Marissa Jaha Bey - Public Notice /notification

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Cc rr ASS Moarish ational Republic Federal Government ~ Soocietas Republicae Ea $i Mancibanas ~ Moorish Divine and ational Mobement of the Wark Aortiivest Aoaexemt / ortituest Utriea / Hort Serica / “The North Gate’ ~ Temple of the Moon and foun ~ ‘The Crue aud We Fure Hatural Peoples - Weirs of the Land ~1SLAM~ COVER LETTER FOR RECORDING ‘NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT. NOTICE TO AGENT ISNOTICETO PRINCIPAL = 27 Safar 1440 MCY [27 February 2019 (CY! ‘TO: MAHASIN EL AMIN 0/8/A CLERK OF THE COURT FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY MARYLAND REPUBLIC Care of 14735 Main Street Upper Marboro, MD 20772 {1am Marissa Jaha Bey, 3 Moorish American National of the Moorish American Consulate and the Moorish ‘National Republic Federal Government in Morocco currently domiciing near the FOREIGN UNION CORPORATE TERRITORY of CAPITOL HEIGHTS, Maryland Republic in Propria Persona, Sui uris, heir apparent, heir ‘unconditional and upon my estate and | hereby humbly command MAHASIN EL AMIN 0/8/A CLERK OF THE COURT FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY MARYLAND living breathing woman to record for the public record the Instruments enclosed within this correspondence in accordance with your fiduciary duties of said PUBLIC OFFICE. ‘The instruments enclosed includes: Declaration of Vir-Law-Amon Orange Moon Trust, Judicial Notice and Proclamations, ‘Name Change and Corrections, AID ‘Wherefore, 3, Marissa Jaha Bey being ‘Part and Parcel’ named herein, and our Birthright, Primogeniture, and Inheritance, make a Lawful and Legal Entry of Affidavit and Public Notification af Lawful Claim and Declaration to bbe Published for the Public Record in the aforementioned Case, ‘Marista Jaha Bey, Northwest Arexem TETDY. yon In Propria Persona, Su Juris, Sul Heredes, In Solo Propria: Authorized Representatve, Al i “ Free Moor / Muur ‘ann Steno Pc’ name Ar wy fe wah ana np’ — Con tne Coo ft on ‘etm hens hone bogs ps srantsct tans ~Vir-Law-Amon Orange Moon~ ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Eeclesiastically International Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement “os ‘Wheress, The Ancient Dejure Aboriginal Infigenous Divine Living Natural Moabite Mootish ‘American Marissa Jaha Bey and the Ancient Dejure Aboriginal Indigenous Divine Living ‘Natural Moors ofthe Land at North America, Northwest Amexem, North Africa, The Northgate se the Trust Corpus of this de jore ceclsiatcally commissioned Expeess Trust. Marissa Jaha [Bey is the Executor, Setlor, Claimant, and Beneficiary of all said Trust Property. Whereas ‘Mariasa Jabs Boy and the seifdesignated Moors of her choosing, In Propra Persona Sui Turis and In Solo Proprio ar the Trustes for the Affairs ofthis De jure cccesiastically commissioned ‘Trost upon the Land st North Amesica, Northwest Amexea, North Aftice, The Northgate. While the Moorish American People ar the Beneficiaries, they are neither pariners nor agents of the said Trust, Any and all benefits or privileges from any government hat is nat the Moorish National Republic Federal Government will not be received into this Trast Intrumest of xchange, therefore no dty is owed to any other government or outside pety by this Trust, its Beneficiaries, Executor, Settlors, Claimants, Tastes, no the Moorish American People. This traditional, Pre Vast Estee Express Trst is active and functioning in the pattem where property 4s conveyed by wil, deed, o declaration to ¢ tstee. It is not an association, in accordance with ‘Article 1 Section 10 ofthe Constitution For the united States Republic, writen by the Ancestors ‘of the Moorish America People This Express Trust may enter into any Treaty, Alliance, of ‘Confederation; it may grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; It may coin Money; it may exit Bills of Credit; it may not make any Thing but gold and silver Coin ¢ Tender in Payment of ‘Debt; it may pass any Bill of Attander, ox post facto Law, and Law impairing the Obligation of ‘Contracts, and it may grant any Tite of Nobility. This Express Trust is created by the Natural [Right to Contract which cannot be abridged and is protected under federally enforceable right of contact Inv and not under any laws passed by any of the several state legislatures. It is not ‘subject o legislative control nor legislative restrictions, does not depend on any statutes and is ‘within the realm of equity, having » separate and distinct juridical personality. This trust ts ‘nallenahle and inalienable. ~Vir-Law-Amon Orange Moon~ ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Ecclesiastically International Commissioned Divine Natural ‘Agreement ‘These are the Particulars 1, This Declaration of Trust is completed for “Aariess Shs ep (Natural person in Propria, ‘Persona Sui Juris)" (Trust hereafter.) 2, The Grantors) ofthe tnt is Mlariasa Guha Wer (Ex. Rel. MARISSA SHAWNTEL WILLIAMS}. 3. ‘The Beneiciarys) of the VieLaw-Amon Orange Moon Trast are Maxisen Taha Ber, ‘Lora Sin williams, Marcus eshaton Signer, ‘Shaina Gabrielle Cole, ‘Saipl Rhaalis €1, Rerrich Eugene Signet, ‘Silas Williams [Majer], Barbara Jean Williams, Carl Lee Proton, Gecalbine Patricia Beaten, and ‘Kendall Grense Wale. 4. The Vir Law-Amon Orange Moon Trustee is" Sarasa Joba ep." '. The Vir Law-Amon Orange Moon Trust is Ecclesiastical and Irevocsble. ‘6. The mailing location of the responsible pat is Care of 2306 Ramblewood Drive, Near (Diet Helge Maca Rape [27A7]} New Demon, Now Reset. Non 7. ‘The VieLaw-Amoa Orange Moon ‘Trust in existence as of the 8th of Mubaram 1440 Islamic Moorish Calendar Year [8 January 2019 Chistian Calendar Year) 8. The trustees of the VireLaw-Amon Orange Moon Trust have the authority under the terms of the trast to clam tit, to request « cartfid copy of tile, and to transfer tile of all property in the name of he trust. ‘This Trust is governed pursuant to, the Zndiae Constitution [AA222141] Library of Congress, Constitution for the united States Republic of North America 1791, Treaty of Peace and Fricadship 1786/1836 between Morocco andthe united States of America,

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