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All the available volunteer places

1) Employment places
FÖJ / FSJ / BFD in day care centers (kindergartens) and
(outdoors) schools
The chance to have experience in dealing with children in the
Age range from two to six years, as well as with parents and educators

2) Application sites in youth education centers

- DGB youth education center (FSJ) 2
The youth training center is located on the northern outskirts of Brandenburg, in Ostprignitz-Ruppin, 30km north of
Neuruppin. The Youth Education Center operates nationwide and carries out projects throughout Brandenburg by. It
is supported by the Youth Association of the German Trade Union Federation (DGB youth).

The Association's work is the international exchange and support from other unions around the world.

- Youth education center "Christian-writer-House “(FSJ,BFD)5

Southeast of Berlin, surrounded by a large lake and forests our Christian writer-house with space for 90 people.
thematic courses and seminars for Catholic youth groups are offered on weekends and during the holidays. In the
weeks of school, especially school groups visit our house that here religious day


- FSJ two places and two places öBFD

- A place to sleep for you

- The chance of boarding

- Catholic Youth Education Center "Don BoscoHouse" (FOJ) 3

The "Don Bosco House" is the Youth Center of the Diocese of Görlitz. In DonBosco House of BDKJ operates its youth
training center in the diocese of Görlitz. The existing facility since 1968 has been built from scratch 1994th
Surrounded by a 2 hectare site with a variety of game offerings, load two houses with more than 60 seats mainly
children and young people to education and things to do one.


- Mainly practical work outside and working with people

- A place to sleep for you

3) Departments of open youth work
-Recreation Center KLAB (The Hawks) (FSJ)
- Youth Center Pavilion (The Hawks)(FSJ)
- Parent-child club in the town of Oranienburg (ECT) (FSJ)
- freiland Potsdam - Youth Cultural Center (FÖJ, FSJ) 1
- JugendclubJiiterbog II (FSJ)
- YCL eV (children and youth group Eichwalde / Zeuthen / Wildau) (FSJ)
- Youth group home Reetz (domicile Lighthouse gGmbH) (SBFD)
The farm in Reetz is an educational-therapeutic group home with nine places for children and adolescents aged 6 to
21 who receive an individually differentiated Close supervision because of their special socialization impairment for
intensive promotion. The care is provided around the clock. The Reetzer farm offers a family-like cohabitation

Particularities: The / the volunteer should be at least 21 years old. Possession of the category B license at least one
year of driving experience are required.

- Family group home Bad Belzig (domicile Lighthouse gGmbH) (SBFD) Site
Particularities: The / the volunteer should be at least 21 years old. Possession of the category B license at least one
year of driving experience are required.

- Children and Youth Services facility Fichtenwalde (domicile Lighthouse

gGmbH) (SBFD)
Particularities: The / the volunteer should be at least 21 years old. Possession of the category B license at least one
year of driving experience are required.

- Youth group home experience Potsdam (domicile Lighthouse gGmbH) + Wolf

learning (SBFD)
Particularities: The / the volunteer should be at least 21 years old. Possession of the category B license at least one
year of driving experience are required.

4) Application sites in clubs and associations

- DGB Youth Berlin-Brandenburg (FSJ) 4
- Humanistic RV Brandenburg / Belzig Association (FSJ)
- BDKJ - Trinity Church (FSJ)
- StadtjugendringKoenigsWusterhausen (FSJ)
- Stadtjugendring Potsdam (FSJ)
- Luckau theater box (FSJ)
- Freethinker Barnim eV (East Side-Fun Crew) (FSJ)
- Freethinker Barnim eV (office) (FSJ)
- Friends of Nature Association, National Association of Brandenburg (FÖJ)
The nature lovers Landesverband Brandenburg eV, are recognized nature conservation association under the
Federal Nature Conservation Act which currently has about 375 members in 12 local and regional groups in
Brandenburg. Seat is the "House of Nature" in Potsdam. The movement of the Friends of Nature is organized
worldwide with approximately 600,000 members in 22 countries around the world


- Mainly work in the office and on the computer

- The nature lovers Youth Brandenburg (FÖJ)

- Country Office BUNDjugend Brandenburg (FÖJ)
active BUNDjugend - the youth organization of the Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation Germany
(BUND) eV It is part of the worldwide network "friends of the earth".

