The Lamb of God

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Ma. Clarinda P. Merle

Immaculate Conception School of Malolos

Metropolis Subdivision, Longos,
City of Malolos, Bulacan
(044) 664-1476

Cast of Characters:

JACOB SMITH, a 33 year old priest, tall with white complexion, handsome,
has a black short hair.

MAGDALENA CHRISTI/ MAGGIE CHRISTI, 28 year old missionary, former

doctor, white complexion, short hair; wears jeans, polo shirt and

JOSEPH SMITH, 17 years old, nephew of Jacob; and wears white shirt and
slacks. Has a French accent

ABRAM, villager’s leader, a 62 year old man, dark complexion, has a long white

SARAI, Abram’s wife, 67 years old, wears dress.

SATANIEL, a former doctor, has fair complexion, 35 year old, leader and
founder of the Iblis tribe.

LUCY, Santaniel’s wife, around 28 years old, wears dress.

AARON, Nephew of Abram, 17 years old, member of Iblis

MOSES, brother of Aaron, 15 years old

ESAU, a 30 year old man, with a dark complexion, wears plain shirt and shorts

RACHEL, a care taker of the orphanage, 22 years old

LEAH, Maggie’s sister, 26 years old

At Rise:

(Inside the church, around 3 o’clock pm; the priests are praying the
3 o’clock habit. The place is so quiet, the lights are off, and only two
candles are lit in front of the altar. It is a little dim inside. All you can see
is the crucifix, and all you can hear is their mumble. You can’t understand
a word they say.)

PRIESTS: Jesus King of Mercy. We trust in You. (They do the sign of the cross)

JOSEPH: Padre! Padre! (Running towards Jacob)

You’ve got a letter! From the Santo Papa! (Excitedly)
(Jacob took the letter and opened it)

JOSEPH: What is it about? Oh! I hope its good news!

JACOB: I am being reassigned. (Looks disappointed)

JOSEPH: What? Where? When? Father! I want to come with you! (Excitedly)

JACOB: Israel. In a village called Haran.

(Light fades. New set, a bedroom, with crucifix on the wall.)

(Lights up. Jacob is starting to pack his things. Someone knocks on the

JACOB: Come in.

(The door was opened)

RACHEL: Father --

JACOB: So you knew.

RACHEL: Yes. (pause) Do you really have to go?

JACOB: I have no other choice. I have to.

RACHEL: Well, we would just like you to know that the children and I would miss
(Rachel leaves the room)

(Someone knocks on the door.)

JOSEPH: Father! (With a big smile on his face)

Are you ready? Because I am! (Showing his bag)

JACOB: Let’s go! (Smiling)

(They walk together and put their baggages in their car.)

CHILDREN: Goodbye father! We will miss you! Bye!

(Jacob smiles and gets in the car.)
(On the car, Jacob fell asleep. He dreams about a ladder or staircase
reaching into heaven with angels going up and down on it. From the top of
the ladder he hears the voice of God.)

VOICE: Jacob you will be my instrument in setting my people free.

(Lights fade.)
(Jacob wakes up.)

JOSEPH: Father we’re here at the airport.

(They put their baggage out of the car. They walk and get in the plane.
They sit on their seats and fasten their seatbelts.)
(A woman entered the plane looking for her seat.)

LEAH: Seat 34... (Looking for it.)

Oh there it is. (She sits and fastened her seatbelt.)
(She looks at the left, and notice Jacob.)

LEAH: Hey!


LEAH: Hi, I’m Leah. Leah Christi. (Shakes his hand.)

JACOB: I’m Jacob… Jacob Smith.

LEAH: So, what’s your job?

JACOB: Well, as you could see in my outfit, I’m a priest.

LEAH: Oh! (Embarrassed)

JACOB: It’s alright.

LEAH: So father, why are you going to Israel?

JACOB: Well, I was reassigned to a new church there. How about you? Why are
you going to Israel?

LEAH: I’m going to look for my sister. (pause)
You see… the last time we heard from her was that she was in Israel
having a mission or something. (Looking at the audience)

JACOB: What happened to her?

LEAH: I don’t know! (Arrogantly)

She might have died or something. That’s what she gets for believing in
God! Huh! (She whispered)

JACOB: Well, if you believe she’s dead and it looks like you don’t care… why are
you going to find her?

LEAH: It’s my parents! They believe that God will bless her!

JACOB: Well, you have wonderful parents. I just wish they could enlighten you.

