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Effectiveness of Computerized Homework Implementation in

Thermodynamics : Correlation between Doing the Homework and the


Mohd Azree Idris1*, T.M Indra Mahlia1, Nur Irmawati Om1, Ibrahim Hussein1, Mohamad
Ruslan Jamil2
1 College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional,

KM7, Jalan Kajang-Puchong, Kajang, 43009, Selangor, Malaysia
IT & Multimedia Services, Universiti Tenaga Nasional,
KM7, Jalan Kajang-Puchong, Kajang, 43009, Selangor, Malaysia

Abstract: The objective of the implementation is to gauge the effectiveness of computerized homework in
improving students' understandings of Thermodynamics, and to investigate the correlation between the scores
attained in computerized homework and the overall grade achieved by the students in Thermodynamics. There
were two sections of MEHB213 Thermodynamics I offered during Special Semester 2013/14. Section 1 with 63
students used the computerized homework while the other section (Section 2, 60 students) continued with the
normal manual homework. The computerized homework did not utilize the commercial software available in the
market, instead it was developed at College of Engineering, UNITEN. The computerized homework system is a
MATLAB and PHP based program and resides on Apache Web server. MATLAB generates the questions and
randomize the variables, while PHP displays the contents on the web. The database used for the system is MySQL.
The manual homework assigned for the subject had been replaced by the computerized homework in order to give
a fast feedback to the students and to reduce the time engaged by lecturers to mark the homework. The answers
submitted by students in computerized homework were automatically graded by the system, and they would be
immediately notified whether the answers given were correct or not. The students could access the computerized
homework at anytime throughout the semester. The questions were arranged according to chapters and the time
to release each question could be set in the system. The result from this study shows there is a direct correlation
between doing the computerized homework and the improved grades in Thermodynamics I. 90.4% of students
from Section 1 who used the computerized homework passed the subject while the section which did not use the
system had 56.7% passing grade.

Keywords: Computerized homework, Skills, Thermodynamics

1. Introduction

Students pursuing degree in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering at UNITEN will take
Thermodynamics I in the third semester of their programs. This course provides the basic fundamental of
thermodynamics for engineering application and problem solving. The knowledge and skills gained in the course
serve as the foundation for later courses. Students completing Thermodynamics I will have the ability to analyze
thermodynamics properties of pure substances and its applications to steam and refrigeration cycles and their
related systems. The past records in the College indicated that students who failed this subject and other
fundamental courses like Circuits Analysis I, Advanced Calculus and Differential Equations, often would leave
the department and the university because they did not have strong foundations for subsequent courses. To ensure
that the students are prepared with strong fundamentals in Thermodynamics, various teaching and learning
approaches have been employed and one of them is through computerized homework. For Special Semester
2013/14, two sections were offered for Thermodynamics I and 63 students enrolled in Section 1 while another 60
students were in Section 2. This was a short semester covering 8 weeks only unlike normal semester which had
14 weeks of classes. The objective of the implementation is to gauge the effectiveness of computerized homework
in improving students' understandings of Thermodynamics, and to investigate the correlation between the scores
attained in computerized homework and the overall grade achieved by the students in Thermodynamics.
Lim and Morris (2009) observed that varying the delivery methods in teaching can increase students'
satisfaction from the learning experience as well as their learning outcomes. Mehrabian et. al. (2014) presented
that creative innovation in content delivery and instructional methods is the key success to an effective online
learning environment. It is important that students get a faster feedback to the homework assigned to them.
Chickering and Gamson (1987) underline the ‘Seven Principles for Good Practice In Undergraduate Education’
and one of them is giving a prompt feedback. A swift response will allow the students to quickly gauge their
understanding of a certain topic. The manual method of assigning homework will take some times for the students
to get a feedback. Many materials covered in Thermodynamics I are new to students since they do not have or
learn similar subjects during high schools or foundations. Mason and Grove (2002) reported that about 30% of
teachers’ time in Great Britain is devoted to marking. Dziuban et. al. (2004) in a three-year study between the
face-to-face, fully online, and mixed teaching methods of face-to-face and fully online, found that mixed teaching
always give better success rates than the other two methods.

