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Coca-cola the product that has given the world its best known taste was born in Atlanta,
Georgia, on May 8, 1886. Coca Cola Company is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer
and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups use to produce nearly 400
beverage brands. The company’s beverage products comprises of bottled and canned soft
drinks as well as concentrates. Syrups and not ready to drink powder products. The coca-cola
company began building its global network in the 1920s. Now operating in more than 200
countries and producing nearly 400 brands. The coca- cola system has successfully applied a
simple formula on a global scale.

The coca-cola company and its network of bottlers comprise the most sophisticated and
pervasive production and distribution system in the world. More than anything, that system is
dedicated to people working long and hard to sell the products manufactured by the company.
The coca-cola company the world’s premier soft-drink enterprise, from Montreal to Moscow,
coca-cola, more than any other consumer product, has brought pleasure to thirsty consumers
around the globe. For more than 115 years. Coca-cola has created a special moment of
pleasure for hundreds of millions of people every day.

The company aims at increasing shareowner value over time. It accomplishes this by working
with its business partners to deliver satisfaction at value to consumers through a worldwide
system of superior brands and services, thus increasing brand equity on a global basis. They
aim at managing their business well with people who are strongly committed to the company
values and culture and providing an appropriately controlled environment, to meet business
goals and objectives. The associates of this company jointly take responsibility to ensure
compliance with the framework of policies and protect the company’s assets and resources
whilst limiting business risk.

The coca-cola company and its network of bottlers comprise the most sophisticated and
pervasive production and distribution system in the world. More than anything that system is
dedicated to people working long and hard to sell the products manufactured by the company.




















In India coca-cola was leading soft drink till 1977 when government policies necessitated its
departure. Coca-cola made its return to the country in 1993 and made significant investments
to ensure that the beverage is available to more and more people, even in remote and
inaccessible parts of the nation.

Coca-colas advertising campaigns ‘JO CHAHO HO JAYE’ & ‘LIFE HO TOH AISE’

Were very popular and had entered youths vocabulary. In 2003. Coca-cola launched its iconic
campaign ‘THANDA MATLAB COCA-COLA’ which sky rocketed the brand to make it
India’s favourite soft drink brand.Now the coca cola have campaign named TASTE THE
FEELING, From since 2016.


200ml, 300ml 500ml,1.5L,2L, 330ml VARIOUS SIZES

500m, 1000ml 2.25L,500ml,100ml


Limca was introduced in 1971 in India. Limca has remained unchallenged as the NO.1
sparkling drink in the cloudy lemon segment. The success formula is the share fizz and lemon
bite combined with the single minded proposition of the brand as the provider of ‘freshness’.

Limca can cast a tangy refreshing spell on anyone, anywhere. Derived from ‘Nimbus’+
‘juice’ hence lime SA, limca has lived up to its promises of refreshment and has been the
original thirst choice of millions of customers for over 3 decades.


200ml, 300ml 500ml, 1.5L, 2L. 330ml VARIOUS SIZES

500ml, 1000ml 2.25L,500ml,100ml


Thrums up are a leading sparkling soft drink and most trusted brand in India. Originally
introduced in 1977. Thums up was acquires by the COCA-COLA company in 1993. The
brand clearly seeks to separate the men from the boys.


200ml, 300ml, 500ml, 1.5L, 2L. 330ml VARIOUS SIZES
500ml, 1000ml 2.25L,500ml,100ml


Sprite a global leader in the lemon lime category is the second largest sparkling beverage
brand in India. Launched in 1999. Sprite with its cut-thru perspective has managed to be a
true teen icon.


200ml, 300ml 500ml, 600ml 330ml VARIOUS SIZES
1250ml, 1500ml
2000ml, 2250ml


Fanta entered the Indian market in the year 1993. Over the years Fanta has occupied a strong
market place and is indentifies as ‘THE FUN CATALYST’. Perceived as a fun youth brand,
Fanta stands for it vibrant colour, tempting, taste and tingling bubbles that not just uplifts
feelings but also helps free spirit thus encouraging one to indulge in moment. This positive
imagery is associated with happy, cheerful and special times with friends.


200ml, 300ml 500ml, 1.5L, 2L. 330ml VARIOUS SIZES


Maaza was introduced in late 1970’s. Maaza has today come to symbolise the very spirit of
mangoes. Universally loved for its taste, colour, thickness and wholesome properties. Maaza
is the mango lover’s first choice.


