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News analysis Health Business

Museveni’s money Sexual harassment at Why Sugar Bill is bad

fights with MTN work & culture of silence for the sugar industry

Issue No. 573 May. 24 - 30 2019 Ushs 5,000,Kshs 200, RwF 1,500, SDP 8

Good people
come out,
says Muntu
But how does moderation fit
between populism, defiance
of Museveni, Besigye?

Independent Publications Limited, Plot 82/84, Kanjokya Street, P. O. Box 3304, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256-312-637-391/ 2/ 3/ 4 Fax: +256-312-637-396
E-mail:,, Website:
May. 24 - 30 2019 1

Issue No. 573 May. 24 - 30 2019

News analysis Business Health Arts Motoring

Cover story
Good people come out, says Muntu
But how does moderation fit between populism, defiance of Museveni, Besigye?

5 The Week
Oulanyah takes over mediation
in Apaa land dispute Disappearance and extrajudicial
killing: It’s time for Kenya,
South Sudan to account for
9 The Last Word
the enforced disappearance of
Debunking Africa’s delusions: Samuel Dong and Aggrey Idri
Why our everlasting obsession with
the state, its leaders and politics as
32 Health
the problem is misguided
Sexual harassment at work:
14 Analysis The culture of silence that
allows it to continue
Museveni’s money
fights with MTN: Details on
deportations, licence talks
35 Arts & Culture
27 Business
Ugandan art at PIASA:
Behind the sugar zoning politics: French auction art house
Why the proposed Sugar Bill is bad falls for `unique, fresh’
for the country’s sugar industry

STRATEGY & EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Andrew M. Mwenda WRITERS:Ronald Musoke, Flavia Nassaka, Ian Katusiime,
MANAGING EDITOR: Joseph Were Patricia Akankwasa, Julius Businge.

PUBLISHER: Independent Publications Limited, Plot 82/84, Kanjokya Street, P. O. Box 3304, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-312-637-391/ 2/ 3/ 4 | Fax: +256-312-637-396 E-mail: | | Website:

2 May. 24 - 30 2019

“As Ugandans, we have more than 10000

questions on who is choosing which
Ugandan to kill like chicken. I was going
to be the next but God saved me.”Aidah
Nantaba, State Minister for ICT on state agents she
fears are after her life

Palestinians break their fast during the holy month of Ramadan, near the rubble of a building
recently destroyed by Israeli air strikes, in Gaza City, May 18, 2019.

A Sadhu (Hindu “Go to Busoga now, there is so much

holy man) sugarcane and out growers are asking
show his ink- why we are not taking the cane. It is
marked finger
after casting because they just plant. And these new
his vote in
Varanasi in
factories also tell farmers to plant and not
Uttar Pradesh worry, promising to buy their sugarcane,
state during eventually you have a lot of sugarcane.”
the 7th and
final phase of Mayur Madhvani, MD of Kakira Sugar Factory on
India’s general sugar zoning

A cyclist
wearing a
costume of
a cartoon
character rides
during the
Cycling Festival
in Moscow,
Russia “We have been refraining from conducting
diplomacy in newspapers, because that
is not how things are done, despite
provocations by our friends and their
media.” Sam Kutesa, Minister for Foreign Affairs
on Uganda-Rwanda tension

People feared dead UPDF soldiers Money the government

30 after their boat
capsized on Lake Albert
1798 undergoing counselling
after a one year tour of Shs1.7trn will borrow from China
to finance oil roads
duty in Somalia

May. 24 - 30 2019 3

Oulanyah takes over mediation in Apaa land dispute Why is government

Immediately after taking
forming advisory
over from Prime Minister Dr
Ruhakana Rugunda, Deputy
Speaker of Parliament asked
government to stop any form It’s the second time in three
of eviction on Apaa land pend- weeks a ministry is unveiling
ing further investigation into a committee to perform an
the disputed land bordering advisory role on a subject
Adjumani and Amuru dis- it should be able to handle
tricts. President Museveni internally. As expected,
appointed Oulanya who will government will have to
be deputized by Rugunda. A cater for sitting allowances
few days before, Uganda Wild- for these committee members
life Authority (UWA) rangers, some of whom are already
accompanied by police closed employed in government. The
Apaa Market, leaving more duplication of roles could be
than 1,500 vendors helpless. outside the conservation area so ary Onek, First Deputy Prime another example of needless
Reports say the closure of the that there is smooth handling Minister Moses Ali, Minister in squandering of public
market was aimed at conserv- of the process,” Oulanyah said charge of Water and Environ- finances. First the ministry
ing land for the East Madi while briefing the reconstituted ment Ephraim Kamuntu and of finance inaugurated a
Wildlife Game Reserve. “If any Apaa land committee members Grace Freedom Kwiyucwiny, committee to advise on
eviction activity is going on in at his boardroom at Parliament. the State Minister for Northern investment and management
Apaa, it should stop now until Present at the meeting were Uganda. Oulanya also barred of oil production and
further communication on Rugunda, Lands Minister Betty settlements in Apaa which is exploration. The Ministry of
what we should do with the Amongi, Disaster Preparedness largely a conservation area. Education has now unveiled
movement of the people to get and Refugee Minister Hill- a 17-member committee to
analyse the recommendations
of the Abel Rwendeire
Kadaga denies MP allowance increase committee report on Makerere
University in 2016 and use
Speaker of Parliament sort but what we did was to it as a model to streamline
Rebecca Kadaga has distanced increase the fuel pump price management of public
herself from the alleged and that was all we did in the universities. Janet Kataaha
increment of allowances for budget of February,” Kadaga Museveni the First Lady and
MPs and the much talked said in an interview with minister of education tasked
about Over The Top (OTT) the New Vision. The issue the committee chaired by
tax which is going to be borne of increased allowances for Prof. Frederick Ian Bantubano
by the tax payer. “On the houses, cars, burial expenses Kayanja to draft a White Paper
issue of allowance increment, allowances yet I am the caused furious backlash from on the overall governance
I was also shocked to see in chair of the Parliamentary the public which accused the of public universities. The
the newspapers pictures of Commission. We did not lawmakers of being selfish committee will work over a
cars, houses and increased increase anything of the and greedy. period of three months.

Buganda Land Board signs lease agreement with KCB

KCB Uganda has today signed an BANK,” said the Buganda Land
MoU with the Buganda Land Board to Board Managing Director Owek.
establish a product under which KCB David Kyewalabye-Male. The aim
BANK, shall finance the Kibanja/Bibanja of this MOU is to create awareness
holders to obtain certificates of title to the among the various Bibanja holders
Kabaka’s official 350 square miles of land. occupying the land and all land
The Buganda Land Board shall undertake returned to Buganda Kingdom
the identification of the rightful Bibanja and to ensure smooth valuation
holders, recommend and forward their of the processes of the respective
applications for financial support to KCB Bibanjas on Kabaka’s land before the
BANK in the process of obtaining a lease to preparation of Certificates of Title
the land or registration certificate from the at the respective Kibanja holder’s
Buganda Land Board. cost and expense. The agreement
“In the letter of recommendation to (the registered owner of the land on which will also leverage management of the
be signed by Buganda Land Board’s the Kibanja and or Bibanja is/are located to process of obtaining the certificates of title
authorized representative shall pend the pledge the Kibanja interest of the Kibanja and registration certificates for respective
issuance of a certificate of title, consent for owner to KCB BANK, as security for credit Kibanja/Bibanja holders.
and on behalf of the Kabaka of Buganda facilities upon terms approved by KCB

4 May. 24 - 30 2019
NFA on the spot
over forest reserve
As riot police remains
deployed around some areas of
Bugoma Forest Reserve due to a
stand-off between Hoima Sugar
Limited and some residents,
questions are emerging over
the mandate of the National
Forestry Authority (NFA) under
whose watch a number of forest
reserves have been degraded.
8,000 hectares of the Bugoma
Reserve have already been
cleared for sugarcane growing.
The land probe commission
headed by Justice Catherine
Bamugemereire tasked
officials from NFA over the
encroachment of 1950 hectares
on Wamale Central Forest
Museveni intervenes in Bugoma Forest Reserve stand off Reserve in Kayunga district
which have been turned into
After Minister of Finance the company. He told the land to Hoima Sugar Ltd. “We
Matia Kasaija made an President during a press brief- shall not allow this to con- a sugarcane plantation. The
entreaty to President Musev- ing at Masindi State Lodge tinue,” Museveni said while commission was shocked to hear
eni over the degradation that his intervention was on his tour of Bunyoro region from four employees of NFA
of Bugoma Central Forest necessary since the National last week. Environmentalists who said they had no idea who
Reserve, Museveni directed Forestry Authority no longer were already up in arms over was behind the encroachment
that the clearing of the reserve had control over Bugoma. The the encroachment of Bugoma of the reserve. “This leaves us
should stop immediately. Masindi High Court recently who said more deforestation with a big question as to how
Kasaija said vast chunks of ruled that 8,000 of the 40,000 would cause devastating cli- NFA is managing these forests.
Bugoma were being cleared hectare forest reserve belong mate change. Bugoma Forest Who are the foot soldiers?
by Hoima Sugar Limited for to the Omukama of Bunyoro. Reserve is a catchment area Bamugemereire wondered.
sugar cane growing after Reports say after the Omu- for Lake Albert and River Sugar barons have cleared away
the Omukama of Bunyoro kama obtained a freehold title Semiliki, besides being a sanc- forest reserves for sugarcane
Iguru Gafabusa leased it to in 2016, he leased part of the tuary for chimpanzees. growing.

Liquid Telecom joins Muslims in Ramadan

Liquid Telecom, the leading of Ramadan. On May 17 at the Kibuli Kibuli, they handed over food stuffs
independent data, voice and IP provider mosque, Liquid Telecom CEO Dennis and gifts to Muslims in celebration
in eastern, central and southern Africa Kahindi and staff acknowledged the of Ramadan. “Our agile, flexible and
joined the Muslim community in contribution that Muslims bring to dynamic business model keeps us at the
fasting and observing the holy month business and to the country. While at forefront of telecoms innovation.”

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May. 24 - 30 2019 5
Nakalema probes land
ministry over Shs98bn
World Bank project
The State House Anti-Corruption Unit
headed by Lt. Col. Edith Nakalema is
investigating the ministry of lands, housing
and urban development over alleged mis-
management of 98bn World Bank-funded
project on digitisation of land information in
Uganda. Nakalema and her detectives are
at the National Land Information Centre in
Nakasero gathering data on some aspects of
the project. Her team has back up from the
Office of the Auditor General, the Accoun-
tant General and the National Information
Technology Authority (NITA). The funds
were availed under the Competitiveness and
UBL donates Shs335m to Bududa Entreprise Development Project with the
aim of setting up a land information system
Uganda Breweries Limited (UBL) has was made by the UBL Managing Director to digitally handle the records, issue freehold
donated Shs335million towards the con- Mark Ocitti at a ground breaking ceremony titles and protect customary land.
struction of a water supply system that is held at Budei education center in Bududa.
aimed at improving access to safe and ade- According to a community assessment done
quate water in Bududa. The two year water by Rotary Uganda, Bududa has insufficient
project is being implemented in partnership access to clean and safe water as the few
with the Rotary Club of Kampala North. It spring wells serving the residents are hard
will see both entities construct a piped water to access due to the terrain of the area. In
supply system that will serve over 2,000 addition the majority of the people in the
people in Buwali Sub County and the neigh- area have disabilities making it even more
boring communities. The announcement difficult for them to reach the water sources.

6 May. 24 - 30 2019
Humour Did you know?
Why you love coffee
and beer

Why do you swig bitter, dark roast coffee

or hoppy beer while your coworker guzzles
sweet cola?
Scientist Marilyn Cornelis searched for
variations in our taste genes that could
Police officers who vandalized the vehicle of Bobi Wine during his arrest on Easter explain our beverage preferences, because
Monday are to face the Police Disciplinary Court for excessive usage of force. understanding those preferences could indi-
cate ways to intervene in people’s diets.
To Cornelis’ surprise, her new North-
western Medicine study showed taste
preferences for bitter or sweet beverages
aren’t based on variations in our taste genes,
but rather genes related to the psychoactive
properties of these beverages. “The genetics
underlying our preferences are related to the
psychoactive components of these drinks,”
said Cornelis, assistant professor of preven-
tive medicine at Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine. “People like
the way coffee and alcohol make them feel.
That’s why they drink it. It’s not the taste.”
The paper is published in `Human
Molecular Genetics’ highlights important
behavior-reward components to beverage
choice and adds to our understanding of
the link between genetics and beverage
consumption -- and the potential barriers to
intervening in people’s diets, Cornelis said.
Parliament is set to spend at least shs16.5million monthly to Sugary beverages are linked to many
provide MPs with internet and over the top tax (OTT) services.
disease and health conditions. Alcohol
intake is related to more than 200 diseases
and accounts for about 6 percent of deaths
globally. Cornelis did find one variant in a
gene, called FTO, linked to sugar-sweetened
drinks. People who had a variant in the FTO
gene -- the same variant previously related
to lower risk of obesity -- surprisingly pre-
ferred sugar-sweetened beverages.
“It’s counterintuitive,” Cornelis said.
“FTO has been something of a mystery
gene, and we don’t know exactly how it’s
linked to obesity. It likely plays a role in
behavior, which would be linked to weight
Beverages were categorized into a
bitter-tasting group and a sweet-tasting
group. Bitter included coffee, tea, grape-
fruit juice, beer, red wine and liquor.
Sweet included sugar-sweetened bever-
ages, artificially sweetened beverages and
Doctors urge pastors to go for HIV/AIDs counselling and testinsg since the church is no exception non-grapefruit juices.

May. 24 - 30 2019 7
News analysis Health Business
Museveni reversing 30 Your recurrent Medical, agric boost
years of privatization miscarriages insurance premiums

Issue No. 572 May. 17 - 23 2019

Ushs 5,000,Kshs 200, RwF 1,500, SDP 8

Bobi Wine
and Besigye

Who gains, loses
in partnership?
Follow us on Twitter @!/ugandatalks

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Letters are Wapakabulo resignation from UNOC

welcome ! Refer to: UNOC: “Board such a bright and talented da with oil management
The Editor welcomes short and to decide on Wapakabulo CEO resign. It might, hiow- knowledge rise up.
concise letters from our esteemed resignation”. (The Indepen- ever, be an opportunity to Godfrey Jeje
readers on topical issues. Please dent May 13). It is sad to see see another talented Ugan-
send them to:
The Editor, The Independent
Publications Ltd,
P.O Box 3304,
Plot 82/84 Kanjokya St,
HIV prevention breakthrough
Kamwokya. Refer to: “HIV prevention breakthrough” (Lamivudin+Efavirenz+tenofovir disoproxil
(The Independent May 10). Can you name fumarate)? What then can be judged the
Email: any newly approved Antiretroviral Therapy progress made by researchers in past 10
(ART) medication in past 10 years that is years?
superior to classical three drugs regimen Kiran
Bobi can’t be angel in hell
MPs, be fair to the people you represent
Refer to: “Uganda’s democratic contradic-
tion” (The Independent May 10). Mwenda Last year, MPs approved a whole MP can fail to pay astonishing that even when
is licking his wounds after the devastating the ‘Over-the-top’ (OTT), for his or her data and OTT their sessions are covered
blow landed by a coalition between Kizza which is charged to every tax yet they increase their live on TVs, some are seen
Besigye and Robert Kyangulanyi. Mwenda telecom internet user in allowances and salaries playing solitaire on the
and Muntu had naively thought that they Uganda. Although it faced a almost every year and get Ipads. Such benefits should
could succeed in isolating Besigye from lot of resistance, we accept- other benefits. be removed and the money
the people power equation. They thought ed that it should be charged Their proposal for Parlia- for items like Ipods, OTT,
that this would leave Kyangulanyi with no if it is to develop our coun- ment to pay their OTT tax data and meals among
choice but to come running seeking for an try since collecting revenues and data has proved how other benefits be diverted
“organised” political sanctuary for money is one of the ways govern- selfish these MPs are yet into doing other things that
and a “political structure.” Had Kyangulanyi ment can use to deliver they keep telling us how benefits the nation.
fallen for the bait, then, the NRM would go services. The approved tax they represent the views of We need to develop
on to support a bill in Parliament urging that was that every internet uses the voter. It is unfortunate Uganda together. The MPs
the political party with most members in had to pay Shs200 per day, that even the opposition decision pay their data and
Parliament nominates/chooses the president. Shs1,400 per week, Shs6,200 MPs are also silent on such OTT tax is embarrassing
When this passes through, they will embark per month or Shs72,000 per uncalled for allowances yet and shows how selfish they
on Kyangulanyi canvassing for votes so as year. they keep fighting govern- have become.
their chosen members make the numbers Their voters continue to ment. David Serumaga
and once they have ascertained those mem- pay the same taxes but the I know that our MPs serumagadavid916@gmail.
bers in Parliament then they pull the rug big earners, who are their got Ipods to help them in com
underneath Kyangulanyi. leaders, do not want to communication and doing
Fairness is not always about doing the pay. I am wondering how Parliament work. But it is
right thing, sometimes it is about doing the
correct thing. In Uganda were opposition
rallies are foiled by teargas, opposition lead-
ers are chased out of radio studios, arrested Does being in opposition make someone ever right?
and criminal charges are imposed, and the
Public Order Management Act (POMA) is Refer to: “Uganda’s democratic contradic- to being the government of the minority
being applied selectively, how do you expect tion” (The Independent May 10). I support opposition? How do you claim to be a
the opposition to restrain itself and “order” Mwenda. He must be a very democratic peace keeper by inciting violence? I believe
their supporters to act “rationally?” How man. How comes that opposition leaders that to oppose is to build not to destroy. If it
do we expect the opposition to act fairly in themselves do not take it positively when- is meant for destruction then no single lead-
a typically violent saturated situation? If ever opposed? Should we take it that being er in power would uphold it. Museveni is
Mwenda expects “fairness” in the Ugandan an opposition member makes someone kind, patient and patriotic. It is through his
political space, it is possible he expects Ange- ever right? How can you convince any rea- democracy that we can criticise and express
les in hell. sonable person that you are a democratic ourselves.
fighter while you cannot respect the major- Job Bwogo
Rajab Kakyama ity rights? Did democracy change meaning

