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Running Head:Exercise Program Increases Muscular Strength and Endurance and 1

Reduces Stress

Exercise Program Increases Muscular Strength and Endurance and Reduces Stress

Duke Monsale

University of the Philippines Visayas

Running Head:Exercise Program Increases Muscular Strength and Endurance and 2
Reduces Stress


This paper pertains details and activities performed by the participant under a

Physical Fitness programmed designed by himself. This included cardio-vascular,

muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility exercises. Having an aim to better

himself, goals were set. A weight target was acquired. BMI must be reduced or

maintained. And enhanced muscular strength and endurance must be acquired.

Results gained were gathered after each activity for a period of approximately 30

days. Improvements were evident. Although a lot of environmental factors like

behaviour affected the results. Physical results were not the only evident effect the

program provided. Participant sensed a feeling of contentment and relaxation after

every activity. The program greatly affected his mental status in positive way.
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Reduces Stress

I. Introduction

Physical activity has various medical advantages among teenagers and young

adults. In particular, it lessens the risk of obesity and the emergence of chronic

diseases, for example, diabetes, cardiovascular infection, and all-cause mortality. It

reinforces bones and muscles, enhances emotional well-being and temperament,

diminishes discouragement and uneasiness, advances social and mental well-being,

and enhances scholastic or academic excellence.

The participant’s goals are fairly simple, it is to loose weight of 2 kg, maintain or

have a BMI lower than 24.69, and improve my push-ups performance rating from low

to marginal or good.
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The United States Department of Health and Human Services prescribes that

young people ought to partake in no less than a hour of moderate to vigorous physical

activity every day with the goal to enjoy and achieve different medical advantages. In

spite of these advantages, physical activity investment diminishes with age among

young people, especially amid the secondary school years . Contemporary research

by the WHO has demonstrated that 77– 85% of European young people don't

accomplish a hour of day by day moderate to vigorous physical activity.

The examination associates this decline in PA to an absence of self-adequacy,

inspiration, and expectation. Dumith et al. (2011) detailed a reasonable increase in

the measure of inactive time amid early puberty in a creating nation. This is more

articulated among young ladies than young men. Correspondingly, the measure of

dormancy expanded through the span of youth. In like manner, promoting physical

activity among teenagers is a dire need.

[Cengiz, C., & Tilmac, K. (2018). High School Students’ Exercise-Related Stages of

Change and Physical Activity Self-Efficacy. Eurasian Journal of Educational

Research, 18, 1-18. doi:10.14689/ejer.2018.73.4]

Standard physical activity amid youth and additionally driving a functioning way of

life is related with a few physical and mental advantages including the probability of

reducing health issues, for example, hypertension, osteoporosis, and the frequency

of chronic diseases, including coronary illness and diabetes in later life. Physical

activities and the beneficial outcomes of exercise are evidently connected with

upgraded psychosocial adaptation and enhanced confidence and self-esteem among

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Reduces Stress

juveniles. Teenagers' physical and socio-emoitional skills are created through

commitment in group activities with their friends and also other physical and

recreational exercises . Companions, sense of connection and kinships created

through physical activities offer vital open doors for sense of belongingness,

emotional support and recreation.

[Effects of a 7-month Exercise Intervention Programme on the Psychosocial

Adjustment and Decrease of Anxiety Among Adolescents. (2018). European Journal

of Contemporary Education, 7(1). doi:10.13187/ejced.2018.1.127]

Physical recreation are planned to enhance intensity of competition and develop

aptitudes that are required to be less ostentatious, to consent to rules and to be

reasonable, instead of brandishing rivalries and execution requiring sports.

Recreational physical exercises can likewise give chances to critical thinking

aptitudes, increasing new capacities, and attempting better approaches to succeed

and fall.

In spite of the fact that exercises assumes an essential job in preventing of

illnesses and diseases and living healthily, incapable exercise regiments may result in

inverse impacts. People can see physical and mental harm because of shrewdness.
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[Basoglu, U. D. (2018). Exercise Addiction: A Comparison Between the Individuals

Who Exercise for Physical Recreation and Who Receive Personal Exercise Training.

Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(12), 21. doi:10.11114/jets.v6i12.3604]

II. Methods
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Ways to achieve goals mentioned were mentioned below along with guide tables.

Before every session the participant warms-up for 5-10 minutes. Warm-up

exercises include head exercises, upper and lower limbs exercises, jumping-jacks

and breathing exercises.

Proceeding with the program plan, it starts with a cardio-respiratory program. For

the first fifteen days, Monday - Saturday, light intensity walking was done for 15

minutes per day. And for the whole month (30 days), which includes the first 15 days,

every Monday - Saturday, moderate intensity jogging was done per day for 10

minutes each day.

