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1) If a stakeholder has any questions about project deliverables, as the PM, you should direct

him to the:
a) WBS
b) Project plan
c) Preliminary Scope statement
d) None of the above

2) Your construction project was damaged by an earthquake. Your contractor says that he
cannot fulfil the terms of the contract due to a specific clause you both had signed in the
contract. He is referring to the:
a) Force majeure clause
b) Fixed price clause
c) Contract obligation terms
d) None of the above

3) Your vendor has confirmed in writing that he will not be able to provide the products
contracted to him, in the time mentioned in the contract. You can terminate the contract and sue
for damages. This is a type of:
a) Minor breach
b) Anticipatory breach
c) Material breach
d) Fundamental breach

4) As a PM, you manage multiple projects. One of your projects is over budget while the other is
under budget. You decide to transfer money from the latter to the former and report both
projects as within budget. This is against the PMI code of ethics and is called:
a) Unethical management
b) Budget tampering
c) Fraudulent reporting
d) Cost leveling

5) Your brother can influence bids in the vendor company that has been contracted for your
project. You should:
a) Disclose the bid price that is most likely to give him an advantage when bidding
b) Reject other vendors and award him the contract
c) Refrain from the decision-making process and make a full disclosure to stakeholders and wait
for their decision before you proceed
d) Hint to the stakeholders that your brother might be involved in bidding

6) A project you are managing is about to be completed. But there is a minor defect in the work
produced by the contractor. You should:
a) Neglect the defect if it is trivial
b) Ask the contractor to fix according to SOW
c) Submit a new RFP
d) None of the above
7) As a PM, you have identified some low priority risks. You should:
a) Neglect them as they will mostly not occur
b) Add them to a watch list within the risk register
c) Plan detailed response plans
d) None of the above

8) One of your team members' A's father was sick when you were in the planning stage of your
project. A had informed you that he might have to leave to visit his father if the situation arose.
You had planned for this and spoke to the functional manager of your group to provide a back-
up resource, B to be used if necessary.
Now, A has left to see his father and B is filling in for him. But B is taking more than expected
time to get up to speed and this impacts project cost and schedule.
This is an example of a:
a) Residual risk
b) Secondary risk
c) Contingency plan
d) None of the above

9) To motivate your team, you decided to reward a team member who performed well. This hurt
cohesion in the team. You should:
a) Reset award criteria
b) Modify reward strategy to be win-win for the team
c) Award only two people
d) Declare that there will be no rewards going forward

10) Your project uses a vendor who has completed 50% of the contracted work. You are unsure
of how much to pay the vendor. You should refer to the:
a) Request for proposal
b) Contract
c) Response to bid
d) Statement of work

11) When estimating time for activities, a PM should:

a) Use the best guess and estimate for all activities as there will be changes anyways as the
project progresses and more information becomes available
b) Involve people who will be doing the work to get estimates
c) Estimate for what the cost will allow and not include buffers
d) None of the above

12) When there are people from different countries and cultures in a team, the project
management team should:
a) Neglect the cultural differences to work as a team
b) Deal with everyone the same way
c) Capitalize on cultural differences
d) Mentor each other
13) If your business sponsor has an important but minor change to the scope, and he requests
that you make the change without having to process a change request, you should:
a) Accommodate the change as stakeholder satisfaction is key to project success
b) Refuse to make the change as the scope has been frozen
c) Ask the sponsor to work with your team member to implement the minor change and
document the change
d) Request the client that the change management process be followed

14) If a stakeholder directly asks a team member to make changes and the team member
accommodates it:
a) Admonish the team member during the team meeting so that other team members are also
b) Inform the stakeholder that he should not talk to your team member
c) Talk to the stakeholder and team member in private, and emphasize gently that the
Integrated Change Control process should be followed
d) Pretend to not know about the change and let it happen

15) When your client is ready to accept the product your project has produced, you should:
a) Refer to the quality plan to see if the product meets specifications
b) Refer to project management plan
c) Obtain client sign off and follow administrative closure process
d) Let go off the project resources and assign them to other projects

16) Appreciating a team member's good work in front of the team results in:
a) Jealousy among other team members and should be avoided
b) Encouragement for the team member and motivation for other team members
c) Shouldn't be done as it shows preference
d) None of the above

17) As the project manager of an important project, you learnt many helpful tools and tips. What
should you do?
a) Keep them to yourself
b) Archive your learning in the project folder and share with other PMs
c) Sign a non-disclosure agreement
d) None of the above

18) You just found out that the company that you were planning to use in your project is known
for being late in delivering their products that can lead to losses to the project. You decide to go
with a different company to ______ the risk.
a) Mitigate
b) Reject
c) Transfer
d) Avoid
19) You are the project manager of a project that involves sensitive information. You are inviting
bids from vendors for some tasks on this project. Since the winning vendor will have access to
the sensitive information, you should:
a) Decide to drop the vendor and instead do the tasks using an internal team
b) Swear the vendor to secrecy
c) Ask the vendor to sign a non-disclosure agreement
d) Threaten to take the vendor to court

