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Preprints of the 19th World Congress

The International Federation of Automatic Control

Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

Towards the Guaranteed Control of Production Output:

a Probabilistic Approach
Kirill Chernyshov

V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, 65 Profsoyuznaya, Moscow 117997, Russia


Abstract: The paper presents a problem statement of guaranteed control of production output by use of a
probabilistic criterion that requires presence of the product output within specified limits with a given
probability. Within the problem statement, the existence of the controls is considered in the form of suffi-
cient mutual conditions which the initial problem characteristics are to meet to. Deriving the conditions is
based on applying corresponding probabilistic inequalities enabling one to establish a connection between
the limits for the production output, the amount of the mean square deviation of the production output,
and the required probability of presence of the production output within the specified limits. The proba-
bilistic conditions obtained are also shown to be applicable within a distribution free input/output system
identification problem statement with a probabilistic criterion. The paper has been supported by a grant
of the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (RFBR): project 12-08-01205-a.

Keywords: distribution density, guaranteed control, probabilistic criterion, production output, system
identification, unimodal distribution.

1. PROBLEM STATEMENT pk (v, yUZ ,  UZ ), k  1,, N (2)
Numerous of papers are devoted to modeling production out- (the number N is, of course, finite but not specifically lim-
put control and, correspondingly, to modeling output produc- 2
ited). Parameters yUZ ,  UZ of the densities are determined
tion, e.g. (Chen et al., 1998, Danziger, 2008, Elmaghraby,
2011, Frohling at al., ( ), Rentz, 2009, Fuping and Min, 2005, at the each stage (time interval of forming the control) by use
Geist et al., (2008), Humphreys et al., 2001, Jahanshahloo of observation data. In densities (2)  UZ is the conditional
and Khodabakhshi, 2003, Jun, 2004, Kraines and Yoshikuni, variance.
2004, Percoco, 2006, Proietti et al., 2007, Wiendahl and
Springer, (1988), Zegordi and Nia, (2009), Zofo and Prieto, The performance index of the production output control is
2007). Within the present paper, a probabilistic approach to expressed in the form of meeting the following condition of a
such a problem is considered within the following problem probabilistic form
Let us consider a problem statement of guaranteed control of
  
P v  * ,  *   p* ,
 
production output of a manufacturing process within which
the output variable v is modeled by use of the conditional
mathematical expectation In inequality (3), p* stands for the desired probability value,
 *
yUZ  Ev U, Z  Z 0   hu1,, un  . (1) * ,   denotes the required production output interval
 
In expression (1) U=(u1,…,un)T represents a vector of control within which the production output v is to be with a probabil-
variables, Z=(z1, …, zm)T represents a vector of input con- ity being not less than preset probability value p*. Within the
trolled variables, and E{./.} stands for the conditional the probabilistic problem statement, the probability distribution
mathematical expectation. The essence of the approach pro- density of the output variable v belongs to the above intro-
posed is to apply a hypothesis concerned with the assumption duced class CPr of admissible probability distribution densi-
that the probability distribution density of the product output ties.
v is to belong to a class CPr of admissible probability distri-
bution densities. Meanwhile, the make-up of the class CPr 2
For each one representative pk (v, yUZ ,  UZ ), k  1,, N of
may be a priory arbitrary, but formally the class may involve the class CPr, the required domain of admissible controls
all reasonable probability distribution densities known in the meeting, finally, to probabilistic criterion (3) is determined as
probability theory. Regarding the present problem statement follows. For each member of the probability distribution den-
members of the class CPr are considered as conditional prob-
ability distribution densities

