Effects of Different Curing Regimes On The Compressive Strength

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Materials and Design 51 (2013) 12–18

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Effects of different curing regimes on the compressive strength

properties of self compacting concrete incorporating fly ash
and silica fume
A. Ferhat Bingöl ⇑, Ilhan
_ Tohumcu
Department of Civil Engineering, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents the effect of air curing, water curing and steam curing on the compressive strength of
Received 15 February 2013 Self Compacting Concrete (SCC). For experimental study, SCC is produced with using silica fume (SF)
Accepted 30 March 2013 instead of cement by weight, by the ratios of 5%, 10% and 15%, and fly ash (FA) with the ratios of 25%,
Available online 9 April 2013
40% and 55%. It is observed that mineral admixtures have positive effects on the self settlement proper-
ties. The highest compressive strength was observed in the concrete specimens with using 15% SF and for
Keywords: 28 days water curing. Air curing caused compressive strength losses in all groups. Relative strengths of
Self compacting concrete
concretes with mineral admixtures were determined higher than concretes without admixtures at steam
Fly ash
Silica fume
curing conditions.
Compressive strength Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Steam curing
Air curing

1. Introduction mix without increasing its cost, while reducing the dosage of
superplasticizer. Previous studies have shown that the mixes con-
Self Compacting Concrete (SCC), is one of the recent develop- taining fly ash show lower compressive strength values at early
ments in concrete technology, which introduces benefits in work- ages. This situation was caused by the slow pozzolanic reaction
ability, reductions of labor costs and higher strength properties between the cement and fly ash [17]. Craeye et al. [18] studied
compared to those of traditional concrete [1–3]. High-range water the effect of mineral filler type on autogenous shrinkage of self-
reducing superplasticizer chemical additives, powder material compacting concrete and concluded that no significant differences
and/or viscosity regulators are utilized in SCC production [4,5]. Fill- have been found in final autogenous shrinkage values using the
ing ability, passing ability and segregation resistance may be men- different filler types. Rizwan and Bier [19] used limestone powder
tioned as the essential fresh concrete properties of SCC [6,7]. Since and fly ash in self compacting mortars. According to Barbhuiya [20]
its development in the middle of 1980s in Japan, various investiga- It is possible to manufacture self-compacting concrete using fly ash
tions have been carried out on SCC and it has been used in con- and dolomite powder with acceptable fresh and hardened proper-
struction of several structures worldwide [8–10]. ties. Another previous study on fly ash was made by Dinakar et al.
One of the differences in between SCC and traditional concrete [21]. It was observed that fly ash replacements of around 30–50%
is the incorporation of a mineral admixture. In order to avoid sep- would be ideal for developing SCCs when Portland pozzolana ce-
aration of large particles in SCC, viscosity increasing additives or ment was used. As they reported, high percentage of fly ash (more
fillers are utilized. An additive to increase the viscosity is often than 50%) could not be used to produce SCC when PPC was used,
used when concrete is cast under water and for SCC in tunnels. and 30% replacement of fly ash exhibited the highest compressive
Mineral admixtures like fly ash, glass filler, limestone powder, sil- strength, splitting tensile strength and elastic modulus. It can be
ica fume or quartzite fillers may be used in the mixture to increase concluded from the literature that, the use of mineral admixtures
the viscosity of SCC [11]. Researchers [12–15] have investigated reduces the material cost of the SCCs and also improves fresh
the behavior of SCC with several types of pozzolanic materials to and hardened properties of the concrete mix [22,23].
replace as a part of the cement. Siddique [16] reported that, the The change of curing condition has also the effect on the com-
use of mineral admixtures increase the slump of the concrete pressive strength of SCC [24]. The binding property of the cement
in concrete is a result of the hydration reaction products of cement
and water. The water evaporation of the fresh concrete in mold due
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 442 231 4770; fax: +90 442 236 09 57. to high temperatures, low humidity of air, high wind velocity and
E-mail address: afbingol@atauni.edu.tr (A.F. Bingöl).