2. Computerized Homework

The paper-and-pencil problems assigned at the end of the chapter are replaced with an online system
over the World Wide Web, administered by a web server at College of Engineering, UNITEN. The purpose of
computerized homework is to enhance the knowledge gained by the students in the the classrooms. This setting
has a mixture of online learning and face-to-face communication in the classrooms, Rovai and Jordan (2004). The
questions for Thermodynamics I computerized homework are from the textbook and previous years' exams.
Questions may include images and schematic diagrams, and they can be objective or subjective types of questions.
Questions are divided into separate chapters to make it easier for students to do the homework and revision based
on the materials that have been covered in the class. The system will generate randomize values for the variables
used in each question, and therefore the answer to each question will be different from one student to another. The
system is hosted at COEOnline, a student portal for College of Engineering at Universiti Tenaga Nasional
(UNITEN.) When a student logs in into the system, the questions for each chapter will be generated for him/her.
The student can access the online computerized homework from COEOnline around the clock.
Computerized homework is a MATLAB and PHP based program and resides on Apache Web server.
MATLAB generates the questions and randomize the variables, while PHP displays the contents on the web. The
database used for the system is MySQL.

2.1 Implementation

There were two sections of MEHB213 Thermodynamics I offered during Special Semester 2013/14. One
section used the computerized homework and the other section continued with the normal manual homework.
There were 93 questions in the computerized homework covering 10 chapters. Figure 1 shows an example of a
question in the computerized homework.

Fig. 1 An example of Thermodynamics question in computerized homework

Following is an example of MATLAB code to generate a question in computerized homework:

id = deblank(student_id);
id_add = (str2num((id(length(id)-1:length(id)))));
xrandom = id_add;
T1 = 80+id_add;
load SteamTable1
counter = 1;
while 1
if T(counter) >= T1
counter = counter + 1;
y = T1;
y2 = T(counter);
y1 = T(counter-1);
x2 = hf(counter);
x1 = hf(counter-1);
x = finterpolate(x1,x2,y,y1,y2);
h1 = x;

T1 = 20;
counter = 1;
while 1
if T(counter) >= T1
counter = counter + 1;
y = T1;
y2 = T(counter);
y1 = T(counter-1);
x2 = hf(counter);
x1 = hf(counter-1);
x = finterpolate(x1,x2,y,y1,y2);
h2 = x;

mdot1 = 0.5;
mdot2 = (h1-h3)/(h3-h2)*mdot1
betul = mdot2

One of the most important skills in Thermodynamics that the students must possess is the ability to read the steam
tables for properties like pressure, temperature, volume and energy for water, refrigerant and ideal gases. One part
of the computerized homework program is a drill on the steam tables. Figure 2 shows a sample question on steam
tables. The MATLAB code to generate the question for steam tables drilling exercise is given in the Appendix.
Fig. 2 An example of Thermodynamics question in computerized homework

Another feature of the computerized homework is an email notification sent to all students in the class every time
a new question is successfully answered by a student.

3. Results and Analysis

The objective of the study was to check whether the computerized homework would give an impact on
students overall grades for Thermodynamics I. The average CGPA of students in Section 1 and Section 2 were
checked at the beginning of the semester to confirm that the students began almost at the same par in terms of
academic standing. The average CGPA for Section 1 and Section 2 were 2.71 and 2.51 with a standard deviation
of 0.56 and 0.46 respectively. Students in Section 1 used the computerized homework system while for Section 2
the students continued with the normal manual method of doing the homework.
Table 1 shows the distribution of grades for Thermodynamics I and the corresponding average
computerized homework marks. The table indicates that students who score higher marks in the computerized
homework gets better results in the subject. The data in Table 1 is translated into a graph in Figure 3, which shows
the grades obtained by students for Section 1 and the number of computerized homework questions that had been
answered by them. The coefficient of determination for the linear regression is R2 = 0.992. The graph for the
computerized homework shows a pattern of improving grades with the number of questions answered by the
students. 90.4% of students from Section 1 passed the subject (D or better) while for Section 2 the percentage was

Table 1 The grades for students and the corresponding average computerized homework marks