Copyright © 2014 IFAC 8915

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

sity class CPr considered, solution of the algebraic equation bility level p*=0.985, the same intersection I in formula (5) is
with respect to yUZ not exist (empty) under non-emptiness of each of the two
intervals [y1k, y2k], k  1, 2 , and a solution of the problem of
* the existence of guaranteed controls does not exist. For the
 pk (v, yUZ , UZ )dv  p*, k  1,, N .
(4) probability level p*=0.990 one of two intervals [y1k, y2k],
* k  1, 2 , is empty, while for the probability level p*=0.995
both the intervals [y1k, y2k], k  1, 2 are empty.
is obtained (within assumptions, that  UZ is constant). Any
unimodal probability distribution density (both symmetric
and non-symmetric ones) of the class CPr provides a pair of
roots y1k < y2k, k  1,, N of equation (4). Each of these
pairs of the roots forms corresponding interval [y1k, y2k],
k  1,, N of admissible values of the conditional mathe-
matical expectation yUZ . Inside each of the intervals, for the
corresponding k-th member of the class CPr probabilistic cri- 0.994
terion (3) is met.
Again, the intersection of these intervals is built, 0.992

N 0.99
I  y1k , y2k . (5)
k 1 0.988

Mapping intersection (5) by use of regression (1) into the 0.986

space of controls forms in this space a domain of guaranteed x
controls SGC. In other words,
 
I   y1max , y2min  . (6) 0.982
 
In (6) 0 0.1 0.2

Figure 1: Towards the possible non-existence of the

y1max  max y2k  , (7)
intersection I in formula (5) for the Gaussian (the black line)
k 1,, N
and log-normal (the cyan line) distributions calculated for
y2min  min y2k  . (8) *  103 ,  *  0.5 ,  UZ
 0.01 .
i 1,, N
Also, let in (5) the intersection I exist. As well as above,
Within such a problem statement, the guaranteed controls Figures 2 and 3 present plots of the functions  k ( yUZ ) ,
domain SGC existence is equivalent to the intersection I exist-
ence in formula (5). Meanwhile, intersection (5) (defined by k  1, 2, 3 calculated for the Gaussian (the black line),
(6)-(8)) may be empty. Indeed, let  k ( y UZ ) , k  1,, N be logistic (the blue dotted line), and Student (the cyan line)
a set of functions in the variable yUZ for particular condition distributions for the following data: *  10 ,  *  20 . In
2 2
probability distribution densities 2
pk (v, yUZ ,  UZ ) these figures,  UZ  2 for Figure 2, and  UZ  5 for Figure
k  1,, N under a fixed  UZ : 3. Meanwhile, Figure 2b presents a refined scale
representation of changing the density choice in the
“neighborhood” of the level of p*  0.980 . These figures

 pk (v, yUZ , UZ )dv, k  1,, N . evidently demonstrate that for a constant variance the choice
 k ( y UZ )  (9)
of suitable probability distribution densities considerably
depends on the required level of the probability p* in (3), and
it is by no means universal or trivial. Here, as the admissible
Figure 1 displays plots of the functions  k ( yUZ ) in formula
probability distribution densities, those ones are assumed
(9), obtained for the Gaussian (the black line) and the log- which provide the maximal amount for the root y1k in
normal (the cyan line) probability distribution densities under accordance to expression (7) and the minimal amount of the
the following data: *  103 ,  *  0.5 ,  UZ
 0.01 . One root y2k in accordance to expression (8).
can easily be seen that for, say, the probability level All these and many others examples evidently demonstrates
p*=0.980, the intersection of the corresponding (two) inter- that the problem of investigation of conditions of existence of
vals I in formula (5) exists (being non-empty). For the proba- intersection (5) is vital and in the present paper it is solved by

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

applying corresponding probabilistic inequalities, e.g. (Lin

and Bai, 2011). 0.98







dx dx


0.9 12 14 16 18
12 14 16 18

–a– Figure 3: Forming intersection (5) for the Gaussian (the black
line), logistic (the blue dotted line) and Student (the cyan
0.99 line) distributions at *  10 ,  *  20 ,  UZ