Date RHR Frequency Activities Intensity Target Duration Post HR*

(Ave.) Zone
Day 1 - 102 Monday - Walking Light 136 - 15 mins Average of 122
15 bpm Saturday 180 bpm
Day 1 - 100 Monday - Jogging Moderat 136 - 10 mins Average of 178
30 bpm Saturday e 180 bpm

Next is the muscular strength and endurance program. Exercises for the first five

days include the following: moderate intensity push-ups with 2 sets and 15 reps each,

moderate intensity curl-ups with 2 sets and 15 reps each, and a moderate intensity 1

minute planking. Exercises for the next 15 days include the following: moderate

intensity push-ups with 3 sets (one-minute rest each interval) and 15 reps each,

moderate intensity curl-ups with 3 sets (2-minute rest each interval) and 15 reps each,

and a moderate intensity 1.5 - 2 -minute planking. Exercises for the last 10 days
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include the following: vigorous intensity push-ups with 3 sets and 15 reps each,

moderate intensity curl-ups with 3 sets (2-minute rest each interval) and 17 reps each,

and a moderate intensity 2 - 3 -minute planking.

Date RHR Frequency Activities Intensity Sets/Rest Reps/Rest

Day 1 - 5 102 Monday - Push-up Moderate 2 sets 15 rep
Day 6 - 20 101 Monday - Push-up Moderate 3 sets 15 rep
Day 20 - 100 Monday - Push-up Vigorous 3 sets 15 rep
30 Saturday
Day 1 - 5 102 Monday - Curl-up Moderate 2 sets 15 rep
Day 6 - 20 101 Monday - Curl-up Moderate 3 sets 15 rep
2- minute
Day 20 - 100 Monday - Curl-up Vigorous 3 sets 17 rep
30 Wednesday
2- minute
Day 1 - 5 102 Monday - Planking Moderate 1 min -
Day 6 - 20 101 Thursday - Planking Moderate 1.5-2 min -

Day 20 - 100 Thursday - Planking Vigorous 2-3 min -

30 Saturday
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And the activities in the muscular flexibility program include the following. For 30

days, Monday - Saturdays, exercises are moderate intensity arms across stretch and

triceps stretch, 3 sets with 1-Minute rest in between sets, 16 counts each set, and

moderate intensity glute stretch and sit and reach, 3 sets with 2-Minute rest in

between sets, 8 counts each set.

Date RHR Frequency Activities Intensity Sets/Rest Reps/Rest


Day 1 - 101 Monday - Arms moderate 3 sets 16 counts

30 Saturday Across Minute rest

Stretch; in between

Triceps sets


Day 1 - 101 Monday - Glute moderate 3 sets 8 counts

30 Saturday Stretch; Sit Minute rest

and Reach in between

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Reduces Stress

III. Results and Discussion

Discussion will be discussed in the participant’s point of view.

My goals include losing weight, reducing or maintaining my BMI and improving

my push-up performance. Attached to this document are my result for the post test.

My results concerning my goals were somewhat met. I did lose weight, but only 1kg. I

reduced my BMI from 24.96 to 24.30. And I further improved my push-up from a low

15 to a high 30.

Well I never really cared for my weight. The fault of my failure perhaps was based

on my diet. I never had a proper diet ever since I started studying here in UPV. At the

center of a decent eating routine are food that are low in saturated and trans fats and

sugars and high in nutrients, minerals, and different vitamins. The accompanying

nutritional categories are basic parts of a balanced diet. It includes fruit, preferably

low in sugar, vegetables, preferably green, proteins, dairy and the right amount of

grain and oil. Vegetables are one of the primary source of vitamins and minerals.

Proteins are for proper brain and muscle growth and development. Dairy will provide
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the calcium and other essential vitamins. Oil like olive oil can replace vegetable oil for

it is a healthier substitute. However, in the last 30 days, irregular diet took place,

mainly because of my schedule which includes organizations, projects, assignments

and exam in an almost everyday basis.

[Krans, B. (2016, February 12). Balanced Diet (N. Butler, Ed.). Healthline.]

But just like in the study of Kliziene et al (2018) about the relationship of anxiety

and exercise. Conclusions of this study are fairly positive. Anxiety of students are

mostly caused by pressure from both university and parents. These psychiatric

disorders cause psychosomatic pain and sleeping disorders. The findings of this

study shows an inverse relationship between exercise-based interventions. The

more a student exercises the lesser are the effects of these psychiatric disorders.

As I exercise, I feel more elated. The weight of pressure seems a lot more lighter.

I can think straight and can get my assignments, projects and other school works

done in a fast manner.

[Effects of a 7-month Exercise Intervention Programme on the Psychosocial

Adjustment and Decrease of Anxiety Among Adolescents. (2018). European Journal

of Contemporary Education, 7(1). doi:10.13187/ejced.2018.1.127]

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Reduces Stress

IV. References

Cengiz, C., & Tilmac, K. (2018). High School Students’ Exercise-Related Stages of

Change and Physical Activity Self-Efficacy. Eurasian Journal of Educational

Research, 18, 1-18. doi:10.14689/ejer.2018.73.4

Basoglu, U. D. (2018). Exercise Addiction: A Comparison Between the Individuals

Who Exercise for Physical Recreation and Who Receive Personal Exercise
Running Head:Exercise Program Increases Muscular Strength and Endurance and 13
Reduces Stress

Training. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(12), 21.


Effects of a 7-month Exercise Intervention Programme on the Psychosocial

Adjustment and Decrease of Anxiety Among Adolescents. (2018). European

Journal of Contemporary Education, 7(1). doi:10.13187/ejced.2018.1.127

Krans, B. (2016, February 12). Balanced Diet (N. Butler, Ed.). Healthline.

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