8 May. 24 - 30 2019
The Last Word Opinion

Debunking Africa’s delusions

By Andrew M. Mwenda
Why our everlasting obsession with the state, its
leaders and politics as the problem is misguided

here is a near unanimous view tribalism, incompetence, etc. – has scarcely innovative components of their businesses
that the problems of our nations changed over these years and changes in – those parts that create the greatest value
in Sub Sahara Africa are a result of the presidents. Ghana has had 14 presidents – to their subsidiaries. Apple is not going
leaders, specifically our presidents. and nothing dramatic has happened in to transfer the design of the iPhone from
Others broaden this view arguing that its governance. Between 1962 and 1987, California to Kampala. Thus, at best they
our problems are a result of the state and Uganda had eight governments in 25 years, can assemble parts i.e. keep us working in
its politics. To such analysts, the societies an average of 3 years per president yet the the lower rungs of the value chain.
of Africa are capable of rapid economic country had become a failing state. Yet dominance of multinational capital in
transformation like in East Asia but are Some argue that the problem of Africa our countries may not be the cause but the
being stifled by corrupt and autocratic is a lack of democracy. Yet there is little result of weaknesses of indigenous capital.
leaders and states. difference between Africa’s democracies like Idi Amin’s expropriation of foreign capital
I find this argument weak. African leaders Zambia, Malawi, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal in 1972 led to economic collapse. Why?
do not spring from the heavens. They come and Benin and Africa’s “autocracies”, such Indigenous entrepreneurial capacity was
from our societies, are propelled to power as Ethiopia, Cameroun, Eritrea and Chad. low. In South Korea, mass expropriation of
largely by domestic interests combined with And this can be seen whether one measures Japanese owned businesses in 1945 – banks,
regional and global forces. Therefore, they the rate of economic growth or the level of factories, insurance and logistics firms – did
can only keep power by balancing these service delivery. Indeed states like Rwanda not lead to economic collapse. When the
interests; where the domestic is primary, considered autocratic are more responsive American Military Government arrived
and the regional and global secondary. to the needs of their indigent citizens than to take charge of the country, after Japan’s
Jean Francois Bayart, coined the democracies like Kenya and Malawi. surrender, it found factories and other
term “extraversion” – referring to how The major weakness of Africa is that businesses that Koreas had just grabbed
African leaders draw resources from the the domestic groups, whose interests from the Japanese, were running very well.
international system (such as economic politicians need to placate in order to gain There are inherent weaknesses in
and military aid) to further their own and/or retain power, do not constitute a our societies that reflect in the capacity
domestic competitions in a bid to gain and/ progressive social force. Instead, they are of the state to be an effective agent of
or consolidate power. Therefore, external predominantly retrogressive with parochial transformation. In the 1990s IMF and World
interests only further domestic conflicts and interests, largely seeking patronage and/or Bank forced our governments to adopt
struggles but do not create them. welfare from the state rather than political policies like privatisation and liberalisation.
Visit any public office in Uganda and the institutions and public policies that promote These handed the commanding heights
people you will meet there, bureaucrats economic dynamism. of our economies back to multinational
or politicians, are our school or university Imagine you are Museveni trying to hold capital, which had been expropriated by the
alumni, live in the same neighborhood, onto power in Uganda, or Bobi Wine and nationalisations of the 1960s and 70s. These
come from the same region or district; Kizza Besigye trying to wrestle it from him. policies kick started economic growth and
some could be relatives, friends or in-laws. What constituencies do you need to win? efficiency in resource allocation. But they
Therefore, whatever they do in public office: These include peasants (who are a majority did not address the challenge of structural
corruption, apathy, incompetence, etc. is not of voters), workers, underemployed and transformation that lies at the heart of
a reflection of their individual pathologies unemployed youths, salaried professionals development.
but of our societies. and petty traders. You most effectively For our nations to undergo capitalist
It is more than 60 years since most of reach these social groups through such transformation, we need a strong national/
Africa got independence. Some, including powerful social institutions as traditional indigenous/local class of accumulators who
the young Yoweri Museveni, argue that authorities (Mengo especially) and our can also exercise powerful influence on
Africa’s biggest problem is leaders who religious bodies (Namirembe, Rubaga and state policy. Currently this class is small and
stay long in power. Yet there is scarcely Kibuli) plus the new churches. weak to be effective politically. Equally, our
any difference between countries that have Now none of these social institutions is ruling elites class does not enjoy autonomy
enjoyed short tenures of presidents (such as dominated by progressive social forces in the formulation of its values and in its
Nigeria, Sierra Leon, Liberia, Mozambique, – such as manufacturers, innovators or decision-making processes independent
Burundi etc. where no single president large-scale farmers. Some individuals from of external forces. So it is incapable of
has ruled for more than 12 years since these progressive groups may belong to promoting a national project of any heft.
1960) and those that have had long serving these institutions but will most certainly not Instead, African ruling elites are tied to a
ones (Cameroun, Gabon, Togo, Angola, be the dominant voice. The most powerful web of social obligations to their kith and
Equatorial Guinea, Uganda, DRC, Ethiopia, influence on domestic economic policy is kin, making them unable and/or unwilling
Chad, Zambia, etc.). international “donors” – World Bank, IMF to inflict the kind of costs – whether it is
Indeed, leaders have been changing and other bilateral donors – who represent in land expropriations or ruthless labour
regularly in most of our nations. Nigeria, the interests of multinational capital. exploitation – that in other times and places
for example, has had 15 presidencies and Multinational firms cannot transform our have accompanied the process of rapid
none of them has served for a continuous economies (in spite of our everlasting love economic transformation.
period of more than eight years. Yet for them). This is because as a rule they
governance in Nigeria – with its corruption, do not transfer the most advanced and

May. 24 - 30 2019 9
cover story

Good people come

out, says Muntu
But how does moderation fit between
populism, defiance of Museveni, Besigye?

10 May. 24 - 30 2019
cover story

By Ian Katusiime that is supposed to be properly whom they refer to as a convener,
prepared before hitting the road. In Alice Alaso.
n the middle of the excitement Muntu’s politics, that means first Alaso who was Soroti District
and activity leading to the putting party systems in place before Woman MP before becoming Serere
launch of the Alliance for you think of running. Distrct Woman MP and a former
National Transformation Muntu would agree with something Forum for Democratic Change (FDC)
(ANT); a new party which else that Olum said; that “a party is a secretary general, is a born-again
he leads, Maj. Gen. Gregory conscience of people who think alike Christian with firm political positions
Mugisha Muntuyera aka Mugisha and a moderating factor”. and very opinionated. But she exudes
Muntu managed to appear calm and Olum, a member of the Democratic calmness.
unhurried. Party (DP) says his party has not been Together with Muntu, Alaso
Currently operating out of a small in power for more than 50 years but it supports the same old approach-
office in Bukoto, a Kampala City has played a key role in constitutional building platforms where different
suburb; Muntu spoke about 2021 development and the rule of law. leaders can be groomed as opposed
elections, which already have other “Muntu’s party can go on to be a to an obsession with who the leader
politicians running around in a mad model of democracy in Uganda.” is. Although some observers think
rush, as if they were in a very distant Frank Rusa, the Executive Secretary that this approach is either vague or
future. of the Inter Party Organisation on unambitious about holding power,
At 61 years old, Muntu appears Dialogue, a forum funded by the the moment to test its appeal among
almost debonair in designer suit, Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Ugandans has now arrived.
well matched tie, and well-trimmed Democracy that brings together parties As Alaso coordinated all the
jet black hair. But he retains an erect in parliament also welcomed the entry promoters of The Alliance, the people
soldier carriage and focused gaze and of The Alliance of Muntu. who championed the new party, most
toughness that his boyish good looks “I think it is an interesting scenario. preferred to remain in the background,
cannot hide. It will bring a new flavor to our perhaps afraid of reprisals.
He says the Alliance for National politics. He seems to be pushing for When Muntu spoke to The
Transformation party (also called The a moderating line,” Rusa told The Independent, he appeared to directly
Alliance) plans to field candidates Independent about Muntu. speak to them when he said he wants
in the 2021 elections but first it must “He comes in with a sobering tone good Ugandans to actively join politics
recruit members, establish grassroots which will improve the way politics is and be agents of the change they want
offices, elect an interim leadership, practiced,” he added. to see.
and hold a delegates conference. “We appeal to those who
What about you, Muntu; will you A party of values understand our reasoning that there
run for president in 2021? Muntu’s quiet strength is matched is no magic or other formula other
Where most leaders of political by The Alliance’s chief strategist, than ensuring that the good people in
organisations often put running for any organisation being the dominant
president first, Muntu reacts to the force,” he said.
question as if it is at the bottom of a He added: “The character and
very long list of more important things identity of the party we want to build
he has to consider. Appearing to place is based on values. Due to the political
his priority away from gunning for challenges we have faced as a society,
the presidency sets Muntu apart from all those values have been eroded and
most Ugandan politicians, including the moral fabric has broken down. We
President Yoweri Museveni. have to go through a recovery process
Since he has desperately clung to focusing on those values. When we
power for 30-years using a mixture have more leaders subscribing to such
of strong-man tactics and populist and practicing them, we will see good
politics, Museveni has conditioned governance”.
most Ugandans to expect opposition He said the current government
politicians to pursue power with equal has not paid attention to values in
fanaticism. Muntu’s self-control is the politics and focused instead on
unexpected. Richard Todwong physical things; building power lines,
And it excites long-term strategists bridges, roads.
like Zachary Olum, a retired professor Muntu says physical things
of political science. are important and necessary but
Olum told The Independent; that corruption free politics, honesty,
there is a misconception about starting transparency, unity, and equality
a party and gunning for power before the law, fairness and justice, are
immediately. more important.
“People think that once you start a Muntu told The Independent that The
party then your immediate goal is to Alliance was formed on the premise
get power. Parties are about shaping of re-instilling values and ideals
public opinion, moderating people in into Uganda political and social life.
government. They perform better at He says its members want to avoid
other things,” Olum said when asked confrontational politics, intrigue, and
about Muntu’s approach. personality cults in parties. He says
Olum agrees with Muntu about a these are the matters that drove him
political party being akin to a vehicle Frank Rusa out of FDC.

May. 24 - 30 2019 11
cover story

Anti-riot police deployed in Kampala in 2016. Muntu wants to steer clear of confrontational politics.

When Muntu says The Alliance Muntu retired from the army in 2004 (UPC) functionaries and with the
will emphasise building structures and went on to serve as president of backing of the new government
from the grassroots, he is echoing an the FDC from 2012 to 2017 and now he installed one of their own, causing
abstraction that put him at odds with a is the main “promoter” as The Alliance chaos and confusion.
strong faction of his former party. leaders prefer to be called. Muntu belonged to the top echelons
Mainly because of such views, of UPC by way of his parents; Enock
respected by many, understood by few Early political consciousness Ruzima Muntuyera and Aida Matama
is a dictum that best describes Muntu. Muntu’s complexity first surfaced Muntuyera who were powerful state
The 61-year old has been in the thick in 1981 when he was a student at functionaries and close confidants
of Ugandan politics virtually all his Makerere University Kampala. This of President Obote. Many people
life, but he remains a puzzle. was in the immediate post-1979 were, therefore, surprised that he
Before he officially launched The liberation period that saw former broke ranks and led students into
Alliance on May 22, Muntu had run military president, Gen. Idi Amin a demonstration against the party-
the gamut of Ugandan politics. He Dada ousted and the return of Milton imposed guild leaders.
was just 31-years old when he became Obote as president following the He was just a 23-year-old political
commander of the Uganda Peoples disputed 1980 elections. science student, but Muntu was
Defence Forces (UPDF). Muntu, as vice president of the already brimming with democratic
He went onto be a member of the outgoing university students’ guild ideals. He was astonished by the level
Constituent Assembly that wrote government, was heavily involved of arbitrariness that the new Obote
the 1995 constitution and an army in the campaign of the incoming government had reached.
representative in Parliament until 2001 students’ guild at a time when And more surprises were coming
when he moved to the East African university student leaders played a for Muntu watchers as he “went to
Legislative Assembly (EALA) based major role in national politics under the bush” – in 1981- as joining the
in Arusha, Tanzania. Muntu joined the National Union of Students of National Resistance Army (NRA)
a political pressure group, Reform Uganda (NUSU). rebels of Yoweri Museveni fighting
Agenda, which in 2004 morphed into The candidate Muntu favoured won, Obote’s government from the jungles
the Forum for Democratic Change but a powerful group of students who of Luweero was called.
(FDC), the dominant opposition party. were ruling Uganda Peoples Congress Many people, including President

12 May. 24 - 30 2019
cover story
Fred Enanga issued a statement
clearing The Alliance for a promoters
meeting scheduled for May 21 and the
A few days launch the day after.

after Muntu
The third paragraph in the statement
is what could have riled members of
lost the FDC FDC even more. “We want to welcome
and assure the intending participants
presidency that their safety at both events is
guaranteed. We would also like to
to Patrick praise their efforts of the organisers
Amuriat in for their peaceful engagement.”
Muntu has always had the support
November 2017, of moderates and those who feel
alienated by the belligerence of both
he started NRM and FDC. However, to what

extent the moderates take him will
prove critical for how far he can go. As
with Bobi Wine voters, moderates have been known to
be passive participants in the political
process. Within parties; NRM, FDC,
DP or UPC, the moderates have been
overshadowed by their hardline
members; FDC MPs like Angelline
Osegge, Herbert Ariko, Elijah Okupa,
different to other politicians and Paul Mwiru all moderates and known
pushing a knife between him and Muntu sympathisers are easily out-
them. elbowed by Mubarak Munyagwa,
When asked to comment on the Semujju Nganda, Francis Mwijukye,
new party and Muntu, NRM Deputy and Odonga Otto.
Secretary General Richard Todwong It is, therefore, unclear how Muntu
told The Independent that The Alliance and the new Alliance will relate with
will have to deal with how it is other political players; especially the
perceived and received in the political opposition FDC leader Patrick Oboi
arena. He portrayed it as a splinter of Amuriat and Kizza Besigye.
FDC which must now deal with the A few days after Muntu lost the
fallout from the separation. FDC presidency to Patrick Amuriat
“It is a breakaway from FDC. The in November 2017, he started
first line of engagement will be FDC,” schmoozing with Bobi Wine. Since
Obote who knew and liked Muntu, he said, “We see a lot of tension Muntu is not locked on being on
were surprised and perplexed. But between them and the FDC. The FDC the presidential ballot come 2021,
many of Museveni’s rebels were is fighting to retain its numbers. So it is believed by some that he could
equally disgruntled contemporaries those who are breaking away; there easily back Bobi Wine, who holds the
of his at Makerere, among other will definitely be something between momentum now.
politically conscious Ugandans who the two parties.” What makes the coalition more
felt the state of affairs in their country “Second is how the other opposition possible is that Bobi Wine is already
had taken a wrong turn. parties will view him,” he added, “The in talks with the DP bloc of Norbert
Five years later, the NRA took third is how Muntu and his party Mao, Michael Mabikke of the Social
power in 1986 with Muntu among its will mobilise and marshal themselves Democrats Party (SDP) and Abed
elite. against the might of NRM.” Bwanika of the People’s Development
As a leader of FDC, Muntu was Party (PDP). Besides, Muntu has
NRM reacts to Muntu criticised by those within the party already been working with these
While his unusual positions appeal who preach “defiance” of the groups since he began his countrywide
to many people, they have equally government and measure the strength consultations, just before The Alliance
led many to be suspicious of Muntu’s of a leader by how confrontational was formed.
motives. He has often been branded a they are. It also remains to be seen how he
mole; first for the Obote government Muntu’s cool and calm approach plays on the big stage; especially
when he left the comfort in the UPC was viewed with suspicion especially at IPOD. Frank Rusa, the Executive
corridors of power to join Museveni’s when he was treated with some Secretary of IPOD says though that
rag-tag rebels in Luwero and later he sympathy by state authorities and Muntu will have to prove the mettle
was branded a Museveni government those in NRM. The view still holds of his party by having representatives
mole when he rejected a ministerial and could be deliberately used to in parliament before The Alliance
position in the government to join the discredit him. Around the party can join IPOD. But many things are
opposition FDC. launch, for instance, the attitude of possible for people like Muntu who
Muntu cannot now be a “mole” in the police which has been blocking appear logical and unemotional and
a party he has founded. But the NRM all other opposition party activity not confrontational.
appears determined to maintain that appeared odd.
suspicion; first by treating Muntu On May 13, the Police Spokesperson

May. 24 - 30 2019 13

Our party wants people

with values – Muntu
Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Mugisha Muntu is the leader of the Alliance for National Transformation (also
known as `The Alliance’), a new political party which was launched on May 22 in Kampala. He
spoke to Ian Katusiime about the party’s agenda and what it wants to do differently.

