Internship Report 2

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Submitted to Completing the

Requirements for Internship II

By :








Internship II report relating to “Observation Against Culture and School

Management”, “Observation Against Learners”, “Observation of learningProcess”, and
“Observation on Teacher Competence in Teaching “SMA 1 MEDAN”, has been approved on

Day : Wednesday

Date : May 22nd, 2019

Approved by:

Internship Teacher College Student

Yusriza, S.Pd Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga

NIP: 196610221990012001 NIM: 4173131021

Headmaster Internship Lecture


Drs. Suhairi, M.Pd Dr. Iis Siti Jahro,M.Si

NIP: 196103051984031006 NIP: 196510151992032003


Praise and thanksgiving we say to our God for His has blessing until this moment who
has given me health. So that I can complete this internship report. The preparation of this
report is delivered in a simple form and the context of the language is not so broad. This
apprenticeship 2 process is related to learning implementation plans, teaching media, student
worksheets, and assessment. The internship process is carried out at the SMA NEGERI 1
MEDAN. This report aims to generate work skills and get to know the world of work earlier
which is included in the KKNI Medan State University curriculum and aims to develop
learning devices.

Not forgetting, I thank the apprentice lecturer, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Sc who has helped
me a lot in the process of carrying out this report in the form of advice and direction. And
also, friends who have motivated me in carrying out this report. So that I can complete this
internship report on time.

In preparing this report, I am aware that this report still has many shortcomings. So, I
expect some of the questions and suggestions needed regarding the internship report that I am
working on. Hopefully this report can simplify and help prospective teachers to recognize and
understand the world of work so that prospective teachers can improve their quality as well as
possible the development of science and technology.

Medan, May 22nd 2019


(Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga)


Title page ...........................................................................................................................2

Foreword ............................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER I Preliminary
A. Background ............................................................................................................7
B. Purpose of Internship .............................................................................................7
CHAPTER II General Information on Internship Schools
A. Vision, Mission and School Objectives .................................................................8
B. School organization ...............................................................................................8
C. Human Resources in Schools
a. Teachers ...........................................................................................................9
b. Students ............................................................................................................9
c. Educational staff ...............................................................................................9
D. Facilities and infrastructure ....................................................................................9
E. School Achievement and Supporting Activities ...................................................10
CHAPTER III Results of School Internships and Supporting Activities
A. Analysis of the syllabus in the field of study ........................................................11
B. Review the Learning Devices used by the Teacher ..............................................12
C. Review the Assessment System ...........................................................................12
D. RPP development .................................................................................................15
E. Development of Teaching Materials ....................................................................17
F. Learning Media Development ..............................................................................69
G. Development of Student Worksheets ...................................................................71
H. Development of Assessment Tools ......................................................................74
I. Reflection ..............................................................................................................82
A. Conclusion ............................................................................................................83
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................................83
A. Observation Sheet ................................................................................................84
B. Organizational structure .....................................................................................122
C. List of names of teachers and education staff .....................................................125
D. Photos of relevant activities ................................................................................126
E. Study Program Internship Permit .......................................................................129
F. Curriculum Vitae of Internship Students ............................................................131

A. Background
Since the enactment of the new curriculum based on the IQF, for Education Department
students there will be 3 times internships to schools, namely semester II, IV and VI. Whereas
the Non Educatining Study Program will conduct internships to work institutions according to
the field of science 2 times, namely in semester III and VI. In the KKNI-based curriculum,
internships are carried out to bring students closer and practice to the market for their work
after graduation. The first internship to be conducted by students is still in the form of
observation. Look for problems and obstacles experienced in school in the teaching process.
Then followed by lecturers in the class in the form of active discussions.
This program has a big role in forming prospective teachers to become a superior and
quality educator with 4 competitor educators namely professional, pedagogic, personality and
social. This program requires prospective teachers to report on every activity and condition of
the school where the internship is held. Every student / school is looking for a school that
accepts students to observe the school with a decision and permission from the university, and
do some development in the report to be completed at the end of the internship meeting.
SMAN 1 Medan (SMAN), is one of the State High Schools in North Sumatra Province,
Indonesia. Same with high school in general in Indonesia during school education at SMAN 1
Medan taken within three years, ranging from Class X to Class XII. At present the SMAN 1
Medan is an International Standard School Pilot Course.

B. Purposes
1. To form prospective teachers who are ready for metal, physical, teaching skills and
superior quality as educators in the world of work.
2. To familiarize prospective teachers with all school routines that are needed in every
3. To add insight and experience of prospective teachers in the world of education.

A. School Vision, Mission and Goals

1. School Vision
Faithful, requesting and superior in academic academic achievement and environment.
2. School Mission
Implementing active, creative learning and fun to relax students to achieve in science
and technology sports and arts based on imtaq who are ready to compete in the era of
globalization and care for the environment
3. School Goals
1. Every student obtains maximum education and teaching services in accordance with
the applicable curriculum and at the same time improves education.
2. Implementation of the KTSP curriculum in all classes well.
3. Implementation of teaching and learning activities well, to improve the quality of
student graduates.
4. Implementation of guidance activities and students' mental spiritual development
5. Implementation of extra-curricular activities as self-development of students who
support curriculum activities.
6. Implementation of training activities for students, so that they love school, the
environment and the homeland.
7. Strengthening school resilience.
8. Guided education and education staff towards the perfection of tasks and acting in
and out of school.
9. Build all personnel by supervising teachers and school staff in carrying out their
respective duties.
10. Improve the teaching profession through upgrading, subject teacher group meetings
and routine meetings

B. School Organization
2. Scout
3. Palang Merah Remaja
5. Sanggar Seni Smansa
6. Olahraga Prestasi (OP)
7. PA Bukit Sion
8. Sola Gratia
9. English Club
10. Bakmis / Phbi (Ibn Sina Smansa's Prosperity Body)
11. Smansa Rawit Teater
12. Drum Band
13. Science Olympics
14. Robotics

C. Human Resources in Schools

a. Teachers
There are 80 teachers teaching at SMA NEGERI 1 MEDAN
b. Students
Consisting of 1377 students
c. Educational staff
There are 16 education personnel in SMA NEGERI 1 MEDAN

D. Facilities and infrastructure

In supporting the process of learning and teaching well, supporting facilities include:
1. Headmaster's Room
2. Teacher's Room
3. Administration Room
4. Study Room 40 pieces
5. Laboratory 6 pieces
6. Library
7. Counseling Guidance Room (BK)
8. Cooperative Room
9. Ceremony Field
10. Sports Field
11. Library
12. The school canteens
13. Toilet School
14. Garbage Disposal
15. Office Space
16. Space principals and vice
17. Chairs and Tables
18. Infocus

E. School Achievement and Supporting Activities

Some of the results of the championship which is owned SMA Negeri 1 Medan is as
shown below:

A. Analysis of the syllabus in the field of study

Syllabus is a learning plan for a particular group of subjects / themes that includes
competency standards, basic competencies, subject matter / learning, learning activities,
indicators, assessment, time allocation, and sources / materials / learning tools. The syllabus
used by SMA NEGERI 1 MEDAN is well-developed but not detailed. The contents and the
cup are still not in accordance with the provisions.
Syllabus contains the main components that can answer the following questions:
a. Competencies that will be instilled in students through a learning activity
b. Activities that must be carried out to instill / shape these competencies
c. Efforts must be made to find out that these competencies are already possessed by
d. The syllabus is useful as a guiding source for developing further learning, starting from
making learning plans, managing learning activities, and developing assessment

The principle of developing the syllabus that is applied among them is:

1. Scientific. The entire material and activities that become the content in the syllabus
must be correct and can be accounted for scientifically.
2. Relevant. Coverage, depth, level of difficulty and order of presentation of material in
the syllabus according to the level of physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and
spiritual development of students.
3. Systematic. The syllabus components are related functionally in achieving competence.
4. Consistent. There is a consistent relationship between basic competencies, indicators,
subject matter, learning experience, learning resources, and assessment systems.
5. Adequate. The scope of indicators, subject matter, learning experience, learning
resources, and assessment system is sufficient to support the achievement of basic
6. Actual and contextual. The scope of indicators, subject matter, learning experience,
learning resources, and assessment systems pay attention to the development of the
latest science, technology, and art in real life, and events that occur.
7. Flexible. The entire syllabus component can accommodate the diversity of students,
educators, and the dynamics of changes that occur in schools and the demands of the
8. Comprehensive The syllabus component covers the entire domain of competence
(cognitive, affective, psychomotor).

The right unit of syllabus time is as follows:

1. Implementation of per semester learning using fragments of syllabus in accordance with
Competency Standards and Basic Competencies for subjects with the time allocation
available on the curriculum structure.
2. Subject syllabus is prepared based on all time allocations provided for subjects during
the administration of education at the education unit level.
3. Preparation of the syllabus takes into account the time allocation provided per semester,
per year, and time allocation for other subjects in a group.

B. Review the Learning Devices used by the Teacher

1. Description of the results of the curriculum review
The curriculum is one element that can make a significant contribution to realize the
development process of the potential quality of students to achieve educational goals. In
MEDAN 1 STATE HIGH SCHOOL, MEDAN has used 2013 Curriculum. This curriculum is
a substitute for KTSP curriculum. 2013 curriculum has three aspects of assessment, namely
aspects of knowledge, aspects of skills, and aspects of attitude and behavior.
According to some education experts, curriculum changes from time to time, both in
Indonesia and in other countries, are caused by the needs of the community which are
constantly evolving every year and the demands of the times are always changing without
being prevented. Curriculum development is expected to be a determinant of the future of the
nation's children, therefore, a good curriculum will be expected to be implemented in
Indonesia so that it will produce a bright future for the nation which has implications for the
progress of the nation and state.
The latest curriculum is the 2013 curriculum which began in the 2013-2014 school year
at schools appointed by the government and schools that are ready to implement it. Even
though it is still premature, there are some things that are felt by many people, especially
those who are directly faced with the curriculum itself. There are several important things
about the change or improvement of the curriculum, namely the advantages and
disadvantages found here and there.

Here are the differences in the 2013 curriculum and the previous curriculum, namely KTSP:
1. SKL (Graduation Competency Standard) SI (Standard of Content) is determined in
is determined in advance after it has only advance, then SKL is determined
been determined SI (Content Standard) (Graduation Competency Standards)
2. Graduates' competencies include aspects More emphasis on the knowledge aspect
of soft skills and hard skills which
include aspects of competence in
attitudes, skills and knowledge
3. At the Integrated Thematic Elementary At the Integrated Thematic Elementary
School level for class I-VI School level for class I-III
4. The number of lesson hours per week is Less number of subjects and more subjects
more and the number of subjects is less than the 2013 curriculum
than the KTSP
5. The learning process of each theme is The standard process in learning consists
carried out with scientific guidance, of Exploration, Elaboration and
namely the standard process in learning Confirmation
consists of observing, asking, processing,
presenting, deducing and creating
6. ICTs are not as subjects, but as learning ICT as a subject
7. The assessment standard uses authentic Assessment is more dominant in the
assessment, which measures all attitudes, knowledge aspect
skills, and knowledge competencies
based on processes and results
8. Scouts become compulsory Scouts are not compulsory extracurricular
9. Majors start class X for high school / MA Majors start class XI
10. BK emphasizes developing students' BK is more about solving student
potential problems
2. Review RPP Components and Systematics
The RPP contains at least: (i) learning objectives, (ii) learning material, (iii) learning
methods, (iv) learning resources, and (v) assessment. In Permendikbud Number 81A Year
2013 these components are operationally realized in the form of the following format.
Lesson plan
School :
Subjects :
Class / Semester:
Subject matter :
Time Allocation :
A. Core Competence (KI)
B. Basic Competencies and Indicators
1. _____________ (KD on KI-1)
2. _____________ (KD on KI-2)
3. _____________ (KD on KI-3)
Indicator: __________________
4. _____________ (KD on KI-4)
Indicator: __________________

Note: KD-1 and KD-2 from KI-1 and KI-2 do not have to be developed in indicators because both
are achieved through an indirect learning process. The indicators were developed only for KD-3
and KD-4 which were achieved through the direct learning process.

C. Learning Objectives

3. Study Teaching Materials

Teacher didnt’t show author the teaching materials.

4. Study Learning Media

Teacher didnt’t show author the study learning media
C. Study Learning Strategies
The description of the study of the learning strategies used by the teacher is:
Learning strategies used by teachers in schools based on learning methods or techniques
in lesson plans. The learning method used by chemistry study teachers in teaching materials
from redox and electrochemical reactions is inquiry learning.

D. Review the Assessment System

1. Principle of judgment
Assessment of learning outcomes students pay attention to the principles of assessment
as follows:
 Objective, means that the assessment is based on clear procedures and criteria, not
influenced by the subjectivity of the assessor.
 Fair, means that the assessment is not profitable or detrimental to students because of
special needs and differences in religious background, ethnicity, culture, customs,
socio-economic status, and gender.
 Integrated, means that assessment is an integral component of learning activities.
 Comprehensive and continuous, meaning that the assessment covers all aspects of
competence using various appropriate assessment techniques, to monitor the
development of students' abilities.
 Systematic, means that the assessment is carried out in a planned and gradual manner
by following the standard steps.
 Accountable, means that the assessment can be accounted for, both in terms of
techniques, procedures, and results.

2. Assessment by Educators
Assessment of learning outcomes by educators is the process of gathering information /
data about learning outcomes of students in aspects of attitude, aspects of knowledge, and
aspects of skills carried out in a planned and systematic manner, to monitor the process,
learning progress, and improvement of learning outcomes through assignments and evaluation
of learning outcomes. Assessment of learning outcomes by educators in high school serves to
monitor the progress of learning, monitor learning outcomes, and detect the need to improve
student learning outcomes on an ongoing basis.
Assessment of learning outcomes by educators is carried out to fulfill formative and
summative functions in the assessment, and aims to:
1. Knowing the level of mastery of competence.
2. Establish mastery of competency mastery.
3. Establish an improvement / enrichment program based on the level of mastery of
4. Improve the learning process

 Attitude Assessment Techniques

 Knowledge Assessment Technique

E. RPP development

School : Senior High School

Program : Science

Subject matter : Chemistry

Grade/Semester : XII / Odd semester

Topic : Equalization of Redox Reaction and Electrochemical Cells

Meeting :4

Time Allocation : 4 weeks x 4 lesson time @45 minutes

A. Core competences (CC)

CC 1 : Live and practice the teachings of the religion he adheres to.

