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Vaasi Yoga / Siva Yoga – the true siddha way to know your Self
using your energies with Divine’s and Guru’s grace

1 year ago


Surrendering this article to the golden feet of the true divine which is ever expanding and
ever living and to my guru’s feet and to the great soul “Gnani Brundhavanar” who has set
his path to give a clear explanation of all the divine secrets and helping the souls travel and
reach their own self within themselves.

Vaasi Yoga – means Siva Yoga. Sivam means the Soul, Jeevan, Atman

Vaasi Yoga means to nurture the soul.

What exactly happens by Vaasi Yoga?

The Air that we breath from outside is unnecessary for the body.

How is that possible?

There are basically 10 types of Vayus ( Air ) and 10 types of Prime Nadis (nerves, blood
vessels, pulse, Channels), among 72,000 nadis which subdivides into much more through
which the energies are circulating within our physical, subtle and casual body.

In the yoga theory, the Nadis are said to carryLife force energies known as Prana within
our body.
In the physical body, the nadis are channels carrying air, water, nutrients, blood and other
bodily fluids around and are similar to the arteries, veins, capillaries, bronchioles, nerves,
lymph canals and so on.

In yoga theory, the physical body is often referred to as “the gross body” (Sanskrit : Sthula

In the subtle and the causal body, the nadis are channels for so called cosmic, vital, seminal,
mental, intellectual, etc. energies (collectively described as prana) and are important for
sensations, consciousness and the spiritual aura.

For a normal human being, only 9 Vayus and 9 primal Nadis are in working mode. Those
nine Vayus are connected with the Navagrahas or the celestial planets of the cosmos.

In Hindu Puranas, this is connected with the dasa avathars of Lord Vishnu. The 10th avatar,
Kalki is yet to happen.

Similarly, the tenth Vayu and the tenth Nadi is not working for humans under normal
condition. If that 10th Vayu happens to work within us, then it means that the kalki is
working within us.

What happens if the kalki or the 10th nadi and Vayu starts working within us?

There are 10 holes in our body in which, the 10th is normally blocked and the body is
functioning by the 9 open holes under normal condition of living through which the
planets’ effect comes in and goes out and works on our body and determines our life. This is
the basis of the Horoscope. So, once the 10th vayu starts working, no more planetic effect in
our body/life…

When the 10th hole is opened and the 10th nadi and vayu starts working, all the 9 holes are
automatically locked subtly.

The nine holes in our body are

The opening in eyes(inside pupil) – 2

The Ear openings – 2

The Nose openings – 2

The Mouth opening – 1

Anus opening – 1

Sexual Organ ( Penis / Vagina ) opening – 1

and so totally 9.
All these nine opening will be locked internally automatically in subtle level, thus the
planets’ effect can no more be possible in such a body.

When this happens, all the 10 vayus starts to circulate throughout, within the body.

It has to happen on it’s own by the grace of the true universal divine’s grace and your
own true guru’s grace but not through any external techniques. Divine should come and
do this within you for this to happen. Your own guru is capable of getting within you
subtly and open up the channel for this to happen. The key to open the channel is with
each one of our own true guru who is unique for each one of us.

Effects of Vaasi Yoga Siddhi:

1. The shakthi/power of the Prana or Life force increases tremendously.

2. Usually, the dead cells within our body are moving out of the body through Sweat, Urine
or Fecal matter. ( Feces contain a relatively small amount of metabolic waste products
such as bacterially altered bilirubin, and the dead epithelial cells from the lining of the gut).

During this Prana circulation, all this dead cellsremoval from the body which
is symbolically connected with the Snake.

Usually, snake removes the skin 7 times from its body. Similarly, in human bodies, all the
wastes of all the bodies are removed in 7 levels.

This is what is symbolically explained as seven coloured screens in his temple by the great
saint, Ramalinga Adigalar or commonly known as Vadalur Vallalar.

He finally showed the light after removing all this screens symbolizing the divine light and
the 7 layer of wastes within us.

He explained that light to be the Arut Perum Jyothi within us as a thathuvam or

Philosophy in the form of light.

During Thai Poosam festival, every year this event is celebrated in his temple, in Vadallur,
Tamilnadu, India and it’s high time that we know the original meaning behind his great
findings and great grace to us to know the truth and understand our Self.

This should happen within everyone of us with the grace of God / the divine light / Arut
perum jyothi. If that happens, God’s grace flows through us non stoppingly.

3. When this 10 vayus circulates, all the negatives in our body gets removed automatically.
The body transforms to many stages and becomes a light body… this is thesiddhi or fruit
of Vaasi / SivaYoga.

Why it’s shown as Dasa Avatar of Lord Vishnu in scripture

It is, because, Vishnu is the symbolization of the Deivam(a form of eternal divine) which
saves us from death and makes us alive and saves us during our lifetime.

Among the five great works of Deivam stage(Nilai). namely Creation, Preservation or
Life saving, Destruction, Illusion and Gracefulness, Vishnu is given the Preservation

But the eternal divine is the one who is capable of doing all this and its only that divine
which takes up any form to accomplish a task on need basis throughout the life journey of
the whole cosmos and every life of/in it.

It’s that divine’s grace that gets poured within us all the time once this 10 vayus/Air starts
circulating within us. It can happen with only the grace of the true ultimate divine’s grace
and your own guru’s grace.

Once the right maturity comes to an individual soul, their own guru comes to them in search
of them and do the needful to them, not otherwise.

So, rather than running for guru, prepare yourself for it. Improve the self quality. Stop
running outside.

Improve the surrendering quality and get ready to be an empty slate or vessel, where the
divine can fill it’s grace for ever and ever and can utilize us to do what the divine like to do
using our self(soul, a very drop of the divine itself), our body and mind and energy which is
all the divine and only divine’s creation on need basis. In tamil, this is known better as
the Karu – Uru concept which is very clearly explained byThirumoolar
Thirumanthiram. (Thirumoolar – One of the greatest Siddhar).

May the divine’s grace and all the revered souls’ grace abd our own guru’s grace bestow on
us and cleanse us for them to pour their grace on us eternally and utilize us in this lifetime
for the purpose of need of this cosmos in whatever level possible.

Om Tat Sat


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