0.984 In the present Section, sufficient conditions that provides the
existence of the intersection I in formula (5) for probability
distribution densities of a general type are derived. Within the
problem consideration, one may initially note that the length
of the intervals [y1k, y2k] in formula (5) and, as a consequence,
the existence of their intersection depend on values of two
“parameters” of the general problem statement. In other
0.975 words, these parameters are the desired probability p* and the
variance  UZ . As the above examples evidently demon-
0.972 strate, increasing the probability p* and/or increasing the var-
iance  UZ give rise to the non-existence of the intersection I
0.969 in formula (5). Then, one may naturally assume that there
should exist a certain relationship (dependence) between the
0.966 values of amounts of p* and  UZ , meanwhile maintaining
such a relationship at an appropriate level is to guarantee the
0.963 existence of the intersection I in formula (5).
First of all, let us consider a particular case when the class
12.4 12.6 12.8 13 CPr of probability distribution densities is formed by all
available symmetric unimodal ones. Within the case, apply-
–b– ing the Tchebychev inequality by virtue of performance in-
dex (3) gives rise to the following relationship
Figure 2: Forming intersection (5) for the Gaussian (the black
line), logistic (the blue dotted line) and Student (the cyan
line) distributions for *  10 ,  *  20 ,  UZ
 2.

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

 UZ class CPr. For the present case, by virtue of the Tchebychev
1  p*  . (10) inequality the following inequality may be written
 *
 * 2   2

Ev   2
1  p*  . (12)
Meanwhile, the present paper problem statement motivates to
consider just achieving the equality formula (10) as the main min   , *
 

subject of interest. Thus the value

The inequality is formally even more strict the one presented
 2UZ 
   * 2 1  p* 
  2
by formula (10)). In inequality (12), E(.) is the symbol of the
the mathematical expectation, and  is an arbitrary point
defines the maximally admissible value of the variance that  
may guarantee the existence of the intervals [y1k, y2k] in for- belonging to the interval * ,  *  . In turn, in complete anal-
 
mula (5) for the desired probability p* and the desired mar-
ogy to the reasoning presented above, one may affirm that
 
gins of the interval * ,  *  . For any variance  UZ 2
  2UZ reaching the marginal case (equality) in formula (12) is the
  basic subject of the investigation. Meanwhile, minimization
(equality (11)) the existence of the intersection I in formula of the function that is formed by the right-hand side of rela-
(5) is guaranteed. Meanwhile the existence is valid not for tionship (12) is just to help to reach the equality. In turn, the
symmetric probability distribution densities only, but for non-
symmetric ones as well. Figure 4 displays a corresponding
 
function  ( )  min   * ,  *   
properties and the rela-
example involving the Gumbel distribution density (Johnson tionship Ev    2 2
  UZ  Ev     , imply the following

1  v   v   inequality
et al., 1995) p(v )  exp  exp  , where 

     
Ev   2 2
 UZ
and  are the distribution parameters.  . (13)
min   , *
  2

  *  * 
   2

 2 
1  

Meanwhile, the equality in non-strict inequality (13) is

0.9 reached under the conditions

 
  *   * 2 and Ev    , (14)

and conditions (14) are necessary and sufficient ones.

As a direct consequence from the presented considerations,
dx the relationships

 UZ 

1 *
  *  1  p  ,
* (15)

determine the sufficient conditions to provide the existence of

0.5 the intersection I in formula (5) for arbitrary unimodal proba-
bility distribution density as a member of the class CPr. (The
sufficiency is guaranteed by condition (15), since meeting it
0.4 0.4 ensures that all intervals [y1k, y2k] will involve the center of
10 15 20
 
 
10 u v w 20

the interval * ,  *  , the point *   * 2 ).

Figure 4: “Embedding” of the intervals [y1k, y2k] in formula  
(4) under decreasing the variance  UZ for the Gumbel dis-
Also, if condition (15) is met, the center point of the interval
tribution (at *  10 ,  *  20 ,  UZ
 4 . (the cyan line),  *
2 2 * ,   always belongs each interval [y1k, y2k]. Thus, the
 UZ  6.25 (the dotted blue line),  UZ  9 (the black line)).  
condition of the unimodality may be disregarded. Meanwhile,
it is natural that for a multimodal probability distribution
Above, general type probability distribution densities (not density two roots of equation (4) are to be chose only, namely
necessary unimodal ones) were considered. The consideration
below is concerned with symmetric and non-symmetric
those ones being nearest to the point *   * 2 , one of  
which located to the left, and the second one, to the right of
unimodal probability distribution densities involved into the this point.