What’s it been like; launching New those values. When we have more leaders
Formation, then the hurdles of getting subscribing to such and practicing them,
registered by the Electoral Commission we will see good governance.

and finally launching The Alliance? This country has never been short
hen we started the plan of good ideas or policies. If you do
for launching a party, we research from 1962 until now,
thought it would be through you will find the nature of our
by December 25, 2018. We policies have been good, if
gathered all signatures from all districts they had been implemented,
and had them in by November 28. But we this country would be in the
couldn’t launch in December because the skies. There have always
Electoral Commission (EC) took much been inconsistencies between
longer in verifying signatures from the what is said and what is
different districts. It was a new experience. practised. That is what we
The exercise we went through was want to resolve as a party
rigorous. It was not the same process when by attracting good people
we were registering FDC; it was under into The Alliance so that we
a different law then because registration shift the balance of forces in
was done by the Registrar of Companies favour of those who want
and yet this one is by EC. The EC ended to do good and build a
the exercise in March and then went into strong foundation for good
gazetting and we patiently waited until we governance. Our success or
got a certificate of registration. Then we failure will be hinged on that.
zeroed on May 22 for the launch. If those people become the
dominant good force in the
What does `national transformation’ in Alliance, then we will break
the name of your party involve? through. That is what has always
The character and identity of the party impeded the sustained forward
we want to build is based on values. We movement of our society. That is
have not paid attention to values in the where the solution lies.
politics of this country. We focus a lot on
physical things; building power lines, What will be your approach
bridges, roads. They are important and towards mobilisation?
necessary and need to be done but when We will project the
you look at the time from 1962, until now, policy agenda that we
even the value system we had traditionally want to attract
as communities has been eroded. Shortly people to
after Independence you would just find what we
a population completely overwhelmed if
any official was involved in corruption.
That was the nature of the culture
back then. People believed in honesty,
transparency, unity, and equality
before the law, fairness and
justice. Due to the political
challenges we have faced
as a society, all those
values have been eroded
and the moral fabric has
broken down. We have
to go through a recovery
process focusing on

14 May. 24 - 30 2019
stand for and build our identity around focus on fielding 100% in all positions. - I subscribe to that philosophy, I have to
that. Then we will start mobilising right If we engage in coalition building and it do a balance to ensure that we build an
from the villages. In the villages there are is successful, we would have to sit and organisation to ensure that even when
opinion leaders whom we will appeal to; negotiate and decide who fills where and we are leaving it, the next generation is
those who understand our reasoning, that who doesn’t fill where. already prepared to carry on, on the basis
there is no magic or other formula other of the principles we established and on
than ensuring that the good people in any It is surprising when you say you are not the long term objective of where we want
organisation being the dominant force. so much interested in being president or to take that country.
The moment you achieve that whether it holding power. Then how will you make
is us in The Alliance or whichever other the changes you desire if you don’t have You have hinted about a coalition
party it is, they will become the solution the power to do so? with People Power. What gains do you
to the problems of the country. For as long Even if you become President and envision from this?
as there is an imbalance and the balance you don’t have a vehicle to change the Ever since we went across the country
of forces believe in self-aggrandisement, things that are in a mess then what is the doing consultations, we have been
that kind of vehicle will promote purpose? Our approach is different; we consciously and deliberately reaching out
corruption, nepotism, and repression and want to start with the vehicle, create one to opposition groups to brief them as to
the population will resist you. that is robust and efficient and that can where we were; telling them the situation
It is really as simple as that. If more take you the longest distance you want to as we interpreted it within FDC; telling
people get that, the turnaround of this them about the different scenarios and
country will be easier. No form of magic the different options that were there.
will turn this around. The good people When we reached the point of taking
who want to do the right things must one of the three options open to us, we

If we are to
go into the parties and influence them. I again briefed them. And then when we
cannot understand how something that started the New Formation as a holding
simple can elude our understanding for
so long. As the Bible says; whatever a man run alone ground, we also briefed them. When we
reached a point of starting The Alliance,
sows, so shall he reap. as a single we briefed them so that they know where
we are and where we intend to go. It’s
You barely have time to recruit people organisation, very important to us that when you are
to stand on the ANT ticket in the 2021
elections. How do you plan to pull this we must on one front, that the other friendly forces
need to be aware of our intentions; the
The good thing is that we are operating
focus on short term and medium term so that we
establish an atmosphere of trust. We have
in an environment where a significant fielding been briefing leaders of DP; Norbert Mao,
number of people want change. So we Hon Robert Kyagulanyi of People Power,
will not be going to ripen a raw situation, 100% in all Asuman Basalirwa of JEEMA. We would
we are simply going to pick fruits. We
have to apply the techniques needed to positions also tell them that much as we are starting
our own organisation, we are open to
tap into that favourable situation and working with other opposition forces that
recruit and organise them. are pro-change.
Organising is not as a hard as trying
to change people’s minds. When you The 2021 elections are looming and
find they are not ready to change, it is the incumbent; President Museveni, is
an uphill task. But when they are ready, pulling out all the stops to make sure
then you only present yourself. If they go and then we look for the driver. How he wins. How do you see the elections
believe you as an organisation as the right can we concentrate on looking for the playing out?
solution, then the task becomes simpler. driver when we are not working on the We do not expect any free and fair
You just have to organise and attract vehicle itself? election at all. At least for me as an
resources. If we are to run alone as a Once the vehicle is built, then you individual, my background is in the
single organisation, we must can come and say you want to be the military; in warfare you don’t expect
driver. In the vehicle you must put in that if you are moving your forces, your
place mechanisms for who becomes the enemy will not ambush you or that if
best driver. We concentrate so much on he has artillery that he is not going to
who the driver is even when there is no pound you. When you are operating in
vehicle. a situation where there is a dictatorship,
You also don’t want your personality to expect what is coming. Therefore, build
dominate The Alliance. But some people your capabilities to a level where you
believe strong personalities are what will overwhelm the regime in spite of
builds institutions. the impediments it puts in your way.
It is a balance, even if you are That is my understanding. Don’t expect
strong you must put your strength them to do fair things when they are
and capabilities in building a strong not fair in their mentality and character.
organisation so that at a particular point Don’t throw your hands up and start
in time as it grows it must be stronger complaining, that is the nature of things.
than all of you who are in it. But if you As the Pan Africanism motto says: Don’t
become dominant, the tendency is that agonise, Organise.
the organisation becomes weak. And for
people who want to build things that last

May. 24 - 30 2019 15
news analysis

By Haggai Matsiko
Museveni’s money
oney, policy and misinforma-

fights with MTN

tion are at the centre of the
long-running tension between
Uganda’s leading telecom op-
erator, MTN, and the government.
That much was confirmed at a meeting
last week between President Yoweri Musev-
eni and MTN Group CEO Rob Shuter,
Details on deportations, licence talks
MTN Group Chairman Phuthuma Nhleko
and another official from the company leputte aka Wim. deportation of its citizen, Tabura, and cited
headquarters in South Africa on May 13. “I am the one who ordered for the depor- it as part of a wider targeting of Rwandan in
What remains to be seen is whether the tation of Wim but I was misled,” a source Uganda. The matter was roped into bigger
meeting will lead to a resolution of the privy to the details of the meeting quoted squabbles between Rwanda and Uganda
issues and a quick renewal of the teleco’s President Museveni as telling the officials. that crested with Rwanda closing its border
licence to operate. The Independent understands that fol- to Ugandan goods.
The company currently operates on a lowing the State House meeting, another When MTN fired its then-General Man-
temporary 90-day licence after its licence was held between MTN and government ager for Corporate Affair, Anthony Kat-
expired in October 2018 and Museveni has officials at the Ministry of Finance offices. amba immediately after the deportations, it
refused to renew it in spite of holding sev- This was chaired by the Minister of ICT, cited them in his dismissal letter.
eral top level negotiations with company Frank Tumwebaze, and attended by rep- “I would like to inform you that your
officials; both local and from MTN head- resentatives from UCC and the Attorney employment with MTN Uganda Limited is
quarters in South Africa. General. hereby terminated with effect from 12 Feb-
The main disagreements between MTN When contacted, UCC Executive Direc- ruary 2019 (Termination Date) on account of
and the government have been over licence tor, Godfrey Mutabazi told The Indepen- the Board of Directors’ (Board) loss of trust
fees and the government’s insistence dent that UCC would look at the arguments and confidence in your ability to execute
that MTN lists on the Uganda Securities MTN is raising and advise the authorities your current role as General Manager
Exchange (USE). accordingly. Corporate Services,” reads the termination
But tensions went a notch higher in Hopes of licence renewal for MTN were letter in part.
February when the government deported dealt a major blow when the government It adds: “As you are aware, MTN Uganda
four top MTN officials, including the CEO, in February deported former CEO Wim has over the past several months and up
amidst accusations of clandestine anti-gov- Vanhelleputte, then chief marketing officer, till now experienced a number of legal and
ernment activity, espionage, and sabotage. Olivier Prentout, general manager for Sales regulatory challenges in this market. Being
Sources knowledgeable about the latest and Distribution, Annie Tabura, and mobile the company’s principal legal and regula-
meeting told The Independent on condi- money general manager Elsa Mussolini. tory adviser responsible for resolving or
tions of anonymity that there were positive Before that government operatives from minimising the negative impacts arising
indicators for MTN. the Internal Security Orgainsation had in from any regulatory and legal matters in the
Museveni reportedly authorised the July 2018 broken into MTN’s main Data market, the Board has unfortunately lost its
Ministry of Ministry of Finance to finalise Centre in Kampala. confidence in your ability to carry out this
licence fees negotiations with MTN and the Although this was a major breach, MTN critical function going forward in light of
sector regulator; the Uganda Communica- opted not to overly fuss over it. the prevailing and emerging challenges that
tions Commission (UCC) to make the final But the February deportation caused the company is facing.”
decision. At the meeting, Museveni also regional and international concern as it Katamba had been part of MTN’s local
appeared to have had a change of attitude involved nationals from Belgium, Rwanda, team led by Uganda Chairman Charles
regarding the deportation of the MTN Italy, France, and of course South Africa. Mbire, and including former CEO Wim
bosses; especially former CEO Wim Vanhel- Rwanda took exceptional concern over the Vanhelleputte , that was at the centre of

16 May. 24 - 30 2019
news analysis
chasing the renewal. They negotiated that have since happened in the economy as the final amount that MTN was expected
mainly with the telecom sector regulator, and the customer base and reached an ini- to pay as licence renewal fee, unless other-
the Uganda Communications Commission tial proposal of $100 million. wise modified by the ongoing consultative
(UCC). A source privy to the details of the meet- process within government,” Mutabazi
But when disagreements between them ings says the MTN team is focusing its argu- noted.
failed to be resolved, the government side ment on the methodology the team at the He added that the position presented
escalated them to Museveni and the MTN Finance Ministry uses to come up with the by MTN in its letter of November 19, 2018
side brought its Group leadership from figures. It appears there is no formula and is not a true reflection of what parties had
South Africa. the figure is arbitrary. agreed upon; especially in so far as MTN
That is how MTN CEO Rob Shuter first MTN says, for example, it is concerned claimed that the Commission had agreed to
met with President Museveni in January in that it is being asked to pay US$118 million MTN’s proposal to pay USD 20,000,000 and
Davos Switzerland on the sidelines of the when a competitor, Airtel Uganda, only obtain an extension of the 1998 SNO licence.
World Economic Forum. That Shuter was paid $100,000 (Approx.Shs375 million). “We wish to emphasise that the renewal
with MTN Group Chairman, Phutuma Apart from this MTN insiders note that period shall be covered by the new terms
Nhleko, at the Kampala meeting, speaks already, they pay about $11 million to and conditions,” Mutabazi’s letter reads,
volumes. A former CEO MTN Group, government in spectrum and other fees per “which the commission has duly shared
Nhleko is known in MTN circles as a super year. In ten years, that comes $110 million. with MTN.”
negotiator after he got Nigerian authori- As a result, they said that they should only Mutabazi also noted that the renewal
ties to reduce a fine of $5.2 billion they had give government $8 million more to make process had been halted until the terms and
slapped on MTN to $1 billion. the $ 118 million. But that was a figure pro- conditions for the renewal have been har-
Kampala is yet to renew MTN’s licence. posed by the Finance Ministry. monised with other government authorities.
A few days after the Davos meeting, As already noted, UCC had asked for
Museveni deported the MTN Uganda boss. US$100 million. When MTN protested Museveni intervenes
MTN has since then intensified efforts to again, UCC in a November 16, 2018 letter The Independent has learnt that Muta-
resolve the issues and the May 13 meeting indicated that the figure had been cut to bazi’s decision to halt the negotiations with
was the latest. US$58 million. MTN appears to have been influenced by
The UCC Executive Director, Godfrey intervention in the matter by Museveni.
Big money, business stakes Mutabazi wrote to MTN informing them Museveni argues that the US$58 that
The stakes are high for both MTN and the that that was the conclusion of negotiations UCC has asked MTN to pay is too little.
government. over the terms for renewal of the licence. “You ought to be aware that over the 20
The company controls 55% of the Ugan- Mutabazi communicated the same posi- years span during which MTN has been
dan telecom market. It made Shs1.38 trillion tion to then-CEO Wim the following day, operating in Uganda, it has reaped vast
for the year ending December 2018 and November 17. profits most of which have obviously been
grew its subscriber base from 10.7 million in Two days later, Wim wrote saying MTN repatriated. This is common knowledge
2017 to 11.3 million over the period. was encouraged by the outcome of the derived from the company’s own declara-
For government, MTN is a major cash meeting but appeared to through a spanner tions and from our own sources,” President
cow. Initially the government wanted MTN into the deal. Museveni wrote to UCC and ministry of
to pay $118 million (Approx.443 billion) “As discussed and agreed in that meeting, ICT on October 28, 2018.
as licence fees for a ten-year licence. The in order to conclude the ongoing (Second “Accordingly, the company’s obligation
government appears to be in a tight corner National Operator) SNO-licence renewal to sow where it intends to reap for the next
because it has already spent money hoping discussions, MTN will pay a SNO-licence 10 years; as well as its ability to do so, is and
to recover it from MTN. renewal fee of USD 20,000,000 upon the cannot be in doubt.
The Minister of State for Planning, David granting of the renewal of our current SNO- “I am, therefore, astonished by UCC’s
Bahati revealed as much when he asked licence, as is, for 10 years, including the con- proposal of a renewal fee of $58m, far less
parliament to approve a Shs.280 billion tinuous right of use of the currently used than the $100m it has originally set. I am
($75 million) supplementary budget to pay spectrum,” Wim’s letter reads in part. even more intrigued by UCC’s decision
for the two Bombardier CRJ 900 aircrafts Wim noted that MTN was planning to to abandon original market expansion
from Canada as part of the restoration of make further investments into the network multiplier formula of 2.64 for 1.69, which
the national air lines. He said the money to to meet the objectives of the new broad- obviously leads to a different result. What
repay would come from proceeds from the band policy and deliver in the longterm is the reason for this change of heart?” I am
MTN licence, among others. The two planes the required 4Mbps internet speed coun- hereby directing both of you to protect the
arrived in Uganda in April. trywide. He noted that they estimated to interest of both the country and investor
But the money MTN will eventually spend some USD200,000,000 in the next few by ensuring that you scrutinise the process
pay for the licence is not clear. The Finance years to achieve this. and involve Finance and the tax matters. I
Ministry initially proposed the US$118 mil- Mutabazi was not happy. Six days later expect a quick resolution and an update in
lion. UCC had also previously demanded he replied MTN saying UCC was aston- 14 days.”
US$100 million and then whittled it down ished that MTN was still raising issues that Apart from the licence fees, The Indepen-
to US$58 million. MTN offered to pay only were already formally answered in the dent understands that authorities are also
US$20 million. earlier letter. keen to get MTN to list on the local stock
Negotiating MTN’s licence fees is difficult Regarding the licence renewal fee to be exchange in order for locals to own a part of
because, UCC says; Ministry of Works and paid, Mutabazi wrote, the Commission reit- the company.
Telecommunications did not provide a fixed erated its position that was communicated The National Broadband Policy 2018,
figure when the first licence was agreed in in the letter of November 16, 2018, that after which guides development of the sector,
1997. This left room for negotiation after reviewing the key parameters, the Commis- notes that listing of all telecom operators, on
expiry of the agreement. sion had agreed to revise the renewal fee the local stock market, as a licencing condi-
To arrive at the current figure, UCC offi- from the initial USD 100 million to USD 58 tion will help on mitigation of capital flight
cials say they looked at what MTN Uganda million. among other benefits of local content devel-
paid in 1997 and considered all the changes “The revised figure was communicated opment opportunities that come along.

May. 24 - 30 2019 17
news analysis

Dr. Godfrey Asea, the Director of the National Crops Resources Research Institute (NaCCRI) at Namulonge in Wakiso District
shows the difference between GM pest-resistant maize (Left) and non-GM maize.   PHOTO/UGANDA SCIENCE JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION

Museveni’s GMO law dilemma

He’s damned if he signs law,
and damned if he doesn’t
By Ronald Musoke equal measure. on patent rights on indigenous

Civil society, farmers’ groups, farming products, and sanctions
ix months since Parliament women and trade policy for scientists who mix GMOs with
passed a revised Genetic organisations, consumer groups, indigenous crops and animals.
Engineering Bill, 2018, that and environmentalists issued a joint Most of these were demands of civil
included demands by President communiqué last December thanking society activists and they celebrated
Yoweri Museveni, he has not signed it Parliament for “addressing their long the passing of a revised version in
into law. But he has also not written to standing concerns in the Bill.” But the November last year. But the scientists
Parliament to explain why. science community of researchers did were unhappy. And now the President
This is the latest saga over a Bill not want it. has neither signed it into law nor
that started out seven years ago as the It was a dramatic reversal from rejected it.
National Biotechnology and Biosafety when the first Biosafety Bill was Arthur Makara, the Commissioner
Bill, 2012. passed on Oct. 04, 2017. That was in charge of Science Advancement and
Since then, although almost celebrated by the science community Outreach at the Ministry of Science,
everyone wants a biotechnology law, of researchers but civil society activists Technology and Innovation confirmed
there has been tension between those did not want it. They were happy to The Independent that the ministry is
for and against specific provisions in when the President declined to assent yet to get any guidance or directive
the Bill. to it and returned it to parliament. in regards to the law that seeks to
So when Parliament passed the In a letter addressed to the Speaker regulate biotechnology in the country.
Genetic Engineering Regulatory of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, in “We are waiting for the President’s
Bill, 2018, in November last year, it December, 2017, Museveni insisted on signature for us to implement the
attracted celebration and frustration in a change in the Bill’s title, provisions law,” he said.