CC 2 : Living and practicing honest behavior, discipline, responsibility,caring

(mutual cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), courtesy, responsiveness
and proactive and showing attitude as part of the solution to various problems
in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment and in
positioning ourselves as a reflection of the nation in world association.

CC 3 : Understand, implement, analysis and evaluate the factual knowledge,

conceptual, procedural and metacognitive based on curiosity about knowledge,
technology, art, culture and humanity insight, nationality, statehood and
civilization related the cause of phenomenon and incident as well as implement
the procedural knowledge in the field of study that specific agree with talent
and interest in solving problem.
CC 4 : Process, think, serve and create the development of its study at school in
concreate and abstract domain independently and act effectively as well as
creative where can using a method according the scientific norm.
B. Basic Competencies and Indicators of Achieving Competence
Basic Competency Indicator

3.3 Balancing the redox reaction 3.3.1 Identify objects that use batteries as an
energy source.
3.3.2 Explain how to equalize chemical
equations of redox reactions.
3.3.3. Balancing the chemical equation of the
redox reaction using the half-reaction
method and the oxidation number
change method.
3.3.4. Designing an experiment of plating
metal objects with layer thickness and
specific area and also reporting the

4.3 Determine the order of oxidizing or 4.3.1 Conduct experiments on plating metal
reducing forces based on objects with layer thickness and certain
experimental data areas and also report the results.
4.3.2 Use Faraday's law to determine the
relationship between the electric charge
used and the number of reaction results.
3.4 Analyze the processes that occur in 3.4.1 Explain Volta cell notation and
Volta cells and explain their uses spontaneous reaction.
3.4.2 Explain how to calculate Volta cell
3.4.3 Design and conduct Volta cell
experiments using materials around,
such as gelatin as a salt bridge and
present the results.
3.4.4 Discuss the application of Volta cells in
4.4 Design Volta cells using materials 4.4.1 Design Volta cells using materials
around them around them
4.4.2 Presents Volta cell designs using
materials around
3.5 Analyze the factors that influence 3.5.1 Describe the corrosion process involving
the occurrence of corrosion and how redox reactions and the factors that
to overcome it cause corrosion.
3.5.2 Explain efforts to prevent and overcome

4.5 Propose ideas to prevent and 4.5.1 Propose ideas to prevent and overcome
overcome corrosion corrosion

3.6 Apply the stoichiometry of the 3.6.1 Explain the concept of Electrolysis Cells
redox reaction and Faraday's law to and Faraday's Law
calculate the quantities related to 3.6.2 Use Faraday's law to determine the
electrolysis cells relationship between the electric charge
used and the number of reaction results.
4.6 Presents a design procedure for 4.6.1 Make a design procedure for gilding
plating objects of a certain thickness objects of metal with a certain layer
and area of metal thickness and area
4.6.2 Presents a design procedure for plating
objects of a certain thickness and area of

C. Learning objectives
After following the learning process, students are expected to be able to:

1. Identify objects that use batteries as an energy source.

2. Explain how to equalize chemical equations of redox reactions.
3. Balancing the chemical equation of the redox reaction using the half-reaction method
and the oxidation number change method.
4. Design an experiment of plating metal objects with layer thickness and a certain area
and also report the results.
5. Conduct experiments on plating metal objects with layer thickness and certain areas
and also report the results.
6. Use Faraday's law to determine the relationship between the electric charge used and
the number of reaction results.
7. Explain Volta cell notation and spontaneous reaction.
8. Explain how to calculate Volta cell potential
9. Design and conduct Volta cell experiments using materials around, such as gelatin as
a salt bridge and present the results.
10. Discuss the application of Volta cells in life.
11. Design Volta cells using materials around them
12. Presents the Volta cell design using the surrounding material
13. Describe the corrosion process involving redox reactions and the factors that cause
14. Describe efforts to prevent and overcome corrosion.
15. Propose ideas for preventing and overcoming corrosion
16. Explain the concept of Electrolysis Cells and Faraday's Law
17. Use Faraday's law to determine the relationship between the electric charge used and
the number of reaction results.
18. Make a design procedure for gilding objects of metal with a certain layer thickness
and area
19. Presents a design procedure for plating objects of a certain thickness and area of metal

D. Learning material
1. Equalization of redox reaction equations
2. Electrochemical cells and cell potential
3. Electrolysis Cells and Faraday's Law
4. Corrosion

Learning materials

1. Equalization of Redox Reactions

Redox reactions are reactions that experience two events, namely reduction and
oxidation (there is a change in the oxidation of one or more elements that react). The reaction
of autoredox is a redox reaction that only one type of element undergoes reduction and

To determine the redox reaction (oxidation reduction) does not always calculate the
oxidation value because sometimes it can be determined quickly, for example:
Determination of the redox reaction above is based on oxygen reception / release.
Fe2O3 into Fe is a reduction reaction because it releases oxygen. While CO to CO2 is an
oxidation reaction because the amount of oxygen increases.

The determinant of the redox reaction above is based on hydrogen reception / release. If the
amount of Hydrogen is reduced, it means oxidation, whereas if it increases it means

Determination of the redox reaction above is based on electron reception / release.

Consider the Cu load, initially Cu bilox (oxidation number) = +2 then changes to Cu, which
has the value = 0 so that the oxidation rate drops. The reaction is a reduction reaction because
of a decrease in oxidation number. Whereas the Mg charge changes from the beginning of the
cell = 0 to = +2 so that it can be classified as a reaction oxidation.

The redox reaction above can be separated into 1/2 reaction, namely the oxidation
reaction and reduction reaction so that the release / reception of electrons will be seen.

Oxidation : Mg Mg2+ + 2e

Reduction : Cu2+ + 2e Cu
In the reaction it appears that Mg has an initial increase in load not charged becomes
charged +2. The Mg charge increases by +2, meaning that Mg experiences 2 electron release
events. The release of electrons in the reaction is written as "e" which means "electron" which
is charged -1 and is written on the right side which means electrons apart from Mg. So that
the load on the left and right segments is balanced ... try note ... Mg on the left hand side of
the charge zero means the total load on the left side is also = 0 (zero) ....

Now the Mg on the right side of the charge is +2 and there are 2 electrons, each of
which is -1 so that the total load on the right side = (+2) + (2.-1) = 0 (zero). In Cu, the reverse
occurs, namely electron capture (e).

In Mg it is classified as an oxidation reaction because electrons are released while

Cu is classified as a reduction reaction because of electron capture.

In the total reaction / combination of oxidation reactions and reduction of electron

release / reception it will not be seen because if the number of electrons in the left hand
section is the same as in the right side. If there are the same elements in the left and right
segments, they will eliminate each other. In order to determine an element experiencing
oxidation / reduction we must be able to determine the oxidation number (bilox) of the

The element whose oxidation number increases means experiencing an oxidation reaction
while the element whose oxidation number is reduced is a reduction reaction. To determine
whether there is a rule / benchmark.

Benchmark for Determination of Oxidation Numbers (Bilox)

1. The oxygen atom in the free element = 0. Examples of oxidation of Cu, Fe, H2, O2 etc.
2. Group IA (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and Fr) is always +1
3. Group IIA (Be, Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba) is always +2
4. Bilox H in compound = +1, Example H2O, except in Metal hydride compounds
(Hydrogen which binds to groups IA or IIA) Bilox H = -1, for example: NaH, CaH2 etc.
5. Bilox O in compound = -2, Example H2O, except OF2 oxidize = + 2 and in peroxide
compounds (H2O2, Na2O2, BaO2) oxidation = -1 as well as in superoxide compounds,
eg KO2 oxidize = -1/2. to simplify without much memorization ...
If the O or H atoms are attached to IA or IIA then the metal is determined in advance
and the O and H are adjusted (the amount can change)

6. Total Bilox in uncharged compounds = 0, Example HNO3 : (Bilox H) + (Bilox N) +

(3.Boxox O) = 0 then by filling in the number H = +1 and O = -2 obtained if N = + 5
7. Total BO in ion = ion charge, Example SO4 = (Bilox S) + 4. (Bilox O) = -2 then by
filling in the number O = -2, it is obtained when S = +6

Problems example :

Equate the following reaction with the oxidation number change method

Fe2+ + MnO4- Fe3+ + Mn2+ ( acid condition )

Answer :
Step 1: Write down the basic framework of the reaction.
Fe2+ + MnO4- Fe3+ + Mn2+
Step 2: Balancing elements that experience changes in oxidation numbers by giving the
approprite coefficients.

Fe2+ + MnO4- Fe3+ + Mn2+

+2 +7 +3 +2

Step 3: Determines the amount of oxidation from the oxidizer and the amount of oxidation
number from the reducing agent.

- 
Fe2+ + MnO4 Fe3+ + Mn2+


+2 Up 1 +3

+7 +2
Down 5

Fe2+ + MnO4- Fe3+ + Mn2+
Step 4: Equates the number of changes in the oxidation number by giving the appropriate

Fe2+ + MnO4- Fe3++ Mn2+

+2 +1

(up +3

+7 +2
(down 5)(x1)
The results are as follows:

5Fe2+ + MnO4- 5Fe3+ + Mn2+

2. Volta cells

The basic principle of the voltaic cell is shown in the figure below.

Zinc metal (Zn) is dipped in a solution containing Zn2 +

ions (for example ZnSO4
solution), while copper (Cu) metal is dipped in a solution containing Cu2 +
ions (CuSO4
solution). Zinc metal will dissolve while removing two electrons.

Zn(s) Zn2+(aq) + 2e
The released electrons do not enter the solution but are left behind in the zinc metal.
The electrons will then flow to the copper metal through the conductive wire. The Cu 2 + ion
will take electrons from copper metal, then it will settle.

Cu2+(aq) + 2e Cu (s)

Thus, the circuit can produce an electron flow (electricity). However, together with the
dissolution of zinc metal, the solution in the chemistry glass A becomes positively charged.
This will inhibit the subsequent dissolution of zinc metal. Meanwhile, the solution in the
beaker B will be negatively charged as it settles the Cu2 + ion. This will prevent the deposition
of Cu2 + ions. So, the electron flow mentioned above will not be sustainable. To neutralize the
electric charge, the two beakers A and B are connected to a salt bridge, namely a salt solution
(such as NaCl or KNO3). The salt bridge complements the voltaic cell series, so that it
becomes a closed sequence. Electricity can only flow in a closed circuit.

The zinc and copper metals that become the electric poles in the electrochemical cell
series above are called electrodes. By definition, the electrode where the oxidation reaction
occurs is called anode, while the electrode where the reduction reaction occurs is called a
cathode. Because oxidation is the release of electrons, the anode is the negative pole, while
the cathode is the positive pole. In the electrochemical cell above, the anode is zinc and
cathode metal is copper.

Volta Cell Notation

The arrangement of a voltaic cell is expressed by a short symbol / notation also called
a cell diagram. For the example image above, the cell diagram is stated as follows:

Zn Zn2+ Cu2+ Cu

Anodes are usually depicted on the left, while the cathode is on the right. The notation
states that at anode Zn2+ Zn2+ oxidation occurs, whereas in the cathode the Cu2+ ion is reduced
to Cu. Two parallel lines (II) that separate the anode and cathode state the salt bridge, while
the single line expresses the interphase boundary (Zn solid, while Zn2+ is in solution; Cu2+ in
solution, while Cu is solid).
1. Standard Electrode Potential Measurement

In a galvanic cell, current is produced when electrons flow externally through the
circuit from the anode to the cathode because of a difference in potential energy between the
two electrodes in the electrochemical cell. In the Zn/Cu system, the valence electrons in zinc
have a substantially higher potential energy than the valence electrons in copper because of
shielding of the s electrons of zinc by the electrons in filled d orbitals. Hence electrons flow
spontaneously from zinc to copper(II) ions, forming zinc(II) ions and metallic copper. Just
like water flowing spontaneously downhill, which can be made to do work by forcing a
waterwheel, the flow of electrons from a higher potential energy to a lower one can also be
harnessed to perform work.

Figure 5: Potential Energy Difference in the Zn/Cu System. The potential energy of a
system consisting of metallic Zn and aqueous Cu2+ ions is greater than the potential energy of
a system consisting of metallic Cu and aqueous Zn2+ ions. Much of this potential energy
difference is because the valence electrons of metallic Zn are higher in energy than the
valence electrons of metallic Cu. Because the Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) system is higher in energy by
1.10 V than the Cu(s) + Zn2+(aq) system, energy is released when electrons are transferred
from Zn to Cu2+ to form Cu and Zn2+.

Because the potential energy of valence electrons differs greatly from one substance to
another, the voltage of a galvanic cell depends partly on the identity of the reacting
substances. If we construct a galvanic cell similar to the one in part (a) in Figure 19.3 but
instead of copper use a strip of cobalt metal and 1 M Co2+ in the cathode compartment, the
measured voltage is not 1.10 V but 0.51 V. Thus we can conclude that the difference in
potential energy between the valence electrons of cobalt and zinc is less than the difference
between the valence electrons of copper and zinc by 0.59 V.

The measured potential of a cell also depends strongly on the concentrations of the
reacting species and the temperature of the system. To develop a scale of relative potentials
that will allow us to predict the direction of an electrochemical reaction and the magnitude of
the driving force for the reaction, the potentials for oxidations and reductions of different
substances must be measured under comparable conditions. To do this, chemists use
the standard cell potential (E°cell), defined as the potential of a cell measured under standard
conditions—that is, with all species in their standard states (1 M for solutions,Concentrated
solutions of salts (about 1 M) generally do not exhibit ideal behavior, and the actual standard
state corresponds to an activity of 1 rather than a concentration of 1 M. Corrections for
nonideal behavior are important for precise quantitative work but not for the more qualitative
approach that we are taking here. 1 atm for gases, pure solids or pure liquids for other
substances) and at a fixed temperature, usually 25°C.

