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UN Convention

on the rights
of the child
Article 1​ states that every child under the age of 18 has these rights contained therein. The WBTS (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society) does not recognize this. They say that their authority is the bible and thereby stripping away
the rights of a minor child and using the bible as their authority over minors.

Article 2​ now this is a big breach. This article clearly states that a child should not be discriminated against based on their expressed opinions. Yet if a child expresses an opinion that they do not want to be a part of the religion of
their parents they can face extreme consequences. These consequences can range from expulsion from the family home, withdrawing of financial support, banishment and segregation from their family, with drawing of love just to
name a few things. These consequences are fully supported from within the culture of the organisation in an effort to force the child to conform his or her beliefs. Another breach in this is that all children should be shielded from
discrimination based on parental status. We all know that during the judicial hearings of minors there is much discrepancy in the findings and rulings between different congregations and also for children whose fathers are elders or
ministerial servants this creates an unfair discrepancy in the justice system of the internal judicial committees when wrongdoing is brought before the elders.

Article 3​ states the summation that the best interests of the child should be paramount. This is another breach of this law. Jehovah’s Witness parents and the church at large do not do things that are in the best interest of a child.
Whether this be forced meeting attendance when a child doesn’t want to, forced to go out preaching, etc. The big issue they breach in this article pertains to the protection of children’s health. Children are indoctrinated to abstain
from blood even if it kills them and are taught that blood transfusions are tantamount to someone raping your body. This doctrine of the church is steadfastly enforced and children have died as a result of the churches doctrine on
allowing a child to die rather than accept blood. This is not in the best interests of a child’s medical well being.

Article 6​ states that every child has the right to life. It states Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival of the child. Again the WBTS organisation fails this article with its blood policy and strict adherence to
said policy. The survival of the child is not tantamount here what they feel is tantamount is their adherence to an old law of not eating blood and they allow children to die as a result. This is not putting the child’s right to live at the
forefront. ​Article 8​ a child should not be deprived of their identity. This is fine in the WBTS as long as your identity aligns with their teachings. If you are LGBTQI then they refuse to acknowledge your identity. You are cast out
and ostracized or they can try to reprogram you.

Article 12​ a child is free to express their views. This only applies again in the WBTS if your views align with the teachings of the organisation if they differ in any way ostracism, judicial hearings and many other horrible things can
occur to a child that is baptized into the religion. ​Article 13​ states that a child should have the freedom to seek information. The WBTS has a strict dislike of all higher education. This is pushed in publications and from the pulpit to
congregants dissuading them from seeking any higher learning other than what’s found in the bible.

Article 14 and 15​ The right to choose your own religion and beliefs. One of the most massive breaches of this convention is found in these articles. Children of members of the Jehovah’s Witness faith or their minor children are
NOT free to choose a faith other than that of their parents and severe repercussions ensue if the minor child that is baptized chooses that the religion is no longer for them. They face the loss of all family members and the shunning
from said family. They also as soon as legally 18 face the prospect of expulsion from the family home if they go against the beliefs or choose to leave the religion. This interference with their rights has gone as far to prompt some
minors to commit suicide.

Article 19​ states that each child has the right to child protection from child abuse. This clearly doesn’t happen within the WBTS as we all can see from the 2 witness rule and the level of pedophilia accusations and reports coming
out. This organisation fails repeatedly under this article to protect its minor congregant members from sexual abuse. Under this charter the organisation also fails the protect the child’s mental health needs with inappropriate
content and fear mongering of their doomsday predictions ensuring that the child lives in a constant state of fear of the end of the world.

Article 28 and 29​ again the WBTS fails children in this area. This article outlines that education should be promoted, encouraged and facilitated for the child. Yet its own policies and literature clearly defy this article repeatedly
teaching parents that higher education is a trap of Satan the devil that leads you away from god. In article 29 it says that children’s abilities and talents should be fostered and encouraged. The WBTS repeatedly again goes against
this not allowing extra-curricular things even going as far as making videos teaching parents that their children shouldn’t want to get music tuition and go to higher learning facilities to get their special talents fostered.

Article 31​ while the WBTS will argue this is a stretch it is not. Children have the right to rest and play. With preaching, meeting attendance, study and all the other demands on a minor child their leisure time is greatly reduced
impinging on a happy childhood.

​Article 34​ the right to be free from sexual abuse. Again for all the false platitudes and statements served up by this organisation the 2 witness rule clearly doesn’t protect the rights of a child, shields perpetrators and fosters and
environment where child sexual abuse can flourish unchecked. This is fact and the sheer volume of cases, legal suits and victims coming to light is adequate proof that they severely breach the rights of a child on all accounts by this
policy and strict adherence to it.
ARTICLE 9: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience

and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion
or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others
and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in
worship, teaching, practice and observance.

2. Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject

only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are
necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public
safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for
the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

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