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GROUP 4 Prof. Yogita Uppal


Tilak Raj Chadha Institute of Management and Technology (TIMT) is organizing an

Interdepartmental Quiz in the month of October as an interactive as well as a competitive
exercise under the Induction program. This primary goal of this activity is to blossom
enthusiasm towards learning in hearts of the students and to develop personals overflowing
with continuous passion towards their aim.
These types of quizzes motivate the students to explore a new world, that has been hidden
from them or that they have been ignoring and allows them to connect with themselves as
well as their team mates on a deeper level.

A lot of effort has been put into this following program so that the students as well as
teachers can identify a certain skill or weakness of students to work on. Though being just

a light hearted competition, the gains from the efforts are very much, which is the reason it
has been an annual activity in the institution from past several years


The date and timings of the Quiz have been set to October 15, 2018 during the studying
hours and the quiz competition would be taking place at the PDP Seminar hall. The
students of Group 4, would help in assisting the organizing the quiz. Selection of the judge
panel and the coordinator for the competition would be the duty of Prof. Yogita Uppal.

Interested students who want to participate in the competition would have to contact their
Head of departments for registration and in case there are more applicants than expected it
would be the decision of HOD to select the students for the quiz.

The quiz would have 3 teams from both the departments and each team can have 4
members at max and 2 at minimum. The quiz would have different stages and scoring

would be done according to the stage for ex: The questions at Stage 1 would be of lesser
maximum score than the next stage and so on.

There would be two Rounds of the competition Round 1 would have all the six teams
competing with each other, two teams would be eliminated at the end of Round 1 and the
remaining would compete in the Round 2.

We have planned to decorate the stage with a big flyer saying
Welcomes you all
At the annual
Interdepartmental Quiz”
And along with that we would also decorate the stage as well as corridors with charts that
contain motivation quotes by some of the greatest minds along with their picture to create
an aura, which would motivate everyone. We can take help from the Impulse magazine
entries by asking the students to submit their entries specifically about the ongoing event.


Before the beginning of the competitions, all the contestants, judges and our Chief Guest,
would be welcomed. Then an opening speech would be delivered, by the Director
addressing the guest, the judges, teachers, contestants and rest all the audience followed by
“lightening of the lamp” ceremony which would mark the official beginning of the

There would be a 50 minute break after the first round of the competition so that the
students and judges can rest and prepare for another round. Meanwhile, during the break
there would be a small play arranged for the audience on the story of Kalidasa.

After Round two, winners would be announced and facilitated by the Chief Guest along
with the play actors. The event would be concluded with a speech by the Chief Guest.
General guidelines and rules for participants

1. Students can participate in the events in two forms either they can take part in the
quiz competition or they can be a part of the play.
2. Students interested in participating in the quiz should form a team and register
themselves as teams with their respected HOD.
3. Every team can have a max of 4 members and should contain at least 2 members.
4. Students interested in participation of the play should directly contact with Prof.
Yogita Uppal and submit their names to her.
5. All teams can have one extra reserved member, in case of their team mates couldn’t
be able to make it to the competition.

6. It is the decision of the HOD, which teams should be sent to the competition and that
decision should not be challenged.
7. Any indisciplinary act during the competition by a participant would result in a direct
disqualification of the team.


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