0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
_ Tohumcu / Materials and Design 51 (2013) 12–18
A.F. Bingöl, I. 13

etc. may prevent the hydration and strength gain [25]. Therefore, Among these, steam curing procedure is summarized in Table 1,
proper curing of the concrete plays very important role for both and a sample illustration for curing cycle is presented in Fig. 1 for
strength and durability properties of the hardened concrete. By 60 °C.
the definition of the strength grade of concrete, a standard 28-
day period of water curing is required. Normally, strength gaining 2.3. Materials
continues beyond 28 days when there exist adequate moisture and
temperature conditions [26]. For the concrete mixes with low CEM I 42.5R type of Portland cement (PC) complied with EN
water/binder ratio and high mineral admixture replacement; 197-1 was utilized as the main binder in this research. It was pur-
strength gaining changes are more complex in nature due to the chased from Asßkale Cement Factory in Erzurum, Turkey. The chem-
combined physiochemical effects of pozzolans in concrete [27]. ical composition of PC is summarized in Table 2; while physical
Atmospheric steam curing is a heat treatment which has been and mechanical properties of PC are given in Table 3.
used for many years to accelerate the strength development of Natural river sand and siliceous gravel with a maximum size of
concrete products. The hydration rate of cement increases with 16 mm were used as fine and coarse aggregates of the investigated
the increase in temperature, so the gain of strength can be speeded concrete mixes. The fine and coarse aggregates were of a specific
up by curing concrete in steam [28]. Maximum curing tempera- gravity of 2.49, 2,68 and with the water absorptions of 3.45% and
tures may be anywhere in the range of 40–100 °C. However, the 1.84%, respectively. Class F FA in accordance with ASTM C 618
optimum temperature has been reported to be in the range of obtained from Orhaneli (Bursa) power plant and SF purchased from
65–85 °C [29]. Antalya silica ferrochrome facility were used as mineral admix-
In this study, compressive strength of concrete mixes incorpo- tures. The chemical compositions of FA and SF are summarized
rating 5%, 10%, 15% SF and 25%, 40%, 55% FA as replacement of ce- in Table 4. The superplasticizer utilized in this study was Glenium
ment and concrete specimens without mineral admixtures have C303 produced by BASF and its properties are given in Table 5.
been investigated under different curing conditions like curing in
water for different curing times, air curing in laboratory conditions 2.4. Mix proportions
and steam curing for different curing temperatures and durations.
Seven concrete mixes having the same water binder ratio of
0.35; of which one control and three mixtures with different pro-
2. Experimental programme
portions of FA and three mixtures with different proportions of
SF were investigated in this research. The self-compatibility of
2.1. Mix variables
the mixes was maintained by adjusting the superplasticizer dos-
age. The mix proportions of the produced mixtures (for 1 m3 by
The main mix variables of this research are the replacement of
weight) are presented in Table 6.
fly ash (25%, 40%, 55% of cement by weight) and silica fume (5%,
10%, 15% of cement by weight) and the dosage of superplasticizer
(1.5–2% of cement by weight). 2.5. Casting, curing and testing procedure
The following parameters were kept constant in the mixes as
the total amount of powder content (cement + fly ash or silica The concrete mixes were prepared in a laboratory mixer with
fume) of 500 kg/m3, the water/powder ratio of 0.35, the ratio of the capacity of 60 dm3. For each group, total of 48 samples of cube
coarse aggregate and fine aggregate content (40–60% of total specimens with the dimension of 150 mm were prepared. The
aggregate by volume). workability tests were conducted before casting according to the
EFNARC Committee’s [30] suggestions. Slump flow diameter, T500 -
times, V-funnel time, L-box ratio and U-box ratio of the SCC mix-
2.2. Curing regime variables tures were measured. Specimens were then cast in moulds and
were not subjected to any compaction other than their own self-
Different curing regimes that all concrete mixes are exposed to weights. The specimens were kept in laboratory conditions for
are; air curing (under laboratory conditions; 20 ± 2 °C and 55% rel- 24 h until demoulding. These were then demoulded and subjected
ative humidity, water curing (three different curing durations; to different curing conditions as summarized above.
3 days, 7 days and 28 days) and steam curing (of three different Many different test methods have been developed to character-
curing temperatures; 60 °C, 70 °C, 80 °C and for four different cur- ize the properties of SCC. However, any single method or combina-
ing periods; 4 h, 8 h, 12 h and 16 h) tion of methods has not been achieved as universal approval [20].

