Course Epistemology Lesson Plan: Detention

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Course Epistemology Detention Lesson plan

Methodology Modeling Boarding Chant


Active learning Rubric Facilitator Mind map

Realia Assessment Scanning Syllabus

E-learning Skill Mainstreaming Bully

Vocational Benchmark Gifted Microteaching


reform Analysis Detention Curriculum

Ice Breakers Textbook Awards Pop Quiz

Shadowing Crib Suspension Brainstorming

Coeducation SCOPE Feedback Skimming

Ice breakers: Activities designed to help people get acquainted in new situations or environments.
A form of practice teaching in which the student prepares a short (6-15 minute) lesson and
presents the lesson to peers for constructive evaluation.

Assessment: The process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skills, attitudes and
Focus reading which is used to obtain specific information from a piece of text.
Pop Quiz
Assessment given without notice. Usually written, and used to motivate students to study each

Any means by which a teacher informs a student about the quality or correctness of the
student's products or actions

Analysis: The action of taking something apart in order to study it.

Mind map: (or mind-map) A diagram used for linking words and ideas to a central key word or
idea. It is used to visualize, classify, structure, and generate ideas, as well as an aid in study,
problem solving, and decision making.
benchmark: Statement that provides a description of student knowledge expected at specific grades,
ages, or developmental levels.
Education reform: A plan, program, or movement which attempts to bring about a systematic change
in educational theory or practice across a community or society.
facilitator: A role for classroom teachers that allows students to take a more active role in learning.
Teachers assist students in making connections between classroom instruction and students' own
knowledge and experiences by encouraging students to create new solutions, by challenging their
assumptions, and by asking probing questions.
Crib: a translation, list of correct answers, or other illicit aid used by students while reciting, taking
exams, or the like
The student follows a professional for several hours or a whole day to learn more about the work
done by, and skills needed by that person. Often used in teacher education programs or

E-learning: An approach to facilitate and enhance learning through, and based on, both computer and
communications technology.
Rubric (academic): In education, a rubric is a set of criteria and standards linked to learning
objectives that is used to assess a student's performance, such as on a paper, project, or essay.
Active learning: A process whereby learners are actively engaged in the learning process, rather than
"passively" absorbing lectures
Gifted: (intellectual giftedness) An intellectual ability significantly higher than average.
Rhythmic text, repeated orally by individuals or a group to improve recall.

Skill: An ability, usually learned, to perform actions.

Detention :a punishment in which a stu dent must stay at school after others have gone home

 Boarding school: A school where some or all students not only study but also live, amongst
their peers but away from their home and family. The word 'boarding' is used in the sense of a
'boarding house', lodgings which provide both bed and board, that is meals as well as a room.
Most famous UK public schools are boarding schools for ages 13 to 18, either single-sex or
Epistemology: (from the Greek words episteme (knowledge) and logos (word/speech)) The
branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, origin and scope of knowledge
Modeling: Demonstrating to the learner how to do a task, with the expectation that the learner can
copy the model. Modeling often involves thinking aloud or talking about how to work through a task.
Course: in the United States, a unit of instruction in one subject, lasting one academic term
Textbook: A manual of instruction or a standard book in any branch of study.
Curriculum: (plural curricula) The set of courses and their contents offered by an institution such as a
school or university
Methodology: Strictly speaking is the study and knowledge of methods; but the term is frequently
used pretentiously to indicate a method or a set of methods
Lesson plan: A teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction for an individual lesson.
While there is no one way to construct a correct lesson plan, most lesson plans contain similar elements.
SCOPE (Spelling, Capitalization, Order of words, Punctuation, Express complete thoughts)
A proofreading strategy.

Brainstorming: An organized approach for producing ideas by letting the mind think without
Vocational education: (or Vocational Education and Training (VET)) Prepares learners for careers or
professions that are traditionally non-academic and directly related to a specific trade, occupation
Realia: objects, as coins, tools, etc., used by a teacher to illustrate everyday living.
Bully: An individual, thought to be emotionally dysfunctional, who torments others through verbal
harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods
Any tangible object given to students to reward positive behavior or achievement

Suspension: a temporary debarment (from a privilege or position etc)

Coeducation: The integrated education of men and women at the same school facilities;
Syllabus: (plural syllabi or syllabuses) A document with an outline and summary of topics to be
covered in a course.
The practice of placing students with disabilities in regular classrooms;
Skimming is a fast reading technique. Use it to obtain the gist of a piece of text

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