Standard Table of Potential Electrodes, Eo (volts)

Table 1: Standard Potentials for Selected Reduction Half-Reactions at 25°C

Half-Reaction E° (V)

Li+(aq) + e− ⇌ Li(s) –3.040

Be2+(aq) + 2e− ⇌Be(s) –1.99

Al3+(aq) + 3e− ⇌Al(s) –1.676

Zn2+(aq) + 2e− ⇌ Zn(s) –0.7618

Table 1: Standard Potentials for Selected Reduction Half-Reactions at 25°C

Half-Reaction E° (V)

Ag2S(s) + 2e− ⇌ 2Ag(s) + S2−(aq) –0.71

Fe2+(aq) + 2e− ⇌Fe(s) –0.44

Cr3+(aq) + e− ⇌Cr2+(aq) –0.424

Cd2+(aq) + 2e− ⇌ Cd(s) –0.4030

PbSO4(s) + 2e− ⇌ Pb(s) + SO42−(aq) –0.356

Ni2+(aq) + 2e− ⇌Ni(s) –0.257

2SO42−(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 2e− ⇌S2O62−(aq) + 2H2O(l) –0.25

Sn2+(aq) + 2e− ⇌ Sn(s) −0.14

2H+(aq) + 2e− ⇌ H2(g) 0.00

Sn4+(aq) + 2e− ⇌Sn2+(aq) 0.154

Cu2+(aq) + e− ⇌ Cu+(aq) 0.159

AgCl(s) + e− ⇌Ag(s) + Cl−(aq) 0.2223

Table 1: Standard Potentials for Selected Reduction Half-Reactions at 25°C

Half-Reaction E° (V)

Cu2+(aq) + 2e− ⇌⇌ Cu(s) 0.3419

O2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 4e− ⇌4OH−(aq) 0.401

H2SO3(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 4e− ⇌ S(s) + 3H2O(l) 0.45

I2(s) + 2e− ⇌ 2I−(aq) 0.5355

MnO42−(aq) + 2H2O(l) + 2e− ⇌ MnO2(s) + 4OH−(aq) 0.60

O2(g) + 2H+(aq) + 2e− ⇌ H2O2(aq) 0.695

H2SeO3(aq) + 4H+ + 4e− ⇌ Se(s) + 3H2O(l) 0.74

Fe3+(aq) + e− ⇌ Fe2+(aq) 0.771

Ag+(aq) + e− ⇌ Ag(s) 0.7996

NO3−(aq) + 3H+(aq) + 2e− ⇌ HNO2(aq) + H2O(l) 0.94

Br2(aq) + 2e− ⇌ 2Br−(aq) 1.087

MnO2(s) + 4H+(aq) + 2e− ⇌ Mn2+(aq) + 2H2O(l) 1.23

Table 1: Standard Potentials for Selected Reduction Half-Reactions at 25°C

Half-Reaction E° (V)

O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e− ⇌2H2O(l) 1.229

Cr2O72−(aq) + 14H+(aq) + 6e− ⇌ 2Cr3+(aq) + 7H2O(l) 1.36

Cl2(g) + 2e− ⇌2Cl−(aq) 1.396

Ce4+(aq)+e−⇌Ce3+(aq)(6.2.53)(6.2.53)Ce4+(aq)+e−⇌Ce3+(aq) 1.44

PbO2(s) + HSO4−(aq) + 3H+(aq) + 2e− ⇌ PbSO4(s) + 2H2O(l) 1.690

H2O2(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e− ⇌2H2O(l) 1.763

F2(g) + 2e−⇌ 2F−(aq) 2.87

2. Standard and Potential Cell Electrode Potentials
Voltaic cell potential (Eosel) is a potential difference that occurs between two
electrodes in an electrochemical cell. Cell potential can be determined based on the difference
between an electrode that has a high electrode potential (cathode) with an electrode that has a
low electrode potential (anode)

Eosel = Eocathode – Eoanode

A cathode is an electrode that has a greater Eo price (more positive), while an anode is
an electrode that has a smaller Eo (more negative).

3. Potential Standard Electrodes and Spontaneous Reactions

The potential electrode price can be used to predict whether a chemical reaction can
take place spontaneously. To determine whether or not spontaneous redox reactions can be
seen from the potential price of the reaction (Eoredoks). If Eoredoks> 0 (positive), then the
reaction can take place spontaneously, whereas if Eoredoks <0 (negative) the reaction does
not take place spontaneously, meaning that for the reaction to take place there must be
additional energy from the outside.

4. Standard Electrode Potential and Oxidation-Reduction Power

Price Electrode potential can be used to determine the oxidation power and reduction
power of a substance. If the price of a potential reduction in a substance is more positive, it
means that the substance is more easily reduced, and acts as a strong oxidizer (large oxidizing
power). Conversely, if the standard reduction potential of a substance becomes more negative,
then it means that the substance is more easily oxidized, and acts as a strong reducing agent
(large reduction power).

The oxidation and reduction power can also be determined based on the voltaic /
electrochemical series. The voltaic / electrochemical series is an arrangement of metal
elements based on electrode potential. Next is the voltaic series of several metals:

Li- K- Ba- Ca- Na- Mg- Al- Mn- Zn- Cr- Fe- Ni- Co- Sn- Pb- (H)- Cu- Hg- Ag- Au

In the Volta series, from left to right it's easier to experience a reduction reaction or
from right to left, it's easier to experience an oxidation reaction. The metals to the left of the H
atom have a negative E ° while the metals to the right of the H atom have a positive E ° price.
3. Electrolysis
Electrolysis means the decomposition of a substance due to an electric current. The
substance that decomposes can in the form of solids, liquids or solutions. The electric current
used is direct current (dc). The place where the reduction and oxidation reactions take place in
electrolytic cells is the same as in voltaic cells, namely anodes (oxidation reactions) and
cathodes (reduction reactions). The difference in electrolysis cells and voltaic cells lies in the
electrode pole. In voltaic cells, anode (-) and katode (+), whereas in cells electrolysis is the
opposite, anode (+) and katode (-). In anode cell electrolysis is connected to the positive pole
of the electrical energy source, while the cathode is associated with the negative pole.
Therefore in the electrolysis cell in the anode there will be an oxidation reaction and in the
code a reduction reaction will occur.

Image. Electrolysis cells

When the two carbon electrodes are connected to a direct source of electrical energy,
in the electrolysis cell a redox reaction occurs, which is the decomposition of water into H2
gas and O2 gas. The redox reaction that occurs in electrolysis cells is

Anode (+): 2H2O(l) ⎯⎯→ O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e (oxidation O2–)

Cathode (–): 4H2O(l) + 4e →2H2(g) + 4OH–(aq)(reduction H+)

Reaksi : 2H2O(l) ⎯⎯→ 2H2(g) + O2(g)

Solution electrolysis is different from electrolysis of water. Electrolysis of solutions,

for example NaI solution, there are Na + and I-ion ions. Both of these ions compete with
water molecules to be electrolyzed. also in the anode, there is a competition between H2O
molecules and I ions - (both potentially oxidized). Which species will win? These questions
can be answered based on the potential value of the standard electrode.

Half the reduction reaction in cathode:

Na+(aq) + e→ Na(s)E° = –2,71 V

2H2O(l) + 2e → H2(g) + 2OH–(aq) E° = –0,83 V

Based on its potential value, H2O has more potential to be reduced than Na + cause ions has a
greater value of E °. This estimate matches the observation, H2 gas released in the cathode.
Half the oxidation reaction in the anode:

2I–(aq) → I2(g) + 2eE° = –0,54 V

2H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e E° = –1,23 V

Based on the potential value, ion I-won the competition because the value of E is
more large compared to H2O molecules. Reactions that occur in electrolytic cells:

Katode: 2H2O(l) + 2e⎯⎯→ H2(g) + 2OH–(aq)

Anode: 2I–(aq) ⎯⎯→ I2(g) + 2e

Reaksi: 2H2O(l) + 2I–(aq) ⎯⎯→ H2(g) + I2(g) + 2OH–(aq)

4. Corrosion
Corrosion is the oxidation of a metal. In everyday life, oxidized iron is called rust with
the formula Fe2O3.xH2O. The combustion process includes an electrochemical process, in
which oxidized Fe metal acts as an anode and the oxygen dissolved in the water on the iron
surface acts as a cathode. Steel reaction:

Anode : Fe →Fe2+ + 2 e

Cathode : O2 + 2 H2O + 4 e → 4 OH–

The resulting Fe2 + is gradually oxidised to form Fe3 +. Whereas OH - will join with
electrolytes that are present in nature or with H ions from dissolved acid oxides (SO2, NO2)
from the results of changes with rainwater. From the results of the reaction above, rust will be
produced with the formula for the compound Fe2O3.xH2O. This rust is a catalyst for the next
process called the autocatalyst.

The main cause of corrosion of iron is oxygen and water. The process of corrosion in
iron can be seen in the picture.

Therefore to prevent corrosion must be avoided contact between metals with the
precipitating factors above, by painting, coating with vaseline / oil or metal which is more
corrosion resistant or cathodic protection.

E. Learning Methods
Learning Model : Inquiry

Approach : Scientific

Methods : Demonstration, discussion, assignment, and training

Strategy : Collaborative & Cooperative

F. Learning Media

• Worksheets or worksheets (students)

• The assessment sheet

• LCD Projector
Tools / Materials:

• Ruler, markers, blackboard

• Laptop & infocus

G. Learning Resources
 Video / animation and power point
 Internet
 Chemistry Books for Class XII Students, Ministry of Education and Culture, 2016
 Relevant reference books,
 Local environment
 Purba, Michael. (2006). Kimia Untuk SMA Kelas XII. Jakarta: Erlangga.
 Sukardjo. (2007). Sains Kimia Kelas XII SMA/MA 3. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
 Sunarya, Yayan. (2007). Kimia Umum Berdasarkan Prinsip-prinsip Kimia Modern.
Bandung: Alkemi Grafisindo Press.
 Chang, R., and Overby, J., 2008. General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, 6th
Ed. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. New York

H. Learning Activities
Method : Discussion of information

Approach :Concept

1. Meeting 1 (4 x 45 Menit)

Preliminary Activities (15 Minutes)

Teacher :


● Opening with the opening greetings, thanking God and praying to begin learning

● Check the attendance of students as a discipline

● Prepare physical and psychological learners in initiating learning activities.


● Linking material / themes / learning activities that will be carried out with the
experience of students with previous material / themes / activities

● Recall the prerequisite material by asking.

● Asking questions that are related to the lesson that will be done.


● Provide an overview of the benefits of learning the lessons to be learned in

everyday life.

● If the material / project works well and is really well mastered, students are
expected to explain the material:

Oxidation Number Change Method

● Deliver the learning objectives at the meeting that takes place

● Asking question

Giving Reference

● Inform the subject matter that will be discussed at the meeting at that time.

● Notify about core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and KKM at the
ongoing meeting

● Distribution of study groups

● Explain the mechanism for implementing learning experiences according to the

learning steps.

Core Activities (150 Minutes)

The Syntax of Learning Models



Students are given motivation or stimulation to focus on the topic
of material Methods for Change in Oxidation Numbers by:
→ Viewing (without or with Tools)

Display relevant images / photos / videos.

→ Observe

● Material worksheet The Oxidation Number Change


● Providing material examples of Oxidation Number

Change Methods for students to develop, from
interactive media, etc.

→ Read.

This literacy activity is carried out at home and at

school by reading material from textbooks or other
supporting books, from the internet / material related
to the Oxidation Number Change Method

→ Write

Write resumes from observations and readings related

to the Oxidation Number Change Method

→ Hear

Giving material for the Oxidation Number Change

Method by the teacher.

→ Listening

An introduction to the outline / global activities on

subject matter about the material:

Oxidation Number Change Method

to train gratitude, sincerity and discipline,

thoroughness, seek information.


(question /
problem Teachers provide opportunities for students to identify as many
identification) questions as possible related to the images presented and will be
answered through learning activities, for example:

→ Asking questions about material:

Reaction to Anodes (Oxidation)

which is not understood from what is observed or questions to get

additional information about what is observed (starting from
factual questions to hypothetical questions) to develop creativity,
curiosity, the ability to form questions to form critical thoughts
that need to live smart and lifelong learning.
Students gather relevant information to answer questions that
have been identified through activities:


Students gather relevant information to answer

questions that have been identified through activities:

→ Observing objects / events

Observe carefully the material of the reaction to the

Anode (Oxidation) that is being studied in the form of
pictures / videos / slide presentations presented and try
to interpret it.

→ Read sources other than textbooks

Discipline literacy activities by looking for and

reading various references from various sources in
order to increase knowledge and understanding of the
material Reactions to Anodes (Oxidation) that are
being studied.

→ Activity

Arrange a list of questions on things that cannot be

understood from the activities of mengmati and
reading that will be submitted to the teacher relating to
the material Reaction to the Anode (Oxidation) that is
being studied.


Students are formed in several groups to:


Students are formed in several groups to:

→ Discuss

Learners and teachers together discuss examples in

textbooks about material Reactions to Anodes
→ Gather information

Record all information about the Reaction to Anode

(Oxidation) material that has been obtained in the
notebook in neat writing and use good and correct

→ Presenting again

Learners communicate orally or present material with

self-confidence Reactions to Anodes (Oxidation) in
accordance with their understanding.

by being actively responded by students from other groups so that

a new knowledge can be obtained which can be used as material
for group discussion later, using scientific methods found in the
student handbook or on worksheets carefully prepared to develop
meticulous, honest, polite attitude , respecting the opinions of
others, the ability to communicate, applying the ability to gather
information through various ways learned, developing learning
habits and lifelong learning.



Students in their groups discuss processing observational data by:

→ Students in their groups discuss processing

observational data by:
Discuss data from the material:

Reaction to Anodes (Oxidation)

→ Processing information from the Reaction to Anode

(Oxidation) material that has been collected from the
results of previous activities / meetings as well as the
results of observing activities and ongoing information
gathering activities with the help of questions on the
→ Learners work on a number of questions regarding the
material for reactions to anodes (oxidation)

Students discuss the results of their observations and verify the

results of their observations with data or theory in the source
book through activities:
→ Increase the breadth and depth to the processing of
information that is looking for solutions from various
sources that have different opinions to the contrary to
develop honest, thorough, disciplined, obedient rules,
hard work, the ability to apply procedures and the
ability to think inductively and deductively in proving
about material:
Reaction to Anodes (Oxidation)

among others by: Students and teachers together discuss the

answers to the questions that have been done by students.
Generalization COMMUNICATION

Students discuss to conclude

→ Delivering the results of the discussion about the

material for the Reaction to Anodes (Oxidation) in the
form of conclusions based on the results of an oral,
written, or other media analysis to develop honest,
thorough, tolerant, ability to think systematically,
express opinions politely.
→ Presenting the results of classical group discussions
about material:
Reaction to Anodes (Oxidation)

→ Express opinions on presentations made on the

material for Reaction to Anodes (Oxidation) and
responded to by the group that presented

→ Asking for a presentation about the Reaction to Anode

(Oxidation) material carried out and other students
given the opportunity to answer it.