Table 1
Steam curing cycle procedure.

Curing temp. Delay period Controlled heating period Treatment period Controlled cooling period Total cycle
Temp. (°C) Time (h) Temp. (°C) Time (h) Temp. (°C) Time (h) Temp. (°C) Time (h) Time (h)
60 °C 20 4 20–60 2 60 4 60–20 2 12
20 4 20–60 2 60 8 60–20 2 16
20 4 20–60 2 60 12 60–20 2 20
20 4 20–60 2 60 16 60–20 2 24
70 °C 20 4 20–70 2.5 70 4 70–20 2.5 13
20 4 20–70 2.5 70 8 70–20 2.5 17
20 4 20–70 2.5 70 12 70–20 2.5 21
20 4 20–70 2.5 70 16 70–20 2.5 25
80 °C 20 4 20–80 3 80 4 80–20 3 14
20 4 20–80 3 80 8 80–20 3 18
20 4 20–80 3 80 12 80–20 3 22
20 4 20–80 3 80 16 80–20 3 26
14 _ Tohumcu / Materials and Design 51 (2013) 12–18
A.F. Bingöl, I.

Fig. 1. Sample illustration for steam curing cycle.

Table 2
Chemical composition of portland cement. Table 4
Chemical compositions of fly ash and silica fume.
Chemical components %
Material Fly ash Silica fume
SiO2 18.73
Al2O3 4.56 SiO2 48.93 93.4
Fe2O3 3.07 Al2O3 24.63 0.30
CaO 63.91 Fe2O3 7.59 0.35
MgO 2.08 S+A+F 81.15 –
SO3 2.90 CaO 9.06 0.38
(Na2O); Na2O + 0.658 K2O 0.70 MgO 2.28 0.85
K2O 0.62 SO3 2.48 –
Na2O 0.29 K2O 2.51 –
LOI 3.36 Na2O 0.35 –
Cl 0.0185 LOI 1.69 4.45
Undetermined 0.46 CI 0.005 –
Free CaO 0.56
Insoluble residue 0.85

