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Haytham Ibrahim

Student ID: 20669035

Power Systems Operation

ECE 666 – Winter 2017

Assignment no.3
Winter 2017: ECE666 Power Systems Operation
Submission due: Monday 3rd April 2017, 4:30 PM
Question-1: A 4-area inter-connected power system is shown below. A transaction of 1000 MW
takes place between two parties, injecting in area-1 and extracting in area-4. In each area, the
flows on the “limiting facilities”, arising from this transaction, are shown in the parenthesis.

Area-1 Area-3
(5%) (14%)


% %

Area-2 Area-4
(10%) (11%)

The available loading capacity (ALC) on each limiting facilities are given as under:
Facility ALC Facility ALC
Area-1 70 MW Tie 1-2 400 MW
Area-2 200 MW Tie 1-3 1200 MW
Area-3 130 MW Tie 2-3 250 MW
Area-4 175 MW Tie 2-4 200 MW
Tie 3-4 900 MW
a. Determine if the above transaction is feasible.
b. Otherwise determine the ATC for the interconnection, and which facility determines the
ATC value in this case.

Area-A Area-B

Load = 3,500 MW Load = 6,000 MW

Generation = 3,000 MW Generation = 6,500 MW

Consider a 2-area, 60 Hz system shown in the figure above. Area-A has a total load of 3500 MW
and a generation of 3000 MW, and a total spinning reserve of 700 MW. Area-B has a total load
of 6,000 MW, total generation of 6,500 MW and a total spinning reserve of 1000 MW. The
following parameters are given:
D1 = 1%, D2 = 1.5%, R1 = 6%, R2 = 5%, B1 = 120 MW/0.1Hz, B2 = 200 MW/0.1Hz.
Find the steady state frequency, generation and load in each area and tie-line power for the
following cases:
i. A sudden decrease of 100 MW load in Area-A when the system is only on primary regulation.
ii. Loss of 100 MW load in Area-A. The units carrying spinning reserve in each area are on AGC.

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Question-3: Consider the 3-area, 60 Hz system, shown below.
a. Find the scheduled interchange between the three areas.
b. There is a sudden load interruption of 500 MW in Area-1. All the three systems are on
primary regulation only. Find the operating condition of each area (tie line flows, steady-
state frequency, generation and load condition) after the disturbance.

Area-1 Area-2
Load = 5,000 MW Load = 9,600 MW
Generation = 5,700 MW Generation = 9,200 MW
Spinning Reserve = 500 MW Spinning Reserve = 600 MW
R = 5%, D = 1% R = 6%, D = 2%

Load = 7,600 MW
Generation = 7,300 MW
Spinning Reserve = 400 MW
R = 6%, D = 1.5%

Question-4: A small power system has a total installed capacity of 1000 MW. Studies reveal that
when the system demand is 950 MW, the LOLP is 0.00048, for a demand of 850 MW the LOLP is
0.00037, and 0.00025 for a demand of 750 MW.
A 100 MW gas-turbine generator with FOR = 0.1 is to be commissioned in 2017. The
system peak demand in 2017 is expected to be 925 MW.
a. What will be the LOLP of the system in 2017 with the new generator commissioned?
b. If the peak demand is expected for 500 hours, during 2016, what does the value of LOLP
signify? (6)

Question-5: Utility-A has there generators Gen-1, Gen-2 and Gen-3 whose generating capacity
and forced outage rates (FOR) are given as under:

Capacity, FOR Innage

Gen-1 200 0.05 0.95
Gen-2 250 0.03 0.97
Gen-3 400 0.04 0.96

Determine the cumulative outage probability table and hence the LOLP using the convolution
algorithm for a load of (i) 700 MW (ii) 600 MW and (iii) 550 MW.

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Problem 1: 

a. Using the data given we can construct the following table: 

Flow in the limiting facility  Available loading capacity (ALC)  Path ATC 

(network response)  on the limiting facility (MW)  (MW) 
Area 1  5%  70  1400 
Area 2  10%  200  2000 
Area 3  14%  130  928.57 
Area 4  11%  175  1590.91 
Line 1‐2  20%  400  2000 
Line 1‐3  80%  1200  1500 
Line 2‐3  15%  250  1666.67 
Line 2‐4  10%  200  2000 
Line 3‐4  90%  900  1000 
The path ATC is calculated as: 


So, the transaction of injecting   at area‐1 and extracting it from area‐4 is not feasible. 
b. The ATC in this case is determined by the limiting facility of area‐3 which will be loaded by its 
maximum capacity for a transaction of  . . 

