 drops chloroform Primary amine
+2ml ethanolic KOH. Mix well
and warm gently
Take three test tubes . This test is given by aromatic primary amines. Aromatic primary
Test tube 1. Sample + 2ml conc.HCl Orange Red Dye Primary Aromatic Amine amines undergo diazotisation reaction with nitrous acid to form
Test tube 2. 2ml Sodium Nitrite solution
Test tube 3. 0.2g beta-Naphthol + 1ml
diazonium salts. These diazonium salts undergo coupling reaction
dil.NaoH with β-naphthol to form orange colouredazo dye.

Cool the test tubes in an ice bath. Add Primary aliphatic amines react with nitrous acid to give unstable
solution No.2 to 1 dropwise. Add the salts which decompose spontaneously liberating nitrogen
above mixture to test tube no.3 gas.Secondary and tertiary amines react with nitrous acid to give
yellow nitroso compounds.

HINSBERG TEST Hinsberg reagent is called benzenesulfonyl chloride.Primary

amines react with benzenesulfonyl chloride &NaOH gives N-
Sample + 5ml dil.NaOH + 0.5ml
Benzenesulfonyl chloride. Shake No residue is obtained and Primary amine
alkylsulphonamide which contains an acidic hydrogen and hence
virorously cool and separate the residue thesolution on adding dil.HCl gives dissolves in NaOH solution to form the soluble sodium salt. The
if present in the solution a precipitate solution thus obtained on acidification gives a precipitate of free
sulfonamide which is insoluble in HCl.
Residue is obtained which on Secondary amine A secondary amine will form an insoluble sulfonamide directly
adding dil.HCldoes not dissolve. and acidification does not cause any change.
Tertiary aminesdo not react. On acidification unreacted tertiary
Residue is obtained on adding Tertiary amine amine reacts with acid to give soluble salts

2,4-DNP TEST Aldehydes and ketones react with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine to

3 drops liquid sample or 1ml solid Orange red precipitate Aldehyde or Ketone form 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones which are insoluble solids
sample dissolved in methanol + 2ml 2,4-
Dinitrophenyl reagent

Sodium Bisulphite test Saturated solution of sodium bisulphite in water, when mixed with
aldehydes gives a white crystalline bisulphite addition compounds
Sample + 2ml saturated solution White crystalline precipitate Aldehyde or Ketone
of Sodium bisulphite

SCHIFF’S TEST Schiff’s reagent is a red solution of rosaniline hydrochloride

2 drops liquid sample or 1ml solution of Pink colour Aldehyde dissolved in water which is decolourised by passing
solid in alcohol + 1ml Schiff’s reagent
sulphurdioxide.Dilute solutions of aldehydes when added to
No Pink colour Ketone Schiff’s reagent restores its pink colour slowly.

FEHLING’S TEST Fehling’s solution (alkaline cupric tartrate complex)

Mix 1ml of Fehling’s A and 1ml of Reddish Brown precipitate Aliphatic Aldehyde Fehling’s reagent is freshly prepared bymixing equal amounts of Fehling’s
Fehling’s B solutions in a test tube + 3 solution A and Fehling’ssolution B. Fehling’s reagent deteriorates on
drops liquid sample or 1ml solid sample keeping,whileFehling’ssolutions A and B are quite stable.
solution in alcohol. .Heat on a boiling
water bath for five minutes Fehling’s solution A is anaqueous copper sulphate solution
Fehling’s solution B isan alkaline solution of sodium potassium tartarate
(Rochelle’s salt).The reagent contains Cu2+ion complexed with tartarate ions.
Thestructure of the complex is given below. Complex formation decreases the
cupric ion concentrationbelow that necessary for precipitation of cupric

Aldehydes reduce Fehling’s solution to produce a red precipitate of copper(I)

oxide (cuprous oxide). Aldehydes undergo oxidation to give acids

Benedict modified the original Fehling’s test by using a singlesolution which is
2ml Benedict’s Reagent+ 3 drops liquid Reddish Brown precipitate Aliphatic aldehyde more convenient for the test. Benedict’s solutionis more stable than Fehling’s
sample or 1ml solid sample solution in reagent and can be stored for a longtime. It is an alkaline solution containing a
alcohol. .Heat on a boiling water bath for mixture of coppersulphate and sodium citrate (2Na3C6H5O7.11H2O).
five minutes
. In Benedict test also, Cu2+ions are reduced to Cu+ions in thesame manner as in
the case of Fehling’s reagent.

