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Ixacao Indica – by Aljai

1. Value Proposition:

Artisanal bean-to-bar craft chocolate, made using only Indian grown cacao beans
and organic ingredients, with a focus on the Indian palate, in choosing flavors and
infusions to create a uniquely Indian brand of fine chocolates. In an endeavor to
create a healthy and sustainable fine chocolate for the Indian market, using only
natural ingredients, zero preservatives or emulsifiers and sourcing directly from
farms / estates to help and encourage Indian farmers.

2. Market Need:

We live in a time where our produce is contaminated with pesticides and our
processed foods laden with preservatives and emulsifiers in order to give a shelf
life to packaged products, the negatives of which are being witnessed worldwide
by medical professionals and public health experts alike. Children love sweets and
chocolates and they need healthier alternatives to mass produced, sugar laden

3. Your Solution:

We make stone ground chocolates from cacao beans sourced from Indian farmers,
using only palm sugar, cacao butter and natural / organic flavours (essential oils),
colours (vegetable) and inclusions (like nuts or fruit). By creating a bean-to-bar
chocolate we by-pass a major process in chocolate making i.e. separating the
butter and cacao mass, we arrive at a healthier, wholesome and tastier alternative
to chocolate bought in the store.
Timeline / Stages / Products:

Stage-1: Move to a facility / Premise, hire more labour, get next stage of bean-to
bar machinery / Sales Nationwide / online / locally (Goa)

A. Dark / Milk chocolate bars (100/80 gram each)

B. Choco-nut butters (like Nutella) – Peanut / Cashew
C. Chocolate coated nuts and seeds – Cashew / peanuts / walnuts / sunflower
D. Chocolate coated cookies / granola bars
E. Bonbons & Truffles (10-12grams each)


F. Cocoa Butter lip balms

G. Cocoa butter and chocolate massage bars
H. Cocoa nib & husk scrub soap bars
I. Cacao toothpaste

4. Competition:

India currently has about 10-15 craft choclatiers of which only 2-3 are actually
chocolate manufacturers making their chocolates from Indian grown cacao beans.
The market is expected to grow exponentially in the next few years, owing to the
discovery of great tasting beans grown in Southern Indian states and the
awareness of the market growing to consume more fine quality chocolate
In the local market, Goa, there is no other manufacturer supplying chocolate or
cacao Couverture.

5. Target Market:

Our target market is all discerning refined chocolate lovers and people looking for
healthy (low sugar, zero chemicals) and sustainable (local, single origin) options for
chocolate, who will now be able to enjoy their favourite confectionery without any
guilt or a huge impact on the wallet.

6. Financial Projections:
7. Sales Channels: Marketing plan to be expanded in detail

1. Internet:
a. From home – direct purchase / select outlets (e.g. Chef’s Kitchen
b. Direct contact with boutique hotels & restaurants to create
bespoke/signature flavours for their brands.
c. Direct contact with artists & musicians to create bespoke/signature
flavours in collaboration – for sale via their own & select outlets.
2. Select Outlets:
a. Boutique Hotels
b. Organic / Sustainable stores
c. Yoga/Wellness/ Spa centre’s

Initially a word of mouth and social media only marketing strategy; Distributing
Couverture bars to chefs and choclatiers, word of mouth via friend’s network and
an Instagram page with regular updates in a story format. Facebook page updated
via Instagram, with health tips and recipes and/or facts & knowledge with each

8. Milestones:

So far; made successful and delicious batches of bean to bar chocolate (using
Indian beans) at home, purchased basic supplies (moulds etc) for making
chocolates at home, started an Instagram page (Ixcacaoindica) to document and
journal my journey. Yet to be done; buying the domain name, making a website
and purchase portal, making sample batches of Couverture for each variety to test
with chefs & choclatiers, investing in more equipment (tempering machine,
packaging etc) to take me to the next level of production from home and
marketing in the Goa local market.

9. Management Team: (for Stage 1)

Aljai Singh (myself) – chocolate smith (Ixcacao Indica)

Assistant Cacao worker – to be hired (@Rs.12000/month)
Cleaner / Labour – to be employed (@Rs.10,000/month)

10. Funding Needs: (detailed in excel document attached)

Stage 1 (June 2019 to March 2020): Small Chocolate smithy –

Set up Cost: Rs.4,07,000/-
Running Expenses (monthly): Rs.80,000/- (x6 = 4,80,000/-)
Branding / Design: Rs.2,00,000/-

Stage 2 (April 2020):

Set up Cost: Rs.10,02,000/-
Logistics for placement Across India – Rs. 100,000/-
Running Expenses (monthly): Rs.1,00,000/- (x12 = 12,00,000/-)

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