Young people between 18 and 26 years here have the opportunity to acquire knowledge, to gain experience and to
stand up for nature conservation and environmental protection. Our target groups are children, teenagers and
young adults. We work together with various regional partners.


- Two FÖJ courts - mainly work in the office and on the computer - sometimes weekend work

- Conservation Union (NABU) Landesverband Brandenburg eV (FÖJ)

- Conservation youth NABU eV Landesverband Brandenburg (FÖJ)
- NABU Regionalverband Westhavelland eV (FÖJ)
- LJR Brandenburg "timer" - counseling center for local youth work history

5) Application sites with a focus on conservation work

- Research Institute of Mining Landscapes (FÖJ, öBFD)6
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (öBFD)7
- Institute of Inland Fisheries Potsdam Sacrow (FÖJ)
- HoherFläming nature Centre (FÖJ)
The Nature Center is the visitor * inside-center for the High Fläming Nature Park and all year daily from 9 open until
17 o'clock. About 13,000 visitors come each year to find out about attractions, natural tips on walking and cycling
routes. The center also runs a bike rental service. The permanent exhibition and the Flaming shop provide an
overview of the Natural Park or the typical regional crafts. In nature park workshop (with kitchen) Groups carry out
environmental education programs. In the area of biodiversity


- Practical work outside - a place to sleep for you

- National Park Lower Oder (FÖJ)

- Ecological Research Foundation for Nature Conservation eV (FÖJ, öBFD)
Our non-profit organization promotes science and research in the environmental field. In our studies it comes to
understand mechanisms of action and the behavior of animals in the field and ultimately to propose appropriate
measures for the protection of wildlife.


- A FÖJ Square and a ÖBFDPlatz

- Mainly practical work outside and computer

- Sometimes weekend work (with time off)

- A place to sleep for you - Commutes that are done by bike

- Foundation for Natural Landscapes in Brandenburg - Lieberose (FÖJ and

- Foundation for Natural Landscapes in Brandenburg - Jüterbog (FÖJ and
- Wolf Management - Environmental Agency of Brandenburg / branch castle
- Wolf Management - Environmental Agency of Brandenburg / branch office
Eberswalde (FÖJ
- NaturschutzstationRhinluch agency of environment (FÖJ)

6) Job sites with a broad range of tasks

- Visitor center for nature and environmental education "Three Oaks" (FÖJ, öBFD)
"Three Oaks" is an environmental center with hostel, run by the Association Natural Park Märkische Switzerland eV
particularly school groups, as well as day care centers, youth groups, clubs, families and conference groups use the
house and grounds to multi-day stays. Accommodation of max. 100 guests in several houses, tents and tipi village,
meals through their own kitchen. In summer is operated at the site on weekends, a "cafe" (kiosk), there is a pond
with boat and raft and the adventure playground "trolls castle".


- A FÖJ Square and 2 BFDPlätze

- Mainly practical work outside and with people

- A place to sleep for you - the chance of boarding

- NABU in the visitor center Rühstädt (FÖJ)

- Friends of "Lower Lusatian Heath Nature Park Association - eventful" (FÖJ)
- Visitors Information Center "eventful Nature Park" (FÖJ)
- Small-Spreewald Park / Conservation active Schöneiche (FÖJ)
Since 1997, the Small-Spreewald Park was developed as a public park on an area of 4.5 hectares in Schöneieiche in
Berlin. Wildly romantic forest areas and species-rich or dry conditions wetlands that crossed by