200ml, 250ml 250ml, 600ml,1.2L 200ml


The importance of water can never be understated, particularly in a nation such as India
where water governs the lives of the millions, be it as a part of everyday ritual or as the
monsoon which gives life to the sub continent. Kenly water comes with the assurance of
safety from the COCA-COLA Company.

Available in PET 500ml and 100ml.


The objectives of all business are to makes profits and a merchandising concern can do that
by increasing its sales at remunerative prices. This is possible, if the product is widely
polished to be audience the final consumers, channel members and industrial users and
through convincing arguments it is persuaded to buy it. Publicity makes a thing or an idea
known to people. It is general term indicting efforts at mass appeal. As personal stimulation
of demand for a product service or business unit by planning commercially significant news
about it in a published medium of obtaining favourable presentation of it upon video
television or stage that is not paid for by the sponsor.

On the other hand, advertising denotes a specific attempt to popularize a specific product
or service at a certain cost. It is a method of publicity. It always intentional openly sponsored
by the sponsor and involves certain cost and hence is paid for it is a common form of non-
personal communication about an organisation and or its products idea service etc. That is
transmitted to a target audiences through amass medium. In common parlance the term
publicity advertising are used synonymously.


The word advertising is derived from the Latin word wiz, ‘averter’ ‘ad’ meaning towards and
‘veto’ meeting towards and ‘veto’ meaning ‘I turn’ literally specific thing’.

Simply stated advertising is the art ‘says green’. Advertising is a general term for and all
forms of publicity, from the cry of the street boy selling newspapers to the most celebrate
attention attracts device. The object is always is to bring to public notice some articles or
service, to create a demand to stimulate buying in general to bring together the man with
something to sell and the man who has means or desires to buy’.

Advertising means providing adequate knowledge about some special product/service/idea to

potential consumers so that they are stimulated to buy it. Adequate knowledge about product
means to let people know the name of the product, its function, size, price and place of its


Advertising has been defined by different marketing experts as under:-

‘In the words of wheeler’:- ‘advertising is any form of paid non-personal

presentation of ideas, goods and services for the purpose of inducing people to buy’.

‘In the words of C.L. Bolting’:-‘advertising can be described as the art of

creating a demand for article or a service’.

‘In the words of Richard f. Malinger’:-‘advertising is the non personal

communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about
products, services or ideas by indentified sponsors’ through the various media’.

‘In the words of William Stanton’:-‘advertising consists of all activities

involved in presenting to a group a non-personal , oral or visual, openly sponsored
indentified message regarding a product, service, or idea. The message, called an
advertisement, is disseminating through one or more media and is paid for by the
indentified sponsor’.

‘In the words of Philip kittler’:- ‘advertising is any paid form of non-personal
presentation and promotion of goods, services, or ideas by an indentified sponsor’.

Features of advertising

1. Non-personal presentation: - advertising is non-personal presentation of

information. In other words, advertiser and consumer do not come into personal contact.
Despite being non-personal, advertising is an important medium to attract consumer.

2. Expenditure is essential: - only that attempt of the seller on which he has spent
some money to communicate information to the consumer is called advertising. If
without incurring any expenditure some information relating to some product or service
is published, it will not be called advertising.

3. Speedy and mass communication: - advertising is a speedy medium of

communication. Besides being speedy, its operational area is very vast. In other words,
it reaches millions of people simultaneously.

4. Identification of advertising sponsor: - another feature of advertising is that its

sponsor can be identified. Whenever we come across and advertisement, its sponsor is
easily recognized. Obviously, its sponsor can be either the seller or the producer of that
product or service.

5. One way communication: - advertising involves the one way communication.

Message moves from company to customers, from sponsor to audience. Message from
consumers to marketer is not possible. Marketer cannot know how far the advertisement
has influenced the audience.


1. To introduce with the new product: - whenever any manufacturer produces

any new product, he is faced with the problem of how to inform people about it.
Advertising is the solution of this problem. Thus, advertising introduces new product
to the consumers.

2. To face the competition: - today many, producers produce closely resembling

products. Every producer wants that his product alone be preferred by the consumers.
Thus, all of them face tough competition. Advertising, therefore, emboldens the
producers to face competition.

3. To make the selling easy: - it is such a medium as provides full information

regarding the peculiarities of the product to the people. When consumers go to the
seller to purchase the product they do not make any detailed inquiry about it, because
they are already aware of it. The result is that the sellers do not face any difficulty in
selling the product.