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

The example presented of the preceding Section (Figure 1)

evidently demonstrates that a violation of condition (15)

inequality (16)   v, x0  , and  
 
min   * ,  *   ,
  Ev   
gives rise to the case, when the center the interval * ,  *  enables one to obtain directly from (16) the following ine-
 
may not belong to all intervals [y1k, y2k] in formula (5). Under
the data of this example, condition (15) implies the following 4 Ev   2
1  p*  . (17)
  
(upper) bound for the variance: 2
9 min    ,  *  

 *
2 
 UZ     * 1  p*  4  0.00934 under p*=0.985, and
 

Meanwhile, analogously to the considerations of the preced-

 
ing Section, one may affirm that reaching the marginal case
 2 
 UZ    *  * 1  p*  4  0.000311 under p*=0.995, (equality) in formula (17) is the basic subject of the investiga-
  tion. Namely, to reach the equality in non-strict inequality
what contradicts to the considered amount of the mean square (17), since just this condition is the main point of interest, it
deviation  UZ  0.01 . is enough to minimize the function (in η)

Thus, condition (15) derived by no means limits (even taking Ev   2

 ( )  . (18)
into account the unimodality condition) forming the class of
probability distribution densities which may be involved in min   ,
 

deriving the required intersection in formula (5) to form the

domain of admissible guaranteed controls, since a numerical Again, following to the considerations of the preceding Sec-
solution of equations (4) is not hard for any given specific tion, the minimum of function (in η) (18) is easily seen to be
probability distribution density pk (v, yUZ ,  UZ ), k  1,, N . 
reached under the conditions   *   * 2 and Ev    . 
(One may be noted within this context that an analytical solu- Meanwhile, these conditions are necessary and sufficient
tion of equations (4) is of course not mandatory). ones.
As a direct consequence, relationship (17) and the above con-
3. SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR UNIMODAL siderations give rise to the following sufficient condition for
the maximally admissible value of the variance  UZ in the
Condition (15) obtained in the preceding Section is universal event of unimodal distributions:
within the present problem statement, but its applicability to
all (general) types of probability distribution densities (mul-
timodal ones) may be exhaustive, if the class CPr is restricted
 UZ 

9 * 2

  * 1  p*  . (19)
by involvement of unimodal densities only. For unimodal
distributions, condition (15) may be specified using the above One again, appeal to the numerical conditions displayed in
presented general approach under applying some generaliza- Figure 1 shows that in the event of mismatching condition
tions relating to probabilistic inequalities (Lin and Bai, 2011).  
Specifically, one may apply the Gauss inequality (in its gen- (19), the center of the interval * ,  *  will not mandatory
eralized form):  
be available in all intervals [y1k, y2k], k  1,, N in formula
P  x0    
4 (5). Condition (19) implies the following upper bound for the
  0 . (16)
9 2 variance: 2
 UZ  0.002101 under p*=0.985, and
In (16),  2  E  x0 2 , x0 represents any arbitrary real  UZ  0.0007 under p*=0.995, what also contradicts to the
number, and  stands for a unimodally distributed (arbitrary) considered amount  UZ  0.01 .
random value. Worthwhile to note that in the conventional
Gauss inequality the real above number x0 is assumed to be 4. SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION WITH A PROBABILISTIC
the mode of the probability distribution of the random value CRITERION: APPLICATION OF THE RESULTS
 . Inequality (16) was in the fullness of time derived by So-
In the section, probabilistic conditions (15) and (19) are
viet mathematicians D.F. Vysochanskij and Yu.I. Petunin and
shown to be applicable within a distribution free input/output
referred with their names.
system identification problem statement with a probabilistic
Again, similarly to expression (12),  is considered as an criterion.
  For a single output discrete time ( t  1, 2,  ) system process
arbitrary point belonging to the interval * ,  *  . Setting in
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19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

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