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Institut Teknologi Yogyakarta

Faculty Of Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering Department




Submitted By : Lulu Handayani (16250387)

21st Conference of the parties (COP-21). The Paris Agreement reflects a

complex balance from the views of the UNFCCC parties to jointly address the
climate change that we have now experienced. A transparent and inclusive
negotiation process has resulted in a high level of trust even though through a
process of bargaining and attractiveness, finally 196 countries parties to the
UNFCCC can reach an agreement called the Paris Agreement on 12 December

The 21st COP event in Paris last 2015 was a follow-up to the climate change
convention in Lima, Peru in 2014. Indonesia is one of 196 UNFCCC member
countries that attend the annual climate change meeting. in addressing climate
change, Indonesia is considered to have an important role in minimizing the
increase in earth's temperature and climate change. Because, Indonesia has
thousands of hectares of forest capable of absorbing CO2 (carbon dioxide) as
the main substance causing global warming and climate change. As a country
that has a significant role as the defender of the earth, Indonesia can play its
role in the national interest and at the same time maintain that the earth can be
preserved. In the 2015 climate change summit in Paris, there was an agreement
called the Paris Agreement which had been ratified by all participants between
parties. The Paris agreement contains the following points:
In the 2015 climate change summit in Paris, there was an agreement called
the Paris Agreement which had been ratified by all participants between
parties. The Paris agreement contains the following points,
Five important points in the 2015 Paris agreement
1. Mitigation efforts need to be done by reducing carbon emissions quickly, to
maintain the threshold for increasing the earth temperature below 2 degrees
Celsius and trying to suppress up to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
2. The carbon accounting system and emission reduction must be carried out
3. Adaptation efforts must be carried out by strengthening the capabilities of
countries in the world to overcome the effects of climate change.
4. Strengthening recovery efforts due to climate change, from damage.
5. Assistance, including funding for countries to build a green and sustainable
The agreement which was followed and ratified by 196 countries regulates the
mechanism of global GHG reduction and requires countries that ratify it to be
implemented in their respective countries. But in 2016, the United States under
the new government withdrew from the Paris agreement. But this does not
make other convention countries follow the same thing. In the 20th COP in
Lima, Peru was agreed for each member of the Intended Nationally
Determined Contributions (INDC) convention and will be read before the 2015
climate change summit in Paris begins. NDC is a document that contains
emission reduction targets and supporting activities. As well as adaptation
programs that can be done. Contains emissions reduction targets from the
habits or history of emissions of 5 sectors, namely: Forestry and Peatlands,
agriculture, energy and transportation, industry, and waste management.
At the 2015 climate change summit in Paris, Indonesia read out its NDCs
jointly prepared by the government (executives under the command of the
Ministry of Environment and Forestry), private parties, NGOs, community
groups, and academics. NDC Indonesia contains eight programs that are
prepared for the mainstreaming process into national and sub-national
development planning. deep and Indonesia still includes REDD + in its
international environmental agenda. This is because REDD + that has been
agreed at the 13th COP in Bali is considered capable of accommodating
Indonesia's national interests.
In the 2015 climate change summit in Paris, Indonesia also brought national
interest as countries between other parties who brought their respective
national interests. Indonesia itself has interests that are classified into two
things, namely, firstly economic interests, where Indonesia as a developing
country and also one of the countries that have the world's tropical rainforests
see opportunities that can be utilized in seeking global GHG emission
reduction. Especially where developed countries need a carbon quota so that
the industrial production system in their country continues. So Indonesia sees
a gap in the funding scheme legalized by the UNFCCC as an international
environmental regime.
In addition, funding mechanisms for reducing GHGs in developing countries
also seek funding for donor countries (advanced industrial countries) in the
form of funding and transfer of environmentally friendly technologies. while
the second interest is political interests. In terms of politics Indonesia is aware
that environmental damage and an image of development that is not
environmentally sound, and a high level of corruption make it difficult for
Indonesia to get donor countries to support environmentally sound government
programs. then Indonesia needs a good image in order to change the
international worldview, especially to support national development. then
Indonesia's political interests to build an image as a country that is active in
international forums especially in the economic and environmental fields are
increasingly pursued by Indonesia. One of his efforts is to be directly involved
in every international activity both in the climate change summit and in
becoming a member of the G-20 and other international forums.
Paris agreement agreement points

ISSN 2407-9189

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