4. To enhance the reputation: - it is through the medium of advertising that the

producers remind the people again and again about their products. By doing so,
people’s confidence is the product is strengthened. As a result, company’s reputation

5. To reduce the cost of production: - another objective of advertising is to bring

down the cost of production. Advertising help to increase the demand for the product.
Increase in demand leads to increase scale of production. Larger the scale of
production smaller is the cost of the production per unit.


Press advertising:-following two media are mainly used under the press advertising.

1. Newspapers:-it is one of the most prevalent media of advertising. Under, it

advertisements are published in the newspapers. These newspapers are printed in
several languages. Main Hindi newspapers are: Hindustan times, Punjab kasseri, main
English newspapers are: times of India, the tribune etc.
2. Magazines:-in the context of advertising, importance of magazines lies in good
quality paper, colour pictures and beautiful printing. Magazines are of several kinds.
On the basis of time, magazines may be weekly, monthly and quarterly.

Outdoor advertising:-outdoor advertising is such a medium of advertising that has been

in use since long-time and, in all probability, will continue in future as well. Under it,
advertising matter is painted, in bold letters, in different languages, on the walls, posters are
pasted against the walls, big sign-boards are fixed on the road sides and several others similar
media are used to provide information about the product to the customers.

1. Posters:-posters refer to such pieces of papers or cardboards on which necessary

information about the product is printed. If possible, an attractive photo of the product
is also printed along with it.
2. Advertising board: - generally, we see big boards at public places like road
crossings, railway stations, bus stands, cinema houses, and the roads surrounding
them. These are advertising boards, also called hoardings.
3. Electric displays or neon sign-boards:- when advertising boards are
decorated with electric bulbs to give information about the product, is called the
electric displays.
4. Sky advertising:- under the medium some special spectacles are present in the sky
to attract the attention to the people to the product. For example, a pilot makes certain
figures in the sky with the help of aeroplanes smoke to convey the information about
the product.

Direct mail advertising: - it refers to that advertising where in the advertiser covey
written message to some particular persons.

1. Price list: - it is forwarded to the permanent customers. It contains the only the
prices of the products but not their other characteristics.
2. Catalogue: - with the help of catalogue, the producer/ seller forwards brief
information of all his products to the potential customers.
3. Circular: - with the help, uniform information is conveyed to large number of
customers, e.g. information regarding revised prices, special gifts, new venues of the
goods and the production of new products.
4. Booklets: - in these small-sized books, the producer gives detailed information of
his product. These booklets are forwarded occasionally to the potential customers.

Broadcast advertising: - advertising made in between the normal programmes

broadcast in the radio or telecast is known as broadcast advertising.

1. Radio: - it is an effective medium of advertising. Since large masses have come to

possess radio sets, importance of his media has increased manifold. In between
different programmes broadcast in the radio, one listens to such advertisements.
2. Television: - few years back was not the main medium of advertising. It was
because of few people owing T.V. sets today; almost every household possesses T.V.
set. Consequently, it has been gaining momentum as main source of advertising.
3. Cinema: - in cinema houses, advertising is done by way of slides and
documentaries. Advertisers get short-length documentaries prepared and the same are
exhibited in cinema houses, at the beginning of the show or during interval, to the

Other media: - other advertising media are as under:-

1. Loudspeakers: - local traders get their products advertised through loudspeakers

fitted on a cycle or rickshaw.

2. Gifts: - under the medium, potential customers are induced by offering them gifts.
For example, free plastic lunch box on the purchase of half kg. Packet of red label tea.


A review of literature is the mirror of earlier studies, which enriches the

Researcher and helps to identify the gaps for the future research. Many studies on
Advertisements have been conducted in different parts of India. As the present study is
concerned with the advertisements in television. An attempt is made to review the Literature
available so that a great insight in the advertisements world is obtained. Like any researcher,
sufficient effort is taken in this chapter to understand earlier
Researches on advertisements.

Vijay Kumar (1999), 1 in her study on “Effectiveness of advertising with reference

To television and print media” analyzed the effectiveness of two popular
Advertisement media viz. print and television and their impact on people. The
Researcher concluded that the television advertisement has given more impact than
Advertisement in print media on the people in their buying decisions, because it has
The audio and visual medium and it attracted viewers easily.