18 May. 24 - 30 2019
news analysis
Politics at play rejected in December 2017. But some civil society says, Africa is facing an
were equally unsure if Museveni onslaught of GMO developers who
The President’s silence has caused would sign the new version into law. take indigenous seed and patent them
confusion, anxiety, and speculation “We know that a lot of politics without recognizing the rights of
among government officials, happens in between Parliament up to farmers.
scientists, and farmers for and against the point when the law is gazetted,” The law calls for a comprehensive
biotechnology. said Agnes Kirabo, the executive labelling and liability traceability
“My thinking is that perhaps the director of Food Rights Alliance, a system whereby the promoter of GMO
president is buying time. He fears Kampala-based non-profit. products must label the products
appending a signature on a bill that “We have experiences where things sufficiently, including the product’s
is not political but is somewhat are agreed on the floor of Parliament relevant traits and characteristics to
controversial,” Arthur Tugume, an and by the time the actual Act is enable traceability.
associate professor of plant pathology gazetted, some of the clauses have All genetically engineered material
and genetics at the Department of been thrown out of the window.” will also have to be labelled, with
Plant Sciences, Microbiology and “At the moment, we believe it is a the phrase: “Contains genetically
Biotechnology in Makerere University very good step forward because this engineered material,” to help
told The Independent. law has a strict liability and redress consumers exercise their right to
He added: “This is not a political bill mechanism.” choose products free from GMOs.
but politics seems to be at play”. The activists were particularly A provision on co-existence of
Lee Denis Oguzu, the MP for happy with the liability and redress farming practices was also included
Maracha County in northwestern mechanism clauses which stipulate in the Bill, noting that a person who
Uganda and Shadow Minister that the advancement of modern cultivates any GMO shall prevent
of Science, Innovation and technology requires a precautionary contamination or co-mingling of GMO
Communication Technology told approach in addressing safety issues. crop with indigenous crops. Any
The Independent on May 15 that it is person who keeps or owns genetically
unclear why President Museveni has modified livestock shall prevent cross-
not acted. He said, however, the law breeding between genetically modified
gives the President in excess of 45
days within which to assent or revert Those who are and non-genetically modified
to Parliament.
Uganda’s Constitution demands
interested in Critics of biotechnology say it is
a “selfish” technology which goes
that when the president fails to sign biotechnology against the social norms of African
or return a bill to Parliament within
30 days, “the President shall be taken
explain it with a farmers who for generations have
depended and shared seed yet this
to have assented to the Bill and at the disregard for its technology is capable of wiping out
expiration of that period, the Speaker
shall cause a copy of the Bill to be laid shortcomings indigenous seed.

before Parliament and the Bill shall

become law without the assent of the
while those Scientists bitter and puzzled
But just like the 2017 version of the
President.” who are against law unsettled civil society, this one too
When asked about it, the Minister of
Science, Technology and Innovation,
it present it as if has left scientists bitter and puzzled.
For over two decades, Ugandan
Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye, referred The there is nothing scientists have been engaging in crop
good that
Independent to either the Speaker of and animal improvement research
Parliament or the Clerk to Parliament. but have always felt handicapped by
“The Clerk to Parliament or the
Speaker must know what is going
comes out of it a lack of an enabling law to test their
scientific innovations.
on,” he said. But when The Independent For years, they have been
contacted the office of the Speaker, conducting confined field trials on
they refused to comment. bananas, maize, cotton, potatoes and
Esther Mbayo, the Minister in rice in several agricultural research
charge of the Office of the President institutions across the country with
told The Independent that the Bill is on The strict liability provision places the hope that an enabling law would
the President’s table. legal liability on whoever introduces a help Uganda be among the few
“What do you want me to do? You GMO product for any damage caused progressive African countries that
want me to ask him to sign it?” Mbayo as a result of the product or process of have embraced genetic engineering.
said. developing it. Many scientists The Independent
Don Wanyama, the Senior Press “Globally there is consensus that talked to days after MPs passed
Secretary to President Museveni this is not a safe technology and the Bill last November said the Bill
told The Independent on May 17 that Uganda being a poor country with constrains scientists. Commissioner
he needed to physically crosscheck incompetent institutions that are not Arthur Makara told The Independent
with the president’s Principal Private strong enough to really safeguard us, that the scientists do not want the
Secretary to see if the Bill was signed we must have a law that safeguards strict liability clause.
or not. us,” Kirabo told The Independent on “This clause might end up acting
When The Independent talked to the May 16. as a deterrent to innovation in the
activists, they said President Museveni The revised version also covered country because, ‘a researcher is
must sign the version now on his desk. “benefit sharing” which protects the already declared guilty even before
They said it is better than the one he rights of the communities because, any investigation is done,’” Makara

May. 24 - 30 2019 19
news analysis
said. President Museveni to tell Ugandans produce.
He told The Independent that he what is going on. Kirabo insists these laws should
hoped President Museveni would “My suspicion is that this is not just be looked at in the broadest terms
again seek legal advice on these any other law and this has been our possible considering that most of
clauses that are likely to curtail argument,” she said, “Of course it is the funding for agricultural research
innovation in Uganda. not a law for the people of Uganda, in Uganda comes from foreign
Have Kirabo’s suspicions been because we all know that there is a benefactors.
confirmed? number of foreign interests in this “Remember these are expensive
But as the suspense continues law.” technologies and all these projects
whether Uganda will or will not get a “Bear in mind that this law is going on are not funded by the
law that regulates genetic engineering, not coming in isolation; it quickly government but private foreign
Clet Wandui Masiga, a conservation follows the Plant Variety Protection entities that already have a provision
biologist and geneticist says the Act, 2014, which gives a framework in the Plant Varieties Act.”
situation makes Ugandan scientists for protecting the innovations of Moses Mulumba, the executive
confused. researchers to apply exclusive director CEHURD has followed the
Masiga foresees one big challenge if rights on their innovations.” In the biotechnology debate over the last six
the current impasse continues. agricultural field, that includes years. He told The Independent that
“People do not realise how much innovations around seed varieties, she the problem with the debate around
Uganda stands to lose 10-15 years said. biotechnology in the country has
from now; this is a science that can always been “the lack of a meeting
benefit Uganda but we don’t have the of minds” regarding a proper
foresight.” biotechnology law.
Masiga and Tugume told The “Those who are interested in the
Independent that it is misleading to biotechnology law explain it with a
reduce genetic engineering research to disregard for its shortcomings while
agricultural innovations. those who are against it present
“We see Ugandans continue going their case as if there is nothing good
to India seeking sophisticated medical that comes from biotechnology
attention like heart transplants but innovations.”
where biotechnology is going, these “That is why whoever meets the
are procedures which should be done president last will always be the
here,” Masiga said. winner and that has tended to cause
Masiga says he foresees a situation confusion.”
where Ugandan scientists might have “There is need to appreciate the
to leave the country in droves should Elioda Tumwesigye fact that biotechnology has many
the situation on genetic engineering advantages when you consider the
remain unresolved. solutions it provides to today’s
“There is no way scientists can challenges but also stakeholders who
work in an environment that is appreciate the role of science should
unpredictable,” he told The Independent know that we have existed before
on May 15. without biotechnology.”
“Like any venture, biotechnology Mulumba told The Independent that
research is quite expensive but if you the purpose of enacting intellectual
are not sure whether you are going property laws is to reward innovators
to operate or not, it makes everything but also to ensure that these
difficult.” innovations benefit the wider society.
Arthur Tugume, the professor of Kirabo insists there are high stakes
plant pathology says without a proper surrounding the law on genetic
law, he sees Uganda becoming a engineering in Uganda.
dumpsite of biotechnology in future. Rebecca Kadaga “The dynamics and interests are
“This law seeks, among others, still there; people want to control
to regulate genetically modified our farming systems and in order
products entering into the country,” The Plant Variety protection Act, to control our farming systems, you
he says, “The longer Uganda takes 2014 was passed in December, 2013 do not need to control gardens, you
to pass a law on biotechnology, the and assented to by President Museveni control what goes into the gardens: the
more Uganda will continue being a in June, 2014. But in August, 2015, a seed.”
dumpsite for all sorts of products.” group of civil society organisations “We are dealing with a political
He said although there are no including Food Rights Alliance, Action economic issue using science but we
genetically modified products Aid and the Centre for Health, Human know science does not rule the world.”
currently being made in Uganda, Rights and Development (CEHURD) “We remain suspicious until
many products that Ugandans petitioned the Constitutional Court to proven otherwise,” Kirabo told The
encounter in supermarkets and declare the law null and void. Independent, “It’s like we are in a
pharmacies; including some syrup Civil society activists said in their theatre; a patient was taken in and
come from outside Uganda and are petition that the law gives all the up to now, we are wondering what
genetically modified. produce cultivated by farmers to happened to our patient.”
Kirabo says, procedurally, the owners of the seeds, plants and
Parliament has done its legislative propagating material which the
role and it is now the responsibility of farmers have used to cultivate that

20 May. 24 - 30 2019
Sugarcane harvesting at Kakira Sugar Limited

Behind the sugar National Resistance Movement retreat at

the National Leadership Institute in Kyank-
wanzi in March this year.

zoning politics
Museveni said he had plans to encourage
big sugar producers to venture into pro-
duction of refined sugar to be used in the
manufacturing of medicines.
But research by The Independent in sugar
Why the proposed Sugar Bill is bad producing countries in Africa, Asia and
South America shows that sugar cane zon-
for the country’s sugar industry ing has either failed, been met with strong
resistance from farmers or threatened the
existence of the entire sugar industry, in
spite of its importance to a number of

By Isaac Khisa financed and developed. industries such as medicine, foods and con-
The situation has become so tense that on fectioneries, among others.
gandan sugar millers, cane April.30, the ruling National Resistance Faced with such a situation, experts
farmers and the government Movement Caucus chaired by President familiar with the industry said the govern-
have for sometime been at Yoweri Museveni decided to shelve the con- ment should not rush to protect the interests
loggerheads over a proposal troversial Bill as negotiations continue. of large sugar producers at the expense of
to introduce zoning in the Parliament had in November, last year, sugar cane farmers and the smaller millers.
sugar cane growing areas. passed the proposed law but President “To introduce such an arrangement in
The proposed Sugar Bill, 2016, seeks to Museveni refused to assent to it. He, the sugar industry, all stakeholders have to
limit establishment of new sugar processing instead, returned it to Parliament arguing be involved,” Stephen Biraahwa Mukitale,
firms in the already existing ones within a that certain clauses, specifically on sugar- MP for Buliisa and a former procurement
radius of 25 kilometres. cane zoning had been omitted in the pro- administrator at Kinyara Sugar Works, told
It also seeks to force sugar cane farmers posed law. The Independent in an interview.
or out growers to supply their cane to the “The way you (Parliamentarians) are “Farmers need to be allowed to own
sugar processing firm within their zone. behaving, you are antagonizing our old shares in the mills so that their interests are
This move is in response to complaints sugar people and I don’t know the relation- also catered for. Sugar cane farmers also
from large sugar producers – Kakira, Sugar ship you have with small sugar people. need to have a sense of ownership of the
Corporation of Uganda Limited (SCOUL) Some of you have got a suspicious relation- sugar producers for them to succeed.”
and Kinyara – companies which claim ship with the small sugar people and now Fred Muhumuza, an economist based
that small sugar producers are involved in you are sabotaging my plan,” President at Makerere University said the govern-
buying cane from farmers that they have Museveni is quoted as saying during the ment should come up with a regulator that

May. 24 - 30 2019 21
will deal with farmers’ contracts they have zoning proposal in the country’s draft Sugar es used to under-weigh the cane and thus
signed with sugar processing firms instead Regulations, 2018, calling the move “illegal regularly demanded that weighing be done
of coming up with the sugarcane zoning and anti-competitive” that would require an only on government-approved weighing
initiative. Muhumuza said this move could express waiver by the Competition Author- bridges and not on privately-owned ones.
end up enslaving and rendering sugar cane ity. Also as a result of disagreements over
farmers poor. The draft regulations, now under review prices, out growers have always decided to
But supporters of the new move led by large by the Agriculture Ministry’s Sugar Indus- withhold their cane or divert it to molasses
sugar processing firms under their umbrella, try Taskforce, propose that sugar cane production (a natural product of sugarcane
the Uganda Sugar Manufactures Associa- farmers be obliged to sell their produce to that is in more unrefined form than sugar).
tion (USMA), claim that the regulation and specific sugar mills, with a single buyer for Sugar cane zoning initiatives have also
zoning will allow the growth of a fruitful each area dictated by regulation. failed in Mauritius, Australia and India –
partnership and collaboration between mill- The policy was re-introduced in the coun- some of the world’s leading sugar produc-
ers and farmers. try in the 1990s but many farmers delayed ers.
Jimmy Kabeho, the chairperson of USMA and failed to harvest cane due to delayed
wrote in the Daily Monitor on May. 16 saying payments, currently totaling to Kshs 2.6bn, Out-growers views
sugar production in Kenya has dropped over causing losses and hit the development of Going forward, Michael Mugabira, the
the years due to lack of regulation and that a ratoon crops. coordinator of Uganda Sugar Cane Grow-
similar situation shouldn’t happen in Uganda. For that, many farmers, who sold their ers’ Association said any attempt to legalize
“Why should we reduce the production produce to major sugar producing compa- zoning, Parliament should ensure that farm-
of one factory by licensing a new factory in nies like Mumias, SONY, Chemelil, Muhu- ers’ land in the zone is treated as an
the same area? Since 2015, Uganda sugar roni and Nzoia, abandoned cane farming investment meaning that at least 60 percent
production has gone down despite having which greatly affected the livelihood of the shares of the factory be owned by farmers,
more factories on board. It is, therefore, not sugar-dependent communities.   since farmers supply more than 70 percent
the number of factories, but how these fac- SUCAM also said the zoning law is a raw material. He said farmers should also
tories operate and are managed,” Kabeho breach of COMESA rules that prohibit the be represented on the factory governing
said. introduction of a contract; agreement or board to serve the interest of the farmers.
“We have also seen cane yields go down understanding that is anti-competitive or “Government should also undertake to
(20 tonnes per hectare) in the fields while substantially lessens competition within the fully compensate farmers in case of burnt
sugar recoveries have dropped from 10 per common market. cane above 10 months since the factory has
cent to 6 per cent. This is a lot of sugar lost The lobby group also highlighted that the no capacity to crush cane in the zone, i.e.
in production and loss in corresponding regulation also breaches the World Trade a 25 km radius has production potential
revenues, including government tax.” Organization Agreement on Agriculture, of 10,000 tonnes cane per day, and yet in
Kabeho said cane prices and sugar prices which encourages the use of domestic sup- Uganda no sugar factory has this crushing
depend mainly on regional and world sug- port policies to maintain the rural economy capacity.”
ar markets and that in Uganda prices have and increase market access and which do “This implies that the raw material (cane)
been high for consecutive seasons. not distort trade or pricing. is twice – thrice crushing capacities of our
Uganda’s sugar industry that started way However, this is not the first time that big mills which average 4,000 tonnes per
back in the 1920’s, now boasts of nearly 20 Kenya is trying to introduce the sugar- day, save Kakira which crushes 6,000 tonnes
licensed companies majority of which are cane zoning policy despite having failed per day.
located in the south-eastern Busoga region. to achieve the desired results in the first Mugabira said this situation prompts the
However, though the annual sugar pro- attempt. East Africa’s largest economy miller to pay farmers ‘peanuts’ and remain
duction had increased from 140,000 in the implemented sugarcane zoning in the enslaved.
1960s to 240,000 tonnes in 2008 and 400.5 Nyanza Sugar Belt in 1973. He said a penalty of 3 percent interest
tonnes in 2014, it dropped to 365 metric However, the move saw Miwani and per month for delayed harvesting of cane
tonnes in 2017, according to data from the Muhoroni Sugar Factories operate below beyond the stipulated time frame of 18
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Coopera- installed capacity while Chemelil Sugar Fac- months should be incorporated in the law.
tives. tory had excess out-growers. This eventu- Mugabira said independent cane growers
The local consumption of raw sugar ally dwarfed production capacity of Miwani also need to be free to add value on their
stands at around 350,000 tonnes per annum, and Muhoroni sugar factories to 60% and cane through establishment of licensed jag-
according to USMA, with the rest exported 70% which represents 30,000 tonnes and geries in the periphery of the 10 square km
to neighbouring states. 45,000 tonner per annum, respectively. radius of the zone and the core investor be
But critics say sugar producers need to On the other hand, Chemelil Sugar Fac- restricted to 15 km radius arguing that this
invest in early maturing high yielding canes tory produced sugar at 100% or 60,000 per form of investment enables transfer of skills,
as well as technologies to increase cane and annum. However, the initiative was later knowledge and capabilities to Ugandans
sugar production rather than blame their abandoned over the years as it proved translating into equitable development.
woes on the absence of sugar zoning for unsustainable. Receiving petition from the Busoga King-
their woes. In Thailand, the two groups in the indus- dom Cabinet on April 30 led by Prime Min-
try – growers and millers – have never had ister Joseph Muvawala, Rebecca Kadaga,
Sugar cane zoning has failed a good working relationship, influenced urged Parliament to maintain the Bill and
Evidence from around the world shows by several structural and policy factors, send it to President for signing into law.
that sugar zoning is a bad move and may according to Nararuk Boonyanam’s study “It is my considered view that we should
not achieve the desired results. From Africa on Agricultural Zoning and Policy Conflict: not rush this matter of zoning,” she said.
to Asia to South America, sugarcane zoning Thailand’s Experience, published last year. “When you look at other areas that produce
has on many occasions failed, forcing gov- While the processing capacity has coffee, milk, bananas; all these areas are not
ernments to retreat. increased rapidly, the production of cane zoned,” Kadaga said.
For instance, in Kenya, Sugar Campaign has not kept pace with it, explains Boonya-
for Change (SUCAM), a sugar advocacy nam. Boonyanam says growers have fre-
group said it does not support the sugar quently complained of faulty weight bridg-