(A bell rings. A voice announces to fasten their seat belts and to prepare
for landing.)

(Jacob and Joseph get off the plane and get their bags. They see a man
holding a paper with their names on it.)

ESAU: Hi! I’m Esau. Old Abram sent me here to fetch you. Welcome to Israel!
You must be Jacob and Joseph. (shaking their hands)

(Esau took some of the bags and put them in the trunk of the cab. They
drive all the way to Haran Village. Jacob fall asleep again and for the
second time he dreamed about the ladder with angels on it, hearing the
voice of God.)

JOSEPH: Hey! Hey! Father, here we are

(Jacob wakes up.)

(The Haran Village looks so native. The place is full of trees. Houses
made of bamboos and straws. And their church is a cave with a big
crucifix in the center.)

(Esau tours them around the small village.)

ESAU: This is our church. We call it Bethel. It means--

JACOB: God’s house.

ESAU: Yah. (Esau approaches an old man.)

ESAU: Jacob, this is Old Abram.

ABRAM: Esau! Where are your manners! He’s a priest! Apologize!

ESAU: I’m sorry Father Jacob.

(Abram took Jacob and Joseph to the place they will stay. It’s a small hut
with two beds and a closet. Jacob and Joseph put their clothes into the

(Someone knocks on the door)

JACOB: Come in!

SARAI: Good evening father. I’m Sarai, Abram’s wife. Dinner is ready.

JACOB: Alright! We’ll be there.

(Jacob and Joseph go out of their hut and saw a small fire in the middle
that serves as light and source of warmth for the villagers. They sit around
it and sing.)

(Abram approaches Jacob and introduces him to the people and to his

ABRAM: Father Jacob, Joseph, this is my wife, my son and my nephews.

JACOB: Hi. (smiles)

SARAI: I prepare the meal, hope you’ll like it!

JOSEPH: Let’s eat.

ABRAM: Father, please bless our meal.

(They all pray.)
(They eat the meal, give thanks and they all go home.)

(Lights fade. Jacob and Joseph are entering their hut.)

(long pause)

WOMAN: Oh! (shouting)

(Lights up. Everyone goes out of their hut. And they see marks of blood
that is used to draw the symbol of demon.)

(Jacob and Joseph run towards Abram.)

JOSEPH: What’s happening?

SARAI: It’s the Iblis people. (scared)

(Jacob walks towards the symbol and stares at it.)

JOSEPH: What’s Iblis?

JACOB: Satan. (to Joseph)

ABRAM: It’s Sataniel. (pause)

Two years ago, there were missionaries that came here, two doctors and
the doctor’s wife, Lucy.

(Lights fade. New set. Sataniel, Maggie and Lucy are treating the

LUCY: Honey… (looks dizzy)

(Lucy fainted. Sataniel grabs and carries her to bed.)

SATANIEL: Honey --

LUCY: Shh… I’m ready to go.

SATANIEL: No. Don’t say that. We’ll go back to city and I’ll be the one to cure you.

LUCY: I love you. (Smiles)

SATANIEL: I love you too. Come on take your medicine and sleep.
(Lucy falls asleep. Sataniel gets out of the room.)

(Maggie knocks on the door then enters.)

MAGGIE: Here’s your meal. (She puts the tray on the table.)
(Maggie tries to wake her up.)

MAGGIE: Lucy. Lucy. Lucy!

(Lucy is dead. Maggie checks at her pulse. She was shock. Maggie runs

MAGGIE: Sataniel! Sataniel!

(Sataniel runs towards her.)

SATANIEL: What? What happened?

MAGGIE: Lucy. (Crying)

(Sataniel run inside. Hugs her and cries.)

(Lights fade. Going back to Abram, Sarai, Jacob and Joseph’s


ABRAM: After that he blamed God. He believed that he is more powerful than Him,
that he could have saved his wife without Him.

JOSEPH: That’s awful!

ABRAM: And now he is somewhere out there trying to destroy Christianity.

JACOB: How about Maggie? Where is she?

ABRAM: We don’t know she disappears six days after Lucy’s burial.
(Jacob walks away. Aaron approaches him.)

AARON: Beware of the dark! You might be next.

(Aaron walked away and Moses approaches him.)

MOSES: Don’t worry about him! He’s weird!