P. Akbabatcha (2001)2 in his study entitled “Advertising industry –with special

Reference to print media and intermediaries” analyzed the public opinion towards
Advertisement in the print media. The researcher has attempted a specific study with
Reference to print media and concluded that the print media played a vital role in the
Minds of the middle class people.

K.S Suit et al (2003)4 in their article, “Liberalization and advertisement intensity

In Indian public limited companies” concluded that the Indian public companies
Have gone up after the introduction of liberalization. This is due to the liberalization
Policy and an increasing role of market mechanism. Market mechanism leads to
Opening up of industries and brings competitiveness and hence firms try to maintain
Their market shares through advertisement.

Nauru Kapok et al. (2005)7 in their article “Children’s understandings of TV
Advertisements influence age, sex and parents” studied certain important
Implications for the parents and they are policy makers. First, family, as a social unit,
Needs to play more important role in mediating the influence of T.V advertisements
On their children. Parents should critically evaluate what their child watches on TV,
Resort to more of co-viewing of TV advertisements and teach children how to become
Discerning viewers, better able to protect themselves from the negative influences of TV’s
advertisements. Secondly, Television should be included in the school Curriculum in a
positive way.


To know the effect of advertisement of cold drink on the consumer and also to know the
perception of the consumer which highly influence the profitability of any particular product.


 To study the brand preference of coca-cola brand among customers.

 To study the advertising effectiveness of coca-cola brand in attracting customers.

 To study the strategies adopted by coca-cola brand to make advertising effective.


A single section selected to research and gather statistics of the whole. The sample unit of
study select all the respondents from Govt.P.G College Una. As wells as others.

Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also define
research as scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In
fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of
Current English lays down the meaning of research as “a careful investigation or inquiry
especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.”Research is an academic
activity and as such the term should be used in a technical sense.
According to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems,
formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organising and evaluating data;
making deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to
determine whether they fit the Formulating hypothesis.

Research methodology

Research is the systemized efforts to gain new knowledge. A Research Methodology defines
the purpose of the research, how it proceeds, how to measure progress and what constitute
success with respect to the objectives determined for carrying out the research study. The
appropriate research design formulated is detailed below. A scientifically carried out research
project has a definite framework for data collection. This framework constitutes the research


MEANING: A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis
of data in a manner that aim to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in
procedure. In fact the research design is the conceptual structure within which research
conduct; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.


1. Exploratory research
2. Experimental research
3. Descriptive research

Exploratory research: The main purpose of such study is that of formulating a problem
for more precise investigation or of developing the working hypotheses from an operational
point of view. The major emphasis in such studies is one the discovery ideas and insights.

Experimental research: Experimental research is also known as hypothesis-testing

research studies are those where the researchers tests the hypotheses of causal relationship
between variables. All of this research design I have use descriptive research in the project.

Descriptive research: Descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned
with describing the characteristics of a particular individual, or a group, where descriptive
research design determines the frequency with which something occurs or its association with
something else. Various steps of descriptive study are as follow:

(a) Formulating the objective of the study

(b) Designing the methods of data collection
(c) Selecting the sample
(d) Collection the data
(e) Processing and analyzing the data
(f) Reporting the findings

Sampling Design:

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to
the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample.
Sample design may as well lay down the number of items to be included in the sample.


All the items under consideration in any field of study constitute a universe or
population.This study constitutes all the respondents of Govt.P.G College Una. .which
includes students of MBA block as well as others block.

Sampling frame Basically, a sampling frame is a complete list of all the members of the
population that we wish to study. Our sample frame selects the entire respondent from Govt
.P.G college una.

Sample unit A single section selected to research and gather statistics of the whole. The
sample unit of study select all the respondents from Govt .P.G College Una. As wells as

Sample size Sample size means how many numbers of respondents are taken for the
study. In this study the sample size was 50.

Data Collection and Analysis

There is two source of Data collection. For the purpose of study both primary and secondary
data was used.



Primary data is information that you collect specifically for the purpose of your research
project. An advantage of primary data is that it is specifically tailored to your research needs.
In other words we can say that primary data is that type of data which is collected first time
for some specific purpose. In this project questionnaire given to a person’s who’s used the
coca-cola brand with a request to answer the questions and return the questionnaire.


Secondary data refers to data that was collected by someone other than the user. In other
words we can say that the data which is already available in the existence. In this project
report the secondary data used for introduction, history and literature review. Some research
papers were also used in this study.

