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It should lend itself to effective implementation, in letter and spirit

This will call for concurrent attention being paid to availability, access and absorption

The Rajiv Gandhi Drinking Water Mission, the Total Sanitation Programme and the
National Rural Health Mission are all important for food security

From a window, two persons looked out. One saw the mud and the other a meadow

The problem of correcting this looming imbalance remains

We thought it a good time to catch up with the founders, to find out what made them take
the road less travelled

That was the first shot in the arm for the start-up

Not easy, but if fortune favours the brave, this start-up may well make it big

Because of this, the actual performance of the company may not be as good or as bad as
it prima facie may seem to be

For many others, FCCBs became a double edged sword as in case of non- conversion
companies would have been forced to pay up their liabilities

Since the base rate is linked to inflation, it is a double edged sword

In the IT space, NASDAQ listed companies Cognizant really did pull a rabbit out of the
hat with some stellar second quarter numbers

The new regime would inject an element of risk as returns would become a function of
the base rate

Even five years ago, a course such as mine would have been considered an aberration in a
business school

If passions are the masters of reason then they have done a remarkable job at getting us to
believe in their benign nature – their outright subservience to reason

I don’t believe in cutting corners for all kinds of expenses

I have stopped buying arbitrary gifts now. I only buy toys during her birthdays. In that
manner I keep a tab on my expenses as well her temptations

Technology schemes were floated at dime a dozen, and many investors had their first
experience of mutual funds
Needless to say, they burnt their bridges with mutual funds as an investment vehicle,
when the technology bubble burst in 2001

I want to drive home the point that this is a growing business which will help channel
savings and thus the economy

The study shed light on the characteristics of this burgeoning cross section of the society,
concluding that they share many traits with their counterparts in the wealthy west

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