22 May. 24 - 30 2019

Sikander Lalani and

his love for steel
Roofings Group to mark 25 years in September

By Julius Businge duces a wide range of value added steel government and other players on the
products to the tune of 200,000 MT per emerging challenges related to among oth-
ikander Lanani, the man behind annum. ers; labour, transport and standards.
the Roofings Group is expected During a guided tour at the company’s The company has over the years
to make a historic speech in plant in Namamve Industrial Park on May increased the number and type of products
Kampala in September this year 14, Lalani, who also doubles as the chair- produced to include; galvanized and pre
as the company he founded and person of the group, said they have never painted roofing sheets, Eco tiles, Hollow
owns celebrates the 25th anni- looked back since they started and will only sections, mild steel plates and open profiles
versary. focus their investment strategies in areas all widely used for building for domestic,
Born in Kampala in 1944 and trained as that grow the company, create opportuni- commercial, public and industrial purposes.
a histopathologist in London in 1960s, Lal- ties and improve livelihoods of the people. According to data seen by The Independent
ani’s love for steel seem to have made him He said they would continue to explore from the National Planning Authority, steel
leave medicine to deal in steel products. investments in good technology, imparting and iron value chain features highly on
Indeed, in 1970s, he opened his first retail skills in workers and embracing partner- Uganda’s development agenda, with Vision
electronic shop, followed up with a roofings ships with financial sector players, clients, 2040, National Development Plan I and
material plant in Kigali Rwanda. telecoms and customers in Uganda and National Development Plan II.
However, he abandoned the Rwandan beyond. However, failure to enforce standards
business when genocide erupted in 1994 He said the big investments have been and the absence of unleveled playing fields
and headed for Tanzania. However, due to made on importing the state of the art tech- made the company uncompetitive.
long bureaucracy to set up a similar invest- nology and raw materials. The company’s “There are some players in the country
ment in Tanzania, he switched his plans to current installed capacity stands at 160,000 who continue to look for easy ways to
Uganda. Since then, with the help of World metric tonnes per annum, according to make money,” said Oliver Lalani, the Chief
Bank and syndicated loans, the entrepre- its website. In the near future, Lalani said, Executive Officer.
neur has rapidly built a steel-manufacturing access to skilled manpower will be a very “And that to me is a very big risk to the
conglomerate in Uganda, generating big necessity. whole sector…our margins are not really
US$US$60-70 million per year in exports, “We would like to see more Ugandans that big.”
and with more than 1,500 employees. acquiring skills to serve in this industry,” That said, he added that Uganda and the
These include; Roofings Limited (1994), he said. region has a lot of opportunity owed to the
Roofings Rolling Mills (2009), and Roofings growing infrastructural developments.
Polypipes (2010) – producing wide range of Good news to the group as power costs The company, for instance, exports
steel products in East and Central African drop between US$60-70 million per year worth
region. of goods within the region – South Sudan
The Group is vertically integrated in that He said they are happy that the cost of and the Democratic Republic of Congo –
it produces materials that are used within power has been going down and that has earnings that not only boost the company’s
its establishment and other companies in driven their cost of operations down by revenue but also support the stability of the
the region for the production of finished some margin. local currency.
products. With total investments worth He said they have also formed an associa- Further, the company pays Shs70-80bn as
more than US$275million, the group pro- tion of steel makers to enable them engage taxes to government per annum.

May. 24 - 30 2019 23

Foreign direct
investments rebound
As players in oil and gas sector registers more activity
By Patricia Akankwatsa
FDIs trend over cancellation of investments destined into

the country and other parts of the world to
oreign direct investment into
Uganda rebounded in 2018 owed to
the years (US$) meet the rising cost of living.
In 2010, the country witnessed
positive growth in the economy and initial recovery of FDIs peaking at
the prospective investments in the 2014 1051.6 US$1,159.1million in the subsequent year, in
oil and gas sector. 2015 995.6 anticipation of the oil developments, whose
Latest data from the Bank of Uganda 2016 625.6 vibrancy was cut short by the decline in the
shows that the country recorded a nearly global oil prices and the delays in issuing
66.5% growth in FDIs to US$1.336bn last 2017 802.4 of production licences. Since the discovery
year, up from US$802.4 million in 2017 and 2018 1336.8 of oil in 2006, the government has awarded
US$ 625.6 million in 2016. This is the high- eight production licences to UK-listed
2019 1500
est FDIs that the country has ever recorded. Tullow Oil [Uganda] and France’s Total
Adam Mugume, the director for research Source: BoU E&P (Uganda) B.V and CNOOC.
at the BoU told The Independent by email
that the country’s FDIs are projected to rise Eliminate bureaucracy, corruption to
further in 2019 to about US$1.5 billion. ing confidence in the Ugandan market by stir growth
“This is partly a reflection of global eco- foreign investors because of the policies that
nomic recovery but also activities in the oil are being pursued. Fred Muhumuza, a senior economist says
sector that have increased,” he said. “Our country globally is getting more the new FDI projection is achievable subject
The global economy is projected to grow known but I think there is more we can do to reduction in bureaucracy in government
at 3.5% in 2019 and 3.6 % in 2020, 0.2 and in terms of marketing the country,” he said. as well as corruption.
0.1 percentage point below last October’s “If you look at the investment promotion, “There is need to have stimulus budgets
projections, according to the Interna- it is very meager and if we could access a to increase domestic demand as well as fine
tional Monetary Fund. But, in Uganda, the little more resources in terms of facilitating tune incentives that will attract investors,”
economy is projected to grow at 6.3% this our teams to market the country in conjunc- he said.
year compared with 6.1% in June based on tion with our foreign missions, I think we Emily says commercial diplomacy needs
assumptions of a stable global economy, can be high there.” Uganda’s attraction to be supported including improved fund-
maintained private sector credit confidence for FDIs grew from US$644.3million in ing for foreign missions.
and the planned investments in oil and gas 2005 to US$812.7 million in 2008 due to the “When you look at our missions, there
sector, a head of production in 2023. prospects in the development of oil and gas is much that wants to be done but they
Emily Kugonza, the chairperson board of sector. are under resourced. As an investment
directors at the Uganda Investment Author- However, in 2009, the country registered promotion agency, we need to have a
ity told The Independent that the growth a 37.7 % decrease in FDI due to the effects high level of international marketing
trend in FDI is also supported by the grow- of the global financial crisis that led to the materials,” he said.

24 May. 24 - 30 2019

Ethiopian Airlines to help launch Ghana national carrier Second Intra-African trade
will hold 49% shareholding in the carrier. fair to attract $40bn in deals

Reports indicate that the aircraft too will
be sourced from Ethiopian Airlines while he second Intra-African Trade Fair
aircraft maintenance and training of person- (IATF2020) scheduled to take place
nel will also be vested in Ethiopian’s existing in Kigali from 1 to 7 September 2020
facilities in Addis Ababa. No time frame for will target the execution of intra-
the launch of flights has been given at this African trade deals worth more than $40
stage. billion, Prof. Benedict Oramah, President of
The new airline will face immediate the African Export-Import Bank (Afrexim-

competition from Ghana’s private sector bank), said.
frica’s largest airline, Ethiopian Air- airline AWA, short for Africa World Airlines. Prof. Oramah was speaking in Kigali at
lines, is spreading its wings after Ethiopian is already involved in Togo-based the signing of the hosting agreement for
entering into a partnership with ASKY Airlines, Air Malawi, Zambia Airlines IATF2020 by the Government of Rwanda,
Ghana’s government to launch a and is a shareholder in the Guinea Airlines Afreximbank and the African Union on
new Accra based airline. Ethiopian Airlines project. May 14. Rwanda’s trade minister, Soraya
Hakuziyaremye, signed for the Rwandan
Government while Prof. Oramah signed for
TOURISM Afreximbank and Amb. Albert Muchanga,
Commissioner for Trade and Industry of
We need feedback to our strategies-UTB the African Union, signed for the organisa-

tion during the ceremony held at the Trans-
he private sector players in the tour- meeting level, it is government that makes form Africa Summit taking place in Kigali.
ism industry need to give feedback the representation, but we need feedback  Prof. Oramah said that for IATF2020,
to the government about the new from the private sector because you are the which is being organized by Afreximbank
strategies, according to Uganda biggest and immediate consumers of this in collaboration with the African Union and
Tourism Board CEO, Lilly Ajarova. strategy, where we will be working well we hosted by Rwanda, the partners had set
Ajarova, who was speaking to various need to know that we are in the right direc- themselves the ambitious target of attract-
stakeholders and players in the tourism tion, we need feedback and where things ing more than 1,000 exhibitors and hosting
sector as on May 13 as she sought for their are not working, we require that you inform over 10,000 buyers and conference partici-
input into the draft East African Marketing us,” she said. pants from over 50 countries.
Strategy, said there’s need for the private The East African Tourism Marketing IATF2018 attracted more than 1,000
sector players to advise government on the Strategy intends to provide an implementa- exhibitors from 45 countries and across 20
areas they think need to be improved to tion, monitoring and evaluation framework sectors, generating in excess of $32 billion
grow the tourism. that will help in tracking tourism perfor- in deals, some of which Afreximbank has
“At the East African Community council mance in the region. already financed.


Uganda Re profit Moody’s affirms ATI Stable Rating

reaches Shs5bn

lobal credit rating its member countries.

ganda Re, has registered a 37.8% agency, Moody’s, Started in 2001 with
growth in profit to Shs 5.1bn in has affirmed A3/ Uganda being one of the
2018 owed to increase in gross Stable Rating 14 shareholder members,
unwritten premiums. for Africa’s multilateral provide Political Risk,
The company’s gross underwritten pre- insurer, African Trade Surety Bonds, Trade Credit
miums increased from in 2017 Shs29.6bn to Insurance Agency (ATI), Insurance and Political
Shs 33.5bn 2018. Similarly, net underwrit- citing strong capitalisation Violence and Terrorism &
ten premiums increased from Shs 22.4bn and liquidity. Sabotage cover.
to Shs 21.8bn while total income increased The new rating stands The company has
from Shs28.2bn to Shs 31.5bn during the alongside Standard ATI CEO George Otieno supported cumulatively
same period under review. However, gross &Poor’s ‘A/Stable’ rating, US$45.5 billion in
claims incurred remained flat at Shs13bn. which ATI has maintained trade and investments
Uganda Re commenced trading opera- for over a decade. ATI provide better support to across Africa in sectors
tions in June, 2013 having been licensed said in a statement on its member countries. such as agribusiness,
by the Insurance Regulatory Authority on May.13 that securing a ATI’s investment energy, exports,
May, 6th 2013. second rating is part of grade rating can, through housing, infrastructure
The company currently benefits from a its medium-term strategy the application of its manufacturing, mining
15% mandatory cession of all facultative to further strengthen its insurance products, act as a and telecommunications as
and treaty reinsurances in Uganda as pro- governance and oversight substitute for the often sub- at the end of last year.
vided for by the mentioned Act and Regu- mechanisms, enabling it investment grade ratings of
lations of the IRA.

May. 24 - 30 2019 25

UTB to carryout fresh

hotel classification
By Isaac Khisa choice in East and Central Afri-

ca. We have therefore partnered
ourism promotion with UTB to embark on a coun-
agency, Uganda Tour- trywide sensitisation campaign
ism Board, plans to so as to empower our members
carryout fresh classifica- to meet the expected standards
tion for hotels before the end of by both the domestic and inter-
the year. Suzan Muhwezi, the national market,” she said.
chairperson for Uganda Hotel Uganda first carried out
Owners Association and board hotel grading and classifica-
member for the Uganda Tour- tion in 2015, in which out of 78
ism Board (UTB) said during hotels that were assessed, 26
the hotel owners and managers passed the test for classification
sensitisation workshop that the and received stars starting from
move follows complaints raised two up to five-stars.
by a section of players that Kampala Serena Hotel, Kam-
ICT Minister, Frank Tumwebaze, flags off 10 Huawei Seeds for the Future claim they are not sensitised on pala Sheraton Hotel and Mun-
fellows for a two-week intense technological training from various what was needed at the time. yonyo Commonwealth Resort
Chinese universities at Makerere University on May.14.   COURTESY PHOTO Held at Imperial Royale were officially handed five-star
Hotel in Kampala on May 15, status. Bradford Ochieng, the
the workshop tackled issues deputy CEO at UTB said, clas-
regarding registration, inspec- sifying all tourist facilities in the
tion and licensing for accom- country would enable Uganda
modation facilities. not only enforce standards in
Muhwezi said the new pro- the hospitality industry but also
cess of registering, licensing improve the country’s competi-
and classifying accommoda- tiveness and ability to attract
tion facilities in the country visitors. This development
would boost the local hospital- comes as the EAC is planning
ity industry for it to compete to sell its tourism destinations
favorably with other hotels in as a single market to the world.
the East African region and This means that facilities within
beyond. the economic bloc will be
“…we are also positioning graded on a single scale. So far,
ourselves as the MICE (Meet- Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda
ings, Incentives, Conferences, have their facilities classified.
(L-R) Film maker, Dan Moss, UCC ED Godfrey Mutabazi, Content and Exhibitions) destination of
Manager Ruth Kibuuka and Sabilla Mongea, UTB Board Member and
Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs Uganda Wildlife Authority at
the African Pavilion of the Cannes Film Festival in France. Uganda’s
participation in the festival is to position Uganda as a multifaceted
filming destination and hub.   COURTESY PHOTO.

Weekly share price movement (May. 13)

Security May 13 April 29 Movement
BATU 30,000 30000 00
BOBU 129 129 00
CENT 1,184 1,178 0.5
QCL 170 173 -1.7
DFCU 700 670 00
EABL 7,944 8,118 00
EBL 1553 1,531 00
JHL 15,29 15,313 00
KA 143 183 00
KCB 1544 1,660 00
NIC 14 14 00
NMG 2,154 2,140 0.6
NVL 334 334 00
Uganda Breweries Ltd and Kabaka Foundation breaks ground for the SBU 30 29 3.4
construction of sanitation facility at Nalukulabye market on May 16. The project UCHM 12 14 14
that will cost Shs 300milion help construction of the facilities at Nankulabye, UCL 16 16 00
Katwe, Mengo and Mulago Markets.   COURTESY PHOTO. UMEME 300 300 00
ALSI -- -- --

26 May. 24 - 30 2019
By Hassan Shire
Disappearance and extrajudicial killing
It’s time for Kenya, South Sudan to account for the
enforced disappearance of Samuel Dong and Aggrey Idri

s news of the death of Samuel Panel of Experts on South Sudan circulated uniforms for needy children. Other gov-
Dong Luak and Aggrey Ezboni a report pointing to the likelihood of their ernments across the continent also seem
Idri circulated recently, I felt ex- death. The report states that “the Panel has to be increasingly ready to collaborate for
tremely saddened and concerned corroborated evidence strongly suggesting” the wrong reasons – to silence criticism. In
about the region we live in. The enforced that Dong and Aggrey were kidnapped in 2018 a Sudanese activist in exile in Egypt,
disappearance and extrajudicial killing of Kenya by an arm of South Sudan’s National Mohamed Boshi, disappeared from Cairo
two outspoken critics of the South Sudanese Security Service (NSS), transferred to Juba, and was later charged in Sudan. The same
government, by South Sudanese security and executed in a NSS detention and year, a Zimbabwean opposition leader,
services allegedly with the acquiescence of training facility in Luri, on January 30, 2017. Tendai Biti, was returned to Zimbabwe by
Kenyan authorities, and both states’ con- In a report published in April 2018, Zambian authorities after seeking asylum.
tinuous denial of responsibilities, signals a DefendDefenders reported on the role of These trends send an alarming signal of dis-
worrying trend of disrespect for human life the NSS in limiting free expression and respect of the rule of law, shrinking space
and insecurity for those who dare to speak committing violations against human for dissent, and increasing risks for HRDs,
up and challenge power. rights defenders (HRDs) in South Sudan. including those who were already forced
Samuel Dong Luak was a prominent This case further highlights the unchecked into exile to escape threats and reprisals.  
human rights lawyer, Secretary General power and impunity enjoyed by South Against these worrying trends, I add my
of the South Sudan Law Society for over Sudanese security services, which jeop- voice to that of other human rights organ-
ten years, as well as a member of the South ardises possibilities for peace in the context isations in calling on South Sudanese and
Sudan Constitutional Review Commis- of the revitalised peace agreement signed Kenyan authorities to establish swift, impar-
sion. Aggrey Ezboni Idri was an opposition in September 2018. South Sudan’s conduct tial, independent, transparent and thorough
leader, and member of the Sudan People’s blatantly violates human rights standards, investigations into Dong and Aggrey’s
Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM- including the Declaration on the Protection case. Both Kenya and South Sudan are State
IO). In 2013, after receiving death threats for of All persons from Enforced Disappear- parties to the African Charter on Human
providing legal assistance to the former Sec- ances. Moreover, South Sudan continues to and Peoples’ Rights, and must take all
retary General of South Sudan’s governing retain laws that are inimical to their regional necessary measures to uphold their obliga-
party, Pagan Amum, who had been accused and international human rights obligation. tions under the African Charter and other
of “treason” by President Salva Kiir, Dong This results in shrinking civic space and international instruments. South Sudanese
fled South Sudan and sought refuge in democratic practice and killing or exiling of authorities must allow the UN Panel of
Kenya, where he was granted refugee journalists and HRDs. Experts on South Sudan and other monitors
status. The same year, Aggrey also relocated The alleged acquiescence or cooperation to access the site where the killing allegedly
to Kenya after South Sudan descended into of the government of Kenya violates article took place and all relevant witnesses and
conflict. The deceased lived with their fami- 3 of the UN Convention Against Torture, information. It is necessary to investigate
lies in the capital, Nairobi, until they were which prohibits returning people to places these events fully, including the chain of
disappeared on 23 and 24 January 2017, where they risk being tortured or ill-treated. command that led from Dong and Aggrey’s
respectively. Amnesty International, the UN Kenya ratified it. Dong’s confirmed status disappearance in Nairobi to their alleged
Working Group on Enforced or Involun- as a refugee also commits Kenya to the execution. Those responsible, irrespective
tary Disappearances, and other human principle of non-refoulement enshrined in of their rank or standing, need to be held
rights groups called on the governments of the 1951 Refugee Convention. Worryingly, accountable, and the families of the victims
Kenya and South Sudan to reveal the fate this does not seem to be an isolated case. must have access to adequate remedies for
or whereabouts of the two men, suspected In 2016, Kenya deported James Gatgdet the losses they suffered.
to be held by Kenyan authorities before Dak, spokesperson for South Sudan’s The African Commission on Human and
deportation. The families of the disappeared political opposition, who was sentenced Peoples’ Rights and other regional and
also mobilised; petitioning Kenya’s High to death by hanging in South Sudan, and international organs should collectively and
Court to produce the two men in court, but later pardoned. Kenyans have also been strongly ensure that justice and account-
the petition was dismissed as Kenya denied victim of enforced disappearances and ability is served in this case. They must
having them in its custody. The family later extrajudicial killings. A well-known case is demand that Kenya and South Sudan end
asked the police to conduct a thorough that of Willie Kimani, an investigator with all enforced disappearances and extrajudi-
investigation, but a final judgment in Jan- the International Justice Mission, who was cial killings.
uary 2019 confirmed the dismissal of their allegedly abducted and executed by police Denials, impunity, and attempts at dif-
petition and ended judicial oversight into in 2016 together with his client and their fusing responsibility cannot stand in front
police action with regard to the case. Yet, the taxi driver. More recent cases include the of such serious allegations. More than two
Court had noted that the police investiga- suspicious death of woman HRD Caro- years after their disappearance, justice and
tion fell short of seeking information from line Mwatha, who was working on public accountability are due to the families and
South Sudanese authorities and potential accountability and extrajudicial killings the communities Dong and Aggrey were
key witnesses. in the country, and Billian Okoth Ojiwa, forced to leave behind.
The fate of Dong and Aggrey remained a politician and community mobiliser
unknown until April 30,2019, when the UN known for his initiative to provide school  Hassan Shire is Chairperson AfricanDefenders