20) A project is behind schedule. Two senior resources are added to help speed up work. The
result is (choose the best answer):
a) Project will be completed on time
b) Project cost will not increase
c) Project may not be completed on time due to increased number of communication channels
d) None of the above

21) Project scope statement is the output of:

a) Plan Scope
b) Define scope
c) Collect requirements
d) None of the above

22) Change requests are the outputs of which process:

a) Validate Scope
b) Define Scope
c) Control Scope
d) Change Scope

23) The development of the scope management plan and the detailing of the project scope
begin with:
a) Analysis of information contained in the project charter
b) the latest approved subsidiary plans of the project management plan
c) Historical information contained in the organizational process assets
d) any other relevant enterprise environmental factors

24) Project charter:

a) Is an output of Develop Project Charter
b) Is an input to Develop Project Management Plan
c) Uses Project statement of work as one of its inputs
d) All of the above

25) An example of organizational process asset is:

a) Company policy document
b) Formal and informal plans
c) Completed schedules
d) All of the above
26) Perform Qualitative risk analysis is a process that belongs to which process group in Project
Risk Management?
a) Planning
b) Executing
c) Monitoring
d) Controlling

27) Perform Quantitative risk analysis is a process that belongs to which process group in
Project Risk Management:
a) Planning
b) Executing
c) Monitoring
d) Controlling

28) Risk register is an output of:

a) Identify Risks
b) Perform Qualitative risk analysis
c) Perform Quantitative risk analysis
d) Plan Risk responses

29) Updates to the risk register is an output of:

a) Perform Quantitative risk analysis
b) Perform Qualitative risk analysis
c) Control risks
d) All of the above

30) Control risks produces the following outputs:

.1 Work performance information
.2 Change requests
.3 Project management plan updates
.4 All of the above

31) Control risks produces the following outputs:

a. Project management plan updates
b. Project documents updates
c. Organizational process assets updates
d) All of the above

32) A risk is a bad event that will adversely impact the project. This statement is:
a) Always true
b) Always false
c) Sometimes true
d) None of the above
33) The triple constraints in project management are:
a) Scope, Time, cost
b) Time, scope, performance
c) Scope, Time, plan
d) Scope, Time, quality

34) Any changes to the project after the plan is prepared:

i) Have to be processed according to the Integrated Change Control process
ii) Have to be assessed for impact
iii) Can be done without impact analysis if the impact is zero or minimal
iv) Should not be done as they were not in the original plan

a) i, ii
b) i, ii, iii
c) i, ii, iv
d) None of the above

35) Develop Schedule produces the following output:

a) Project schedule
b) WBS
c) Activity time
d) Project plan

36) Critical path is:

a) The time it takes to finish the project completing only the critical activities
b) Difference between end time and start time of project
c) The sequence of activities that represents the longest path
through a project, which determines the shortest possible project duration
d) The sequence of activities that represents the shortest path
through a project, which determines the longest possible project duration

37) When there are multiple critical paths in a project:

a) The risk is less as it is divided between the paths
b) The risk is more as the risk of delay is more
c) Risk depends on how the critical path is calculated
d) There is no risk as the paths cancel it out

38) Dummy activities are used in:

a) Activity on arrow diagram
b) Activity decomposition
c) Activity list
d) Activity duration estimates
39) Software Project A took 5 months to complete. Project B, very similar to Project A will
probably take about 5 months to complete. This expert judgement technique is:
a) Analogous estimating
b) Critical path
c) Expert estimation
d) Compression

40) Crashing:
a) Is a schedule compression technique
b) Increases cost
c) Is achieved by adding resources
d) All of the above

41) Fast tracking:

a) Is a schedule compression technique
b) Does sequential activities in parallel
c) Increases risk of rework
d) All of the above

42) Quality audit:

i) Is a tool in Perform quality assurance
ii) Checks the compliance of project activities with organizational policies
iii) Can confirm the implementation of approved change requests including updates, corrective
actions, defect repairs, and preventive actions
iv) May be scheduled or random, and may be conducted by internal or external auditors

a) i, ii, iv
b) None of the above
c) All of the above
d) ii, iii

43) Ishikawa diagrams are also called:

a) Fishbone diagrams
b) Causal diagrams
c) Stick diagrams
d) Bone diagrams

44) Some managers believe that people do not work willingly and must be watched and
managed continuosly. They are of type:
a) Theory X
b) Theory Y
c) Theory XY
d) Theory V

45) When an individual's lower level needs are met, the next level's needs are his motivation.
This forms the basis of:
a) Theory Y
b) Maslow's hierarchy
c) Theory X
d) None of the above

