Latihan Ukk Kelas 7 Bahasa Inggris

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LATIHAN UKK Our cat name is Martha.

She is quite young,

KELAS 7 BAHASA INGGRIS but she is not a kitten. She is very pretty. She has
black and white fur and green eyes. She is smart too
and very clean.

9. Is the cat ugly?______________

10. Is she dirty?______________
11. What animal is Matha?____________
12. What are her eyes like? ________________

He is Edo.
He helps his parent
1. She is very helpfull He prepares breakfast in the morning
What does mean helpfull ? He washes his father’s motorcycle in the afternoon
Answer : He also feeds the fish

..................................................... Question !
13. What do you thing about Edo ?
14. How does he helps his mother ?
15. How does he helps his father ?
16. Does he always feed the fish ?
2. She is Sinta .............................................................
How about Sinta ?
17. When he help his father ?
Answer :
My House
Read and Answer
Dina is my classmate. She is thirteen years old.
My house is on Jl. Kartini. It is big and nice. It has two
She is tall. Her hair is long. She is not fat.
floors.It has a living room,a small kitchen,and a
She is very helpful to her friends. Her friends
bathroom on the first floor.
often ask for her helps to solve math problems. All
On the second floor there are three bedrooms and a
her friends and teachers like her.
bathroom. My parent’s bedroom is big. My brother’s
She likes reading stories, cycling and playing
room is next to my room. My room is small but i like
it. It has light green wall.There is a desk with a
computer on it. I do homework there. There is also a
nice garden in front of my house and i often play in
3. Who is Dina?_______________
the garden. We love our house.
4. Do her friends like her? _______________
18. What are the rooms on the first floor ?
5. How old is she? _______________
6. How does she look? _______________
19. What are the rooms on the second floor ?
7. What colour is her hair? _______________
8. Is her hair long? _______________
20. Who has the big bedroom ?
21. Who has the small room ? 30. Where does he work ?
............................................................. .............................................................
22. What is in front of the house ?

She is Lina
She is preety girl
She always help her father

31. Who is she ?

32. Does she a preety girl ?
23. What’s the dog name? .............................................................
24. What colour is it? 33. Artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia kata-kata di
bawah ini :
.............................................................  a cupboard
25. What happened with the dog?  a table
 a chair
.............................................................  a desk
26. Where was it lost?  a book
 a window an air conditioner
.............................................................  a picture a door
27. What is phone number of the owner?  a clock a board
 a stove
.............................................................  an oven
28. What will be given to the finder?  a cabinet
 a sink
.............................................................  a pan
 a frying pan
 a refrigerator
 a bucket
 a toilet
 a tub
 a scoop
 a sink
 a mirror
 a shower

34. Please write down the things in your house.

This is my grandfather  Things in my bedroom
He is a hard worker .............................................................
He work at the farm  Things in my kitchen
29. How about the grandfather ?  Things in my living room
.............................................................  Things in my bathroom
............................................................. 48. Spots usually sleeps …..
 Things in my garden
............................................................. 49. Please describe the signs below!
 Things in my garage

35. Artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia kata-kata di

bawah ini :
o a cricket
o a worm
o a cocoon
o a ladybug
o a fly
o canteen
o science laboratory
o library
o language laboratory
o headmaster’s offi ce
o toilets
o teacher’s room

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......... ............................................................. ....
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............................................ ..............................
36. What is she? ............................... ...........................................
............................................................. .................. ........................................................
39. Where does she work? .....
40. What does she do?

My cute cat, Spot

I have a cat. Its name is Spot. Spot is a one-

year-old regular house cat. He is an adorable cat. He
has orange fur with white and black spots. I like to
cuddle him because his fur feels soft. Every morning I
give Spot milk. Spot does not like rice, so I give him
cat food. Spot is an active animal. He likes to run
around the house. He likes to chase everyone in my
house. When he feels tired or sleepy, Spot usually
sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometimes
under the table.

40. The writer has a …….

41. Its name is ….
42. Spot is a …..
43. He is an ….
44. I like to ….
45. Spot eats …. and drinks ….
47. He is very …and likes to ….

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