Grade No. of Students Average Computerized

Homework Mark (%)
A 6 94.3
B 18 84.1
C 24 64.4
D 9 48.3
E 6 30.1

Fig. 3 Correlation between grades and computerized homework marks

4. Conclusion

In the past various teaching approaches had been adopted to tackle the relatively higher failure rates in
Thermodynamics I compared to other subjects taken by engineering students at UNITEN. The difficulty faced by
the students in Thermodynamics I because many concepts learned in the subject are new to them unlike
Mathematics which they had many years of exposure in high schools and foundations. Computerized homework
is introduced so that the students have the chance to work on more problems on Thermdynamics and at the same
time get a prompt feedback on the answers that they have submitted. The result from this study shows there is a
direct correlation between doing the computerized homework and the improved grades in Thermodynamics I. The
study was implemented during the Special Semester which was much shorter than normal semester but the result
was encouraging. The participation rate of the students in doing the computerized homework was high; only two
students did not do the computerized homework, and more than 56% of the students had answered at least 80%
of the questions. 90.4% of students from Section 1 who used the computerized homework passed the subject while
the section which did not use the system had 56.7% passing grade. Various teaching methods had been employed
by College of Engineering, UNITEN, to tackle the higher failure rate in Thermodynamics I. The implementation
of computerized homework in the subject shows a promising result since there is a direct correlation between
doing the computerized homework and a better grade in the the subject. The computerized homework can be
extended to more Thermodynamics I sections in the future, and to expand the system to other subjects.

5. References

Chickering, A.W. and Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education,
Wingspread Journal, 9(2), special insert.

Dziuban, C., Hartman, J., & Moskal, P. (2004). Blended learning. Retrieved from:

Lim, D. H., & Morris, M. L. (2009). Learner and Instructional Factors Influencing Learning Outcomes within a
Blended Learning Environment. Educational Technology & Society, 12 (4), 282–293.

Mason, O. & Grove-Stephenson, I. (2002). Automated free text marking with paperless school. In M. Danson
(Ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, Loughborough
University, Loughborough, UK.

Mehrabian, A , Buchanan, W.W., and Rahrooh, A. Innovation is the Name of the Game: A Case Study of an
Online Course in Engineering and Technology. Proceedings 2014 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section
Conference, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2014.

Rovai, A.P, & Jordan, H.P. (2004). Blended Learning and Sense of Community: A comparative analysis with
traditional and fully online graduate courses. International Review of Research in Open and Distance
Learning, 5 (2).


%% MATLAB Code for Steam Table Computerized Homework

cheq = 0;
simulate = 2;
masuk = 0;
load TableSteam;
out = 0; k = zeros(1,15); cc = 1;
rk = 1;
while out == 0
cari = 0;
while cari == 0
nx = ceil(rand*15);
if k(nx) == 0
k(nx) = 1;
cari = 1;
xT = floor(ceil(rand*374)/10)*10;
x = ceil(rand*20000);

if x > 22090
fprintf('Pressure exceeds the saturation pressure. \n');
for j = 1:length(T)
if x == Psat(j)
y = j-1;
r = 0;
elseif Psat(j) > x
y = j-2;
r = 1;

x = Psat(j);

if x <= 22090
if r == 0
Tc = T(y+1);
vfc = vf(y+1);
vgc = vg(y+1);
ufc = uf(y+1);
ufgc = ufg(y+1);
ugc = ug(y+1);
hfc = hf(y+1);
hfgc = hfg(y+1);
hgc = hg(y+1);
ssfc = ssf(y+1);
sfgc = sfg(y+1);
sgc = sg(y+1);
a = Psat(y+1);
b = Psat(y+2);

cT = T(y+1);
dT = T(y+2);
Tc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dT-cT)+cT;

cvf = vf(y+1);
dvf = vf(y+2);
vfc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dvf-cvf)+cvf;

cvg = vg(y+1);
dvg = vg(y+2);
vgc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dvg-cvg)+cvg;

cuf = uf(y+1);
duf = uf(y+2);
ufc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(duf-cuf)+cuf;

cufg = ufg(y+1);
dufg = ufg(y+2);
ufgc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dufg-cufg)+cufg;

cug = ug(y+1);
dug = ug(y+2);
ugc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dug-cug)+cug;

chf = hf(y+1);
dhf = hf(y+2);
hfc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dhf-chf)+chf;