46) Locating all team members in the same location is called:

a) War room
b) Collocation
c) Teleconferencing
d) Telecommuting

47) Noise is:

a) Any interference that might compromise the delivery of the message
b) False information
c) Highest in bad weather
d) None of the above

48) A project manager manages a team of 5. The number of communication channels is:
a) 15
b) 10
c) 5
d) None of the above

49) Email communication is:

a) Formal style, written
b) Informal style, written
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

50) A technique used to identify root causes of issues is:

a) Fish bone diagram
b) Quality check
c) Issue list
d) Defect review

51) A bar graph that shows resource assignments over time is:
a) Resource leveling
b) Resource histogram
c) Resource chart
d) Gantt chart

52) Resource leveling:

i) Is the allocation of resources to resolve overallocation issues
ii) Helps resolve resource conflicts
iii) Can impact time of project
iv) Can only be done with project management software

a) i, ii, iii
b) i, iv
c) ii, iii, iv
d) iii, iv

53) A CPM critical path has:

a) Non-zero float
b) Negative free float
c) Zero total float
d) None of the above

54) If CPI=1.3, SPI=.8, what's the status of the project?

a) Over budget and behind schedule
b) Under budget and behind schedule
c) Under budget and ahead of schedule
d) Over budget and ahead of schedule

55) Scope management plan is an output of:

a) Plan Scope management
b) Define Scope
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

56) Earned value=100, Planned value=110, the schedule performance index is:
a) 1.1
b) 0.91
c) -10
d) 10

57) Earned value=100, Actual cost=120, the cost performance index is:
a) 0.01
b) 20
c) 0.833
d) -20

58) The five stages in team development according to Tuckman’s ladder are:
a) Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
b) Forming, storming, norming, reforming, adjourning
c) Forming, norming, reforming, performing, adjourning
d) Planning, forming, storming, performing, adjourning
59) Theory Y assumes employees:
a) Are self-motivated
b) Have to be micro-managed
c) Work only for money
d) Are not ambitious

60) Low-priority risks should be:

a) Added to a watch list and the risk register updated
b) Removed from the watch list
c) Removed from the risk register
d) Informed to the customer

61) A technique used in Expert Judgement to determine probability of risk is:

a) Interviews with experts
b) Rank Risks
c) Risk register updates
d) Plan Risk responses

62) Monte Carlo simulation is a technique used to perform:

a) Qualitative risk analysis
b) Quantitative risk analysis
c) Decision tree analysis
d) Risk response

63) Inputs to Perform Quantitative Risk analysis process are:

a) Risk register
b) Risk management plan
c) Cost management plan
d) All of the above

64) Inputs to Perform Quantitative Risk analysis process are:

a) Organizational process assets
b) Schedule management plan
c) Cost management plan
d) All of the above

65) Tools/techniques to perform quantitative risk analysis are:

a) Expert judgement
b) Data gathering and representation techniques
c) Quantitative risk analysis and modeling techniques
d) All of the above

66) 'Plan risk responses' process involves:

a) Planning to decrease threats to the project
b) Planning to benefit from possible opportunities
c) Both of the above
d) Only A

67) Examine the statement-"A detailed risk response plan should be prepared no matter how
huge or trivial the risk is, irrespective of whether the effort is cost-effective or not, as this is the
process." This statement is:
a) Always true
b) Always false
c) Sometimes true
d) Sometimes false

68) Positive risks are also called:

a) Good risks
b) Opportunities
c) Advantages
d) Project plusses

69) The four strategies used to deal with negative threats are:
a) Avoid, transfer, mitigate, accept
b) Avoid, transfer, mitigate, reject
c) Accept, transfer, mitigate, reject
d) Accept, analyze, avoid, mitigate

70) Validate Scope and Control Scope belong to:

a) Planning process group
b) Initiating proces group
c) Executing process group
d) Monitoring and Control process group

71) In a fixed price contract, the risk:

a) lies more with the seller
b) lies more with the buyer
c) is the same for seller and buyer
d) Can't say

72) In a time-materials contract, the possibility of a cost increase:

a) lies more with the seller
b) lies more with the buyer
c) is the same for seller and buyer
d) Can't say

73) Purchasing insurance is a form of ______ risk:

a) Avoiding
b) Transferring
c) Mitigating
d) Working around

74) The only output of the Identify Risks process is:

a) Risk analysis
b) Risk register
c) Risk monitor
d) Risk response plan

75) The four strategies used to deal with positive threats are:
a) Exploit, share, enhance, accept
b) Exploit, share, enhance, adjust
c) Exploit, simulate, enhance, accept
d) Exploit, share, prototype, accept

76) How to define, monitor and control risks in a project is documented in:
a) Expert judgement interview results
b) Risk register
c) Risk management plan
d) Workshops