→ Conclude about the important points that appear in the

new learning activities in the form of:
Reports of written observations about material:

Oxidation Number Change Method

→ Answering questions about the material for the

Oxidation Change Method found in the student
handbook or worksheets provided.
→ Ask about things that have not been understood, or the
teacher throws a few questions to students regarding
the material for the Oxidation Number Change
Method that will be completed

→ Completing the competency test for the Oxidation

Number Change Method material contained in the
student handbook or on the work sheet that has been
provided individually to check students' mastery of the
subject matter.

Note: During learning Reactions to Anodes (Oxidation) take place, the teacher
observes the attitude of students in learning which includes attitudes:
nationalism, discipline, self-confidence, behaving honestly, resilient in facing
problems of responsibility, curiosity, environmental care

Closing Activity (15 Minutes)

Learners :

● Creating a resume (CREATIVITY) with the guidance of the teacher about

important points that appear in learning activities about the material of the
Reaction to the Anode (Oxidation) that has just been done.
● Schedule homework for the newly completed Anode (Oxidation) Reaction lesson
● Schedule material / assignments for projects / products / portfolios / performance
that must be learned at the next meeting outside school hours or at home.
Teacher :

● Checking the work of students who have finished checking directly for subject
matter Reaction on Anodes (Oxidation)

● Students who have finished working on project / product / portfolio / performance

tasks are correctly given initials and are numbered sequentially, for assignment

● Give awards for the Anode (Oxidation) Reaction subject matter to groups that
have good performance and cooperation.
2. Meeting 2 (4 x 45 Menit)

Preliminary Activities (15 Minutes)

Teacher :


● Opening with the opening greetings, thanking God and praying to begin learning

● Check the attendance of students as a discipline

● Prepare physical and psychological learners in initiating learning activities.


● Linking material / themes / learning activities that will be carried out with the
experience of students with previous material / themes / activities

● Recall the prerequisite material by asking.

● Asking questions that are related to the lesson that will be done.


● Provide an overview of the benefits of learning the lessons to be learned in

everyday life.

● If the material / project works well and is really well mastered, students are
expected to explain the material:

Equalization of redox reaction equations

● Deliver the learning objectives at the meeting that takes place

● Asking question

Giving Reference

● Inform the subject matter that will be discussed at the meeting at that time.

● Notify about core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and KKM at the
ongoing meeting

● Distribution of study groups

● Explain the mechanism for implementing learning experiences according to the

learning steps.
Core Activities (150 Minutes)

The Syntax of Learning Models



Students are given motivation or stimulation to focus on the topic
of material Methods for Equalization of redox reaction equations
→ Viewing (without or with Tools)

Display relevant images / photos / videos.

→ Observe

● Material worksheet Equalization of redox reaction


● Providing material examples of Equalization of redox

reaction equations for students to develop, from
interactive media, etc.

→ Read.

This literacy activity is carried out at home and at

school by reading material from textbooks or other
supporting books, from the internet / material related
to the Equalization of redox reaction equations

→ Write

Write resumes from observations and readings related

to the Equalization of redox reaction equations

→ Hear

Giving material for the Equalization of redox reaction

equations by the teacher.

→ Listening

An introduction to the outline / global activities on

subject matter about the material:

Equalization of redox reaction equations

to train gratitude, sincerity and discipline,

thoroughness, seek information.
(question /
problem Teachers provide opportunities for students to identify as many
identification) questions as possible related to the images presented and will be
answered through learning activities, for example:

→ Asking questions about material:

Equalization of redox reaction equations

which is not understood from what is observed or questions to get

additional information about what is observed (starting from
factual questions to hypothetical questions) to develop creativity,
curiosity, the ability to form questions to form critical thoughts
that need to live smart and lifelong learning.
Students gather relevant information to answer questions that
have been identified through activities:


Students gather relevant information to answer

questions that have been identified through activities:

→ Observing objects / events

Observe carefully the material of Equalization of

redox reaction equations that is being studied in the
form of pictures / videos / slide presentations
presented and try to interpret it.

→ Read sources other than textbooks

Discipline literacy activities by looking for and

reading various references from various sources in
order to increase knowledge and understanding of the
material Equalization of redox reaction equations that
are being studied.

→ Activity

Arrange a list of questions on things that cannot be

understood from the activities of looking and reading
that will be submitted to the teacher relating to the
material Equalization of redox reaction equations that
is being studied.

Students are formed in several groups to:


Students are formed in several groups to:

→ Discuss

Learners and teachers together discuss examples in

textbooks about material Equalization of redox
reaction equations

→ Gather information

Record all information about the Equalization of redox

reaction equations material that has been obtained in
the notebook in neat writing and use good and correct

→ Presenting again

Learners communicate orally or present material with

self-confidence Equalization of redox reaction
equations in accordance with their understanding.

by being actively responded by students from other groups so that

a new knowledge can be obtained which can be used as material
for group discussion later, using scientific methods found in the
student handbook or on worksheets carefully prepared to develop
meticulous, honest, polite attitude , respecting the opinions of
others, the ability to communicate, applying the ability to gather
information through various ways learned, developing learning
habits and lifelong learning.



Students in their groups discuss processing observational data by:

→ Students in their groups discuss processing

observational data by:
Discuss data from the material:

Equalization of redox reaction equations

→ Processing information from the Equalization of
redox reaction equations material that has been
collected from the results of previous activities /
meetings as well as the results of observing activities
and ongoing information gathering activities with the
help of questions on the worksheet.
→ Learners work on a number of questions regarding the
material for Equalization of redox reaction equations

Students discuss the results of their observations and verify the

results of their observations with data or theory in the source
book through activities:

→ Increase the breadth and depth to the processing of

information that is looking for solutions from various
sources that have different opinions to the contrary to
develop honest, thorough, disciplined, obedient rules,
hard work, the ability to apply procedures and the
ability to think inductively and deductively in proving
about material:
Equalization of redox reaction equations

among others by: Students and teachers together discuss the

answers to the questions that have been done by students.
Generalization COMMUNICATION

Students discuss to conclude

→ Delivering the results of the discussion about the

material for the Equalization of redox reaction
equations in the form of conclusions based on the
results of an oral, written, or other media analysis to
develop honest, thorough, tolerant, ability to think
systematically, express opinions politely.
→ Presenting the results of classical group discussions
about material:
Equalization of redox reaction equations

→ Express opinions on presentations made on the

material for Equalization of redox reaction equations
and responded to by the group that presented

→ Asking for a presentation about Equalization of redox

reaction equations carried out and other students given
the opportunity to answer it.

→ Conclude about the important points that appear in the

new learning activities in the form of:
Reports of written observations about material:

Equalization of redox reaction equations

→ Answering questions about the material for the

Oxidation Change Method found in the student
handbook or worksheets provided.

→ Ask about things that have not been understood, or the

teacher throws a few questions to students regarding
the material for the Equalization of redox reaction
equations that will be completed

→ Completing the competency test for the Equalization

of redox reaction equations material contained in the
student handbook or on the work sheet that has been
provided individually to check students' mastery of the
subject matter.

Note: During learning Equalization of redox reaction equations take place, the
teacher observes the attitude of students in learning which includes attitudes:
nationalism, discipline, self-confidence, behaving honestly, resilient in facing
problems of responsibility, curiosity, environmental care

Closing Activity (15 Minutes)

Learners :

● Creating a resume (CREATIVITY) with the guidance of the teacher about

important points that appear in learning activities about the material of the
Equalization of redox reaction equations that has just been done.
● Schedule homework for the newly completed Equalization of redox reaction
equations lesson material.
● Schedule material / assignments for projects / products / portfolios / performance
that must be learned at the next meeting outside school hours or at home.
Teacher :

● Checking the work of students who have finished checking directly for subject
matter Equalization of redox reaction equations

● Students who have finished working on project / product / portfolio / performance

tasks are correctly given initials and are numbered sequentially, for assignment

● Give awards for the Equalization of redox reaction equations subject matter to
groups that have good performance and cooperation.

3. Meeting 3 (4 x 45 Menit)

Preliminary Activities (15 Minutes)

Teacher :


● Opening with the opening greetings, thanking God and praying to begin learning

● Check the attendance of students as a discipline

● Prepare physical and psychological learners in initiating learning activities.


● Linking material / themes / learning activities that will be carried out with the
experience of students with previous material / themes / activities

● Recall the prerequisite material by asking.

● Asking questions that are related to the lesson that will be done.


● Provide an overview of the benefits of learning the lessons to be learned in

everyday life.

● If the material / project works well and is really well mastered, students are
expected to explain the material:

Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change Method

● Deliver the learning objectives at the meeting that takes place

● Asking question

Giving Reference

● Inform the subject matter that will be discussed at the meeting at that time.

● Notify about core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and KKM at the
ongoing meeting
● Distribution of study groups

● Explain the mechanism for implementing learning experiences according to the

learning steps.

Core Activities (150 Minutes)

The Syntax of Learning Models



Students are given motivation or stimulation to focus on the topic
of material Half Reaction Method by:
→ Viewing (without or with Tools)

Display relevant images / photos / videos.

→ Observe

● Material worksheet The Half Reaction Method and

Oxidation Number Change Method

● Providing material examples of Half Reaction Method

for students to develop, from interactive media, etc.

→ Read.

This literacy activity is carried out at home and at

school by reading material from textbooks or other
supporting books, from the internet / material related
to the Half Reaction Method

→ Write

Write resumes from observations and readings related

to the Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number
Change Method

→ Hear

Giving material for the Half Reaction Method and

Oxidation Number Change Method

→ Listening

An introduction to the outline / global activities on

subject matter about the material:

Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change


to train gratitude, sincerity and discipline,

thoroughness, seek information.


(question /
problem Teachers provide opportunities for students to identify as many
identification) questions as possible related to the images presented and will be
answered through learning activities, for example:

→ Asking questions about material:

Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change


which is not understood from what is observed or questions to get

additional information about what is observed (starting from
factual questions to hypothetical questions) to develop creativity,
curiosity, the ability to form questions to form critical thoughts
that need to live smart and lifelong learning.
Students gather relevant information to answer questions that
have been identified through activities:


Students gather relevant information to answer

questions that have been identified through activities:

→ Observing objects / events

Observe carefully the material of the Half Reaction

Method and Oxidation Number Change Method that is
being studied in the form of pictures / videos / slide
presentations presented and try to interpret it.

→ Read sources other than textbooks

Discipline literacy activities by looking for and

reading various references from various sources in
order to increase knowledge and understanding of the
material Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number
Change Method that are being studied.
→ Activity

Arrange a list of questions on things that cannot be

understood from the activities of looking and reading
that will be submitted to the teacher relating to the
material Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number
Change Method that is being studied.


Students are formed in several groups to:


Students are formed in several groups to:

→ Discuss

Learners and teachers together discuss examples in

textbooks about material Half Reaction Method and
Oxidation Number Change Method

→ Gather information

Record all information about the Half Reaction

Method and Oxidation Number Change Method
material that has been obtained in the notebook in neat
writing and use good and correct Indonesian.

→ Presenting again

Learners communicate orally or present material with

self-confidence Half Reaction Method and Oxidation
Number Change Method in accordance with their

by being actively responded by students from other groups so that

a new knowledge can be obtained which can be used as material
for group discussion later, using scientific methods found in the
student handbook or on worksheets carefully prepared to develop
meticulous, honest, polite attitude , respecting the opinions of
others, the ability to communicate, applying the ability to gather
information through various ways learned, developing learning
habits and lifelong learning.



Students in their groups discuss processing observational data by:

→ Students in their groups discuss processing

observational data by:
Discuss data from the material:

Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change

→ Processing information from the Half Reaction
Method and Oxidation Number Change Method
material that has been collected from the results of
previous activities / meetings as well as the results of
observing activities and ongoing information
gathering activities with the help of questions on the
→ Learners work on a number of questions regarding the
material for Half Reaction Method and Oxidation
Number Change Method

Students discuss the results of their observations and verify the

results of their observations with data or theory in the source
book through activities:

→ Increase the breadth and depth to the processing of

information that is looking for solutions from various
sources that have different opinions to the contrary to
develop honest, thorough, disciplined, obedient rules,
hard work, the ability to apply procedures and the
ability to think inductively and deductively in proving
about material:
Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change
among others by: Students and teachers together discuss the
answers to the questions that have been done by students.
Generalization COMMUNICATION

Students discuss to conclude

→ Delivering the results of the discussion about the

material for the Half Reaction Method in the form of
conclusions based on the results of an oral, written, or
other media analysis to develop honest, thorough,
tolerant, ability to think systematically, express
opinions politely.
→ Presenting the results of classical group discussions
about material:
Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change
→ Express opinions on presentations made on the
material for Half Reaction Method and Oxidation
Number Change Method and responded to by the
group that presented

→ Asking for a presentation about the Half Reaction

Method and Oxidation Number Change Method
material carried out and other students given the
opportunity to answer it.


→ Conclude about the important points that appear in the

new learning activities in the form of:
Reports of written observations about material:

Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change


→ Answering questions about the material for the Half

Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change
Method found in the student handbook or worksheets

→ Ask about things that have not been understood, or the

teacher throws a few questions to students regarding
the material for the Half Reaction Method and
Oxidation Number Change Method that will be

→ Completing the competency test for the Half Reaction

Method and Oxidation Number Change Method
material contained in the student handbook or on the
work sheet that has been provided individually to
check students' mastery of the subject matter.

Note: During learning Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change
Method take place, the teacher observes the attitude of students in learning which
includes attitudes: nationalism, discipline, self-confidence, behaving honestly,
resilient in facing problems of responsibility, curiosity, environmental care
Closing Activity (15 Minutes)

Learners :

● Creating a resume (CREATIVITY) with the guidance of the teacher about

important points that appear in learning activities about the material of the Half
Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change Method that has just been done.
● Schedule homework for the newly completed Half Reaction Method and
Oxidation Number Change Method lesson material.
● Schedule material / assignments for projects / products / portfolios / performance
that must be learned at the next meeting outside school hours or at home.
Teacher :

● Checking the work of students who have finished checking directly for subject
matter Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change Method

● Students who have finished working on project / product / portfolio / performance

tasks are correctly given initials and are numbered sequentially, for assignment

● Give awards for the Half Reaction Method and Oxidation Number Change
Method subject matter to groups that have good performance and cooperation.

4. Meeting 4 (4 x 45 Menit)

Preliminary Activities (15 Minutes)

Teacher :


● Opening with the opening greetings, thanking God and praying to begin learning

● Check the attendance of students as a discipline

● Prepare physical and psychological learners in initiating learning activities.