May. 24 - 30 2019 27
By Dr. Misheck Mutize
Credit rating in Africa
Why countries need to manage the rising power of credit
rating agencies whose misconduct remains unchecked

he rising gap between develop- is because no single institution is respon- pared to other regions, 87% of African
mental needs and available financial sible for administering their regulations countries are rated “junk status”. That’s
resources – including poor revenue or managing them. Either the ministry of compared to approximately 19% in
collection – has pushed sub-Saharan finance, or sometimes the central bank, Western Europe, 27% in the Middle East,
African governments to consider different works hand in hand with rating agencies 38% in Central and Eastern Europe, 54%
options to support their budgets. and liaises on issues relating to a sover- in Asia Pacific and 55% in Latin America
One route to raise capital has been the eign’s rating profile. and The Caribbean.
issuing of sovereign bonds on interna- So what can African countries do? The effect of this is that African coun-
tional financial markets. But to do this The problem is that, as the influence of tries have to issue sovereign bonds at
successfully, governments need a sov- international rating agencies continues high discounts, and are subject to higher
ereign credit rating from at least one of to expand; individual African countries interest rates.
the three dominant international credit have limited power to act against them. Another area of contention is that credit
rating agencies. These are Standard & One possibility is that the continent rating methodologies consistently over-
Poor’s (S&P), Moody’s and Fitch. The establishes collective and well defined emphasise political risk in the rating
number of African countries seeking a ways to ensure they present a common criteria. Political components constitute
sovereign credit rating has increased front to the rating agencies. approximately 50% of the composite
from one in 1994 to 31 in 2018. rating. Other components such as finan-
There’s been growing dissatisfaction Countries that have complaints cial and economic components each
with the three agencies. A number of In 2015, the Zambian government contribute to the remaining 50%. While
rated countries on the continent, such as urged investors to ignore unsolicited the qualitative factors are judged purely
Nigeria, are unhappy, joining a chorus credit downgrade from the rating agen- based on the ideology of the credit
of dissatisfied voices around the world. cies. It challenged the correctness of analysts, their perception towards the
Their unhappiness stems from the fact its rating, which it said hadn’t been political institutions in Africa is generally
that, outside the U.S. and the European discussed with the country’s representa- negative.
Union (EU), the agencies don’t subscribe tives. The data shows that the rating agencies
to any international regime or gover- In 2017, Namibia rejected Moody’s have downgraded more countries than
nance body. This means that their mis- decision to downgrade the country’s they have upgraded over the past 24
conduct remains largely unchecked. credit rating to junk status. It said the years. There have been 47 downgrades,
The international rating agencies have downgrade was contrary to its generally compared to only 22 upgrades and 113
operated unregulated even though stable economic outlook. negative changes in outlooks; only nine
the need for them to be regulated has The government of Nigeria also positive changes have been recorded.
become apparent. strongly disagreed with its down-
The EU and U.S. provide examples of grading. It questioned both the general Solutions and action plan
how it can be done. After the 2008 crisis rating premises as well as the agency’s African countries should design a col-
the EU introduced regulations and sev- conclusions. The government believed lective response mechanism to save the
eral directives to manage the agencies the economy had successfully emerged continent from rating abuse. This mecha-
more tightly. In the U.S., the Dodd-Frank from a recession and recorded important nism can also be used to bring the opera-
& Consumer Protection Act of 2010 improvements across a broad range of tions of agencies under control. The aim
expanded the regulatory power of the sectors. should be to avoid unfair and exploit-
Securities and Exchanges Commission to In 2018, Tanzania criticised Moody’s ative business practices.
enforce full disclosure about the rating decision to assign a low credit rating One option would be for the African
agencies’ methodologies. with a negative outlook on the country’s Union to establish a continental regu-
The only country in Africa that has first international credit rating. Tanzania latory authority. It could govern the
comparable laws is South Africa – rejected the rating. It argued that it cross-border activities of international
although there is still very weak to no hadn’t been thoroughly consulted. rating agencies, administer a prudential
civil liability of rating agencies. These There are more general complaints too. standard framework and evaluate the
laws were passed partly to make it easier Judging from the way in which African accuracy and fairness of ratings assigned
for European countries and the U.S. to countries are rated, an argument could to particular countries.
litigate against rating agencies in cases be made that rating agencies view the
of misinformation, as well as controlling African continent as a homogeneous Dr. Misheck Mutize is Lecturer of Finance,
their influence. entity. They appear to consider all Graduate School of Business (GSB), University
There are no laws elsewhere in Africa African economies as unstable. Only of Cape Town
to hold the rating agencies’ operations three – Mauritius, Morocco and South
on the continent to account. And there’s Africa – out of 31 rated countries have a
no central coordination of their activities rating just above “junk status”. Only one
within individual African countries. This – Botswana – has an A-class rating. Com-

28 May. 24 - 30 2019
By Mark Suzman
How Mandela bent history
Before anything, he was a politician; skilled at building
coalitions and charming political opponents

wenty-five years ago, South Africa hotbed of tensions and divisions, many dela stepped down from the presidency
held its first free elections after of which seemed insurmountable. in 1999, I – by then a Washington, DC-
the end of apartheid. The African In fact, in the weeks before the vote, based journalist – wrote an FT article
National Congress won overwhelm- former U.S. Secretary of State Henry highlighting perceptions of the United
ingly, and its leader, Nelson Mandela, Kissinger led a team of global dignitaries Nations as a sclerotic organisation. It
began to knit the country back together as to try to mediate a dispute between caught the eye of the new head of the UN
its new president. As post-apartheid South many of the country’s political par- Development Programme, who agreed
Africa completes its sixth democratic elec- ties and the Zulu-dominated Inkatha that the organisation needed changing
tion, it is worth recalling Mandela’s formi- Freedom Party, which was committed and wanted me to help.
dable legacy. to boycotting the election. Kissinger had When I accepted the UN position, I
In 1994, I was a young journalist at the barely left his Johannesburg hotel room did not expect to stay long; I took just
Financial Times, tasked with watching when he called it quits. “Mediation never a one-year leave of absence from my
Clarence Makwetu, the leader of the far- started,” he said, “so mediation hasn’t journalism job. But, 18 years later, I’m
left Pan Africanist Congress party, cast failed.” still working in global development,
his vote. Makwetu had no interest in rec- In that moment, it felt like failure was now at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foun-
onciliation. During apartheid, the PAC’s indeed inevitable, and it probably would dation. In retrospect, it’s clear that the
military wing had adopted the slogan have been were it not for Mandela. Days career change was driven, to a significant
“one settler, one bullet,” and its members before the voting started, he helped to extent, by what Mandela might urge me
had called for pushing “all whites into persuade Inkatha to abandon its boycott. to do: “Like slavery and apartheid,” he
the sea.” This proved vital to his victory, and – as said, “poverty is not natural. It can be
With no reliable polling of black voters a result – to the tremendous progress overcome and eradicated by the actions
having ever taken place in South Africa, South Africa has made since. of human beings.”
some predicted that Makwetu and his Twenty-five years after his election, and Over the last 20 years, we have seen
party could secure up to one-quarter nearly 101 years after his birth, Mandela this happen; the global poverty rate has
of the vote. Such an outcome, many is remembered as a statesman, a lib- fallen by three-quarters, thanks largely
worried, could trigger an eruption of erator, an icon, and a secular saint. But to Asia’s rapid economic development.
violence, and at first it seemed like that before he was any of those things, Man- In Africa, though progress has been
would be the case. dela was a politician, skilled at building uneven, poverty rates in some countries
On the morning Makwetu cast his coalitions and charming political oppo- – such as Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana, and
ballot, a disaffected white extremist nents. Rwanda – have dropped by two-thirds
detonated a bomb at the Johannesburg Years later, I sat watched Steven Spiel- or more. Reductions in infant and child
airport. With the war in ex-Yugoslavia berg’s 2012 biopic Lincoln, which depicts mortality and improvements in educa-
still raging and the Rwandan geno- the 16th U.S. president as a political tion have been even more widespread.
cide in its first weeks, the international animal. Lincoln has a big, noble mission As for South Africa, it is still wres-
media rushed in to cover what they – outlawing slavery in the United States tling with the legacy of apartheid; the
expected would be another brutal story: Constitution – but he’s also willing to rise of a black middle class has not
an impending South African civil war be cunning, even slippery, to achieve it. been sufficient to offset continuing
between white extremists on the right When the final credits rolled, I thought, racial disparities in income, education,
and black extremists on the left. “That was Mandela, too.” and health. Nonetheless, by almost
Of course, that is not what happened. Like Lincoln, Mandela believed that every measure, the country is doing
Just four years after being released from history didn’t always bend people; some- better than 25 years ago. The latest
prison – having served 27 years for con- times, people could bend history. And evidence of this progress is the just-
spiring to overthrow the state – Mandela then he went out and proved it. completed election: no one anticipated
was swept into power with more than This Mandela – more so than Mandela significant unrest, regardless of the
60% of the vote, while Makwetu and the the saint – is the one that I prefer to outcome.
PAC won barely 1%. But that does not remember. After all, if it takes a saint to Mandela was right: suffering can
mean that the outcome – of the vote, or solve a seemingly intractable problem be overcome by the actions of human
of Mandela’s presidency – was inevi- like apartheid, then what chance do any beings. Even a single person can bend
table. of us mere mortals have? But if a striver, history.
History always seems like destiny a hustler, a charming and determined
once the ink is dry. Today, it is hard to optimist can make a difference, then Mark Suzman is Chief Strategy Officer and
imagine a world where Mandela didn’t anyone has a shot at helping to create a President of Global Policy and Advocacy at
lift South Africa from the ruins of apart- better world. the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
heid and lay the foundations for a united This sentiment has been a driving force
country. But South Africa in 1994 was a in my own career. Not long after Man- Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2019

May. 24 - 30 2019 29

Indicting Uganda and the ICC

How the international court gamed
Museveni into a deal of partial justice
By Gaaki Kigambo where Ocampo reportedly first

asked Museveni to refer Kony and
ince its inception in 2002 to date, his colleagues to the ICC.
the International Criminal Court  Museveni was in the UK to nego-
(ICC) has studiously defended tiate a truce with Rwanda over their
itself against accusations it is an fallout and consequent clashes in the
imperial project; especially in Africa, by eastern DR Congo city of Kisangani
pointing to the number of cases mem- in 2000. The fighting, which hap-
ber states have freely referred to it. But pened three times, wrought untold
an 11-year study into the ICC’s opera- violence and suffering in the region.
tions on the continent, where majority Because of it, Kampala lost to the
of its referrals have originated, reveals DRC a case of aggression at the
quite the reverse. International Court of Justice (ICJ).
 The study was published in a book  While there have been endless
launched on May 14, 2019 at the Inter- calls to the ICC to hold the two
national Crimes Division (ICD) of countries responsible for the vio-
Uganda’s High Court in Kampala.  It lence and other atrocities in Kisan-
reveals that in order to land its cases; at gani and eastern DR Congo gener-
least the first ones from Uganda and DR ally that they have been accused of
Congo, the ICC initiated negotiations underwriting mostly through their
and actively lobbied the governments many past and present proxies, the
of both countries in exchange for silence Court remains mute about such
over atrocities allegedly committed by demands.
state actors. This is in spite of the ICC As the book argues, this is
making it publicly clear its investiga- because of its heavy reliance on
tions would concern all crimes under these states for the bulk of its
the Rome Statute, which established the work from obtaining access to the
Court in 1998, committed regardless of country, protection, being aided
the identity or ranking of the alleged with investigations, making arrests
perpetrators. and processing witnesses. Such
“Rather than these states referring humanity in case any nation fails to do so. cooperation has not been borne of
their situations voluntarily to the ICC, as  Uganda has always been known to have these states’ unreserved compliance to its
Court officials consistently claim, the OTP entered some deal with the ICC to transfer international obligations. Rather, it has been
(Office of the Prosecutor) initiated negotia- cases concerning the top leadership of the highly conditional to the Court’s protection
tions with the Ugandan and Congolese gov- rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) to The of these states’ interests. Thus, for all its
ernments before the referrals took place,” Hague. But details of the deal have hitherto pomp and bluster the ICC has wilfully been
notes the book titled `Distant Justice: The only focused on the involvement of senior turned into one more weapon in the states’
Impact of the International Criminal Court on officials within the Ministry of Foreign armoury against its enemies.
African Politics’. Affairs who were a go-between the ICC’s  Although Museveni was reportedly
 “Having chased these state referrals, the first prosecutor Louis Moreno Ocampo and reluctant at the start about dealing with
ICC was forced to negotiate the terms of longtime Uganda President Yoweri Musev- the ICC, he turned with time as Ocampo’s
its investigations with those governments. eni. request, pitched as being mutually benefi-
This is the key reason that to date the ICC  The negotiations, described as substan- cial to Uganda and the ICC, moved between
has not charged any Ugandan or Congolese tial in the book, lasted about eight months Museveni’s Office, the Ministry of Justice
government officials, despite well docu- exploring the nature and likely conse- and the Ministry of Defence.
mented complicity of state actors in atroci- quences of Kampala referring to The Hague  Justice officials reinforced Museveni’s
ties,” adds the 379-page book by Dr Phil cases against Joseph Kony, the LRA’s over- reluctance by tempering caution because
Clark, a Reader in Comparative and Inter- all leader, and four of his top command- the Court was still new and its ways and
national Politics, with reference to Africa, at ers: Vincent Otti, Raska Lukwiya, Okot means still unknown. But Defence, which
the School of Oriental and African Studies Odhiambo and Dominic Ongwen. All but surprisingly took the lead on the negotia-
(SOA) in London. Kony and Ongwen have reportedly died. tions, welcomed Ocampo’s pitch as a new
 Published by Cambridge University Ongwen’s trial is on-going and Kony has and unexpected approach against Kony
Press in 2018, the book presents by far a still eluded capture. where all else – peace talks, military opera-
thorough and incisive inquiry into the ICC’s  The book details how, in May 2003, one tions, amnesties – had failed and urged
interventions in Africa from which The of the highest-ranking officials at Uganda’s Museveni on it. “Ultimately, the Presi-
Hague based Court emerges far off from Permanent Mission to the UN introduced dent agreed with us,” the book quotes an
its reason for existing: to provide justice for his friend Ocampo, newly appointed to unnamed Defence official.  
genocide, war crimes and crimes against his plum position, to Museveni in London  In December 2003, Museveni referred

