Argumentative Essay Outline (Block Pattern)

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E8 Argumentative Essay Outline (block pattern)

Prompt:​ Write an argumentative essay in which you agree or disagree with …


Audience:​ Address your essay to ...


Working title

Hook​: quotation, question, myth, reference to the

Did you know that in Colombia we have rail lines to
texts/articles, statistics
transport goods from La Dorada to Santa Marta?
Background information​: basic information about the Not much people have noticed that companies are
issue (i.e. euthanasia) and the position being argued (i.e. able to use those rail lines.
euthanasia must/must not be allowed)
In the last century there were trains in Colombia that
could transport 60 containers. The equivalent to 60

The use of railways to transport goods was stopped

because it employed less people that the use of
trucks. Actually this decision was taken due to
political purposes.

Thesis statement
The use of railways to transport companies’ goods
from factories to seaports should be implemented in
II. BODY (block by block )

Block 1
Summary of counterarguments (2) and your rebuttals

ABAB A. In Colombia there is not the infrastructure required to

implement this transport system for goods.
A – Counterargument B. Since 2018 the railways from La Dorada to Santa
B – your rebuttal Marta are able to be used by companies

A. It is expensive for a company use trains instead of

B. Using economic of scale the cost of transportation per
ton is significantly lower if its compared against trucks.
There is no need to transport just one company’s goods as
each container will have one wagon.
Block 2
Your 1st argument

Your 2nd argument According to the savings in freight charges and

logistic costs, transport goods in railway from Bogotá
to Santa Marta would be 5% to 15% cheaper than the
current system.

Restatement of the thesis

It may include summary of the main points



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