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INIVERSITY ‘TERNOLOGI PETRONAS MATLAB TUTORIAL 2 Task 1 a) Build the transfer function model for the following 1" order system. 2 OO" Seat b) Plot the unit step response for the function ©) Incomporate the time delay td=4 into the model. Plot the unit step response znd compared to the previous plot 4) Plot the Bode and Nyquist plots for the above system. What are the significant different in Bode and Nyquist plot between the system that has and has not the time delay ©) Find the gain and phase margin for the two systems, Task 2 a) Build the transfer function model for the following 2™ order system 2 2 H(s)=-=— K()= 3 "ere asti On Feast ) Plot the unit step response for the above two fimetions. Compare the two plots and what cen be concluded about their damping factor ©) Find the gain and phase margin for the two system 4d) What are the significant different for the above two Bode plots 3 >> 4 1h f(n,d) ‘Transfer function: 2 Sees >> step(a) >> gd=g; >> get(gd) num: {0 2)} den: {15 4}) Variable: 's* Ts: 0 ioDelay: 0 InputDelay: 0 OutputDelay: 0 IinputName: {") OutputName: {") InputGroup: {0x2 cell) OutputGroup: {0x2 cell} Notes: {} UserData: J >> set(gd,OutputDelay’,4) >> gel(ad) ‘num: ({0 2)) den: (5 1]) Veriable:'s' Ts:0 ioDelay: 0 InputDelay: 0 OutputDelay: 4 InputName: {" CutputNeme: (") InputGroup: {0x2 cell) OutputGroup: {0x2 cell} Notes: 0 UserDate: [) >> figure >> step(gd) >> bode(g) >> figure >> bode(ed) >> ayguist(g) >> figure >> nyguist(gd) >> margin(g) >> margin(gd) >> hatf([21,[16 4 1) ‘Transfer function: 2 16s2r4s%1 >> steph) >> kee(2. 41) ‘Transfer function: 2 S244s41 >> figure >> step(k) >> margin(h) >> figure >> margin(k)

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