Table 5
Product properties of superplasticizer.
Table 3
Physical and mechanical properties of portland cement. Material structure Polycarboxylic ether based
Color Light green
Property amount
Density 1.023–1.063 kg/lt
Fineness (retained on 45 lm sieve) 8.98 Clor content% (EN 480-10) <0.1
Specific gravity (g/cm3) 3.14 Alcali content% (EN 480-12) <3
Specific surface area (cm2/g) 3807
Initial setting time (min) 141
Final setting time (min) 175
Volume expansion (Le Chatelier, mm) 1 Slump-flow value describes the flow ability of a fresh mix in
Compressive strength 2 days (MPa) 27.7 unconfined conditions. It is a sensitive test that will normally be
Compressive strength 28 days (MPa) 57.2
specified for all SCC. Three typical slump-flow classes, SF1 (550–
Water requirement (%) 28.6
650 mm), SF2 (660–750 mm) and SF3 (760–850 mm) are specified
for a range of applications [31]. The flow spread for all groups of
concrete mixes that displayed high workability was measured to
be in between 630 and 700 mm. The test results indicated that
So, many researchers recommend using more than one test meth-
control group falls in SF1 class which is appropriate for unrein-
od for the different workability parameters of SCC. In this experi-
forced or slightly reinforced concrete structures, casting by a pump
mental research, slump flow test, L-box test, U-box test, V-funnel
injection system or sections that are small enough to prevent long
and V-funnel at T5min tests were applied to determine the filling
horizontal flow. Utilization of FA increased workability of the fresh
ability, passing ability and segregation resistance of SCC.
concrete and all groups with FA content determined to be in SF2
class which is suitable for many normal applications (e.g. walls,
3. Results and discussion columns). It is found out that the use of FA in concrete reduces
the water demand for a given workability [15]. Therefore, concrete
3.1. Workability properties containing FA causes an increase in workability at constant water
to binder ratio. SF causes workability loss [32], due to its smaller
The workability test results of fresh concrete, tested by slump particle size compared to that of cement. The specific surface area
flow test (slump flow diameter and T500), L-box test (H2/H1); V-fun- of SF is rather larger with respect to cement and hence a great
nel test, V-funnel after 5 min T5min, U-box test (H2 H1) for various amount of water is needed to feed up hydration reactions [33].
SCC compositions are presented in Table 7. For that reason, the amount of superplasticizer was increased to
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achieve the desired workability in all SF concrete mixtures. Slump- blocking ratio is below 0.8 and the blocking ratio (H2/H1) should
flow test results showed that 5% SF group relies in SF1 class and be between 0.8 and 1.0. This ratio is determined to be in between
while other SF groups rely in SF2 class. During the slump-flow test, 0.84 and 0.91 for all mixtures and the test results are obtained to
T500 time is measured to determine the viscosity, and according to stay within this target range. According to EFNARC [30], when
the test results all of the SCC groups are in VS2 class. the height difference of concrete is less than 30 mm for U-box,
Based on the V-funnel test results, all the SCC groups have pro- SCC has well filling and passing ability. The lowest H2 H1 value
vided successive performance in terms of stability. All mixes dis- is measured to be 4 mm for 55% FA group and the highest value
played a V-funnel flow time less than 8 s and according to the is obtained to be as 27 mm for control group. However, all mea-
EFNARC guide [31] all the groups can be classified as VF1 in terms sured values are in between the target range while FA additive
of their viscosity. Increases in T5min times, which is an indication of showed better results by means of filling and passing ability.
the potential segregation resistance, are measured to be less than
1 s in all groups.
3.2. Effect of curing regimes
The L-box and U-box tests are used to evaluate the filling and
passing ability of SCC. In both methods, a closed vertical chamber
Three different curing regimes were applied to the specimens
is filled with the concrete to be tested such that a hydrostatic pres-
before the compressive strength tests as air curing in laboratory,
sure head is created. After a slide is opened the concrete has to le-
water curing for 3, 7 and 28 days in a lime saturated water tank
vel out through vertical or horizontal flow obstacles [34]. The
and steam curing. For each curing condition three specimens were
difference in levels determines the tendency to blocking. EFNARC
produced and the effect of curing regimes on the compressive
guide [30] states a blocking risk of the mixture when the L-box
strength of SCC is discussed below.

Table 6
Proportions of the Produced Mixtures (kg/m3).

Mixture Cement SF FA Total powder Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Water Super plasticizer
0% (Control) 500 – – 500 967 694 175 8
5% SF 475 25 – 500 958 687 175 8
10% SF 450 50 – 500 954 685 175 9
15% SF 425 75 – 500 948 681 175 10
25% FA 375 – 125 500 938 673 175 7.5
40% FA 300 – 200 500 923 663 175 7.5
55% FA 225 – 275 500 908 652 175 7.5

Table 7
Fresh concrete workability test results.