Q1. Gender

Serial no Gender No. of % of

respondents respondents
1 Male 30 60
2 Female 20 40
Total 50 100

no of respondents

female, 20, 40%

male, 30, 60% male


INTERPRETATION: - 60% of respondent male and 40% of respondent female.

Q2.Your hometown ?

Sr. No Hometown No of respondent %of respondent

1. Rural 25 50
2. Urban 15 30
3. Semi-urban 10 20
Total 50 100

No.of Respondent

semi urban, 10,

rural , 25, 50% rural
urban, 15, 30% urban
semi urban

INTERPRETATION:-50% of respondent hometown in rural area, 30% of respondent

hometown in urban area and 20% of respondent hometown in semi-urban area.

Q. 3 Age of the respondent?

Sr. No. Age No. of % of

Respondent Respondents
1 Below20 10 20
2 20-25years 20 40
3 25-30years 10 20
4 More than 30 10 20
Total 50 100

No. Of Respondent
More than 30,
10, 20%
Below20, 10,
25-30 years, 10,
20-25years, 20,
25-30 years
More than 30

INTERPRETATION: - 40% of respondent lie between 20-25 years, 20% of respondent
lie between 25-30 years and 20% of respondent lie between below 20 and 20% of respondent
lie between more than 30.

Q4.Income of the Respondent?

Sr. No Income No. Of % of Respondent

1 0-5000 20 40
2 5000-10000 10 20
3 10000-15000 10 20
4 Above 15000 10 20
Total 100

No of Respondent

above 15000, 10,

0-5000, 20, 40% 5000-10000
10000-15000, 10, 10000-15000
above 15000

10, 20%

INTERPRETATION: - 40% of respondent lie between 0-5000, 20% of respondent lie
between 5000-10000 and 10% of respondent lie between 10000-15000 and 20% of
respondent lie between above 15000.

Q 5.Do you take cold Drinks?

Sr. No Cold Drinks No. Of % of respondent

1 Yes 35 70
2 No 15 30
Total 100

No. Of Respondent

No, 15, 30%

Yes , 35, 70%

INTERPRETATION: - 70% of respondent like cold drinks and 30% of respondent does
not like cold drinks.

Q6. Do you think advertisement of cold drink is required?

Sr. No. Do you think No. Of Respondent % of

advertisement of respondents
cold drink is
1 Yes 48 96
2 No 2 4
3 Total 50 100

no Sales



INTERPRETATION: - As shown in above table, 96% of respondent are agreed to that
advertisement of cold is required and 4% of respondent is not agreed.
Q7. In Which Media have you seen product Advertisement?

Sr. No. Media of No. Of % of respondent

Advertisement Respondent
1 Newspaper 5 10
2 Magazine 5 10
3 Online 10 20
4 T.V 30 60
Total 100

No. Of Respondent
Newspaper, 5,
Magazine, 5,
Online, 10, 20%
T.V, 30, 60% Magazine

INTERPRETATION: - 60% of respondent have seen product advertisement through

television, 20% of respondent have seen product advertisement through online, 20% of
respondent have seen product advertisement through magazines and newspapers.

Q8. How does the Advertising affect you?

Sr. No. Affect of No of respondents %of

Advertisement respondents
1 Recall 5 10
2 Positive 5 10
3 Interest 10 20
4 Desire to purchase 30 60
Total 1oo

no of respondent
recall, 5, 10% positive
impression, 5,
desire to
interest, 10,
purchase, 30, positive impression
60% interest
desire to purchase

INTERPRETATION: - 60% of respondent advertising affect on their desire, 20% of

respondent advertising affect on their interest, 10% of respondent advertising affect on their
recall and 10% of respondent advertising affect on their positive impression.

Sr. No Coca-cola No of respondent % of respondent
1 Yes 26 52
2 No 15 30
3 Sometime 9 18
Total 50 100
Q9. Do you pay attention on coca-cola advertising?

No. Of Respndent

Sometimes, 9,

Yes, 26, 52%

No, 15, 30%

INTERPRETATION: - 52% of respondent pay attention on coca-cola advertising, 30%

of respondent is not pay attention on coca-cola advertising s and 18% of respondent
sometime pay attention on coca-cola advertising.

Q10. Do you believe in products that your favourite celebrities endorsed?

