1000 Cows, Nucleus Breeding Herd Project

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Designed by The McAlpine Partnership, www.mcalpinepartnership.co.

We began the Cattle Project in 2002 using £5000 raised by the
of a cow. When
tand the importance
chairman, Callum Henderson from a sponsored cycle across “I want you to unders ing the dig nity of a person. It
are res tor
Rwanda. This allowed Solace to train widows in cattle you give a cow you ell to poverty”
husbandry, build two cow sheds in Nyanza and establish two is a way to say farew
herds of cattle in that area.
money. I want to
for the land, milk and
At Kabuga, to the east of Kigali, a cattle shed has been built “Now I have manure on the wa y to conquer poverty“
– we are
and a flourishing herd of improved breed cows is established. give you a message
Cows are now being distributed to individuals in various
80 kilos of potatoes
survivors communities who have a suitable field to rear them e – I was able to plant
on. Even just one cow can make a huge difference to a ”Already I have manur I had a cow I went round doing
Bef ore
and harvest 800 kilos. I have my cow to care for”
survivor, providing milk to drink and around £2 a day through nothing all day but now
the sale of surplus milk, which exceeds the target income of Edward
both the government and Solace Ministries. Further cows have we have butter”
fro m malnutrition and
been distributed as part of the integrated project at Bugesera ”We no longer suffer
and funds have been given for new start projects of cattle for Angelique
Muyira and Bisesero. We are delighted at the support given k. I was able to bui
had from selling mil
and are growing very fond of Friesian cows! “I saved the extra I for 20, 000 RwFr (about £20) a
ren t out
a house which I now y are sick and
neighbours milk if the
month. I can give my giv e the m a cup of tea“
when friends visit I Nucleus Breeding Herd Project

Help us to establish a nucleus

breeding herd of good quality
Friesian cows in the Bugesera
region of Rwanda.

Nucleus Breeding Herd Project

Comfort Rwanda guarantees 100% of all money donated for any designated
purpose will be forwarded to Rwanda and used for that purpose.
The Nucleus Breeding Herd Project is being run by
Living Water Ministries
in partnership with Comfort Rwanda

To support this project please send your

cheques (payable to Living Water) to:
Comfort Rwanda was established in Scotland in Nucleus Breeding Herd Project
Living Water Ministries
1999 to partner Solace, an indigenous Rwandan 15 Lawers Road, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, DD5 3TQ
charity bringing aid and reconciliation to widows and
orphans following the genocide of 1994. Together Charity Number SC036853. Company Number SC 291194
Charitable Company Registered in Scotland.
we have seen hearts, homes & livelihoods restored.
Today they live with a hope and a future. For further information call Ian White - 01334 829422
Cattle have always occupied an important place in Rwandan Rwanda is known as the Land of 1000 hills.
society; their arrival at a wedding as a dowry can lead to long Comfort Rwanda’s aim is provide 1000 cows
discussions between the two families about the respective merits to graze these hills.
of the cows and the bride, the bridegroom meanwhile being
forgotten! We are seeking to develop long term support
by providing cattle for distribution in widow’s
co operatives throughout the country.

The provision of cattle

• provides an important source of nutrition through the milk
• allows milk to be sold to pay for daily needs such as
education, clothes and health care
• Produces manure which can significantly improve crop yields
from the exhausted soil
• Allows calves to be donated for other widows
• known as the heart • Provides a focus for the widows groups to support and
of Africa, Rwanda The colonial rulers were able to exploit this to divide and rule the encourage each other and the community around them.
is tucked between population. In 1933 the Belgian rulers issued a proclamation that
Uganda, Tanzania, anyone owning more than ten cows was a Tutsi and, as the For continued success in this area, Comfort Rwanda needs
Congo and Burundi colonialists continued to favour the Tutsi tribe, the ownership of grazing land, sheds for shelter and good quality stock for
cattle became associated with ethnicity. As a result, when the breeding.
• less than 1/3 the genocide broke out cattle were also slaughtered indiscriminately.
size of Scotland, it is Although some cattle survived, many of the hundreds of A Friesian cow costs around £850. When a donation
home to 10 million people thousands of widows were left without their precious cattle. is made to Comfort Rwanda, their Rwandan partners will buy
individual cows from within Rwanda or other African countries.
A Rwandan phrase denoting well-being is translated as “And we
• Rwanda now has a democratic government had milk to drink”. For those widows there was no milk, no income
committed to healing and reconciliation. The aim of this project is to raise money with
and little or no hope.
the hope of establishing a nucleus breeding herd
• coffee & tea plantations, bananas, cassava, of good quality Friesian cows in the Bugasera
sweet potatoes & beans cover “the land of region of Rwanda.
1000 hills”

• on 7th April 1994 the nation was torn apart.

In 90 days one million men, women & children
were massacred in inter-tribal ethnic cleansing

• 300,000 widows & orphans survived the

genocide many with Aids/HIV from mass rape

• In 2004 the Gisozi memorial was opened in

Kigali for a further 260,000 bodies unearthed
since the genocide

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