Mixture Slump-flow value (mm) V funnel time (s) T50 time (s) L-box blocking ratio U-box H2 H1 (cm)
0% 630 6.08 6.13 0.84 2.7
5% SF 650 6.25 6.75 0.87 1.5
10% SF 670 6.55 7.48 0.87 1.0
15% SF 660 6.80 7.30 0.86 1.0
25% FA 660 6.95 7.70 0.85 0.5
40% FA 680 6.20 6.80 0.88 0.5
55% FA 700 7.00 7.60 0.91 0.4

Fig. 2. Effect of air curing on the compressive strength for SCC groups.
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Fig. 3. Effect of water curing durations on the compressive strength for SCC groups.

3.2.1. Air curing For the progress of hydration at least 80% relative humidity is nec-
Three concrete specimens from each group were kept in labora- essary [35]. Due to low humidity hydration is not completed, so air
tory conditions at 20 ± 20 °C and 55% relative humidity. The com- curing caused reductions in compressive strength for all groups.
pressive strength values of all groups after air curing are Similarly Türkmen and Kantarcı [36] reported that the lime-satu-
presented in Fig. 2 and compared with standard cured (28 days rated cured samples give higher compressive strength than dry
water curing) specimens. Air curing resulted in reductions in com- cured samples of concrete. Mannan et al. [37] reported that the loss
pressive strength for all groups. Reductions for compressive of moisture in the capillary pores due to evaporation or dissipated
strength were 28%, 33% and 37% for concrete mix having SF hydration may cause reduction in hydration resulting in lower
replacement of cement by 5%, 10% and 15%. Air curing resulted strength.
in decrease in compressive strength for FA groups with the ratios
of 28%, 24% and 25% for concrete mix having FA replacement of ce- 3.2.2. Water curing
ment by 5%, 40% and 55%. The reduction in the compressive Total of nine specimens from each group were cast for deter-
strength of control group without any mineral admixture replace- mining the effect of water curing duration on the compressive
ment was 37%. The reason for the reductions in compressive strength of SCC. Three of them were cured for 3 days, three speci-
strength is the evaporation of water from the concrete specimens. mens were cured for 7 days and the other three specimens were

Fig. 4. Effect of steam curing durations on the compressive strength for 60 °C.
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Fig. 5. Effect of steam curing durations on the compressive strength for 70 °C.

cured for 28 days in lime-saturated water tank. After curing in specimens and the lowest values were taken from the 3 days of
water for 3 and 7 days the specimens were kept in laboratory con- water cured specimens.
ditions until 28 days. At the end of 28 days compressive strength
test were performed. The test results of these specimens are pre-
3.2.3. Steam curing
sented in Fig. 3 and effect of water curing duration on the compres-
The effects of duration of steam curing on the compressive
sive strength is discussed. As initially expected, the highest
strength for 60 °C, 70 °C and 80 °C were presented in Figs. 4–6
compressive strength values were measured for the 28 days of
water cured specimens for all groups. The compressive strength
The experimental results indicated that optimum steam curing
values of SCC without mineral admixture were 60.9, 75.4 and
duration for the SCC without mineral admixture is 12 h for all cur-
78.3 MPa for 3, 7 and 28 days of water curing durations, respec-
ing temperatures. The highest compressive strength is obtained
tively. The 3 days of water cured specimens gained 77% compres-
from the specimens steam cured for 12 h at 80 °C, with the value
sive strength of standard cured concrete, while this ratio was
of 43.0 MPa. This value corresponds to 55% of that of standard
96% for 7 days of water cured specimens. The increase in the curing
cured specimens. The reason for the strength loss can be explained
duration resulted in increases in compressive strength values. Con-
with the fact that high temperature produces a non-uniform distri-
crete mixes with SF and FA replacement were observed to act in
bution of hydration products, leaving weak zones in the cement
the same manner. For all ratios of SF and FA replacements, the
paste that govern the strength [29]. In general, the increase in heat-
highest strength values were obtained from 28 days of water cured
ing duration and SF replacement ratio resulted in increases in com-

Fig. 6. Effect of steam curing durations on the compressive strength for 80 °C.
18 _ Tohumcu / Materials and Design 51 (2013) 12–18
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