77) Tools/techniques used in Plan Procurements process are:

a) Make or buy analysis
b) Expert judgement
c) Market research
d) All of the above

78) Unclear scope definition in a project using Fixed price contract can lead to losses for:
a) the buyer
b) the vendor
c) both buyer and vendor
d) Neither as these are sunk costs

79) Request for proposal, Request for Information, Invitation for bid are broadly called:
a) Procurement documents
b) Vendor documents
c) Bidding documents
d) Contract documents

80) Create WBS belongs to:

a) Initiating
b) Executing
c) Closing
d) None of the above
81) Closing a Project provides which of the following benefits?
a) Releases organization resources to pursue new endeavors
b) Formally ends project work
c) Provides lessons learned
d) All of the above

82) Which of the below are inputs of Close Project?

a) Project management plan
b) Organization process assets
c) Accepted deliverables
d) All of the above

83) 'Gold plating' is

a) Beating customer expectations
b) Producing excellent deliverables
c) Addition of a feature not in the original scope plan
d) All of the above

84) CPPC and fixed-price contracts are used in:

a) PO with standard item
b) PO with variable item
c) Request for proposal
d) Price-free contracts

85) WBS is created in:

a) Project Scope management
b) Risk management process
c) Planning process
d) Monitor and control

86) A tool/technique used in the Plan Human Resource Management is:

a) Political factors
b) Organization chart
c) Personnel policies
d) Interpersonal factors

87) RBS stands for:

a) Resource breakdown structure
b) Risk breakdown structure
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

88) Which of the following is true?

a) RACI (Responsible-Accountable-Consult-Inform) is a type of RAM (Responsibility
Assignment matrix)
b) RAM shows the resources' responsibilities on the project
c) RAM and RACI are matrix-based charts
d) All of the above

89) 'Scope' of project is:

a) Any work committed to orally with customer
b) Only work that has to be completed to successfully finish project
c) Any work that customer requires to be completed
d) Only work that can be completed within project duration

90) Tools for Plan Quality Management are:

a) Cost-benefit analysis
b) Cost of quality
c) Benchmarking
d) All of the above

91) Crosby's cost of quality theory of 'zero defects' is based on:

a) Prevention
b) Correction
c) Conformance
d) Fitness for use

92) Juran's fitness for use theory of cost of quality can be summarized as:
a) Continuous improvement
b) Making a product that meets or exceeds customer expectations
c) Making a product that is easy to use
d) Making a product with zero defects

93) 'Budget at Completion' is also called:

a) Actual cost
b) Budgeted cost of work performed
c) Earned value
d) Total Planned value for the project

94) Which of the following are examples of cost reimbursable contracts:

a) Cost plus incentive fee
b) Cost plus fixed fee
c) Cost plus award fee
d) All of the above

95) A critical path activity:

a) Is crucial for the project to be completed successfully
b) Needs to be signed of by the stakeholder
c) Is an activity on the critical path in the project schedule
d) Is an activity that cannot be substituted by a different activity

96) A dummy activity has:

a) Infinite duration
b) Zero duration
c) No importance
d) All of the above

97) Residual risk is a risk:

a) Found in reserve analysis
b) That remains after all risk responses have been implemented
c) That will be eliminated after applying the appropriate risk response
d) None of the above

98) Plan Scope Management and Define Scope belong to:

a) Planning process group
b) Initiating proces group
c) Executing process group
d) Monitoring and Control process group

99) A room where team members work on issue resolution is called:

a) Conference room
b) Resolution room
c) War room
d) Video conferencing room

100) ‘Variance at completion’ can be calculated as:

c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

101) An average PM spends 50% of her time on:

a) Meetings
b) Issue resolution
c) Managing stakeholders
d) Risk analysis

102) The cost of a contractor is $25 per hour. Two contractors working for 10 hours will cost
$500. This is an example of:
a) Analogous estimating
b) Parametric estimating
c) Three-point estimating
d) Bottom-up estimating
103) Using PERT triangular distribution, calculate the time it takes for a task with the following
Pessimistic time=5 hours, Optimistic time=2 hours, Most likely time=5 hours. The answer is:
a) 4 hours
b) 3 hours
c) 5 hours
d) 1.5 hours

104) The cost management plan can establish:

a) Control thresholds
b) Organizational procedures links
c) Level of precision
d) All of the above

105) The revenue earned from doing a project is $1000. The costs involved sum to $500. The
benefit cost ratio is:
a) 2
b) 0.5
c) 500000
d) None of the above

106) If the Benefit cost ratio is > 1, then:

a) Costs are greater than benefits
b) Benefits are greater than costs
c) Cannot be determined
d) Depends on other factors

107) EV=$1000, PV=$2000. The schedule performance index is:

a) 0.5
b) 2
c) 1000
d) None of the above

108) Earned value=$2000. Planned value=$2500. The schedule performance index is:
a) 0.8
b) 1.25
c) 500
d) None of the above