30 May. 24 - 30 2019
Kony and his commanders to the ICC, mak- By Hamza M Ssali
ing it the first case the Court would handle.
A month later, on January 29, 2004, Musev-
eni appeared with Ocampo in London again
“to establish the basis for future cooperation”
Redefining EAC 'citizen'
between Uganda and the ICC and to flag off
investigations into Kony and his colleagues Can partner states replicate tax law
for the mayhem they had wrought on north-
ern Uganda; the theatre of conflict out of changes that Uganda is proposing?
which they had been indicted.
 Interestingly, whereas the allegations
against Kony and his men were deemed Uganda’s tax amendment Bills for the a regional economic integration
graver than those against the government, in Financial Year 2019/2020 as tabled before perspective, what needs to be seen is
particular the army, to justify why the ICC Parliament on March 28 propose to whether the other East African Partner
had to start with the rebels, the Court “did harmonise the definition of “Citizen” to States will replicate the same definition
not have a clear working definition of grav- accommodate individuals and corporate in their respective tax laws. A more
ity beyond a quantitative assessment of the entities from the other Partner States. rational approach would have been
number of atrocity victims.” The four separate Tax Amendment Bills, the region-wide adoption of a similar
 Yet even against that yardstick, many ana- including the Income Tax (Amendment) definition of “a citizen” that should
lysts have argued the government’s actions, Bill, 2019, the Value Added Tax be used in all the local tax laws of
such as mass displacement of nearly two (Amendment) Bill 2019, the Excise Duty all the partner states to avoid any
million people into squalid camps, would (Amendment) Bill, 2019 and the Stamp inconsistencies in application.
easily pass the prosecution grade. What is Duty (Amendment) Bill 2019, propose This proposal may, however, be
more, even when a clear framework about to define the term “Citizen” of Uganda viewed as a protectionist mechanism by
how gravity should be determined was for tax purposes to include a natural those who are not citizens of Uganda
eventually developed in 2007, the Court has person who is a citizen of any East as it attempts to ring-fence certain tax
remained adamant to apply it to the actions African Community exemptions to
of the Ugandan army, which would not member state. The EAC Partner
stand up to scrutiny.  After all, the material definition is also States. This in a
by rights groups the ICC heavily relied on to extended to include a Harmonisation way may limit
build its case against Kony and his men also company or a body of capital inflows
contains plenty of serious allegations against persons incorporated of the from potential
the army. That the Court has limited its pros-
ecution to only one of two central players in
under the laws of any
of the East African
definition of “a investors
the conflict in northern Uganda has opened Community member Citizen” across from outside
it to sustained criticism it is one-sided and
heavily politicised.
states, in which at
least 51 percent of the
the East African the EAC region,
hence hindering
 “The extent of the negotiations between shares are held by Community economic growth.
the ICC and the Ugandan government
before Uganda’s referral raises questions
a citizen or citizens
of any East African Partner States Currently, the
EAC region is
about the promises the Court may have Community state. This within their grappling with
made to Museveni to ensure his cooperation, proposal is likely to intermittent
particularly guarantees against investiga- promote cross-border respective imposition of non-
tions into UPDF crimes. Even if there were
no such explicit deal, the extent of the ICC’s
trade and business
across the East
domestic tax tariff barriers by
partner states, a
reliance on state cooperation has severely African community laws could be case in point being
undermined the Court’s ability to investigate
and prosecute government crimes.”
by ensuring that any
tax benefits hitherto hard to achieve the most recent
unilateral closure
 Museveni’s relationship with the ICC available to Ugandan of the Uganda-
took a nosedive in 2014 when he first lashed citizens will be Rwanda border at
out at it for its 2011 indictment of Kenyan available to all East Katuna and other
President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy African Community border posts.
William Ruto with whom he had forged individuals and companies. The harmonisation of the definition
close alliances. He has sustained harsh criti- The existing tax benefits, including of “a Citizen” across the East African
cism against it, describing it as “a bunch of income tax, Value Added Tax, Excise Community Partner States within their
useless people” in 2016 during his inaugura- Duty and Stamp Duty exemptions are respective domestic tax laws could
tion speech following his declaration as win- available to citizens who are operators, be hard to achieve because of many
ner of the disputed general elections. Among developers or investors within industrial factors, including egoistic tendencies,
his guests was the now deposed Sudanese parks, free zones or even outside those prioritisation of other pressing issues
leader Omar al-Bashir whom the ICC indict- gazetted areas provided they deploy the in some partner states, as well as
ed in 2009 and 2010 and Museveni offered stipulated levels of capital investment. protectionist tendencies in industry and
asylum in April 2019 when nationwide pro- The good news is that Branch set-ups the labour markets.
tests against him eventually forced him out of foreign-controlled Companies from
of power. Strangely, none of this antagonism within the EAC Partner States, which Hamza M Ssali
is likely to change how the Court deals with would hitherto not qualify as a citizen Senior Tax Manager at Ernst & Young,
Museveni’s Uganda. in this context, may eventually pass that Kampala
test if the bills are passed into law.
While this is a good gesture from

May. 24 - 30 2019 31
Sexual harassment at work
The culture of silence that allows it to continue

By Dulini Fernando they have also highlighted how victims are that such behaviour was common and
all too often silenced about their experi- insignificant, and that they needed to prove
ssistant Professor of Organ- ences. Many people are coming forward otherwise if they wanted to file a formal
isation and HRM, Warwick with incidents that happened years ago. My complaint. When women did complain,
Business School, University research, talking with academics who have they reported being urged to be patient
of Warwick experienced harassment gives some insight and allow the issue to be resolved quietly.
The #MeToo movement into why this is the case. It highlights how While the organisation tried to make sure it
has led to women the world cultures of silence exist – it’s rarely the result didn’t happen again, this was played down
over coming forward with stories of harass- of one individual’s actions. in front of the victim to avoid any blame
ment. This issue is not confined to a single towards the organisation or its procedures.
company or industry. It is an endemic prob- Surprising results At the same time, victims were warned
lem which spreads far beyond the cases of I worked with Ajnesh Prasad at Royal they could be branded a “troublemaker” if
sexual abuse that hit the headlines sporadi- Roads University, to understand how they continued to raise their concerns. Mar-
cally. silencing occurs. The focus was on aca- sha described how she was advised by well-
In my research, I have spoken to women demia – an industry which witnessed a meaning colleagues to not complain about
in many industries who have suffered surge of reported cases of sex-based harass- unwanted sexual attention:
some form of sex-based harassment in the ment especially between the years 2014-16. “Their view was that, if this gets out, I
workplace – from sectors that are much In 2015-16 I interviewed 31 academ- would be the girl who accuses men of com-
more male-dominated like engineering to ics employed in business schools at nine ing onto her.”
more supposedly “enlightened” environ- universities in the UK. Contrary to what Thus sex-based harassment is not just the
ments such as academia. Sex-based harass- I expected, all interviewees said that they result of one individual’s actions. In each of
ment includes sexual harassment, but also shared their experiences with line manag- the cases we encountered, managers, HR
encompasses other forms of behaviour that ers, HR personnel and professional col- personnel, and ordinary colleagues were
demean or humiliate someone on the basis leagues to make sense of and to seek redress complicit in silencing victims.
of their sex, such as sexist remarks, harass- for what happened. Then they described This not only created a safe haven for
ment during pregnancy and post birth and how they were persuaded to drop the issue perpetrators, who were able to avoid
gender-based bullying. and move on. punishment. But victims were left feeling
When studying the careers of British Paula recalled the dismissive attitude of confused and unsupported, often leading to
women engineers with Laurie Cohen from a female HR representative when she com- disengagement from work and withdrawal
the University of Nottingham and Joanne plained about a senior colleague’s unwant- from the social fabric of the organisation.
Duberley from the University of Birming- ed advances:
ham, we found that women in this industry “I told them how he insisted that we dis- Breaking the silence
regularly encountered harassment on the cussed papers after hours all the time and To end these damaging effects of silenc-
basis of their sex. about everything he said. She told me she ing, it is not only important to have chan-
For example, Jen, a junior engineer, does not see that as sexual harassment.” nels for people to report harassment, it is
described her frustration that some of her In their view, insisting on discussing a also crucial to ensure that victims feel heard,
male colleagues saw her first and foremost paper over wine is hardly a crime – I sup- their concerns validated, and their com-
as a potential date: pose they need evidence of something like plaints taken seriously.
“I had a lot of men casually asking me rape or assault. They should be assured that action will
out. They would say: ‘Could you help me “After everything she said to me, `I just be taken to hold culprits accountable and to
with this? And by the way, shall we go for didn’t want to talk about it anymore.’ It is prevent such cases from happening again.
a drink?’ I got annoyed that they assumed deeply humiliating.” If people believe that injustice is covered
that because I was a girl I was up for grabs, Women said they were often told their up by the organisation, this can negatively
even though I was at work.” experiences didn’t amount to harassment, affect their commitment and motivation.
One of her colleagues, Hillary, said she People should also reflect on how
walked a fine line when talking to male co- they respond to colleagues’ concerns
workers: and know that their actions have
“If you’re too friendly they might see that repercussions. By encouraging
as flirting. If you’re not friendly then you’re colleagues to remain silent, they help to
a bitch. It’s very difficult; when I thought I create a culture of harassment that means
was just being friendly I heard I was being for every damning headline, there are
accused of being flirty.” many more cases that go unreported.
The #MeToo and Time’s Up movements
have not only thrust the issue of this kind *All names have been changed to protect the
of harassment into public consciousness, identity of the interviewees mentioned.

32 May. 24 - 30 2019
By Agencies

Your sperm also has

t’s 8 a.m. on your sisters 35th birthday
and your mother has already called her
three times. She wants to sleep longer,
but she persists. So you call her back;
she answers after the first ring.
“Sweetie,” she says, out of breath. “I was
an expiration date
just in the kitchen making breakfast and —
you won’t believe this — I cracked open an It’s not just the mother’s age that matters. According to new research,
egg with two yolks inside. Do you know men’s biological clocks are ticking, too. Older fathers may put their infants
what that means?” — and partners — at risk for pregnancy complications.
Of course you know what it means.
According to modern fertility folklore,
pregnancy might be on the way. But why In older men, sperm quality also becomes defects such as congenital heart disease and
doesn’t your mother ever call you with poorer. As sperm is produced at a slower cleft palate.
these brilliant fertility revelations? After all, rate, the risk of exposure to toxins through Many of these issues occurred regardless
you are 40 years old? factors such as infection and smoking is of the age of female partners, who were also
higher. This can damage the DNA of the more likely to experience increased preg-
Older male fertility: should we be sperm, said Dr Lau. If the sperm’s DNA is nancy complications such as gestational
worried? more than 40 per cent damaged, there is a diabetes, preeclampsia and preterm birth
higher chance of miscarriage, he said. after conceiving a child with an older man.
Most couples trying to conceive (and Studies have also shown that older “Although it is well documented that
enthusiastic mothers-in-law) know that fathers increase the risk of genetic problems children of older fathers are more likely to
decades of research point to a woman’s age such as autism and dwarfism in their be diagnosed with schizophrenia — one
of 35 as the point in which women may children. in 141 infants with fathers under 25 versus
begin to experience age-related preg- one in 47 with fathers over 50 — the
nancy complications. reason is not well understood,” said
The scientific interest in women is the study’s author Gloria Bachmann,
intuitive — they play the most obvious director of the Women’s Health
role in the pregnancy. Institute at Rutgers Robert Wood
Little attention, however, has been Johnson Medical School in New
placed upon male fertility. This informa- Jersey.
tion gap can be rather simply illustrated
by Google search data: Issues surround- What does all of this mean?
ing female age and fertility are Googled Bachmann said these findings
almost 4 times more often than male age have to do with male sperm. As
and fertility. people lose muscle strength and
According to a recent Rutgers study endurance with age, sperm also lose
published in Maturitas, a medical journal fitness over the life cycle, she said,
covering midlife and post-reproductive which affects both the likelihood of
health, this lack of attention is a mistake. conception and the prevalence of
complications if conception does
How a man’s clock ticks occur.
Like women, men experience changes The definitive age in which men
to their bodies and reproductive systems are more likely to negatively influ-
as they age, and this impacts their fertil- ence pregnancy is still unclear.
ity and the health of their offspring. According to the report, it could be
While sperm production is unending anywhere from 35 to 45. But the cor-
in men, their production and transportation The study, which reviewed 40 years of relation is there, and researchers are urging
structures weaken over time, said Dr Mat- research on the effects of parental age on others to take a closer look.
thew Lau, Consultant at the KKIVF Centre, fertility, found other links between older “The disparity between the social inter-
KKH. “For instance, the sperm production fathers and a variety of infant health risks. pretation of men’s and women’s fertility
slows down and the reproductive tubes nar- Infants born to fathers older than 45 have and role in reproduction speaks volumes
row. Beyond this, the prostate and urinary a higher risk of premature birth, low Apgar regarding our assumptions about gender
functions also change,” said Dr Lau. scores ( based on the well-being test con- roles, reproduction and family planning,”
The male sex function declines too. Over ducted immediately after the baby’s birth the study said.
time, men’s testosterone levels dip, they that ranks the infant based on appearance, It also notes that the issues it addresses
experience a lower sex drive and are more pulse, grimace, activity and respiration) and are not widely known throughout the medi-
susceptible to sexual problems like erectile low birth weight. They also have a higher cal and social communities and urges health
dysfunction, said Dr Lau. risk of newborn seizures and late stillbirth, care providers to alert men to the risks asso-
“Erectile dysfunction is closely linked to according to the study. ciated with higher paternal ages.
blood supply problems. When people get Findings presented in the study also The scientists’ advice goes out not just
older, and if they have diabetes or high cho- pointed to a correlation in the presence of to men who are considering having a baby
lesterol levels, they are likely to have blood schizophrenia and autism in people with with their wife or girlfriend: Sperm banks,
vessel problems. If such problems affect the fathers older than 50, something that a the researchers pointed out, should adjust
penis, it leads to erectile dysfunction,” he recent study in the journal Biological Psy- their age limits for donations, too.
added. chiatry pointed to as well, along with birth

May. 24 - 30 2019 33

Falling in love with

Uganda’s fading glory
How an EU project is creating interest
in nation’s history and heritage
By Ronald Musoke year found that many of the sites are Kampala, Entebbe, and Jinja as part of

under threat of destruction across the the European Union Year of Culture
magine working in an office which country. celebrations.
has a very rich history; one where Lack of information and awareness Pacifici said the project was intended to
important national agreements were about the significance of this heritage and save historical buildings from demolition
possibly discussed, drafted or signed, the drive towards “modernity” are the and raise interest of potential donors and
in a well preserved building that is over main reasons for the ongoing destruction, private investors for future rehabilitation
100 years old. How would that feel? according to results of the documentation or restoration works of many of them.
That is how it felt recently, when I read project released on May 06 at the EU “There are many beautiful places that
that workers at the National Agricultural Delegation offices in Kampala.The event are already protected but many more that
Research Organisation (NARO) was designed to coincide with the African need protection,” Pacifici said, “If Uganda
headquarters in Entebbe sit in offices built World Heritage Day. identified and preserved key historical
by the British Protectorate’s Secretariat “Nations all over the world preserve buildings and sites, it would help attract
in Entebbe around 1910. These premises heritage in the form of historical buildings more visitors and create many jobs,
housed the colonial governor’s offices and and sites for the sake of their own especially for young people.”
later the first parliament of Uganda or the people, and showcase them with pride to
Legco as it was popularly known from foreigners,”said the EU Ambassador to Ham Mukasa’s 1902 home and more
1921 to 1955. Uganda, Attilio Pacifici. The NARO headquarters are one
But do the NARO workers know how To him, it is unfortunate that heritage example in Entebbe.There is also the
lucky they are? Possibly not. In fact, some and historical sites are not better Bugonga Church in Entebbe which was
of them could be unhappy to be working preserved yet “it would also help built in 1902. This is perhaps the earliest
in such old buildings. Ugandans to understand better their past, permanent Catholic Church in Uganda as
It is attitudes such as these that a year– appreciate more their present and forge it features a spot where the first Catholic
long documentation project funded by the their future.” missionaries camped and prepared for
European Union Delegation in Uganda The project is a collaboration of the their meeting with Kabaka Muteesa I in
hopes to change through a project on EU, the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife 1899.
Uganda’s built heritage and historical and Antiquities and the Cross Cultural Some of the listed historical buildings in
sites. Foundation of Uganda. It covered Kampala include the Treasury Building,
The project which started in May last historical buildings in the cities of Parliament, the Museum, the Post Offices,

Watoto Church built in the early 1950s by Goan entrepreneur, Norman Godinho,
has always been a popular social hangout in Kampala. Before it was transformed
into a church in 1984, it used to serve as a movie theatre (Norman Theatre).
34 May. 24 - 30 2019

Bugonga Church in Entebbe was originally built in 1902 and is one of the very first permanent Catholic churches in Uganda.

and many others that are privately owned. the growth of commerce and industry, were not aware of some of the wealth and
Others are the home of Ham Mukasa, right through to Uganda’s struggles for a assets that are within their mandate.
a leading politician, intellectual and new independent identity. However, she says, whenever the
ethnographer which was built in 1902. Set over eight chapters, the book features researchers explained why it is important
Ham Mukasa’s house showcases the at least 60 buildings in the three towns, to protect these sites, “there was a marked
architectural style of the colonial period representing Uganda’s architectural change in attitude.”
with its colonnades, entrance steps, and history, covering the pre-colonial era and “It is a matter of education and
red corrugated sheets. post-independence Uganda. Annotated publicity and making sure that Ugandans
Dr. Albert Cook’s House built around maps detail the historical buildings and not only realise that this is a resource for
the 1920s is another historic house that still sites for each of the three cities. A mobile tourism but it is also part of our identity.”
stands today. Dr. Cook, respected as the app, “Uganda’s Built Heritage” has been Drani says the loss of historic sites
pioneer of modern medicine in Uganda, added digitalizing the content for easy means a lost connection with a shared
arrived in the country in 1896 and started smart devise use. past, and a risk of losing those unique
medical work soon after. It is on these “These are places where something features which distinguish Ugandan
premises that Kabaka Muteesa II was born happened, or places where important cities.
in 1924. people have lived or places with She says although Uganda is gifted
There is St. Paul’s Cathedral atop architectural merit or unique qualities,” with diverse cultural, natural and
Namirembe Hill built around 1919, the says Emily Drani, the executive director of built heritage, urbanisation, rapid
Bank of Uganda, the National Theatre, the the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda. population growth and the pressing
Watoto Church building and Bulange— She says recognising what past society has drive for modernity have created
the seat of Parliament and administrative done is a practice that exists world over. a constant demand for new, high-
offices for the Buganda Kingdom whose “When you go to France or Italy, you density development. Most of the new
design is inspired by the Stormont will see buildings that are really old development is on plots which are
Parliament in Northern Ireland. but have been preserved and are very already occupied by historical buildings
The stories behind each heritage are told much respected by the people in those and sites.
in a photographic book, titled “Beyond countries,” she says.
the Reeds and Bricks: Historical Sites Drani says in Uganda’s case, many more A global problem
and Buildings in Kampala, Jinja and insignificant but important buildings are Uganda is not alone in this. Across
Entebbe.” It showcases in glossy format not even known by the leaders in those the globe many fast expanding urban
with exclusive pictures the legacy of pre- cities. cities risk losing their historical and
colonial kingdoms, the introduction of Drani says in the cities where the cultural identity if heritage infrastructure
western education, medicine and religions, project took place, some of the leaders and associated cultural values are not