(The next day, Jacob leads the mass. After the mass they go out to the
forest with Esau, Moses, Joseph, and Aaron, to get fruits and animals for

ESAU: Father! Let’s separate our ways, you, Joseph and Aaron find the animals
and we’ll find the fruits. (OFF)

(Jacob and his group got separated with Esau and Moses. It’s almost
sunset and Jacob’s group still haven’t got any animal. The place is too
quiet. While they are walking they hear annoying sounds. It was an angry
wild bore. The wild bore chases them and Jacob got separated with Aaron
and Joseph. It was getting dark; Jacob is lost in the forest. Then suddenly,
he hears sounds, its like woman asking for help.)

WOMAN: Help! Please! Stop it! Oh! (Shouting)

(Jacob follows the voice. He sees a woman being tortured by men.

Someone hit Jacob with a wood. Jacob faints. Blackout.)

(Change of set. Looks like small quarters, dark, dirty. There are people
tied like they were prisoners.)

(Lights up. Jacob is starting to wake up. Maggie is beside him.)
MAGGIE: Hey! Hey! Wake up.

(Jacob wakes up.)

JACOB: Where am I?

MAGGIE: You’re with the Iblis people. Welcome to hell.

(Maggie stands up and gets a drink, and gives it to Jacob.)

MAGGIE: What’s you’re name?

JACOB: Jacob Smith

MAGGIE: Oh. I’m Maggie Christi. So what are you doing here?

JACOB: I’ve been reassigned.

MAGGIE: Why? Are you a government doctor?

JACOB: No. (pause) I’m a priest.

(Maggie immediately covers her mouth.)

MAGGIE: Shh… Don’t say that word, ever again. They won’t hesitate to kill you.
The objective of this organization is to demolish the church.

JACOB: Why do you have to do this?

MAGGIE: I was abducted too, just like you. You see this entire people tied in here?
That’s what happens when you don’t follow Sataniel or even worse, you’ll
die. (pause)
I have to live, I don’t want to die. If you follow Sataniel your hands will
be free, but your feet will still be tied to hell.

JACOB: Haven’t you tried to escape?

MAGGIE: Some did.

JACOB: What happened?

MAGGIE: They died.

JACOB: Well, why won’t we try it?

MAGGIE: I can’t afford to die. My family needs me.

JACOB: What’s the point? You said yourself that you’re in hell and you’ll never,
ever see your family, ever again.

MAGGIE: I’m sorry.

(Maggie leaves the quarters with teary eyes)
(Maggie goes to Sataniel, in a small room, with a desk and a chair.)

MAGGIE: Sataniel. Our new prisoner is awake, what should we do?

SATANIEL: As always, we’ll offer them with the freedom and comfort they want for
their faith and silly beliefs. Take him to me.

MAGGIE: Sataniel, I must say that this man has a pretty strong faith, I don’t--

SATANIEL: Maggie! Please! No person in right mind will turn down this offer, it’s
their only hope.

(Maggie commands two men to get Jacob. Jacob enters the room.)

SATANIEL: Mr. Jacob, isn’t it?

JACOB: That’s Father Jacob to you, (To Maggie) and you. (To Sataniel.)

SATANIEL: Oh! So we have ourselves a holy prisoner. (Laughs)

JACOB: I know what happened to your wife. You don’t have to do this.

SATANIEL: You don’t know anything. (Becomes serious.)

JACOB: Yes I do. It’s been two years! Come on. Do you really think it’s what
Lucy wants?

SATANIEL: Shut up!

JACOB: No! Not until you free us all.

SATANIEL: I said shut up!

(Sataniel punches Jacob six times.)

SATANIEL: Get him out of my sight! Prepare him… we’ll have a feast tonight.

(Jacob is put back into the quarters.)

(Jacob prays.)

JACOB: God. Please enlighten Sataniel. Give him the peace of heart he need.
Please God, free these people from him, they don’t deserve to be here.
Their family need them. May your will be done. Oh Good Lord. Amen.

(The door opens. It’s Aaron)

JACOB: Aaron? Are you alright? Are you hurt--

AARON: Huh! I told you to stay away from the dark! You did not listen.

JACOB: What? You’re with them?

AARON: I have no choice! Don’t look at me as if I’ve kill someone! I’m trying to
protect my brother. I don’t want him to be involved.

JACOB: You could always have another choice! And you could always protect
your brother.

AARON: No. I’m sorry.

(Two men came inside and took Jacob.)

(Outside, there are many people cheering, making noises. Then Sataniel
step in the counter of the crowd, and there was total silence.)