Sr. No. Product No. Of %of respondent

endorsed by Respondent
1 Yes 40 80
2 No 10 20
Total 100

No. Of Respondent

No, 10, 20%

Yes , 40, 80% No

INTERPRETATION: - 80% of respondent product endorsed by the favourite

celebrities, 20% of respondent is not product endorsed by favourite celebrities.

Q11.What types of advertising are most influential over your buying

Sr. No Advertising No of respondent % of respondent

1 Television 8 16
2 Newspapers 25 50
3 Online 15 30
4 Billboard 2 4
Total 100

no of respondent
billboard, 2, 4%

tv, 8, 16%
online, 15, 30% tv
newspaper, 25, online

INTERPRETAION:- 50% of respondent are most influential over buying behaviour

through newspapers,30% of respondent are most influential over buying behaviour through
online and 16% trough he television and 4% through the billboard.

Q12.Do you use branded products because they are most available in

Sr. No Products No of respondent % of respondent

1 Yes 15 30
2 No 10 20
3 Mostly 25 50
Total 100

no of respondent

yes, 15, 30%

mostly, 25, 50%
no, 10, 20% mostly

INTERPRETATION: - 50% of respondent are mostly use the branded products, 30%
of respondent used the branded products and 20% are not use the branded products.

Q13.Do you like coco-cola advertisement?

Sr. NO Like advertisement No of % of respondent

1 Yes 35 70
2 No 15 30
Total 100


no, 15, 30%

yes, 35, 70%

INTERPRETATION:- 70% of respondents likes the coco-cola advertisement and 30%

don’t like.

Q14.Which is the most preferable brand of coca-cola?

Sr. No Preferable brand No of respondent % of respondent

1 Limca 15 30
2 Fanta 5 10
3 Coca cola 25 50
4 Sprite 3 6
5 Thums-up 2 4
Total 100

no of respondent
thums-up, 2, 4%
sprit, 3, 6%

limca, 15, 30% fanta
coca cola
coca cola, 25, 50%
fanta, 5, thums-up

INTERPRETATION: - 50% of respondent prefer coca cola, 30% of respondent prefer

limca, 6% of respondent prefer sprite, 10% of respondent prefer fanta and2% of respondent
prefer thums-up.

Q15.For how long have you been using the coca-cola brand?

Sr. NO Coca-cola No of % of respondent

1 Less than a year 2 4
2 One year 5 10
3 Two year 8 16
4 More than five 35 70
Total 100

no of respondent
less than a
year, 2, 4%
one year, 5,
10% two year, 8,
less than a year

more than five one year

year, 35, 70% two year
more than five year

INTERPRETATION: - 70% of respondent using the coca-cola brand more than five
years, 16% of respondent using the coca-cola brand two years, 10% of respondent using the
coca-cola brand one year and 4% of respondent using the coca-cola brand less than a year.

Q16.Are you satisfied with coca-cola distributor?

Sr. No Distributor No of respondent % of respondent

1 Yes 30 60
2 No 20 40
Total 100

no of respondent

no, 20, 40%

yes, 30, 60% yes


INTERPRETATION: - 60% of respondent are satisfied with coca-cola distributor, 40%

of respondent are not satisfied with coca-cola distributor.

Q17. How do you to know about this brand?

Sr. No Brand through No of respondent % of respondent

1 Ads 30 60
2 Television 15 30
3 Publicity 5 10
Total 100

no of respondent

y, 5,

television, 15, 30% television
ads, 30, 60% publicity

INTERPRETATION: - 60% of respondent come to know the brand through adds, 15%
of respondent come to know the brand through television and 10% of respondent come to
know the brand through publicity

QUE18. How much time spend on watching add per day?

SR NO Time spend watching No of respondent % of respondent
add per day
1 0-5 mint 10 20
2 5-10 mint 25 50
3 10-15 mint 10 20
4 More than 15 mint 5 10
total 100

no of respondent
more than 15
mint, 5, 10%

0-5 mint, 10, 20% 0-5 mint

10-15 mint, 10, 5-10 mint
5-10 mint, 25, 50% 10-15 mint
more than 15 mint

INTERPRETATION:- Most of the respondent are agreed to spend time about 5-10 mint on
ads and 20% respondent are agree with 0-5 mint and 10-15 mint respectively.


After going through all the projects and the collected data. I found that:

 60% of the respondents said that TV is the most effective media of advertisement.

 70% of the respondents said that they like the advertisement of coca-cola.

 80% of the respondents said that they like celebrities in advertisement.