Problem 2: 

i. System  on  primary  regulation:  First  we  calculate  the  load  damping  constant  and  governor 
regulation as follows: 
0.01 ∗ 3500 100
56.67 /  
0.01 ∗ 60
0.015 ∗ 6000
150 /  
0.01 ∗ 60
1 3000 700
1027.78 /  
0.06 ∗ 60
1 6500 1000
2500 /  
0.05 ∗ 60
1 1
3734.44 /  

Since the areas remain interconnected, they will have the same frequency as follows: 
∆ 100
∆ 0.0268  
The steady state frequency is:  ∆ .  
∆ ∗∆ 1.517  
∆ ∗∆ 4.0167  
∆ ∗∆ 27.522  

∆ ∗∆ 66.944  

. .  
. .  
. .  
. .  
And the tie line power is: 
.   from area‐B to area‐A. 

ii. For the case when the units are on AGC: 
Each area will be responsible for balancing its generation and demand (to maintain its area control 
error ACE at zero) and will seek to minimize its effect on the other area. So, only the generation in 
area‐A will change in response to the new demand. Hence,  
The steady state frequency is:   
And the tie line power flow is: 
  from area‐B to area‐A. 

Problem 3: 

First, we calculate the load damping constant and governor regulation as follows: 

0.01 ∗ 5000 500

75 /  
0.01 ∗ 60

0.02 ∗ 9600
320 /  
0.01 ∗ 60

0.015 ∗ 7600
190 /  
0.01 ∗ 60

1 5700 500
2066.667 /  
0.05 ∗ 60

1 9200 600
2722.222 /  
0.06 ∗ 60

1 7300 400
2138.889 /  
0.06 ∗ 60


1 1 1
7512.778 /  

a. The scheduled power flows are as follows: 
Area‐A  Area‐B 
  PGA = 5700 MW  PAB = 400 MW  PGB = 9200 MW 
PDA = 5000 MW  PDB = 9600 MW 
PAC = 300 MW  PBC = 0 MW 

PGC = 7300 MW
  PDC = 7600 MW

b. The scheduled power flows are as follows: 
Since the areas remain interconnected, they will have the same frequency as follows: 
∆ 500
∆ 0.0666  
The steady state frequency is:  ∆ .  
∆ ∗∆ 4.99  
∆ ∗∆ 21.297  
∆ ∗∆ 12.645  
∆ ∗∆ 137.543  

∆ ∗∆ 181.173  

∆ ∗∆ 142.35  

. .  
. .  
. .  
. .  
. .  
. .  
And the tie lines power flows are: 

  Area‐A  Area‐B 
PGA = 5562.457 MW  PAB = 602.47 MW  PGB = 9018.827 MW 
  PDA = 4504.99 MW  PDB = 9621.297 MW 

PAC = 455 MW  PBC = 0 MW 

  PGC = 7157.65 MW 
PDC = 7612.645 MW

Problem 4: 

a. From the data given we can construct the following cumulative outage probability table: 

X MW or more on outage  Probability 
0  1 
50  0.00048 
150  0.00037 
250  0.00025 
Now, we can convolve the new unit to the old system using the following equation: 
∗ 1 100 ∗  
The new cumulative outage probability table is: 

New GT convolved 
X MW or more on outage  Old system probability 
,  .  
0  1  1 ∗ 0.9 1 ∗ 0.1 1 
50  0.00048  0.00048 ∗ 0.9 1 ∗ 0.1 0.100432 
150  0.00037  0.00037 ∗ 0.9 0.00048 ∗ 0.1 0.000381 
250  0.00025  0.00025 ∗ 0.9 0.00037 ∗ 0.1 0.000262 
The new system capacity is 1100  with a demand of 925 . So, from the new cumulative 
outage probability table, for 175  or more on outage, we get that: 
b. In  2016  (the  old  cumulative  outage  probability  table),  the  peak  demand  is  950   at  which 
This means that if this peak demand persists for   hours, then this load or part of it might 
not be served for: 
∗ . .  hours  .  minutes 

Problem 5: 

We’ll  use  a  step  of  50   to  construct  the  cumulative  outage  probability  table  using  the  following 
equation (total capacity is 850 : 

∗ 1 ∗  

Where:   is the capacity of the new unit to be convolved as follows: 

X MW or  Gen‐1 convolved  Gen‐2 convolved  Gen‐3 convolved 

more on  ,  ,  , 
outage  .   .   .  
0  1  1  1  1 
50  0  0.05  0.0785  0.11536 
100  0  0.05  0.0785  0.11536 
150  0  0.05  0.0785  0.11536 
200  0  0.05  0.0785  0.11536 
250  0  0  0.03  0.0688 
300  0  0  0.0015  0.04144 
350  0  0  0.0015  0.04144 
400  0  0  0.0015  0.04144 
450  0  0  0.0015  0.00458 
500  0  0  0  0.00314 
550  0  0  0  0.00314 
600  0  0  0  0.00314 
650  0  0  0  0.0012 
700  0  0  0  0.00006 
750  0  0  0  0.00006 
800  0  0  0  0.00006 
850  0  0  0  0.00006 

i. Demand of 700 : So, for 150  or more on outage, we get that: 

ii. Demand of 600 : So, for 250  or more on outage, we get that: 
iii. Demand of 550 : So, for 300  or more on outage, we get that: 


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