chfg = hfg(y+1);
dhfg = hfg(y+2);
hfgc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dhfg-chfg)+chfg;

chg = hg(y+1);
dhg = hg(y+2);
hgc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dhg-chg)+chg;

cssf = ssf(y+1);
dssf = ssf(y+2);
ssfc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dssf-cssf)+cssf;

csfg = sfg(y+1);
dsfg = sfg(y+2);
sfgc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dsfg-csfg)+csfg;

csg = sg(y+1);
dsg = sg(y+2);
sgc = (x-a)/(b-a)*(dsg-csg)+csg;

xambil = ceil(rand()*4);
if nx <= 3
xT = Tc;
if xambil == 1
xv = ceil(rand*8)/10*(vgc-vfc)+vfc;
elseif xambil == 2
xv = ceil(rand*8)/10*(ugc-ufc)+ufc;
elseif xambil == 3
xv = ceil(rand*8)/10*(hgc-hfc)+hfc;
elseif xambil == 4
xv = ceil(rand*8)/10*(sgc-ssfc)+ssfc;
jawab_desc = 'Saturated mixture'
jawab = '3';
elseif nx <= 6
xT = Tc;
if xambil == 1
xv = vfc;
elseif xambil == 2
xv = ufc;
elseif xambil == 3
xv = hfc;
elseif xambil == 4
xv = ssfc;
jawab_desc = 'Saturated liquid'
jawab = '2';
elseif nx <= 9
xT = Tc;
if xambil == 1
xv = vgc;
elseif xambil == 2
xv = ugc;
elseif xambil == 3
xv = hgc;
elseif xambil == 4
xv = sgc;
jawab_desc = 'Saturated vapor'
jawab = '4';
elseif nx <= 12
xT = Tc;
if xambil == 1
xv = vgc + rand*vgc;
elseif xambil == 2
xv = ugc + rand*ugc;
elseif xambil == 3
xv = hgc + rand*hgc;
elseif xambil == 4
xv = sgc + rand*sgc;
jawab_desc = 'Superheated vapor'
jawab = '5';
xT = Tc;
if xambil == 1
xv = vfc - rand*vfc;
elseif xambil == 2
xv = ufc - rand*ufc;
elseif xambil == 3
xv = hfc - rand*hfc;
elseif xambil == 4
xv = ssfc - rand*ssfc;
jawab_desc = 'Compressed liquid'
jawab = '1';

Tdiff = (Tc-xT)/Tc*100;

xshow = round(rand*10);
if (xshow > 5)
if xambil == 1
krandom = ['T = ' num2str(xT) ' oC, v = ' num2str(xv) ' m3/kg']
elseif xambil == 2
krandom = ['T = ' num2str(xT) ' oC, u = ' num2str(xv) ' kJ/kg']
elseif xambil == 3
krandom = ['T = ' num2str(xT) ' oC, h = ' num2str(xv) ' kJ/kg']
elseif xambil == 4
krandom = ['T = ' num2str(xT) ' oC, s = ' num2str(xv) ' kJ/kg.K']
if xambil == 1
krandom = ['P = ' num2str(x) ' kPa, v = ' num2str(xv) ' m3/kg']
elseif xambil == 2
krandom = ['P = ' num2str(x) ' kPa, u = ' num2str(xv) ' kJ/kg']
elseif xambil == 3
krandom = ['P = ' num2str(x) ' kPa, h = ' num2str(xv) ' kJ/kg']
elseif xambil == 4
krandom = ['P = ' num2str(x) ' kPa, s = ' num2str(xv) ' kJ/kg.K']

if simulate == 2
fprintf('Phase description : %s \n', deblank(jawab));
xjawab = [lower(jawab) blanks(50-length(jawab))];
betul = jawab;
xjawab = input('Phase description : ','s');
xjawab = [lower(xjawab) blanks(50-length(xjawab))];
if xjawab == [lower(jawab) blanks(50-length(jawab))]
if cheq == 3
fprintf('Wrong \n');
xwrong = input('Press any key to continue ...');
cc = 0;
k = zeros(1,15);
if sum(k) == 15
h2(n,1) = 10;
out = 1;
cc = cc + 1;
out = 1;

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