109) Estimate at completion can be calculated using BAC and CPI as:

110) Earned value=$1000, Actual cost=$2000. The cost variance is:

a) -1000
b) 2
c) 1000
d) None of the above

111) Actual cost=$1000, Budget at completion=$800, cost performance index=0.5, Earned

value= $600, schedule performance index=0.5, both the CPI and SPI influence the remaining
work,. The estimate at completion is:
a) $1000
b) $1400
c) $1800
d) None of the above

112) Actual cost=$1000, Budget at completion=$800, Earned value= $500, future work will be
accomplished at the planned rate. The estimate at completion is:
a) $1000
b) $1300
c) $800
d) None of the above

113) Phase-end reviews are called:

a) Phase exits
b) Stage gates
c) Kill points
d) All of the above

114) The following is true about risk of failing:

a) It is higher in the beginning as uncertainty is high and gets lesser as the project continues
b) It remains the same throughout the project
c) It is lesser in the beginning as uncertainty is high and gets better as the project continues
d) None of the above

115) In a functional organization structure, the PM's authority is:

a) Little or none
b) Limited
c) Low
d) Moderate

116) In a strong matrix organization structure, the PM's authority is:

a) High to almost total
b) Limited
c) Low to moderate
d) Moderate to high

117) In a projectized organization structure, the PM's authority is:

a) High
b) Limited
c) High to almost total
d) Moderate to high

118) In a balanced matrix, the project budget is controlled by:

a) Functional manager
b) Project manager
c) Mixed
d) None of the above

119) Deming's cycle is used for continuous improvement of processes. The four-step
management method is:
a) Plan-Do-Check-Act
b) Plan-Act-Check-Do
c) Plan-Act-Do-Check
d) None of the above

120) ‘Manage Project Team’ belongs to:

a) Monitoring process group
b) Executing process group
c) Controlling process group
d) Monitoring and controlling process group

121) Control procurements belongs to:

a) Initiating process group
b) Executing process group
c) Controlling process group
d) Monitoring and controlling process group

122) Which of these is a reason to start a project:

a) Problem
b) Market
c) Opportunity
d) All of the above

123) Which of the following is true about project charter:

a) When the project charter is approved, the project becomes officially authorized
b) Provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational
resources to project activities
c) It is a direct way for senior management to formally accept and commit to the project
d) All of the above

124) The project charter contains:

a) Business needs
b) Risks
c) Quality plan
d) None of the above

125) Scope baseline includes:

a) WBS
b) WBS dictionary
c) Project scope statement
d) All of the above

126) Which of the following is true about project closure:

a) Contract closure is for each contract
b) Contract closure includes product verification and administrative closure
c) Administrative closure happens to close the project or each phase
d) All of the above

127) Administrative closure:

a) Happens once to close the project or each project phase
b) Needed to confirm that all deliverables have been provided
c) Ensures that official acceptance document has been obtained
d) All of the above

128) Which of the below are project selection methods:

a) Cost-benefit analysis
b) Payback period
c) Net present value
d) All of the above

129) WBS:
a) Prevents work from slipping through the cracks
b) Is the basis for estimates
c) Provides the team with an understanding of where their pieces fit in the project plan
d) All of the above

130) Principal sources of project failure:

a) Poorly identified customer needs
b) Poor planning
c) Poor control
d) All of the above
131) Change requests are created because of:
a) An omission in defining product/project scope
b) A value-adding change
c) An external event
d) All of the above

132) Which of the following is an example of a group creativity technique:

a) Brainstorming
b) Risk identification
c) Stakeholder creative communication
d) Powerpoint presentations

133) WBS includes all project work. Which of the following is also true about WBS?
a) It doesn't include product work
b) It does not include PM work
c) Total of work at lowest levels need not always roll up to higher levels as some extra work may
be completed
d) None of the above

134) Critical chain method and critical path method are tools and techniques used in which of
the below?
a) Estimate activity resources
b) Control schedule
c) Develop schedule
d) Estimate activity durations

135) Resource leveling is a tool/technique used in which of the below?

a) Develop schedule
b) Control schedule
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

136) Project Time Management is a process needed to:

a) Ensure timely completion of project
b) Track time taken for each activity
c) Bill the client for each hour of work done
d) None of the above

137) The outputs of 'Define Activities' are:

a) Activity list
b) Activity attributes
c) Milestone list
d) All of the above
138) Arrow diagramming method does not use:
a) Float
b) Finish to start relationship
c) Lag
d) Activities

139) Which of the following is discretionary dependency known as:

a) Preferential logic
b) Soft logic
c) Preferred logic
d) All of the above

140) Lead allows _____ of successor activity:

a) Acceleration
b) Deceleration
c) Tracking
d) Regression

141) Lag results in _____ of successor activity:

a) Acceleration
b) Delay
c) Tracking
d) Regression

142) Contingency reserve is for:

a) Known unknowns
b) Remaining risk after risk response planning
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