 Majority of the respondents like cold drink that is coca-cola.

 Majority of the respondents sees the advertisement of the cold drink they like most.

 60% of the respondent comes to know about the coca-cola brand.

 60% of the respondents are satisfied with coca-cola distributor.

 70% of the respondents using the coca-cola brand more than five years.

 50% of respondent are most influential over buying behaviour through newspapers.

 Majority of respondents are of the view that advertisement is very necessary for cold

 Most of the respondent are agreed to spend time about 5-10 mint on ads.


 Media should be selected according to the choice of customers.

 In rural areas media should be according to the choice of people.
 Price should be decreased so as to attract the consumers to use product more.
 To give more attention in making the advertisement to make it effective for the sale of
 To give attention on the weak media of advertisement so that the consumers comes to
know about the product.
 It should be attractive one so that people are attracted toward the advertisement.
 Advertisement should not be too expensive, because the advertisement leads and
increase the prize of the product.
 The company should focus to bring some more flavours like health drinks and other
low- calorie offerings. Coca-cola India can also introduce some fruit based drinks, as
it has already entered the energy drink arena with ‘Burn’.

Through there were certain limitations in the study that was conducted. The sample allowed
for some conclusions to be drawn on the basis of analysis that was done on the data collected.

The data has clearly indicated that COCA-COLA products are most popular mainly because
focus on good taste so that it can capture the major part of the market. The study also
indicated that the consumers are satisfied with the COCA-COLA products and purchase them
without my specific occasions.

In today scenario, customer is the king because he has got various choices around him. If you
are not capable of providing him the desired result he will definitely switch over to the other
provider. Therefore to survive in this competition, you need to be the best customer is no
more loyal in today scenario, so you need to be always on your toes.


 Consumers give very unclear picture.

 It was also difficult to get proper information from the people because they were
indulging in some other activities.



 Marketing management – kotler Philip.

 Research methodology - Kothari.



A study on advertising effectiveness on consumer of cold-drink coca-cola.


Dear sir/madam,

I would be grateful to if you could answer the following questions honestly. It will assist me in
collecting relevant data in area of research. All the information collected will be kept confidential and
strictly for research purpose.

Gaurav Sharma

Please read each questions carefully and indicate your response by selecting the most appropriate

Personal Data-



Que.1- Gender

Male ( ) female ( )

Que.2-Your hometown?

Rural ( ) Urban ( ) Semi-urban ( )

Que.3-Age-(tick in the column)

Below 20 ( ) 20 to 25 years ( ) 25 to 30 Years ( ) More than 30 years ( )

Que.4-Income- (tick in the column)

0 to 10000 ( ) 10000 to 20000 ( ) 20000 to 30000 ( ) Above 30000 ( )

Others questions (tick in he column)

Que.5-Do you take cold drinks?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Que.6 Do you think advertisement of cold drink is required?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Que.7-In which media have you seen the products /service advertisements?

1. Billboard ( ) 2.Newspapers ( ) 3.Magazines ( ) 4.Online ( ) 5. Television ( )

Que.8-How does the advertising affect you?

1. Recall ( ) 2.Positive impression ( ) 3.Interest ( ) 4.Desire to purchase/explore ( )

Que.9-Do you pay attention on coca-cola advertising?

1. Yes ( ) 2.No ( ) 3.Sometime ( )

Que.10-Do you believe in products that are endorsed by your favourite celebrities?

1. Yes ( ) 2.No ( )11-What types of advertising are most influential over your buying

1. Television ( ) 2.Newspapers ( ) 3.Online ( ) 4.Billboard ( )

Que.12 Do you use branded products because they are most available in the market?

Yes ( ) No ( ) Mostly ( )

Que. 13 Do you like coco cola advertisement?

Yes ( ) No ( )

Que-14-Which is the most preferable brand of coca-cola?

1. Limca ( ) 2.Fanta ( ) 3.Maaza ( ) 4.Sprite ( ) 5.Thums-up ( )

Que.15-For how long have you been using the coca-cola brand?

1. Less than a year ( ) 2.One year ( ) 3.Two year ( ) 4.More than five years ( )

Que16- Are you satisfied with coca-cola distributor?

1. Yes ( ) 2.No ( )

Que 17 How do you know about the brand ?

Ads ( ) Television ( ) publicity ( )

Que18 How much time you spend on watching ads per day?

0-5 ( ) 5-10( ) 10-15( ) more than 15( )


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