● Linking material / themes / learning activities that will be carried out with the
experience of students with previous material / themes / activities

● Recall the prerequisite material by asking.

● Asking questions that are related to the lesson that will be done.

● Provide an overview of the benefits of learning the lessons to be learned in
everyday life.

● If the material / project works well and is really well mastered, students are
expected to explain the material:

Voltaic cells and cell potential

● Deliver the learning objectives at the meeting that takes place

● Asking question

Giving Reference

● Inform the subject matter that will be discussed at the meeting at that time.

● Notify about core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, and KKM at the
ongoing meeting

● Distribution of study groups

● Explain the mechanism for implementing learning experiences according to the

learning steps.

Core Activities (150 Minutes)

The Syntax of Learning Models



Students are given motivation or stimulation to focus on the topic
of material Methods for Change in Oxidation Numbers by:
→ Viewing (without or with Tools)

Display relevant images / photos / videos.

→ Observe

● Material worksheet The Voltaic cells and cell potential

● Providing material examples of Voltaic cells and cell

potential for students to develop, from interactive
media, etc.

→ Read.
This literacy activity is carried out at home and at
school by reading material from textbooks or other
supporting books, from the internet / material related
to the Voltaic cells and cell potential

→ Write

Write resumes from observations and readings related

to the Voltaic cells and cell potential

→ Hear

Giving material for the Voltaic cells and cell potential

by the teacher.

→ Listening

An introduction to the outline / global activities on

subject matter about the material:

Voltaic cells and cell potential

to train gratitude, sincerity and discipline,

thoroughness, seek information.


(question /
problem Teachers provide opportunities for students to identify as many
identification) questions as possible related to the images presented and will be
answered through learning activities, for example:

→ Asking questions about material:

Voltaic cells and cell potential

which is not understood from what is observed or questions to get

additional information about what is observed (starting from
factual questions to hypothetical questions) to develop creativity,
curiosity, the ability to form questions to form critical thoughts
that need to live smart and lifelong learning.
Students gather relevant information to answer questions that
have been identified through activities:


Students gather relevant information to answer

questions that have been identified through activities:
→ Observing objects / events

Observe carefully the material of the reaction to the

Voltaic cells and cell potential that is being studied in
the form of pictures / videos / slide presentations
presented and try to interpret it.

→ Read sources other than textbooks

Discipline literacy activities by looking for and

reading various references from various sources in
order to increase knowledge and understanding of the
material Voltaic cells and cell potential that are being

→ Activity

Arrange a list of questions on things that cannot be

understood from the activities of mengmati and
reading that will be submitted to the teacher relating to
the material Voltaic cells and cell potential that is
being studied.


Students are formed in several groups to:


Students are formed in several groups to:

→ Discuss

Learners and teachers together discuss examples in

textbooks about material Voltaic cells and cell

→ Gather information

Record all information about the Voltaic cells and cell

potential material that has been obtained in the
notebook in neat writing and use good and correct

→ Presenting again

Learners communicate orally or present material with

self-confidence Voltaic cells and cell potential in
accordance with their understanding.

by being actively responded by students from other groups so that

a new knowledge can be obtained which can be used as material
for group discussion later, using scientific methods found in the
student handbook or on worksheets carefully prepared to develop
meticulous, honest, polite attitude , respecting the opinions of
others, the ability to communicate, applying the ability to gather
information through various ways learned, developing learning
habits and lifelong learning.



Students in their groups discuss processing observational data by:

→ Students in their groups discuss processing

observational data by:
Discuss data from the material:

Voltaic cells and cell potential

→ Processing information from the Voltaic cells and cell

potential material that has been collected from the
results of previous activities / meetings as well as the
results of observing activities and ongoing information
gathering activities with the help of questions on the
→ Learners work on a number of questions regarding the
material for Voltaic cells and cell potential

Students discuss the results of their observations and verify the

results of their observations with data or theory in the source
book through activities:

→ Increase the breadth and depth to the processing of

information that is looking for solutions from various
sources that have different opinions to the contrary to
develop honest, thorough, disciplined, obedient rules,
hard work, the ability to apply procedures and the
ability to think inductively and deductively in proving
about material:
Voltaic cells and cell potential

among others by: Students and teachers together discuss the

answers to the questions that have been done by students.
Generalization COMMUNICATION
Students discuss to conclude

→ Delivering the results of the discussion about the

material for the Voltaic cells and cell potential in the
form of conclusions based on the results of an oral,
written, or other media analysis to develop honest,
thorough, tolerant, ability to think systematically,
express opinions politely.
→ Presenting the results of classical group discussions
about material:
Voltaic cells and cell potential

→ Express opinions on presentations made on the

material for Voltaic cells and cell potential and
responded to by the group that presented

→ Asking for a presentation about the Voltaic cells and

cell potential material carried out and other students
given the opportunity to answer it.


→ Conclude about the important points that appear in the

new learning activities in the form of:
Reports of written observations about material:

Voltaic cells and cell potential

→ Answering questions about the material for the Voltaic

cells and cell potential found in the student handbook
or worksheets provided.

→ Ask about things that have not been understood, or the

teacher throws a few questions to students regarding
the material for the Voltaic cells and cell potential that
will be completed

→ Completing the competency test for the Voltaic cells

and cell potential material contained in the student
handbook or on the work sheet that has been provided
individually to check students' mastery of the subject
Note: During learning Voltaic cells and cell potential take place, the teacher
observes the attitude of students in learning which includes attitudes:
nationalism, discipline, self-confidence, behaving honestly, resilient in facing
problems of responsibility, curiosity, environmental care

Closing Activity (15 Minutes)

Learners :

● Creating a resume (CREATIVITY) with the guidance of the teacher about

important points that appear in learning activities about the material of the Voltaic
cells and cell potential that has just been done.
● Schedule homework for the newly completed Voltaic cells and cell potential
lesson material.
● Schedule material / assignments for projects / products / portfolios / performance
that must be learned at the next meeting outside school hours or at home.
Teacher :

● Checking the work of students who have finished checking directly for subject
matter Voltaic cells and cell potential

● Students who have finished working on project / product / portfolio / performance

tasks are correctly given initials and are numbered sequentially, for assignment

● Give awards for the Voltaic cells and cell potential subject matter to groups that
have good performance and cooperation.

I. Assessment, Remedial Learning and Enrichment

1. Appraisal Technique (attached)
a. Attitude
- Observation assessment
Assessment of observations is based on observing the attitudes and behaviors of
everyday students, both related to the learning process and in general. Observations are
made directly by the teacher. The following are examples of attitude assessment
Aspects of Assessed Total Code Score
Behavior Value Attitude
Nu Name of student
1 Soenarto 75 75 50 75 275 68,75 C

2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Information :
• BS : Cooperate
• JJ : Honest
• TJ : Responsibility
• DS : Discipline

1. Behavioral aspects are assessed by criteria:
100 = Very Good
75 = Good
50 = Enough
25 = Less
2. Maximum score = number of attitudes assessed multiplied by number of criteria =
100 x 4 = 400
3. Attitude score = number of scores divided by the number of attitudes assessed = 275:
4 = 68.75
4. Code value / predicate:
75.01 - 100.00 = Very Good (SB)
50.01 - 75.00 = Good (B)
25.01 - 50.00 = Enough (C)
00.00 - 25.00 = Less (K)
5. The above format can be changed according to the aspects of the behavior you want
to assess

- Self-assessment
As the learning center shifts from the teacher to the students, the students are given
the opportunity to assess their own abilities. But for the assessment to remain
objective, the teacher should first explain the purpose of this self-assessment,
determine the competencies to be assessed, then determine the assessment criteria
to be used, and formulate the assessment format. So, in short the assessment format
is prepared by the teacher first. The following are examples of rating formats:

Total Code Score

Nu Statement Yes No
Value Attitude

During the discussion, I

1 participated in proposing ideas 50
/ ideas.
When we discuss, each
2 member gets the opportunity 50 C
to speak. 250 62,50
I participated in drawing
3 conclusions from the group 50
4 ... 100
Note :
1. Rating score Yes = 100 and No = 50
2. Maximum score = number of statements multiplied by number of criteria = 4 x
100 = 400
3. Attitude score = (number of scores divided by maximum score multiplied by 100)
= (250: 400) x 100 = 62.50
4. Code value / predicate:
75.01 - 100.00 = Very Good (SB)
50.01 - 75.00 = Good (B)
25.01 - 50.00 = Enough (C)
00.00 - 25.00 = Less (K)
5. The above format can also be used to assess knowledge and skills competencies

- Peer Assessment
This assessment is done by asking students to assess their own friends. Similar to the
assessment, the teacher should explain the aims and objectives of the assessment,
make the assessment criteria, and also determine the format of the assessment. The
following are examples of peer assessment formats:

Name observed: ...

Observer : ...
Total Code Score
Nu Statement Yes No Valu Attitude

Want to accept the opinions

1 100
of friends.

Providing solutions to
2 100
Imposing one's own opinion 450 90,00
3 100
on group members.

4 Angry when given criticism. 100

5 ... 50

1. Assessment scores Yes = 100 and No = 50 for positive statements, while for negative
statements, Yes = 50 and No = 100
2. Maximum score = number of statements multiplied by number of criteria = 5 x 100 =
3. Attitude score = (total score divided by maximum score multiplied by 100) = (450:
500) x 100 = 90.00
4. Code value / predicate:
75.01 - 100.00 = Very Good (SB)
50.01 - 75.00 = Good (B)
25.01 - 50.00 = Enough (C)
00.00 - 25.00 = Less (K)

- Journal Evaluation (See attachment)

a. Knowledge
- Written Description and / or Multiple Choice
- Assignment (See Appendix)
House work
 Students answer the questions found in the students' books
 Students ask for their parents' signatures as proof that they have done their
homework properly
 Students collect answers from homework that has been done to get an assessment.

b. Skills
• Performance Appraisal
Examples of performance appraisal instruments can be seen in the exam assessment
instrument speaking skills as follows:
Assessment Instrument
Well Good Less No

Nu (100) (75) Well Well

Very Rated aspects
Suitability of response with
1 questions

2 Harmony of word selection

3 Suitability of grammar usage

4 Pronunciation

Assessment criteria (score)

100 = Very Good
75 = Good
50 = Poor
25 = Not Good
How to find the value (N) = Even the score obtained by students divided by the
maximum score multiplied by the ideal score (100)
No Rated aspect 100 75 50 25

1 Mastery of discussion material

Ability to answer questions


3 Ability to process words

4 Ability to solve problems

Information :
100 = Very Good
75 = Good
50 = Poor
25 = Not Good

• Project Assessment (See Appendix)

• Product Assessment (See Appendix)
• Portfolio Assessment
Collection of all tasks that have been done by students, such as notes, homework, etc.

Assessment Instrument
No Rated aspect 100 75 25


J. Learning Assesment
1. Form : Cognitive assessment
2. Instruments : a written test (a summary of the group)
3. Assignment : Essay question
K. Exercise
1. In electrolysis the metal solution of alkali or alkaline earth salts is not produced
because ... (Score: 5)

a. The oxidizing properties are weak

b. the reducing agent is weak
c. the halide salt has a high melting point
d. high ionization energy from other metals
e. The metal ion is not reduced

Answer: E


On electrolysis of alkali or alkaline earth metal salts does not produce metals because:

• the price of E ° is smaller than E ° water

• the metal ion is not reduced

2. To prevent corrosion of iron pipes planted in the ground, iron pipes are connected
to metal ...
(Score: 5)

a. Mg
b. Li
c. Ag
d. Pb
e. Sn

Answer: A


To protect iron from corrosion, metal is placed around the metal that has a smaller , which is
located to the left of the iron from the voltaic series.

Voltaic series: Li, K, Ba, Ca, Na, Mg, Al, Mn, Zn, Cr, Fe, Ni, Sn, Pb, H, Cu, Hg, Ag, Pt, Au.

3. Shellfish are a source of limestone gungung, which is a calcium carbonate. The

amount of carbon in the scompound is (score 5)

a. +1
b. +2
c. +4
d. +5
e. +6
Answer: C. +4


Senyaa Calcium carbonate has a molecular formula that is CaCO3, Ca is a group 2A element
which is based on the rule of oxidation number having a value of +2, and the oxidation
number of O in the general terms is -2, then the C (carbon) in senyaa CaCO3:

Total oxygen CaCO3 = 0

Bilox Ca + Cox 3 + (Bilox O) = 0

+2 + Biloks C + 3 (-2) = 0

+2 + (-6) + Bilox C = 0

(-4) + Bilox C = 0

Cox C = +4

4. Equate the following reaction using the half-reaction method! (acid) (Score: 10)


5. Equate the following reaction using the half-reaction method! (base) (Score: 10)

Answer :
6. Mention the thing that can cause corrosion and give the solutions to prevent
corrosion! (Score: 5)
Corrosion is the process of a metal which returns to the thermodynamic state.
The corrosion prevention at removing or reduces the effect of the conditions which
leads to corrosion:
 Selection of material that does not corrode in actual environment
 By removing the oxygen or adding some anti-corroding chemicals
 Painting
 Oiling the surface to prevent the moisture to attack the metal surface

7. Mention the characteristics of a redox reaction spontaneous and non -

spontaneous! (Score: 5)
A redox reaction spontaneous if the standard electrode potential for redox reaction is
positive and a redox reaction non-spontaneous if the standard electrode potential for
redox reaction is negative.

8. Known (Score: 10)

Is the reaction: occur spontaneously?

to find out whether the reaction is spontaneous or not, we must know the potential energy of
cell reaction. Then:

So, (negative), it means the reaction is not spontaneous

9. Known:

= -2,38 volt

= -1,66 volt

The price of from those reactions are …

Discussion :
10. A voltaic cell is composed of magnesium and copper electrodes. If known: (Score:


a. cathode and anode

b. reactions that occur in the electrode and the reaction of the cell

c. cell notation

d. cell potential

a. Cathode = Cu, because is bigger. anode = Mg, because is smaller.

b. Cathode (reduction):

Anode (oxidation):

c. cell notation =

F. Development of Teaching Materials
Teaching materials used by teachers in general are Subject Books.
The following book cover is used along with it
A little explanation about the author of the book :

Drs. Unggul Sudarmo, M.Pd. is the 12th

head of school leading the Surakarta 4
Public High School. During the leadership
of Drs. Unggul Sudarmo, M.Pd. Changes
occur in the Surakarta Public High School
4 including the construction of the front of
the Main Building which received
assistance from the Surakarta City
Government, as well as the commencement
of the construction of the front west
building. The achievements of students
also continued to be encouraged including
developing science olympiad to be more
accomplished with great help.