143) Management reserve is:

a) Intended to address Unknown unknowns
b) Part of the overall project duration requirements
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

144) Outputs of Monitor and control project work are:

a) Project management plan updates
b) Work performance reports
c) Change requests
d) All of the above

145) Crashing and Fast tracking are techniques used for:

a) Project management
b) Cost reduction
c) Schedule compression
d) Schedule estimation

146) Cost baseline:

a) Is the approved version of the time-phased project budget, excluding any management
b) Can only be changed through formal change control procedures
c) Developed as a summation of the approved budgets for the different schedule activities
d) All of the above

147) The cost and accuracy of analogous and parametrics models are likely to be most reliable
a) Historical information used to develop the model is accurate
b) Parameters used in the model are readily quantifiable
c) Models are scalable, such that they work for large projects, small projects, and phases of a
d) All of the above

148) Identifying quality standards for the project and documenting how the project will comply
with quality requirements is:
a) Plan Quality Management
b) Perform Quality Assurance
c) Control Quality
d) Manage Quality

149) The process of auditing quality requirements and the results from
quality control measurements to ensure that appropriate quality standards and operational
definitions are used is:
a) Plan Quality Management
b) Perform Quality Assurance
c) Control Quality
d) Manage Quality

150) The process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality activities
to assess performance and recommend necessary changes is:
a) Plan Quality Management
b) Perform Quality Assurance
c) Control Quality
d) Manage Quality

151) Choosing a part of a population of interest for inspection is:

a) Scatter diagram
b) Statistical sampling
c) Inspection
d) Defect repair

152) Inspections are also called:

a) Peer reviews
b) Audits
c) Walkthroughs
d) All of the above

153) Staff Management Plan contains:

a) Staff acquisition
b) Staff release plan
c) Training needs
d) All of the above

154) Tannenbaum and Schmidt continuum proposes:

a) Five stages of team development
b) Model-telling
c) Offering more freedom as the team matures
d) None of the above

155) Authoritarian, Paternalistic, Democratic and Laissez-faire are examples of:

a) Leadership styles
b) Team building style
c) Planning style
d) None of the above

156) Which of the following can result in conflicts:

a) Schedule
b) Project priorities
c) Resources
d) All of the above

157) Power that a PM has on the basis of the special skills he possesses is:
a) Referent
b) Expert
c) Reward
d) Penalty

158) A conflict management technique that involves incorporating viewpoints from everyone is?
a) Smooth
b) Collaborate
c) Compromise
d) Withdraw
159) Which of the below are techniques to resolve conflicts in a team?
a) Collaborate
b) Accomodate
c) Compromise
d) All of the above

160) Which of the following management styles is focused on increasing employee loyalty to the
company by providing a job for life with a strong focus on the well-being of the employee, both
on and off the job?
a) Theory X
b) Theory Y
c) Theory Z
d) Maslow's hierarchy of needs

161) According to Expectancy theory, individuals can be motivated towards goals if they believe
a) There is a positive correlation between efforts and performance
b) The outcome of a favorable performance will result in a desirable reward
c) A reward from a performance will satisfy an important need
d) All of the above

162) In a communication model, the mode of communication is called:

a) Email
b) Medium
c) Language
d) Decoding

163) Emails and memos are examples of communication type:

a) Formal written
b) Informal written
c) Formal verbal
d) Informal verbal

164) Effective communication means:

a) Providing more information than needed
b) Providing only the information needed
c) Communicating formally with stakeholders
d) None of the above

165) The management style where the manager allows the employees to take part in decision
making is:
a) Laissez-faire
b) Democratic
c) Consultative
d) Persuasive
166) A management skill that establishes direction, aligns people, motivates and inspires team
a) Communicating
b) Leading
c) Influencing the organization
d) Problem solving

167) Tools used in risk identification are:

a) Delphi technique
b) Brainstorming
c) Interviewing
d) All of the above

168) Risk register as an output of risk identification contains:

a) Identified risks and potential responses
b) Risk categories
c) Root causes of risks
d) All of the above

169) Most of the project manager's time is spent on:

a) Project Planning
b) Communication
c) Risk management
d) Tracking

170) Most of a project's resources are spent on:

a) Direct and Manage Project work
b) Plan Project
c) Control Quality
d) Manage Risks

171) Output of Direct and Manage project work is:

a) Project plan
b) Preliminary scope statement
c) Preliminary cost estimate
d) Deliverables

172) At what stage of your current project should you use the techniques you learnt on your
previous projects as PM?
a) Executing phase
b) Planning phase
c) Throughout the project
d) Monitoring and controlling phase
173) Administrative closure:
a) Can be omitted sometimes
b) Should always be done
c) Is the same as contract closure
d) None of the above