May. 24 - 30 2019 35

The Jinja Pier is a shadow of its former glory. Built in 1912, it once served as the main export  gate for Uganda.  ALL PHOTOS/ CCFU

preserved and promoted. That is why growing economy and many streets Going forward, the Cross Cultural
strengthening efforts to protect and feature Indian architecture built around Foundation of Uganda intends to
safeguard the world’s cultural and natural the 1920s to the 1950s. Sadly, most document other historic buildings in Mbale
heritage is the fourth target of Sustainable of these buildings are in decay as are in eastern Uganda and in the western
Development Goal 11of the UN. several remnants of Jinja’s industrial town of Fort Portal. But Drani says the
Doreen Katusiime, the Permanent infrastructure. government should take responsibility for
Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, On a positive note, the project highlights historic buildings around the country.
Wildlife and Antiquities says the cases where families, public bodies “We hope that the government of
government recognises the importance of and companies have made it a point to Uganda will see this as a pilot; that is
Uganda’s built heritage. safeguard their properties and site for doable and that it is something that they
“These buildings tell a story; they tell future generations. can build on and we also hope that this
a story about us, about the people who In Jinja, for instance, the work of the will be part of the policy so resources
built them and the people who lived in Madhvani family in conserving and can be availed for the protection and
them,’ she said, “When we preserve them, restoring their 1919 office building on Main preservation of these buildings.”
we are able to tell the current and future Street is an example. The premises have Drani also wants the government to
generations about our history.” been put to good use and have become update the laws that protect Uganda’s
In the east, Jinja town played a central the headquarters of the Madhvani Group. historic buildings. We are particularly
role in linking the British Protectorate’s The Madhvani family received a National interested in listing, which means that we
economy. Here, the first railway Heritage Award for protecting this are able to identify specific buildings that
infrastructure linking the cotton fields building in 2016. are important that should be preserved.
of Busoga in south eastern Uganda to Still, in Jinja, on Main Street, the Source “We would also like to nurture
the Jinja Pier from where bales of cotton, Café owners have recognized the historical technical competence when it comes to
Uganda’s main export at the time, were value of their building, as well as its people who have expertise to restore
carried onwards by a steamship to the attractiveness for the growing tourism historical properties. The tourism ministry
Kisumu Port in Kenya and onwards by industry. should make popular these historic
railway to Mombasa. The pier was built in In Kampala, the Emin Pasha Hotel, buildings.”
1912. formerly a private residence also shows Maris Wanyera, the deputy National
Today, it lies derelict but it once was the a possible future for Uganda’s remaining authorising officer in the Ministry of
terminus of the first railway in the country historical properties while Mengo Hospital Finance who is in charge of coordinating
and it served as the main export gate for has also tried to preserve its heritage and mobilising external funding as well
Uganda until the Uganda Railway reached by carefully maintaining the Luke and as building external partnerships told The
Jinja directly from Kenya in 1928 and Catherine wards complete with Dr. Albert Independent recently that Uganda stands
Kampala in 1931. Cook’s memorabilia. In Entebbe, the to gain even more from tourism once
Still, in Jinja, the Indian community Botanical Gardens have become a major heritage sites and historical buildings are
with its trade and business acumen was tourist attraction, as well as a scientific conserved and promoted.
an indispensable force in Uganda’s fast research centre.

36 May. 24 - 30 2019

Ugandan art at PIASA

French auction art house falls for `unique, fresh’

By Dominic Muwanguzi Design will be presented
in an exclusive online sale.
ontempo- Artist, Cheri Samba (born
rary Af- 1956, Democratic Republic
rican art of Congo/ Kinshasa) with
is now his L’attachement aux
common racines, 2010, Aboudia
on the (born 1983, Ivory Coast)
world stage. Several art with his Untitled, 2014 and
festivals; including the Bambo Sibiya ( born 1986,
much coveted PIASA South Africa) with Untitled,
art auction in Paris, 2017 will lead the way in
France capitalise onsale the auction. On this list is
of contemporary art also Sanaa Gateja (born
from the continent, 1950, Uganda) with the
notably from West Af- much feted paper-pearl
rica. There’s growing frescos.
interest and market in Even in the absence of
the art that is largely strong art infrastructures
described within in- like Museums, art collec-
ternational art circles tors’ galleries and indepen-
as “still unique and dent art galleries that can
fresh”. offer varied opportunities
The 9th edition of to already established and
PIASA May 15 has burgeoning artists on the
art from Uganda with continent to showcase their
artists Henry Mzili work, international art
Mujunga, Ronex, Xen- platforms like the PIASA
son, Sanaa Gateja, Art Auction, AKAA Fair,
Ocom Adonias and the 1:54 London and the Venice
young Arim Andrew. Biennale offer opportunity
Some of these artists for African contemporary
were in the November art. Seven pavilions show-
2018 sale. Budding case art from Africa at the
artist Arim’s reflects Venice 58th edition opening
the potential of young this May under the concept,
Ugandan artists to `May you Live in Interest-
interrogate universal ing Times’.
themes in their work. It is a long way from the
“It is a very big colonial and immediate
opportunity for me viduals- those with money and are not only unique but imbue post-colonial time when
and many other young art- power- behave in society. How a rich cultural heritage that is art from Africa was seen as
ists from the continent. This their flamboyance spreads pov- timeless. On the other hand, art “primitive” to the present day
removes the notion that only erty and political anarchy. from East Africa seems to be when it is praised for its diver-
older artists can command high Working with a mix of artists revered for its studio dexterity sity, uniqueness, and ability
prices of art,” Arim says of his who have international profile and the ability to resonate with to respond to global themes.
debut. and the budding is a strong fea- global theme. The change in fortunes favours
Arim’s solo exhibit `A Por- ture of PIASA. Its regular artists The 9th edition of the Paris buyers and collectors, and the
trait of Power, Authority and come from Senegal, Cote-d’ sale has 150 modern and con- artists themselves.
Control, 2018’ interrogated the Voire (Ivory Coast), Mali, Gha- temporary works including,
subject of Power and Control na, Nigeria, South Africa and paintings, drawings, photo- Caption: Artist Arim Andrew,
with metaphorical illustrations Benin. These continue to pro- graphs and sculptures. A seg- 2018
on how the powerful indi- vide awesome pieces of art that ment dedicated to Textile &

May. 24 - 30 2019 37
Kenya man who single-handedly dug 1km road for residents is rewarded
Muchemi Kamau who wowed and household items as a token of Other Kenyans contributed money
Kenyans by carving a road through a appreciation for his selfless act. Other used in buying a second cow for him
hill to save villagers the agony of using companies such as roofing sheet maker and piped water has been connected to
a long route was overjoyed when he Rhino Mabati Company also delivered his home by a well-wisher.
received a grade cow from ABC Bank several materials for the cow shed.

Cockroach bugs Man jailed for giving

president at rally dogs `wrong’ names
Philippine President A young dog breeder in eastern
Rodrigo Duterte recently China was recently arrested and
had a finger-sized cock- sentenced to ten days in a detention
roach scramble onto his center after giving two of his canines
shoulder and down his controversial names that refer to
shirt as he spoke at a cam- Chinese government and civil ser-
paign rally. The 74-year vice workers. The 30-year-old man,
old seemed unfazed when surnamed Ban, was summoned
it happened on May15 as
he campaigned for senate
candidates. A female aide
Trouble over Tanzania cable by police after posting on Chinese
social network WeChat that he had
hurried forward to flick the car for Kilimanjaro named two of his dogs Cheng-
guan and Xieguan. The first refers
bug off, but it ran down Tanzania wants to boost tour- and guide groups who take tour- to officials tasked with tackling
the front of the president’s ist numbers by putting a cable ists up the mountain oppose the low-level crime, while the second
shirt. Alerted by his anx- car on Mount Kilimanjaro, project because they fear cable is a name used to describe informal
ious aide, Duterte swatted Africa’s tallest mountain, and is cars will reduce the number of community workers, such as traffic
the roach away then joked in talks about the project with a climbers.Visitors normally spend assistants. Ban said that he thought
that the insect may have Chinese and a Western compa- a week climbing the mountain using the two words as names for
been planted by the main ny. Around 50,000 tourists climb and one visitor can have 13 are his dogs was a joke, but police failed
opposition Liberal party. Kilimanjaro annually. Porter porters, a cook and a guide. to see the humor.

Oldest man in the world dies aged 123 Typo on a bank note!
Millions of Australian dollars
A man claimed to be the 121 he underwent eye surgery 50 banknotes have an embarrass-
oldest in the world has died because of a cataract. He ate ing typographical error. The word
allegedly aged 123. Appaz only eat only fresh vegetables “responsibility” is misspelt as
Iliev, a father of eight, had been from his own garden, and local “responsibilty” three times. The
working since he was seven, meat in his remote village of goof first became known on May
when he was sent into the hills Guli in the Russian Caucasus 16 when a listener on radio outlet
alone. If his age was correct – Mountains. He drank dairy Triple M sent the station a magni-
and his birth records do not milk and fresh spring water. fied photo of the Reserve Bank of
survive – he would have been He had 35 grandchildren, 34 Australia’s (RBA) new A$50 note
older than the officially veri- sleeping 11 hours a day. He great-grandchildren and sev- highlighting the error. The note
fied longest-living man – Jiro- shunned television and never eral great-great-grandchildren. came into circulation on October
emon Kimura of Japan – who smoked nor drank alcohol, He is said to have advised his 18, 2018 with new security features
died at 116 years, 54 days. and kept away from doctors large family: “Value what you designed to deter counterfeiting
He attributed his longevity and medication as much as have and share it with others”. and with tactile elements for the
to squeaky clean living and possible although at the age of visually impaired.

Saudi family ties maid to a tree

A young Filipino woman working as a 26-year-old Lovely Acosta Baruelo was work around her unable to help, were
maid for a wealthy family in Riyadh, Saudi made to “feel the effects of staying in the allegedly taken by another Filipino worker
Arabia, was reportedly tied to a tree by scorching sun for too long”. Photos of the who later shared them online, begging
her employers as punishment for leaving woman tightly bound to the tree with a authorities to help the victim of the abuse.
a valuable piece of furniture in the sun. rope, as other servants carry on with their

38 May. 24 - 30 2019
When speeding,
mind tyre rating
Many motorists know about tyre size but
not tyre speed rating
By Motoring Guru they also paste them in the driver’s side ally listed as “A” followed by a number– for

door jamb, the gas tank hatch, or inside the example, “A1,” “A2, “A3,” and so on. The
id you know your car has a spe- glove box door. speeding rating “H” is out of place. Instead
cially recommended tyre based on You will see something like: 205/55/ of appearing after “G,” it falls between “U”
its recommended speed? No, we R16/91V. That is the tyre you should put and “V” as does the speed to which it cor-
are not talking about how hard on the car. Each letter and figure in the responds. Also, there is no speed rating “I,”
you accelerate or the maximum speed indi- code carries a special message: tyre width, “O,” and “X”. The rating “P” also is not on
cated on the speedometer. We are instead its profile, rim size, and load and speed some charts. When the speed rating system
talking about the tyre speed recommended rating. As already explained, these two go was first developed, the highest speed rat-
by the manufacturer. together. In the example above the 91 is the ing was the unlimited “V” rating. This was
Manufacturers give recommended load rating and the `V’ is the speed rating. for tyres whose maximum sustained speed
speeds in conjunction with specific maxi- So what do these two mean? was 240 kph or more. But as more manufac-
mum loads for your vehicle i.e. a `tyre To answer that you must refer to a turers came out with tyres that could han-
speed rating’ and ‘tyre load rating’. These “speed rating chart” and “Tyre Load dle speeds in excess of 240 kph, “V” became
two go together, meaning that for you to get Index”. You can find these on the Internet. limited and “W” and “Y” speed ratings
the best ride out of your vehicle, it must be It will list the load rating index (load index) were added to the chart. Manufacturers
driven with recommended tyre rating and and match it with the recommended load may also insert “Z” into the size description
load rating. Failure to use right tyre causes for that rating in kilograms. Usually, the for these kinds of tires for up to 300 kph.
problems like poor alignment, bad braking, Load index starts at “62” per tyre with The most common speed ratings are T,
bursts, vehicle instability in corners, and matching load of “265” for all tyres as the with a maximum speed of 189 kph for small
more. least and rise to load index “126” with a saloons and minivans. Next is speed rat-
Unfortunately, many motorists know matching load of “1700”. ing H, for maximum speed of 210 kph. It is
about tyre size but not tyre speed rating. Meanwhile, the speed rating system uses mainly on sports saloons and coupes. Then
In fact, it is not unusual to find tyres with letters A through Z. The higher the letter in there is the “V” rating. This means 240 kph
different speed ratings on same car. When the alphabet, the higher the rating is; same but no higher and “W”, which means 270
an accidents happens the tyre “quality” is with the load. For example, a tire rated “A” kph. Remember that your tires actual speed
blamed when the culprit is wrong speed is good for a lower maximum sustained capability may be affected by inflation,
rating. speed than one rated “B” and the load 70 is wear, vehicle condition (including align-
Manufacturers usually indicate the tyre lower than 120. ment), driving conditions and the duration
speed rating and the tyre load rating in in There are a few exceptions. For example, at which speed is maintained.
the vehicle manual. But for ease of access, tyres with the lowest speed ratings are usu-

May. 24 - 30 2019 39
Global comment
By Stephany Griffith-Jones and José Antonio Ocampo
World needs national development banks
They’re efficient instruments of national development
strategies helping overcome market failures

upport for national and multilateral Unsurprisingly, academic researchers over that period.
development banks has grown are finally starting to pay more attention to NDBs have been innovative, notably in
worldwide in the decade since NDBs after a long period of neglect. They supporting new activities. China’s CDB,
the global financial crisis. And the are looking to understand how these banks Germany’s KfW, and Brazil’s BNDES
continued success of national development operate, which instruments, incentives, and have financed technological advances, for
banks (NDBs), in particular, will be vital to governance structures work best, and how example, while others, including Chile’s
achieve more sustainable economic growth such institutions interact with the private CORFO, have supported entrepreneurship.
in the future. sector and government policies. Such banks have also introduced guaran-
Development banks help to counteract the In a recent book, we analysed NDBs in tees and established new equity (including
pro-cyclical nature of the private financial seven countries – China, Germany, Brazil, venture capital) and debt funds. Further-
system, which lends too much in booms Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and Peru – and more, they have developed new programs
and rations credit during crises. The private concluded that these banks tend to be suc- to increase financial inclusion, such as “cor-
sector also often fails to provide enough cessful overall. They have been broadly effi- respondent” stores and post offices that
financing for small and innovative compa- cient instruments of national development provide financial services from one or more
nies and infrastructure projects. Nor does strategies in their respective countries, and banks.
it support enough of the investments in they have helped to overcome major market In addition, NDBs have been prominent
innovative activities, credit to small pro- failures in a flexible way. supporters of important new sectors, such
ducers, and environmental projects that are Our research identifies five crucial func- as renewables and energy efficiency. For
urgently needed to make economies more tions of NDBs in the development process: example, KfW was initially the sole lender
dynamic, inclusive, and sustainable. providing counter-cyclical finance; encour- to private companies investing in solar
Although governments provide their aging innovation and structural transfor- energy in Germany; private banks got
paid-in capital, development banks raise mation; enhancing financial inclusion; on board later. In China, CDB helped to
funds on national and international capital supporting infrastructure financing; and design policies to encourage investment in
markets. Moreover, these banks’ loans are promoting environmental sustainability, in renewable energy – particularly solar – and
typically co-financed by the private sector, particular by combating climate change. provided significant initial funding. As a
which is especially helpful for governments NDBs were strongly counter-cyclical result, Germany and especially China have
facing budget constraints during and after in the wake of the global financial crisis. been major global promoters of solar power,
economic crises. According to World Bank data, NDBs helping to make it increasingly competitive
The World Bank and regional multilat- increased their lending from $1.16 trillion relative to fossil-fuel energy.
eral development banks (MDBs) sharply in 2007 to $1.58 trillion in 2009. This 36% To be clear, we favor “good” develop-
increased their lending during and after increase was far greater than the growth in ment banks: well-governed institutions with
the 2007-2009 financial crisis. The European private bank credit in the same countries highly professional staff and clear mandates
Investment Bank, the largest MDB, doubled that fulfill their functions well. Such banks
its paid-in capital and is playing a central should maximize their development impact
role in implementing the European Com- rather than profits, while ensuring some
mission’s so-called Juncker Plan, which The World Bank minimal level of return.
aims to generate €500 billion ($561 billion) Countries that already have NDBs should
of additional investment across the Euro- and regional aim to expand their role, while others
pean Union by the end of 2020. In addition,
the recent establishment of two other large multilateral should consider establishing them. Doing
so would help to create a financial system
MDBs – the Asian Infrastructure Investment
Bank and the New Development Bank
development that better serves countries’ economic and
social needs.
established by the BRICS countries (Brazil, banks (MDBs)
Russia, India, China, and South Africa) – Stephany Griffith-Jones is Financial Markets
will contribute further to a more balanced Director at the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at
public-private mix in development finance.
The financial crisis also prompted some increased their Columbia University. José Antonio Ocampo is
a board member of Colombia’s central bank, a
European, African, and Asian governments
to establish new NDBs, and other countries
lending during professor at Columbia University, Chair of the
UN Economic and Social Council’s Committee
to expand theirs. As a result, the total assets and after the for Development Policy, and Chair of the
of NDBs reached approximately $5 trillion
in 2015. Today, they are an important fea- 2007-2009 Independent Commission for the Reform of
International Corporate Taxation. They are co-
ture of most developed and middle-income
countries’ financial sectors, notably in
financial crisis editors of The Future of National Development
China, Germany, India, and South Korea.
And large NDBs can have a big impact, Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2019.
especially in emerging economies.

40 May. 24 - 30 2019
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