Following is the list of contents of the book above:

A. Struktur Atom 3
1. Teori Kuantum Planck 4
2. Model Atom Bohr 4
3. Mekanika gelombang : Sifat Gelombang dari Materi 5
4. Bilangan Kuantum 9
5. Bentuk dan Orientasi Orbital 13
6. Energi Orbital 15
7. Konfigurasi Elektron 16
B. Tabel Periodik Unsur 25
1. Tabel Periodik Modern 25
2. Tabel Periodik dan Konfigurasi Elektron 28
3. Beberapa sifat Periodik Unsur-unsur 32

C. Ikatan Kimia 39
1. Penggambaran Struktur Lewis 41
2. Resonansi 42
3. Bentuk Molekul 49
Rangkuman 52
Uji Kompetensi 57
A. Energi dan Entalpi 59
B. Penentuan Perubahan Entalpi 67
C. Energi Ikatan 77
D. Bahan bakar dan Perubahan Entalpi 81
Rangkuman 85
Uji Kompetensi 86
A. Pengertian Laju Reaksi 97
B. Persamaan Laju Reaksi 100
C. Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Laju Reaksi 105
D. Teori Tumbukan 109
Rangkuman 113
Uji Kompetensi 114
A. Reaksi Bolak-balik dan Kesetimbangan Kimia 133
B. Hukum Kesetimbangan dan Tetapan Kesetimbangan (K) 142
C. Pergeseran Kesetimbangan 154
D. Kesetimbangan Kimia dalam Industri 162
Rangkuman 166
Uji Kompetensi 167
A. Sifat Asam dan Basa 183
B. Teori Asam dan Basa 186
C. Kesetimbangan Ion dalam Larutan Asam dan Basa 191
D. Derajat Keasaman (pH) 200
E. Reaksi Asam dengan Basa 208
Rangkuman 219
Uji Kompetensi 221
A. Jenis Garam dan Reaksi Hidrolisis 236
B. Nilai pH Larutan Garam 239
Rangkuman 245
Uji Kompetensi 246
A. Kompisi Larutan Penyangga 261
B. Nilai pH Larutan Penyangga 263
C. Prinsip Kerja Larutan Penyangga 267
D. Larutan Penyangga dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari 270
Rangkuman 272
Uji Kompetensi 273
A. Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan 287
B. Hubungan Kelarutan dengan Ksp 291
C. Makna Hasil Kali Kelarutan (Ksp) 293
D. Pengaruh Ion Senama terhadap kelarutan 297
Rangkuman 302
Uji Kompetensi 302
A. Sistem Dispresi 315
B. Sifat-sifat Koloid 318
C. Penentuan Koloid 326
Rangkuman 331
Uji Kompetensi 332

G. Learning Media Development

A. Equalization of Redox
Basically equalizing the reaction is balancing or equalizing the number of atoms and
their charge. For a simple redox reaction, you can guess the coefficients directly, while the
complicated reaction s can be compared with the half-reaction method and the oxidation
number method.

B. Electrode Potential
The standard electrode potential shows a sequence of tendencies to experience
reduction, so that it is known as a standard reduction potential. When metal ions in cells
are more easily reduced than they are H + ion, the potential of the metal electrode is greater
than potential hydrogen electrode so it's positive. When more metal electrodes easily
oxidizes compared to hydrogen electrodes, then the electrode potential is smaller than the
electrode potential hydrogen so it's negative.
Redox reactions are chemical reactions that are accompanied by changes in oxidation
numbers or reactions in which there is an electron handover between substances. Redox
reactions are reactions that involve reduction reactions and oxidation reactions. In a redox
reaction, the reduction is expressed by decreasing the oxidation number and the oxides
expressed by increasing oxidation numbers. Chemical equations Redox reactions can be
equated with 2 methods, namely the half reaction method based on the separation of oxidation
reactions and reduction reactions in redox reactions and the method of changing oxide
numbers based the amount of increase in oxidation number of the reducing agent is equal to
the amount of reduction in the reduction number of the oxidizer.

1. Equalization of the Redox Reaction using the Half Reaction method

To balance the redox reaction with the half-reaction method, steps need to be taken as

 Write down the number of each element to know which element has a change in
 Write the Skeleton in half the reduction and oxidation reactions
 Equate the number of elements that experience changes in oxidation between the left
and right segments with the right addition of coefficient
 Equate Oxygen by adding H2O keruas that lack oxygen
 Equilibrium of Hydrogen by Adding H + Keruas that lack hydrogen Atom
 Balance the charge by adding electron electrons with more positive charges
 Match the number of electrons in the reduction and oxidation reactions
 Add OH- to the left and right segments. The OH-number must be equal to the number
of H + present. OH- and H + form H2O
 If there are the same species left and right, reduce the number of larger species with
smaller ones.

Example :

1. Match the reaction of MnO42- (aq) + SO32- (aq) → Mn2+ (aq)+SO42- (aq)
a. Oxidation : SO32- (aq) →SO42- (aq)
b. Reduction MnO4- (aq) → Mn2+ (aq)
2. The number of atoms that are oxidized and reduced is the same.
SO32-(aq) + H2O(l) → SO42- (aq) + 2 H+ (aq)
MnO4- (aq) + 8 H+(aq) → Mn2- (aq) + 4H2O(l)
3. SO32- (aq) + H2O (l) →SO42- (aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e
MnO4- (aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e→ Mn2- (aq)+ 4H2O (l)

4. SO32- (aq) + H2O (l) → SO42- (aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e ×5

MnO4- (aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e → Mn2-(aq) + 4H2O(l) ×2

5SO32- (aq) + 5H2O(l) →5SO42- (aq) + 10H+(aq) + 10e

MnO4- (aq) + 16H+(l) + 10e → 2Mn2+(aq) + 8H2O (l)

5. SO32- (aq) + 2MnO4- (aq) + 6 H+(aq) →5SO4- (aq) + 2Mn2+(aq)+3H2O(l) (equivalent)

2. Equalization of the Redox Reaction using the Oxidation change method

Equating Redox Reactions using the oxidation number method must be taken as follows:

 Write down the number of each element to know which element has a change in
 Equate the number of elements that experience changes in oxidation between the left
and right segments with the right addition of coefficient
 Determine the amount of reduction and increase in oxidation
 Equate the amount of change in the amount of increase and decrease in oxidation by
providing the appropriate coefficient
 Equate other elements in the order of cations, anions, hydrogen and oxygen

Example :
1. Match the reaction of MnO4- (aq) + SO32- (aq) → Mn2+ (aq) + 5SO42- (aq)

MnO4- (aq) + SO32- (aq) → Mn2+ (aq) + SO42- (aq)

+7 +4 +7 +6
(5) (2)

2. 2MnO4- (aq) + 5SO32- (aq) → 2Mn2+ (aq) + 5SO42- (aq)

3. The number of left-hand loads = -12

The number of right handloads = -6, so the left hand side must be added 6H+.

2MnO4- (aq) + 5SO32- (aq) + 6H+ → 2Mn2+ (aq) + 5SO42- (aq)

4. Because on the left side there are 6 H atoms, then the right side must be added

2MnO4- (aq) + 5SO32- (aq) + 6H+ → 2Mn2+ (aq) + 5SO42- (aq) + 3H2O(l) (equivalent)
H. Development of Student Worksheets

1. Sit in a group that has been shared

2. Read the textbook about the Redox and Electrode Potential Reactions
3. Discuss with group friends and complete the questions below
4. In number 1-3 Give a cross (x) letters a, b, c, d and e in the most correct answer.
5. In numbers 4 and 5 fill in the answers below the question.

In number 6-10 match the contents of the table with the most appropriate answer by filling
in the answers provided below the table

1. In redox reactions 3Cl2 + 6NaOH → 5NaCl + NaClO3 + 2H2O.

The oxidation number of Cl atoms changes from....
A. +1 to -1 D. 0 to -1 and +5
B. -1 to be +1 E. 0 to -1and +7
C. 0 to be -1

2. Oxidation of 1 mole Cr2- to CrO42- releases as many electrons ....

A. 1 mole D. 4 mole
B. 2 mole E. 5 mole
C. 3 mole

3. aMnO4- + bSO32- → cMn2+ + dSO42-, after equalizing the prices of a, b, c, and d

respectively are ....
A. 2, 5, 6, 2 D. 3, 5, 3, 5
B. 2, 5, 2, 3 E. 5, 3, 3, 5
C. 2, 5, 2, 5

4. Equate the reaction Cu (s) + NO3-(aq) → Cu2+ (aq) + NO (g) (in an acidic state) by half-reaction!

5. A voltaic cell is composed of magnesium and copper electrodes.

Mg2+(aq) + 2e → Mg(s) E° = -2,37 volt
Cu2+(aq) + 2e →Cu(s) E° = + 0,34 volt
Determine the reaction that occurs at the electrode and the reaction of the cell!
Nu Cathode Reaction (reduction) Reduction potential, volt (standard hydrogen
electrode 0)
6. Li+ + e- → Li a. -2,92
7. K+ + e- → K b. -3,04
8. Ca2+ + e- → Ca c. -2,87
9. Zn2+ + e- → Zn d. -2,71
10. Na+ + e- → Na e. -0,76

Nu Answers

I. Development of Assessment Tools

 Cognitive Assessment

Equate the following reaction using the half-reaction method! (acid)
1 25
Equate the following reaction using the half-reaction method! (base)
2 15
Mention the thing that can cause corrosion and give the solutions to
3 prevent corrosion! 15
Mention the characteristics of a redox reaction spontaneous and non -
4 spontaneous! 25
A voltaic cell is composed of magnesium and copper electrodes. If
5 known:


 Affective Assessment Sheet

Rated aspect

Asking Answer Giving Score

Student's name question Question Opinion
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Information :
4 = very good (80-100)
3 = good (60 -79)
2 = enough (40 -59)
1 = less (> 39)

 Skills Assessment Sheet


1. Title : Student worksheet (LKPD) of voltaic cell

2. Core competence :
CC3: Understand, implement, analysis and evaluate the factual knowledge, conceptual,
procedural and metacognitive based on curiosity about knowledge, technology, art,
culture and humanity insight, nationality, statehood and civilization related the
cause of phenomenon and incident as well as implement the procedural knowledge
in the field of study that specific agree with talent and interest in solving problem.

CC4: Process, think, serve and create the development of its study at school in concreate
and abstract domain independently and act effectively as well as creative where can
using a method according the scientific norm.

3. Indicator :

a. Understanding voltaic cell.

b. Determining the potential standard.

4. Learning Objective

a) To train students' abilities in assembling voltaic cell experiments

b) To prove the redox reaction that produces electricity based on the experiment
c) To find out the type of electrode that works in oxidation and reduction reactions
d) To determine the potential value of the electrode

5. Learning Activities

Activities Learning Activities

Introduction a. To greeting
b. To tell and explained the core
learning objectives.
c. Pay attention the motivate and
d. To inform the student to be
carefull when doing the

Activities Learning Activities

Core Activity 1. Observe the theoretical about

potential cell with the application in
voltaic cell

2. Form the group into 6 groups and

each group consists of 5 students

3. Learners receive LKPD

4. Learners are guided formulate

questions, formulate hypotheses and
identify variables

5. Learners are guided in the voltaic

cell’s experiment

6. Learners present and discuss the

results of activities

7. Teacher gives feedback / question and

answer: how can Cu

8. Learners are guided to make

Activities Learning Activities

Closing a. Learners make a summary of the

results from LKPD
b. Giving the post test
c. Asking learners to read from book
or online resources about the next

6. Tools and Materials

Name of Apparatus Size Quantity


Beaker Glass

Measuring Glass

Salt Bridge

Name of Formula Color Phase Concentration Quantity





Cu electrode

Zn electrode
7. Discovery activities
 Formulation of the problem
Based on the experiments conducted, then the formulation of problems that can be written is:

a) prove the redox reaction that produces electricity based on the experiment
b) To find out the type of electrode that works in oxidation and reduction reactions
c) To determine the potential value of the electrode

 Hypothesis

 Identification of variables
1. Variable Manipulation: The change of balloon
2. Response Variable: The solution
3. Control Variable: the apparatus (voltmeter)

8. Work Procedure

The work procedure of this experiment consist of:

1. Providing tools and materials; sand all metals using sandpaper until they are shiny.
2. Enter the ZnSO4 1 M 25 ml solution into the glass cup 1 and the 1M 25 ml CuSO4
solution into the glass cup 2.
3. Put in the salt bridge between the two beaker containing the solution.
4. Clip the Zn metal with the alligator clamp 1 then insert the Zn metal into the ZnSO4
5. Clip the Cu metal with a crocodile clamp 2 then insert the Cu metal into the CuSO4
6. Connect the cables with alligator clamps from Zn and Cu to a voltmeter with a scale
of 1 volt, if the direction of the voltmeter needle to the left, reverse the position of the
cable entering the voltmeter.
7. Observe changes in the potential difference after an interval of 5 minutes on the volt
meter and record the results on paper.
8. Repeat experiments number 1 to number 7 by replacing Zn metal & ZnSO 4 and Cu &
CuSO4 solutions with:
 Mg metal & MgSO4 and Cu & CuSO4 solutions
 Zn metal & solution of ZnSO4 and metal Mg & MgSO4 solution

1. Observation Result
From the experiment above, the data from each experiment is generated as follows:

1. a) The Zn electrode is dipped in ZnSO4:

b) Cu electrodes dipped in CuSO4:

2. a) Mg electrodes dipped in MgSO4:

b) Cu electrodes dipped in CuSO4:

3. a) Mg electrodes dipped in MgSO4:

b) Zn electrode dipped in ZnSO4:

4. a) Zn and Cu electrodes are dipped in ZnSO4 (connected by cable):

b) Zn and Cu electrodes dipped in CuSO4 (connected by cable):

5. a) Zn and Mg electrodes dipped in ZnSO4 (connected by cable):

b) Zn and Mg electrodes dipped in MgSO4 (connected by cable):

6. a) Cu and Mg electrodes dipped in ZnSO4 (connected by cable):

b) Cu and Mg electrodes dipped in MgSO4 (connected by cable):

7. Changes that occur at the anode and cathode after the process takes approximately 5
minutes for each cell above is.

Zn/Zn2+ Cu/Cu2+ Mg/Mg2+




9. Data Analysis
1. Write the reaction that occurs at the two electrodes in the voltaic cell.
2. Using the voltaic cell scheme, explain:
a) Direction of electron migration.
b) Cation migration as long as voltaic cells work
c) Anion migration during voltaic cells works.
3. Explain the use of salt bridges through microscopic illustrations.
4. What happens if the cell is not used by the salt bridge? Is there an electric current
or not?
5. If the solution used is replaced with a non-electrolyte solution, can a redox
reaction occur in a voltaic cell? Can these cells produce electricity? Why?