174) If you are implementing the risk response plan, you are in:
a) Planning phase
b) Initiating phase
c) Implementation phase
d) Closing phase

175) Interpersonal skills and Management skills are tools to:

a) Manage stakeholder engagement
b) Report performance
c) Distribute information
d) Plan communications

176) Source selection criteria can include which of the below?

a) Product cost
b) Life-cycle cost
c) Technical expertise
d) All of the above

177) Bidder conferences are a tool to:

a) Meet with prospective sellers and ensure there is a clear understanding of procurement
b) Screen contractors
c) Award contracts to the winning bidder
d) None of the above

178) Procurement documentation can include which of the below seller-developed technical
a) Deliverables
b) Seller performance reports
c) Warranties
d) All of the above

179) Monitor and control project work is essential to

a) Ensure project is being executed to plan
b) Prepare project plan
c) Prepare scope statement
d) Prepare WBS
180) Correspondence, Payment Schedules and Requests, Seller performance evaluation
documentation are examples of:
a) Organizational Process Assets
b) Request for proposal
c) Project management plan
d) None of the above
181) A type of procurement document whereby the buyer requests a potential seller to provide
various pieces of information related to a product or service or seller capability is:
a) Request for Information
b) Request for Proposal
c) Request for Quotation
d) None of the above

182) A contract can end by:

a) Successful performance
b) Mutual agreement
c) Breach of contract
d) Any of the above

183) A procurement audit:

a) Is a structured review of the procurement process originating from the Plan Procurement
Management process through Control Procurements
b) The objective of a procurement audit is to identify successes
and failures that warrant recognition in the preparation or administration of other procurement
contracts on the
project, or on other projects within the performing organization
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

184) A type of 'Breach of Contract' is:

a) Material
b) Minor
c) Fundamental
d) All of the above

185) Project charter is created based on:

i) Business need
ii) Customer request
iii) Market force
iv) Project manager's requirements

a) All of the above

b) i, ii, iii
c) i, ii
d) ii only
186) With regard to Opportunity cost:
a) The smaller the cost, the better
b) The larger the cost, the better'
c) It depends on cost of materials
d) It depends on economic conditions

187) Predictive life cycles:

a) Are also known as fully plan-driven
b) Are ones in which the project scope, and the time and cost required to deliver that scope, are
determined as early in the project life cycle as practically possible
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

188) Some examples of hygiene factors in Herzberg's motivation theory are:

a) Salary, Work conditions, Job security
b) Pay, Working conditions, awards
c) Pay, Promotion, Salary
d) Pay, Promotion, Free lunch

189) Variance analysis compares actual results to baseline. This can be done for:
a) Cost
b) Schedule
c) Quality
d) All of the above

190) Active listening is:

a) Being attentive when the speaker is talking
b) Asking questions when the speaker is not clear
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

191) The longest path through a project that shows the shortest duration in which the project
can be completed is:
a) Critical path
b) Project schedule
c) Least possible time
d) None of the above

192) Who is responsible for ensuring that risk audits are performed?
a) Project manager
b) Team members
c) Project sponsor
d) Functional manager
193) Pareto principle is also known as:
a) 80-20 rule
b) Law of vital few
c) Principle of factor sparsity
d) All of the above

194) Pareto efficiency states that:

a) 80% of effects come from 20% of causes
b) 20% of effects come from 80% of causes
c) 80% of causes come from 20% of effects
d) 20% of causes come from 20% of effects

195) Regarding control limits, which of the following is true:

a) If a point lies outside of the control limits, or seven consecutive points are on one side of the
mean but within control limits, the process is out of control
b) If a point lies outside of the control limits, or seven consecutive points are on either side of
the mean but within control limits, the process is out of control
c) If all but seven points lie within the control limits, and seven consecutive points are on one
side of the mean but within control limits, the process is in control
d) None of the above

196) Projects can end due to:

a) Addition, Starvation, Integration, Extinction
b) Deletion, Starvation, Integration, Extinction
c) Addition, Starvation, Disassociation, Extinction
d) Addition, Starvation, Integration, Promotion

197) The tools used in Direct and Manage Project Work are:
a) Expert judgment
b) Project management information system
c) Meetings
d) All of the above

198) Risk mitigation is:

a) Preventing the risk from occuring
b) Sharing the risk with another person/organization
c) Making someone else responsible for the risk
d) Reducing the impact or probability of occurrence of the risk

199) Using which of the below can you predict future performance of team:
a) Trend analysis
b) EMV
c) Control limits
d) Risk analysis

200) Salary of full-time employees and cost of hardware bought specially for your project count
a) Direct costs
b) Indirect costs
c) Project costs
d) None of the above

201) A Request for Proposal:

a) May invite suppliers to submit a proposal for a product
b) Is a type of Procurement document
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

