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To Whom it May Concern:

I highly recommend Jane Doe as a candidate for employment. Jane was employed by
Company Name as an Administrative Assistant from 2002 – 2005. Jane was responsible for
office support including word processing, scheduling appointments and creating brochures,
newsletters, and other office literature.
Jane has excellent communication skills. In addition, she is extremely organized, reliable
and computer literate. Jane can work independently and is able to follow through to ensure
that the job gets done. She is flexible and willing to work on any project that is assigned to
her. Jane was quick to volunteer to assist in other areas of company operations, as well.
Jane would be a tremendous asset for your company and has my highest recommendation.
If you have any further questions with regard to her background or qualifications, please do
not hesitate to call me.
John Smith

Recommendation for Laura Woods

It is my pleasure to recommend Laura Woods for employment with your organization. I have known
Laura for over two years during which time she worked as a communications assistant in my office. I
have been consistently impressed with Laura's attitude and productivity during the time that she has
worked in the office.

Laura is both very bright and quite motivated. I am confident that she will devote herself to a position
with your organization with a high degree of diligence. She is a quick learner and has shown the ability
to digest large volumes of information. Ms. Woods has demonstrated the ability to articulate
information and ideas in both the verbal and written forms.

Laura has also been effective in her efforts to engage the media we outreach to. She has been able to
write interesting press releases and articles and convince editors to publish those pieces. Ms. Woods is
willing to take risks. She will reach out to people and involve them with projects. I particularly
appreciate Laura's willingness to take initiative to help the office serve its constituents more fully.
I recommend Woods without reservations. I am confident that she will establish productive
relationships with your staff and constituents. Please let me know if you have need for additional
information about this outstanding young woman.


FirstName LastName
ABCD Company


I have worked very closely with Ms. Moody during the several years while she has served as an
assistant in my office. Michele has excelled in this role and maintained one of the highest levels of
productivity for an assistant during my 20 year tenure with the company. Michele produces a high
volume of work while maintaining high standards for quality and accuracy.

Moody possesses the ultimate "can do" attitude while taking on all tasks with a positive energy and a
smile. Her upbeat personality and engaging personal style enables her to interact effectively with
clients and staff. Michele is very well organized and keeps track of the details necessary to coordinate
events of this kind and run an efficient office.

Ms Moody takes initiative to go beyond the expected parameters of her job. All the intangibles that
lead to success in the workplace are in order with Michele. There will be no unpleasant surprises and I
am confident she will fit in and add to office morale.

I volunteered to write this recommendation for Michele because I am very grateful for her
contributions to our office and very confident that she has the intelligence, work ethic and
communications skills to add value wherever she works. Please fell free to contact me if you have any
questions about this outstanding young woman.


FirstName LastName
ABCD Company


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