10. Conclusion


Reporting Score =20

J. Reflection

During lectures on internship 2 courses, we students who were taught by lecturers (Dr.

Iis Siti Jahro, M.Sc) were required to follow reflections at least twice that the reflection

meeting schedule could be determined by the students themselves according to their free time.

Each reflection topic has been determined by the lecturer, namely:

• At the first meeting, the topic presented was about the preparation of a good and

appropriate lesson plan in accordance with Book 2 of the Chemistry Teacher

Training Material

• In the second meeting, the topics presented were about teaching materials, learning

media, student worksheets, and assessment tools.

At each percentage the apprentice teacher provides constructive inputs and suggestions to

provide better results.

A. Conclusion
For me personally, this 2 internship activity is very useful as a provision to take part in the
next internship. Internship 2 is different from apprenticeship 1, which is in terms of preparing
internship reports and also on relevant activities carried out at school. In this internship 2
activity, students are required to be more active. These 2 apprentice students must be ready
when the tutor teacher tells them to teach in his place. The benefit of teaching in this class is
that I can build a lively and pleasant atmosphere while in the classroom. With such an
atmosphere, students can be more active and open again in responding to any questions that
we (the teacher) submit.

B. Suggestion
Even though the internship is over, it is recommended that each internship student
maintain good relations with each staff member in the school, tutor teacher or with students.
Because with the existence of good relations, it will be useful for students so that they can
continue to do the next internship at the school. In dealing with students in the classroom,
students should not need to be too hard. Respond to them (students) at the same time as
friends but keep a distance and be mature so that they don't cross the line and still maintain
courtesy towards us, apprentice students.
Observation Sheet



a. Program Studi : Chemistry Education Study Program

b. Nama dan Kode Mata Kuliah : Internship II (Development of Teaching Document

c. Semester : Genap Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019

d. Jumlah SKS : 1 sks

e. Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si


Setelah selesai mengikuti program pembelajaran pada mata kuliah ini, mahasiswa

menguasai kompetensi akademik kependidikan dan kompetensi akademik bidang studi serta
memantapkan kemampuan awal calon guru dalam mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran.


Keberhasilan capaian pembelajaran diukur dengan indikator berikut:

a. Kemampuan menyusun dan mengembangkan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran


b. Kemampuan menyusun dan mengembangkan bahan ajar sesuai dengan RPP

c. Kemampuan membuat dan mengembangkan media yang menarik sesuai dengan RPP

d. Kemampuan menyusun dan mengembangkan lembar kerja peserta didik sesuai dengan


e. Kemampuan menyusun alat evaluasi sesuai dengan tujuan

f. Mendeskripsikan refleksi hasil pengamatan dalam laporan magang

g. Kemampuan menyusun laporan pelaksanaan magang

h. Kemampuan presentasi dan penguasaan laporan pelaksanaan magang


Mata kuliah Magang 2 meliputi pembekalan pelaksanaan magang, menyusun dan

mengembangkan RPP, menyusun dan mengembangkan bahan ajar, menyusun dan
mengembangkan media pembelajaran, menyusun dan mengembangkan lembar kerja peserta
didik, menyusun dan mengembangkan perangkat penilaian dan Refleksi Pembelajaran. Bahan
kajian di atas diuraikan dalam setiap pertemuan perkuliahan sebagai berikut:

No Pert Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1 1-2 Penjelasan Kontrak Perkuliahan meliputi (1) Pendalaman materi, (2)

Pelaksanaan, (3) Sistem penilaian, dan (4) Pelaporan

2 3-5 Menyusun dan mengembangkan RPP

3 6-7 Penyusunan dan pengembangan bahan ajar

4 8 Refleksi terhadap hasil RPP dan bahan ajar dan media yang disusun dan


5 9-10 Penyusunan dan pengembangan media

6 11-12 Penyusunan dan pengembangan LKPD

7 13-14 Penyusunan dan pengembangan perangkat penilaian

8 15 Refleksi terhadap hasil media, LKPD, dan perangkat penilain yang disusun

dan dikembangkan

9 16 Presentasi dan revisi laporan

Penyusunan dan

Pengembangan RPP

Pembelajaran mata kuliah magang 2 dilakukan dengan 3 skenario pembelajaran yaitu

pembelajaran klasikal, pembelajaran mandiri, dan kuliah lapangan.


Pembelajaran klasikal direncanakan sebanyak 5 (lima) kali pertemuan, yaitu 2 (dua)

pertemuan untuk penyampaian kontrak dan RPS serta pembekalan materi mata kuliah dan 2 (dua)
pertemuan untuk refleksi dan 1 (satu) pertemuan untuk presentasi laporan hasil magang.


Kuliah lapangan dilaksanakan sebanyak 11 pertemuan, yaitu (a) penyusunan dan

pengembangan RPP (3 pertemuan), (b) penyusunan dan pengembangan bahan ajar (2
pertemuan), (c) penyusunan dan pengembangan media (2 pertemuan), (d) penyusunan dan
pengembangan LKPD (2 pertemuan), (e) penyusunan dan pengembangan perangkat penilaian
(2 pertemuan).





1-2 Dosen memberikan arahan kepada Mahasiswa mengikuti 2 x 100’

mahasiswa pada kegiatan: arahan dan penjelasan

a. Penjelasan Kontrak dan RPS dosen


b. Penjelasan mekanisme pelaksanaan


c. Pendalaman materi magang

3-5 Dosen memberikan arahan kepada Mahasiswa melakukan 3 x170’

mahasiswa tentang penyusunan dan kegiatan pengembangan

pengembangan RPP RPP

6-7 Dosen memberikan arahan kepada Mahasiswa melakukan 2 x 170’

mahasiswa tentang penyusunan dan kegiatan pengembangan

pengembangan bahan ajar bahan ajar

8 Refleksi 1 x 100’

9-10 Dosen memberikan arahan kepada Mahasiswa melakukan 2 x 170’

mahasiswa tentang penyusunan dan kegiatan pengembangan

pengembangan media media

11-12 Dosen memberikan arahan kepada Mahasiswa melakukan 2 x 170’

mahasiswa tentang penyusunan dan kegiatan pengembangan

pengembangan LKPD LKPD

13-14 Dosen memberikan arahan kepada Mahasiswa melakukan 2 x 170’

mahasiswa tentang penyusunan dan kegiatan pengembangan

pengembangan perangkat penilaian perangkat penilaian

15 Refleksi 1 x 100’
16 Dosen memberikan arahan tentang Presentasi laporan 1 x 100’

presentasi laporan magang


a. Laporan magang

b. Presentasi laporan magang


Penilaian mata kuliah magang 2 dilakukan oleh dosen pembimbing magang dengan
perincian sebagai berikut:

No Komponen yang dinilai Bobot Penilaian (%)

1 Analisis silabus 15 F1

2 Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) 25 F2

3 Bahan ajar 10

4 Media pembelajaran 10

5 Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) 10

6 Perangkat Penilaian 10

7 Laporan dan presentasi hasil laporan magang 20 F4

Klasifikasi penilaian mata kuliah magang 2 adalah sebagai berikut:

No Rentang Nilai Kategori

Angka Huruf

1 91-100 4 A Sangat kompeten

2 80-89 3 B Kompeten

3 70-79 2 C Cukup kompeten

4 0-69 0 D Tidak kompeten

Medan, Februari 2019

Dosen Pengampu

Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si

NIP. 196510151992032003

1. Nama Mahasiswa : Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga

2. NIM : 4173131021

3. Sekolah Latihan : SMA Negeri 1 Medan

4. Prodi : Pendidikan Kimia Bilingual


1. Berilah skor pada butir-butir pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan cara memberi tanda
centang pada kolom skor (2, 3, 4, 5) sesuai dengan kriteria berikut:

2 = kurang baik

3 = cukup baik

4 = baik

5 = sangat baik


No Aspek yang dinilai

2 3 4 5

1 Kemampuan merancang peta konsep materi pembelajaran

Menentukan pembagian alokasi waktu berdasarkan jam

2 efektif pembelajaran di sekolah berdasarkan peta konsep

materi pembelajaran yang telah disusun

Kemampuan menentukan model/metode pembelajaran yang

sesuai dengan materi
4 Kemampuan memilih media pembelajaran

Kemampuan menentukan sistem penilaian yang sesuai

dengan materi pembelajarannya

Skor total

Skor akhir = (skor total) x 100

Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa penilaian yang saya lakukan sesuai dengan kondisi
peserta yang sebenarnya, dan apabila dikemudian hari ternyata pernyataan saya tidak benar,
saya bersedia mempertanggunjawabkannya.

Medan, May 2019


Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si

NIP. 196510151992032003

Nama Mahasiswa
: Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga

: 4173131021

Program Studi
: Pendidikan Kimia Bilingual

: 27 Maret 2019

: 13.50 WIB

Tempat Kegiatan
: Gedung 05, FMIPA UNIMED

Sekolah Latihan
: SMA N 1 Medan


a. Nilailah dengan cermat Perencanaan Pembelajaran yang disusun oleh mahasiswa

b. Berilah skor pada aspek yang dinilai dengan cara memberi tanda centang pada kolom
skor sesuai dengan kriteria penilaian:

1 = sangat tidak baik

2 = tidak baik

3 = kurang baik

4 = baik

5 = sangat baik
No Aspek yang dinilai

1 2 3 4 5

Kesesuaian antar kompetensi dasar dari KI1, KI2, KI3

dan KI 4

Kesesuaian rumusan indikator pencapaian dengan

2 kompetensi dasar (dari KI1, KI2, KI3 dan KI4) yang

akan dicapai

indikator pencapaian kompetensi

kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai

5 Kejelasan dan urutan materi ajar

6 pendekatan) dengan tujuan pembelajaran dan materi


peserta didik

8 kegiatan pembelajaran) dengan tujuan yang akan

Kejelasan skenario pembelajaran (langkah-langkah

9 kegiatan pembelajaran) menggambarkan active

learning dan mencerminkan scientific learning

10 Ketepatan kegiatan penutup dalam pembelajaran

Penilaian mencakup aspek-aspek kompetensi dasar dari

KI1, KI2, KI3, dan KI4 yang harus dicapai

Kesesuaian penilaian dengan indikator/kompetensi

yang akan dicapai

Kelengkapan perangkat penilaian (soal, kunci, rubrik,


Keterpaduan dan kesinkronan antar komponen dalam


Skor Total

Skor Akhir = (Skor total/70) x 100

Medan, May 2019

Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si

NIP. 196510151992032003

Nama Mahasiswa
: Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga

: 4173131021

Program Studi
: Pendidikan Kimia Bilingual

: 27 Maret 2019

: 13.50 WIB

Tempat Kegiatan
: Gedung 05, FMIPA UNIMED

Sekolah Latihan
: SMA N 1 Medan


a. Nilailah dengan cermat Bahan Ajar yang disusun oleh mahasiswa

b. Berilah skor pada aspek yang dinilai dengan cara memberi tanda centang pada kolom
skor sesuai dengan kriteria penilaian:

1 = sangat tidak baik

2 = tidak baik

3 = kurang baik

4 = baik

5 = sangat baik
Komponen Skor

No Kriteria
Penilaian 1 2 3 4 5

A. Kompetensi Bahan Ajar

Ada judul yang menarik dan sesuai

1 Judul
dengan isi

Mencantumkan Standar Kompetensi

dan Kompetensi Dasar

Kesesuaian antara Indikator dengan

3 Indikator
Kompetensi Dasar

a. Tujuan pembelajaran sesuai dengan

Tujuan SK-KD

Pembelajaran b. Menunjukkan manfaat yang

diperoleh bagi peserta didik

a. Sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran

5 Materi
b. Ada apersepsi dan pengayaan materi

a. Ada contoh soal sesuai dengan

tujuan pembelajaran

6 Contoh Soal
b. Menstimulus peserta didik untuk
mengembangkan pengetahuan

Ada latihan/tes/simulasi yang sesuai

7 dengan tujuan pembelajaran yang
memungkinkan peserta didik untuk
menguasai kompetensi dasar yang


a. Terdapat daftar referensi yang aktual

berasal dari buku, media cetak/

8 Referensi elektronik, jurnal ilmiah

b. Kesesuian terhadap aturan penulisan


B. Substansi Materi

a. Sesuai dengan kaidah keilmuan

b. Testabel/teruji

9 Kebenaran
c. Faktualitas (berdasarkan fakta)

d. Logis/Rasional

a. Kelengkapan materi

b. Eksplorasi/pengembangan

10 c. Kolaborasi dengan materi yang lain/
mata pelajaran lain

d. Deskriptif/Imajinatif

a. Aktualitas (dilihat dari segi materi)

b. Up to date (menggunakan contoh

aplikasi/penerapan berdasarkan
11 Kekinian
kondisi nyata saat ini)

c. Inovatif (memunculkan hal-hal yang


12 Keterbacaan Bahasa baku dan dapat dimengerti

C. Tampilan Fisik

Terbaca, Proporsional dan komposisi

13 Huruf
yang baik

Tata letak desain proposional dan

14 Lay out

Skor Total

Skor Akhir = (skor total/130) x 100

Medan, May 2019


Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si

NIP. 196510151992032003

Nama Mahasiswa
: Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga

: 4173131021

Program Studi
: Pendidikan Kimia Bilingual

: 27 Maret 2019

: 13.50 WIB

Tempat Kegiatan
: Gedung 05, FMIPA UNIMED

Sekolah Latihan
: SMA N 1 Medan


a. Nilailah dengan cermat Media Pembelajaran yang disusun oleh mahasiswa

b. Berilah skor pada aspek yang dinilai dengan cara memberi tanda centang pada kolom
skor sesuai dengan kriteria penilaian:

1 = sangat tidak baik

2 = tidak baik

3 = kurang baik

4 = baik

5 = sangat baik

No Aspek yang dinilai

1 2 3 4 5

Media yang digunakan memuat informasi yang abstrak

menjadi lebih nyata/konkret

Media yang digunakan akan mampu membuat pikiran siswa

2 lebih terpusat pada informasi/konsep/prinsip yang akan

diajarkan atau dipelajari

Media yang digunakan akan mampu membuat perhatian

3 siswa teralih dari hal-hal lain ke informasi/konsep/prinsip

yang diajarkan atau dipelajari

Media yang digunakan sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang direncanakan untuk dicapai oleh siswa

Media yang digunakan sesuai denegan karakteristik

5 kebanyakan siswa yang diajar (tingkat perkembangan

mental, tingkat pengetahuan, pengalaman belajar, dll)

Media yang digunakan adaptif atau dapat berubah secara

fleksibel, dan spotan untuk memberi feedback terhadap

respon/reaksi, atau jawaban siswa selama proses

pembelajaran berlangsung

Media yang digunakan mendorong siswa lebih aktif/lebih

terlibat secara fisik/psikomotorik
Media yang digunakan mendorong siswa lebih aktif/lebih
terlihat secara emosional (melibatkan hati dan rasa)
Media yang digunakan melibatkan berbagai penggunaan

9 panca indra sebaga saluran informasi secara serentak

(penglihatan, pendengaran, penciuman, dan perasaan)

Media yang digunakan mampu mendorong siswa lebih

terlibat pada kegiatan kognitif tingkat tinggi (pemecahan

10 masalah, kreatifitas berpikir, kreatifitas mencipta,

menginovasi, dll) sesuai dengan tahapan perkembangan
psikologi anak.