SATANIEL: Behold! The servant of God.

(Then the people cheered.)

(Aaron gets a bamboo and gives it to Sataniel.)

SATANIEL: This is your last chance Jacob! Live with me or die with him.

JACOB: I am willing to give up my life for him. Just like the way he did to us.

SATANIEL: Ahh! (Shout)

(Sataniel hits Jacob’s leg with his bamboo that made Jacob kneels.
Sataniel laugh, then hit again Jacob for many times.)

(Maggie is in the right side of the stage. She’s watching Jacob’s agony.
She is crying in silence.)

MAGGIE: Please! Accept it Jacob! Please!

JACOB: Sorry! I’m ready to go! (smiles)

(When Sataniel heard the words “I’m ready to go”, he remembered his
wife’s last words to him. He dropped the bamboo, and walk away. The
crowed were all shocked. Two men go took Jacob back to quarters.
Maggie goes with them.)

(The men left Maggie and Jacob inside.)

MAGGIE: I told you to accept it.

JACOB: I can’t.

MAGGIE: You could have been killed! You were very lucky!

MAGGIE: You have to escape (whisper.)

JACOB: What about you?

MAGGIE: I can’t you have to go by yourself!

JACOB: What about your family?

MAGGIE: If you find them tell them I love them.

(Maggie leaves the room. Jacob cries. Light fades.)

(Drum beats. It’s around 9:00 pm the people drink, sing and eat.)
(Talking noises)
(From outside, Maggie goes inside. She holds three guns and a jacket.)

MAGGIE: Here. (giving the jacket to Jacob.)

Wear it. Here, use it (giving the gun.)

JACOB: What’s happening?

MAGGIE: I’m taking you out of here. It’s almost time.

JACOB: For what?

MAGGIE: For them to fall asleep. They’re all drunk.


MAGGIE: Use this gun, you have to kill them. Kill anybody who gets in your way!
Even me.
(Maggie teaches him to use the gun.)

JACOB: Maggie! Maggie! Maggie!


JACOB: I can’t. I can’t kill anyone. (pause)

These hands were never made to kill. (pause)
It is made to touch everyone who is lost. Like you.

MAGGIE: Well. Its nice meeting you father.

(Maggie and Jacob sneak out the door and went into the forest.)

MAGGIE: Go! (Whisper) Remember what I told you!

(A man sees them and alerts everyone.)

MAN: Hey! They’re getting away!

(Maggie shot him with a gun. The sound of the gun alerted Sataniel.
Maggie runs and escapes with Jacob. Jacob and Maggie are running. Then
Sataniel and his men follow them and start to shot them with their guns.)

MAGGIE: Use it!

JACOB: Use what?

MAGGIE: Your gun!

JACOB: I told you, No!

MAGGIE: You go left! I’ll go this way (pointing to right.)

(Jacob left Maggie. He hides in a big tree.)

(Maggie fired her gun. She kills ten people or less, then she ran out of
bullet. Sataniel is standing in front of her with a riffle.)

SATANIEL: Haha! You’re out of bullet. Where’s your friend? Oh! (Looking around)
He’s gone? He left you? And he was the holy one.

(Maggie cries and closes her eyes. Sataniel shot his riffle when Jacob
came out pushes Maggie and takes the bullet. Jacob falls down. Maggie
stands up and gets Jacob, hugs him and cries.)

JACOB: Maggie. Maggie.


JACOB: Just remember, He give love to many, but only get back from few, yet he
never stops loving. (pause) You, are you one of the few?

MAGGIE: Yes. (nodding)

SATANIEL: Oh! Pity, pity, pity! Haha…

MAGGIE: You monster!

SATANIEL: Yah! Yah! Goodbye Maggie! (Smiling viciously.)

(Then a man standing behind Sataniel points a gun to him.)

AARON: Sataniel!

(Sataniel glances at Aaron.)

SATANIEL: Aaron! You’re into this, too?



(Abram come out with policemen.)

ABRAM: Sataniel! You’re under arrest.

(Sataniel and the policemen get off the stage.)

(A spotlight focuses at Jacob and Maggie. Jacob is lying down on

Maggie’s lap.)

JACOB: Maggie, you’re out of hell now. Go to your family. (Smiles.)


JACOB: Your sister Leah, she’s looking for you, nice meeting you Maggie and
thank you.

MAGGIE: Thank you.

(Jacob dies. Curtain.)


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