TOLLENS TEST Tollen’s reagent is an alkaline solution of silver cationcomplexedwith ammonia,

0.1g sample + 2ml Freshly prepared Silver mirror on walls of the test Aldehyde Aldehydes reduce tollens reagent to metallic silver
Tollens Reagent. Warm the test tube in a tube or a grey black precipitate
warm water bath for five minutes.


IODOFORM TEST This test is given by acetaldehyde, all methyl ketones and all
Dissolve sample in 1ml water(If alcohols containing CH3-CH CH-OH group. The reaction gives a
Yellow precipitate of Iodoform Methyl Ketone
insoluble dissolve in 1ml yellow precipitate of iodoform.
dioxane) +2ml dil.NaOH + add
Iodine solution dropwise till dark
color of iodine persists. Warm on
a waterbath at 600C

Sample + Freshly prepared
Red color Methyl Ketone
solution of sodium nitroprusside
+ dil.NaOh

TESTS FOR ALCOHOLS Brisk efferevescence is observed Sodium metal undergoes reaction with hydroxyl groups of many alcohols to liberate
and sodium gradually dissolves Alcohol hydrogen gas and form the salt of the alcohol
Sample in a dry test tube + a piece of
freshly cut sodium metal

Sample in a dry test tube + add Alcohols and phenols react with acetyl chloride to form esters, which is
Vigorous reaction with evolution of Alcohol indicated by the formation of a topoily layer in the beaker.
0.5ml Acetyl chloride dropwise. HCl

Allow to stand for 2min. and pour Separation of an oily layer and a
into a beaker containing water pleasant ester like smell

ESTERIFICATION TEST Carboxylic acid reacts with alcohol in presence of conc. sulphuric
Sample + 1ml ethanol or methanol + 3 Sweet fruity smell of ester Alcohol
acid to form ester that is identified by the presence of a fruity
drops conc.H2SO4. Heat gently for 2 smell.
minutes. Cool pour reaction mixture into
a beaker containing sodium carbonate
solution and smell immediately

Ceric Ammonium Nitrate Test Alcohols react with ceric ammonium nitrate to give a red colored complex.
1ml Sample solution in water (If
Red Colour Alcohol
insoluble then use dioxane) + 3
drops Ceric ammonium nitrate

LUCAS TEST Lucas reagent contains zinc chloride and concentratedhydrochloric acid.
Sample + 6ml Lucas reagent. Solution remain clear Primary Alcohol This reagent reacts with primary, secondaryand
secondary tertiary alcohols at different
Close the test tube and shake and rates.
observe for 5 min. Tertiary alcohols reactalmost instantaneously, secondary alcohols react in
about 1-5minutes
5minutes and primary alcohols react very slowly. The reaction
Solution becomes cloudy Secondary Alcohol maytake 10 minutes to several days.

Solution separates into two layers Tertiary Alcohol


Alcohols are soluble in Lucas reagent but the formed alkylhalides are not
soluble. Therefore, formation of two layers in thereaction medium indicate
the occurrence of the reaction.

Primary alcohols – Layers do not separate

Secondary alcohols – Layers separate within 1-5
1 minutes
Tertiary alcohols – Layers separate immediately
PHENOLPHTHALEIN TEST Esters are hydrolysed by sodium hydroxide to give alcohol and sodium salt of
2ml sample + 1 drop Phenolphthalein + Pink Color disappears Ester the acids.
2 drops dil.NaOH. warm the solution

HYDROXAMIC ACID TEST Esters combine with hydroxylamine to yield an alcohol and hydroxamicacid
.The solution is then treated with ferric chloride to produce the ferric
hydroxamate complex, which has a characteristic burgundy or magenta color.
Sample + 1ml Hydroxylamine Magenta color Ester
hydrochloride solution in ethanol
+ 1ml dil.NaOH. Boil, Cool and
acidify with 2ml dil.HCl. Then
add 2 drops neutral ferric chloride

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