202) Triangular distribution and Beta distribution are formulas used in:
a) Analogous estimating
b) Parametric estimating
c) Three-point estimating
d) Bottom up estimating

203) Payback period is the time it takes to get back money invested in a project. Hence:
a) The longer the payback period, the better it is for the project
b) The shorter the payback period, the better it is for the project
c) Not enough information to decide
d) Depends on the present value of money invested

204) A formally chartered group responsible for reviewing, evaluating, approving,

delaying, or rejecting changes to the project, and for recording and communicating such
decisions is:
a) Board of directors
b) Change control board
c) Team of project managers
d) None of the above

205) In project scope management overview, variance analysis is done during:

a) Control scope
b) Define scope
c) Create WBS
d) Validate scope

206) Actual cost=$2000, Budget at completion=$1800, Earned value= $1500, future work will be
accomplished at the planned rate. The estimate at completion is:
a) $1000
b) $2300
c) $800
d) None of the above

Answer Key
Answer key (Page numbers below are to be found in the PMBOK® guide 5th ed.)

Explanation: Ref:



Explanation: PMI® code of ethics
Ref:, Page 5


Ref: Pg 350

Pg 562



Pg 167
Pg 171


Even if the change is minor, the change management process has to be followed.




Ref: Pg 104

Pg 344, Pg 104



21b, Pg 430

22 a and c, Pg 106

23-All of the above

Pg 108

24d Pg 65

25d Pg 27

26a Pg 61

27 a. Pg 61

28 a. Pg 312

29d Pg 333, 341, 354

30d. Pg 312

31d. Pg 312

32c. Pg 310



35a, Pg 173

36c. Pg 176



39a, Pg 169

40d, Pg 181

41d Pg 181

42 c. Pg 230, 246
43a, Pg 325

44a, Ref:

45b. Ref:

46b. Pg 277

47a. Pg 293

48a. Pg 292

The total number of communication channels= n(n – 1)/2, where n is the number of
Here n=6 (including the project manager).

49b. Pg 287

50a. Pg 236

51b, Pg 559

52a.Pg 179

53c. Pg 177

54b. Pg 219

55a. Pg 106

56b.Pg 219

57c. Pg 219

58a Pg 276

59 a. Ref:

60a. Pg 350



63d, Pg 312

64d, Pg 312

65d, Pg 312
66c, Pg 342


68b, Pg 344

69a. Pg 344

70d, Pg 61

71a, Pg 344

72b, Pg 364

73b, Pg 344

74b, Pg 440

75a, Pg 345


77d, Pg 358



80d. Pg 423. It belongs to Planning process group.

81d, Pg 100

82d, Pg 102

83c, Ref:

84 a

85 a, Pg 106

86b Pg 258

87c, Pg 261, 317

88d, Pg 262

89 b

90d, Pg 230

91a, Ref:

92 b

93d, Pg 218

94d, Pg 363

95c, Ref:


97b, Pg 558

98a, Pg 61

99c, Ref:

100b, Pg 222


102b, Pg 170

103a, Pg 171
Triangular Distribution. tE = (tO + tM + tP) / 3
(2+5+5)/3=4 hours.

104d, Pg 199



107a, Pg 224
SPI = EV/PV=1000/2000=0.5

108a, Pg 224
SPI = EV/PV=2000/2500=0.8

109a, Pg 224

110a, Pg 224
CV = EV – AC

111c Pg 224
EAC = AC + [(BAC – EV)/(CPI x SPI)]

112b, Pg 224



115a, Pg 22

116d, Pg 22

117c, pg 22

118c, Pg 22

119a, Pg 229

120b, Pg 61

121d, Pg 61


123d, Pg 66


125d, Pg 78









134c, Pg 143

135c, Pg 179, 143

137d, Pg 432


139d, Pg 158

140a, Pg 158

141b, Pg 159

142c, Pg 171


144d, Pg 452

145 c, Pg 181

146d, Pg 212

147d, Pg 212

148a, Pg 227

149b, Pg 227

150c, Pg 227

151b, Pg 240

152d, Pg 252

153d, Pg 259, 265-266


155a, Ref:



158b, Pg 283

159d, Pg 283

160c, Ref:

161d, Ref:

162b, Pg 293

163b, Pg 287

164b, Pg 290

165b, Ref:


167d, Pg 324-325

168d, Pg 327



171d, Pg 446




175a, Pg 404

176d, Pg 373

177a, Pg 375

178d, Pg 385


180a, Pg 385-386

181a, Pg 557


183c, Pg 387




188a, Ref:



191a, Pg 176

192a, Pg 351

193d, Ref:

194a, Ref:



197d, Pg 79

198d, Pg 345



201c, Pg 558, Pg 552

202c, Pg 205-206


204b, Pg 530

205a, Pg 106

206b, Pg 224


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