- mainly practical work outside and working with people Small

- House of Nature Care Association (FÖJ)

The House of Nature Care is an environmental education center with a focus on Garden, Herbs, natural reserve and
Conservation history


- Mainly work outside and with people

- Sometimes weekend work (with time off)

- Medienwerkstatt Potsdam (FSJ)

- JIM in multigenerational MIKADO Frankfurt (Oder)
- Country Art Life eV (öBFD)
The Club Country Art Life eV was founded in 2001 in Buchholz. He works on the amalgamation of regional and
international cultural work. The aim of the association is to promote contemporary art and international meetings
as well as the maintenance of the culture of sustainability and ecological diversity in the rural region of

- Mainly practical work outside and work in the office (with computer)

- Stadteilnetzwerk Potsdam-West eV (SBFD)

7) Application sites with focus on Agriculture, animals

andhorticulture (‫)بستنة‬
- Biopark Hof Niederwerbig (FÖJ)
The operation wirtschaftet ecological guidelines (recognized BioparkBetrieb) and operates agriculture and livestock
farming (suckler cows). There are also horses on the farm, and a piece of wood part of the operation, which must
also be maintained. As another pillar of the farm offers "Holiday on the Farm" at what two apartments are
available. The goal here is to bring organic farming home to visitors. to spread organic farming further is a big
concern of Roffeis family. Therefore, they are also available for information and


- Mainly practical work outside

- A place to sleep for you

- Organic Ranch Zempow / Agriculture (FÖJ and öBFD)

- Döberitzer Health Galloway (FÖJ)
Our organic farm "Döberitz Heath Galloway" works according to the environmental criteria of organic. With about
180 Galloway, 40 water buffaloes and 25 goats Buren operation for nature conservation and landscape
management with grazing animals is working on the edge of the Döberitz Heath and conservation areas in Berlin. In
full-year free-range grazing animals make an important contribution to the protection of particular species and


- 1 FÖJ Square - mainly practical work outside

- Nursery perennials Müller (FÖJ)

- Hof pottery mountains (FÖJ)
- Eco Riding Gold Beck (FÖJ)
- Schleuener Hof - Iceland horse farm (FÖJ)
We are a family-run horse farm Iceland, which is in 1999. In our emphasis is placed on welfare loose housing. The
Iceland horses are outside the whole year and are looked after, thus securing the supply.


- mainly practical work outside and working with people

- A place to sleep for you - the chance of boardin

- The Undinenhof (FÖJ)
The Undinenhof lies in the nature reserve HavelländischesLuch and is next to the agricultural eco operating a
research and meeting place for people, animals and natural forces, working practically in on an extended concept
of nature


- Mainly practical work outside

- A place to sleep for you - the chance of boarding

- Wild Park Schorfheide (FÖJ, öBFD)

- Zukunftswerkstatt work horses (FÖJ)
- Organic farming bees Werder eV (FÖJ)
- Nursery biobewusst (FÖJ)
The young nursery biobewusst located in the heart of the Schorfheide in the district Eichhorst at Werbellinsee. Out
it is a male-female plants (33) with some strong support from family and friends. A sustainable as possible and of
course integrated lifestyle is our actions, both inside and outside the nursery is based. All of our plants, vegetables
and fruits come from conscious organic production. Attracted and cultivated is the sig


- Mainly practical work outside

- a place to sleep for you - the chance of boarding

8) Any further employment sites

- SJD - Die Falken National Association (FSJ)
- Free Montessori School Barnim eV (FSJ)
- Kita "House of Little Rascals" (FSJ)
- Initiative youth Neuruppin (IJN) eV (FSJ)
- FördervereinJugendarbeit / DGB Youth BerlinBrandenburg (FSJ)
- Montessori School Niederbarnime.V. (FSJ)
- Forstbotanischer Garten Eberswalde (FÖJ)
- Jugendbildungsstätte „Hirschluch“ (FSJ)

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