Skor Total

Skor Akhir = (Skor Total/50) x 100

Medan, May 2019


Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si

NIP. 196510151992032003

Nama Mahasiswa
: Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga

: 4173131021

Program Studi
: Pendidikan Kimia Bilingual

: 27 Maret 2019

: 13.50 WIB

Tempat Kegiatan
: Gedung 05, FMIPA UNIMED

Sekolah Latihan
: SMA N 1 Medan


a. Nilailah dengan cermat LKPD yang disusun oleh mahasiswa

b. Berilah skor pada aspek yang dinilai dengan cara memberi tanda centang pada kolom
skor sesuai dengan kriteria penilaian:

1 = sangat tidak baik

2 = tidak baik

3 = kurang baik

4 = baik

5 = sangat baik

No Aspek yang dinilai

1 2 3 4 5

Materi yang dilatihkan pada LKPD mendorong siswa lebih

berinteraksi dengan pokok bahasan yang diajarkan

Materi yang dilatihkan pada LKPD mendorong siswa untuk

2 melakukan lebih banyak eksplorasi materi yang terkait

dengan pelajaran yang disampaikan

Materi yang dilatihkan pada LKPD mampu memberi

3 penguatan (reinforcement) bagi diri siswa bahwa dia benar-

benar telah menguasai

Materi yang dilatihkan dalam LKPD dan cara melatihkannya

4 dapat meningkatkan Retention (lamanya bertahan dalam

ingatan) siswa terhadap pokok bahasan yang diajarkan

Materi latihan dan metode pelatihannya memberi peluang

5 yang besar bagi siswa untuk mengajarkan latihan secara


Materi latihan dan metode pelatihannya dalam LKPD

6 menantang dan menarik bagi siswa sehingga betah

menyelesaikan latihan tanpa terasa bosan

LKPD menyediakan jawaban dan penjelasan tentang

7 mendapatkan jawaban dari setiap latihan yang dan dapat

dipahami dengan mudah

LKPD menyediakan petunjuk yang jelas dan mudah

8 dipahami tentang apa yang akan dikerjakan dalam

menyelesaikan latihan

LKPD menampilkan berbagai sub-pokok bahasan sebagai

9 perwakilan dari materi yang diajarkan sehingga LKPD

berfungsi sebagai sarana review (kajian ulang) yang efektif

LKPD menyediakan ruang komentar mengakhiri setiap

bagian latihan terhadap evaluasi diri siswa mengenai bagian

10 mana saja yang telah dipahami dengan baik dan bagian

mana yang gagal dilakukan serta informasi lainnya yang
terkait dengan kegiatan latihan tersebut

Skor Total

Skor Akhir= (skor total/50) x 100

Medan, May 2019


Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si

NIP. 196510151992032003

Nama Mahasiswa
: Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga

: 4173131021

Program Studi
: Pendidikan Kimia Bilingual

: 27 Maret 2019

: 13.50 WIB

Tempat Kegiatan
: Gedung 05, FMIPA UNIMED

Sekolah Latihan
: SMA N 1 Medan


a. Nilailah dengan cermat Perangkat Penilaian yang disusun oleh mahasiswa

b. Berilah skor pada aspek yang dinilai dengan cara memberi tanda centang pada kolom
skor sesuai dengan kriteria penilaian:

1 = sangat tidak baik

2 = tidak baik

3 = kurang baik

4 = baik

5 = sangat baik

No Aspek yang dinilai

1 2 3 4 5

Kesesuaian butir soal dengan indikator kompetensi

yang ditetapkan

2 Kesesuaian materi tes dengan tujuan pengukuran

Rumusan setiap butir soal menggunakan kata/

3 pernayataan/perintah yang menuntut jawaban dari


Rumusan setiap butir soal menggunakan bahasa yang

sederhana, komunikatif, dan mudah dipahami

Rumusan setiap butir soal menggunakan kaidah bahasa

Indonesia yang baik dan benar

Rumusan setiap butir soal tidak menggunakan kata-

kata/ kalimat yang menimbulkan penafsiran ganda

7 Kejelasan petunjuk penggunaan perangkat penilaian

Kejelasan kriteria penilaian yang diuraikan pada

perangkat penilaian

9 Kejelasan tujuan penggunaan perangkat penilaian

Kesesuaian indikator yang dinilai untuk setiap aspek

10 penilaian pada perangkat penilaian dengan tujuan

Kategori yang terdapat dalam perangkat penilaian

11 sudah mencakup semua aktifitas siswa dan guru yang

mungkin terjadi dalam pembelajaran
Kesesuaian waktu yang dialokasikan untuk pelaksanaan

keseluruhan perangkat penilaian

Skor Total

Skor Akhir = (skor total/60) x 100

Medan, May 2019


Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si

NIP. 196510151992032003

1. Nama Calon Guru : Luxy Grebers

2. NIM : 4173131021

3. Sekolah Magang : SMA N 1 Medan

No Aspek yang dinilai Bobot Skor Penilaian

1 Format dan Sistematika Penulisan (10)

a. Format 3

b. Tata tulis 3

c. Kelengkapan komponen 4

2 Bahasa (10)

a. Ketepatan tata bahasa 3

b. Ketepatan ejaan 3

c. Efektivitas penggunaan kalimat 4

3 Hasil laporan (80)

a. Latar belakang 5

b. Tujuan 5

c. Menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan 10

Pembelajaran (RPP)

d. Menyusun bahan ajar sesuai dengan 15


e. Membuat media yang menarik sesuai 10

dengan RPP
f. Menyusun lembar kerja peserta didik 15

sesuai dengan RPP

g. Menyusun alat evaluasi sesuai 20

dengan tujuan

Jumlah 100

−= 100


Medan, May 2019


Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si

NIP. 196510151992032003

College student : Luxy Grebers Sinaga Internship Lecturer : Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si.

ID : 4173131021 Name of School : SMA N 1 MEDAN

: Chemistry/Chemistry
Jurusan/Prodi Education Internship Teacher : Yusriza, S.Pd

Class : Bilingual Chemistry Education

Meeting Activity Initials

Done Not done

1-2 Explain the lecture contract and RPS ✓

3-5 Compile and develop the lesson plan ✓

Compile and develop the learning

6-7 ✓

8 Reflection ✓

Compile and develop the learning

9-10 ✓

Compile and develop the students

11-12 ✓

13-14 Compile and develop the assesment ✓


15 Reflection ✓

16 Final report internship II ✓

Nb : Reflection activities at the 15th week were not carried out due to something.
However, reflection activities were held at the 16 week as well as collecting the

Medan, May 28th, 2018


Internship II Lecturer College Student

Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si

Tati Justika Gea

NIP. 196510151992032003
NIM. 4173131041

Nama sekolah : SMA N 1 MEDAN

Kurikulum : Kurikulum 2013

Mata pelajaran : Kimia

Kelas/Semester : XII IPA/Ganjil

Tahun pelajaran : 2018/2019

Nama guru : Yusriza, S.Pd

NIP :-

No Hari/Tanggal Pertemuan Ke Paraf

1 06/02/2019 dan 13/02/2019 1-2

20/02/2018, 27/02/2019,
2 3-5
dan 06/03/2019

3 13/03/2019 dan 20/03/2019 6-7

4 27/03/2019 8

5 03//04/2019 dan 10/04/2019 9-10

6 17/04/2019 dan 24/04/2019 11-12

7 01/05/2019 dan 08/05/2019 13-14

8 15/052019 15
9 22/05/2019 16


Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga

A. Organizational structure

B. List of names of teachers and education staff

NO Name Subjects

1 Dra. Hj. Nurhana Lubis A. Islam

2 Dra. Zahro Baity A. Islam

3 Hamdani, MA A. Islam

4 Dra. P.Simanjuntak A. Catholic

5 Novianti, S.PAK Christian A.

6 Dra. Risma Minar Elisabeth Simanjuntak A. Kristan

7 J. Manalu, S.Th Christian A.

8 R.Gultom, S.PAK Christian A.

9 HM Shafi, S.Pd, M.Si Accounting

10 Drs. Remove Agus Supriadi, M.Pd B.Indonesia

11 Fatimah, S.Pd B. Indonesia

12 Drs. Bambang Sugeng B.Indonesia

13 Budiman, S.Pd B.Indonesia

14 Dra. Ipa Ratna, M.Pd B.Indonesia

15 Imelda Febriana Siregar, S. Pd, M. Pd B.Indonesia

16 Erliana Siregar, S. Pd, M. Pd B.Indonesia

17 Drs. Suwanto B. English

18 Linny R. Nasution, S. Pd, M. Hum B. English

19 Dra. Fatimah Purba, M.Hum B. English

20 Dince Tarohan, S.Pd B. English

21 Dra. Delima Nainggolan B. English

22 Ariani Perangin-wind B. English

23 Jana Lasmian Pransiska Sitinjak, S.Pd B. English

24 Dra. Yulidar, M.Hum B. English

25 Syahpriyanti, SS B.Jepang

26 Nila Ulchairiah B.Jepang

27 Hj. Ahdatika Lubis Biology

28 Dra. Guti Gratimah, M.Si Biology

29 Dra. Hamidah Biology

30 Nurkesuma Goddess, S.pd, M.Pd Biology

31 Sri Kurniati, S. Pd Biology

32 Drs. Sumardi H. Hsb BK

33 R. Simanjuntak, S.Pd BK

34 Dra. Siti Khadijah Siregar BK

35 Dra. Rosmaida Hafni BK

36 Dra. Asfah Irdawati BK

37 Dra. E. Meliala BK

38 M. Tambun, S.Pd BK

39 Dra. Hj. Bidasari Daulay, M.Pd BK

40 Hj. Ihda Arsyah BK

41 Hj. Gusriati BK

42 Mahani, S. Pd economy

43 Nanni Juwita, S.Pd economy

44 Marni Simanjorang, S.Pd economy

45 Derry Anggie Prabawa, S.Pd economy

46 Drs. M. Amin Nasution Physics

47 Drs. US Sormin, M.Pd Physics

48 Dra. Hj. RAjimah, M.Si Physics

49 R. Sagala, S.Pd Physics

50 Hafni Susanti, S.Pd, M.Si Physics

51 Hj. Ernawati, S.Pd Physics

52 Jamilah, S.Pd Physics

53 Yasnima E. Harahap, S. Pd, M.Si Physics

54 Dra. Kennan Tarin Geography

55 Edi Santoso, S.Pd Geography

56 Drs. Sutarto, M.Si Geography

57 K.Sukardi Geography

58 Wahidin, S. Pd, M. Pd, M.Si Chemistry

59 Dra. Martina Sembiring Chemistry

60 Dra. Sernita Sian, M.Si Chemistry

61 Lia Lusiana, S.Pd Physics

62 Friska Ervi Handayani Damanik, S.SI Chemistry

63 Yusriza, S.Pd Chemistry

64 Dra. Yulis Purnawingsih, M.Si Mathematics

65 Drs. Hardo Pamuko, M.Si Mathematics

66 Parlaungan, S.Pd, M.Si Mathematics

67 Drs. WH Hasibuan Mathematics

68 Drs. Wahidin Mathematics

69 Drs. Patience, M.Si Mathematics

70 Drs. Tarno, M.Si Mathematics

71 Averroes, S. Pd, M.Si Mathematics

72 Dra. H. Sirait Mathematics

73 Dra. Hj. Erlinawati Hasibuan Mathematics

74 Khairunnisa, S.Pd, M.Si Mathematics

75 Rosmatina, S.Pd, M.Si Mathematics

76 Qurratu 'Ainin, S.Pd Mathematics

77 Syawal Ritonga, S.Pd physical education

78 Nurhasim, S.Pd physical education

79 Rosmintha Br. Wake up, S.Pd physical education

80 Roni Fathan Hasibuan, S.Pd physical education

81 Sepman Coal, S.Pd Civics

82 Dra. Wirdatultiflah Civics

83 Drs. Hasbi Cape Civics

84 Marsolina, S.Sos Sociology

85 H.Fahruddin Lubis, S.Pd, M.Si History

86 Drs. Aswal Scorpio History

87 Siti Basyariah Ritonga, S.Pd Art and culture

88 Erma Sativa, S. Pd, M. Hum Art and culture

89 princess Fazrin Art and culture

90 Iin Yunisyah Siregar Art and culture

91 Ahmadi Febrizal Nasution, ST ICT

92 Megariani, S.Kom ICT

93 Muhammad Ayub, S.Kom ICT

C. Photos of relevant activities

D. Study Program Internship Permit


a. Personal Data

Name : Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga

Place and date of birth : Jambi, Sept 03rd 2019

Religion : Catholic

Address : Jl. Setia budi Gg. Seroja No. 8

Gender : Female

Status : College Student

Height : 150 cm

Weight : 45 kg

Phone Number : 0813-7326-0460

E-mail :

b. Educational Background
Formal Education


SD : SD Negeri 173688 Nainggolan (2005-2011)

SMP : SMP Negeri 1 Nainggolan (2011-2014)

SMA : SMA Negeri 1 Siborongborong (2014-2017)

Medan, May 2019

Best Regards

Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga

Tati Justika Gea


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