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Anorexia Nervosa

Weight loss leading to

Refusal to maintain body
Intense fear of becoming fat or maintenance of body weight
Typically dramatic weight loss weight at or above a minimally
Anorexia Nervosa gaining weight, even though <85% of expected, or failure to
in a short period of time normal weight for age and
underweight make expected weight gain
during period of growth

No regular purging
Anorexia Nervosa

Purging Anorexia
Regular purging (self induced vomiting or use of laxataives/diuretics)

Key Findings on Skin/hair changes (alopecia, Cardiomegaly, heart failure, hypotension, bradycardia,
Examination laguna hair) hypothermia

Bulimia Nervosa

Recurrent episodes of
Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain (ie: Binges occur at least
Bulimia Nervosa binge eating following
self induced vomiting, use of laxatives/diuretics, fasting, hyper exercising) 2x/week for 3mo
characteristic pattern

Eating alone due to

Eating an amount of A sense of lack of
Eating until embarrassment of how
Characteristics of food larger than most control over eating
Eating more rapidly than uncomfortably full, or much one is eating.
Bulimia Nervosa would eat in a similar during the episode (one
normal eating when not Feeling disgusted,
Eating period of time under cannot stop eating or
physically hungry depressed, or guilty
similar circumstance control amount)
after eating episodes

Purging Bulimia
Regularly engages in self induced vomiting or use of laxatives/diuretics

Non Purging
Uses other inappropriate compensatory behaviors (fasting, hyperexercising) without regular use of vomiting/laxatives
Bulimia Nervosa

Key Findings On
Hypokalemia Scarred/scratched hands

Binge Eating Disorder

Recurrent binges, but does not

Person has feelings of guilt,
engage in the inappropriate Associated with marked
Binge Eating Eats too quickly, even when embarrassment, or disgust and
compensatory behaviors distress. Occurs on average at
Disorder not hungry may binge eat alone to hide
associated with bulimia least 1x/week over 3mo

Disorder Characteristics

Dissociate Inability to recall Localized: Inability Selective: Inability Generalized: Loss Systematized:
Amnesia particular to remember all to remember of memory Memory is lost for a
memories, events occurring specific events encompasses specific category of
especially those during a everything, information
associated with circumscribed including identity
psychological or period of time
physical trauma
Individual is
frequently unaware
of memory
Some resolve

Dissociate Fugue Person suddenly moves away from home Very sudden onset typically following an Statues usually end
and assumes a new identity, with little or extremely threatening psychological abruptly on their
no memory of one’s previous identity or stressor own. Person may or
past may not recall
May seem normal to people who don't events that took
know them previously place during the

Depersonalization/ >1 episode of depersonalization (feeling detached or estranged May be due to substance abuse, panic
Derealization from your thoughts/body); Derealization (loss of sense of attack, psychosis
Disorder external world)

Dissociative Presence of 2 or Not due to Transitions between 3-9x more frequent Alters are created
Identity Disorder more distinct substance or alters are usually in women under conditions of
identities or general medical abrupt and extreme childhood
personalities condition triggered by stress. trauma; lack of
existing within the High incidence of social support
same person comorbid during or after the
psychological abuse
disorder (developmental
window closes ~9y)

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