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Opinion about the video

Before we start with our personal opinion, we want to say that, thanks to the

advance of media sitcoms and movies are becoming more popular in our

society. If we ask 30 people if they watch sitcoms the mayor part will answer

with a resounding “Yes” , because, that is what we see today, we see people

that get obsessed with a sitcom guessing what is going to happen, making

videos on youtube about it , making meetings to discuss or see the new episode

Now that we know how sitcoms are influencing our society, we want to make a

question, How many people would like to bring a fictional character to the real

life ? We think that many people would like to do that, but as we saw on the

video that would be something very weird because they live in a different reality,

the Sci-FI reality where everything can happen, and if we tried to bring or tell

that story in the real life, it would be something impossible or stupid.

We think that the video is very interesting because it brings Jon Snow (a

fictional character who has a very complicated ,unfortunate life not to mention

that he lived on the middle age) to life . So when he is invited to a normal

dinner in the XXI century, we can see in every second of the video that he

doesn’t match with the reality and that is what makes this video very interesting

and funny because he is trying to fit but he can’t.

Also we think that in the video we can learn a little about the character life, in a

funny way rather than a formal way , and that´s what capture you to keep

watching because if you heard someone telling his life for about five minutes

you would get bored. Nonetheless, if someone is talking about his life in a

funny way and in a common situation,you won´t get bored so easily. This video

is preferentially recommended for people who know the character because,

they understand all the jokes and they will enjoy more the video than the ones

who don’t know the sitcom. Nevertheless if you don’t know the sitcom and you

enjoy the video maybe you will like to see the whole sitcom.

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