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Growth Assessment: Finding Who I am In The Classroom

Nikki Lanza

Azusa Pacific University


Growth Assessment

History of Coursework

Table 1

History of Coursework

Term/ Professor/ Key Learnings

Course Year Instructor

• The SAMR Model and how to assess where I am at within

my own classroom, as well as each lesson/unit I am

EDTC511 • Disruptive Classrooms & what the ‘real’ problem is! (very
Fall powerful for me)
K. Bacer
Getting My Footing
• How to do proper APA formatting and correct reference

• Valuable tools in how to use Adobe Acrobat and create pdf’s.

• What a PLN (Professional Learning Network) is and the

value in being part of them (and the difference in a PLN vs a
PLC – Professional Learning Community)! I was introduced
to so many wonderful people and places that have given me
tremendous resources and ways to collaborate and share!
• I took away TREMENDOUS new resources in the form of
The ‘Tool Box’ Fall K.
websites, apps, & groups...and then was given the
That Forever 2018 Effinger
opportunity to organize it all into one amazing collection so
Changed My
that I always have it at my disposal. This was one of my
favorite assignments. I found it to be very useful!
• Learning not only what a HyerDoc is, but how to create
one! LOVED this!!!!

• What a Global Learning Project is and the importance of

EDTC518 collaborating with classrooms outside of our own
Fall B.
Flattening 2018 McMillan • What Digital Citizenship is and how to teach my students to
My Classroom be aware of other cultures, empathy for others, and
acceptable use of the internet

• How to create a Global Learning Project using ISTE

• How to build a website

EDTC517 • How to screencast and use this within my classroom for

Fall J. lesson/units
Communicating in 2018 Bruzese
a Virtual World • How to use all of the Google Suite apps, as well as Twitter,
blogs, & other ways to network

• How to create a visually appealing website that contains

proper layout, consistency, and color/font choices that are
EDTC523 alluring to visitors
K. Price
Designer in 2019 • Proper APA citations of images used within website
the Making
• How to find and use copyright free images

• How use and create with iMovie

T. Temple •
Spring How to incorporate the use of Green Screen technology
Behind the 2019
Scenes • How to use Adobe Photoshop for editing

• How to use Backward Planning to design a lesson/unit

Spring • The value in teaching the kids the Big Idea & why what
T. Wilson they’re learning is important in the real world
I’m 2019
• Ways to integrate God into my units without doing what’s
“not allowed”
EDTC520 • How to evaluate software
Becoming a 2019
E. Silver • The purpose and use of the Triple-E Framework
Tech Leader
• How to integrate technology in the classroom properly

Apps, apps, Summer • Currently in Progress

J. Brown
and away! 2019

Summer • Currently in Progress
The K. Bacer

Personal Growth

To say that I have grown on a personal level on this journey to obtain my Master of Arts

in Educational Technology (EDTC), would be an understatement. When I began this process, I

entered it with a small amount of confidence in myself and very little belief that I was as

adequate as others around me. Throughout this journey I have seen growth spiritually,

affectively in confidence, and cognitively within my own growth mindset.

I have always been someone who struggled with my worth when it came to my ability

intellectually, mostly in comparison to others. I would be easily intimidated by people who

seemed to know more, or who spoke more eloquently. It always made me feel like I wasn’t as

smart as them, so that would in turn, cause me to clam up and avoid situations where I had to

show my intelligence. This is why I had no idea why I was going back to school when I started

applying to Azusa Pacific University (APU); it literally was an out of body experience while I

was completing the process – I was just going through the motions, scared and unsure. I can

reflect now and see that this was God’s hand. He was nudging me, and because I had been

praying for Him to guide me on the direction I needed to take next in my life, it was Him that

orchestrated this entire endeavor.

After I was accepted and began to work through my classes, I started to get feedback

from my professors and assignments handed back with so many compliments. I was being told

my work was exemplary, and I was maintaing straight A’s! All of this was coming as a shock

where I found myself saying, me? This continued, until I reached the point where God

whispered to me, yes, you! I will never forget that moment because that is when I understood the

purpose of why God put me on this path, and why I was accepted into APU’s program. I found

my confidence there, as well as the ability to grow spiritually by being surrounded with

Christians of the same standards and values. I read an article on Growth Mindset where it stated,

“Becoming part of professional teams that value constructive critique instead of criticism”

(Hochheiser, 2014, para.11) is one of the top 5 ways to change and/or improve your attitude.

This article was completely in-line with what occurred cognitively for me, as well. Having

surrounded myself with people who valued positive critique in place of the negative criticism I

was used to, changed my faith in myself.

God setting me on this path and guiding me through this entire process; Him speaking

trust into my ear, and the encouragement I received from the community of people around me,

were all things that were arranged for me to gain a new understanding, a stronger relationship

with Christ, and the ability to focus on what gifts God has blessed me with! I will always be

grateful for the growth I’ve secured after exiting this program!

Professional Growth

The program at APU has had a tremendous effect on my career, and not just inside the

classroom. The EDTC program has given me the push to try new things that have forever

changed the dynamic of my teaching, as well as the way I am seen on my campus as a

professional. Since I have been on this journey, I have been asked to take on new roles at my site

as a tech leader, lead Professional Developments (PD’s) for my staff, and my colleagues have all

asked me to share the new things I am doing in my classroom.


While I was hesitant to step out and be seen as a tech leader, I sort of fell into this role

anyway. When my administrators kept coming into my classroom, they were seeing me flatten

my class by doing so many Global Learning Projects (GLP’s). This had them so excited that

they would share out with the rest of the staff, who then began questioning me and asking for

help. I ended up taking on a role that I wasn’t expecting. I was helping teachers discover new

apps, use new software, and learn how to reach out to other countries in order to collaborate on

new lessons.

My principal approached me one day and asked me to put together a Professional

Development for the returning school year to share with our staff. He told me that the

enthusiasm I had and the impact I was having on my students’ learning is something that he

wanted his other teachers to be exposed to. I feel that I have learned in this program, the value in

changing with the times, and think it would be a disservice to not share what it is I have gained

throughout this program. Marc Prensky, author of Digital Game Based Learning, says that

teachers and students are from different worlds now. That the generation in which we grew up

and learned in is completely different than the generation our students are currently facing.

“The old way was kids + content = learning = improved people. The new way is kids + real world

problems = kids’ solutions (+ learning) = improved world = empowered world, improving people

forever” (Prensky, 2017, 0:14). It is quite humbling to be asked to take part in this shift, and

even more so to do it as a leader.

My professional growth, although was something I expected from this coursework, has

substantially surpassed my expectations. I am proud of what I have done and the risks that I

have taken, and it gives me a great deal of satisfaction to know that I will not only be changing

the lives of students, but other educators as well.

Technical Growth

Before starting this program, I considered myself to be fairly ahead in the world of

technology; at least in comparison to my colleagues. I was the person they would ask for help

from, and I was the one who jumped in head first to start using technology in my classroom at

my site. After I began my coursework, I soon realized I was not as savvy as I had thought.

Through the EDTC program I have watched myself grow from experimenting with new

software, implementing new technology, and by taking risks from stepping outside my comfort


Throughout my courses at APU, I was taught many new tools that I found to be very

useful. Although learning Adobe Acrobat was a challenge at first, I feel that this has been the

one software program that has had the most value in my teaching career. I often wonder what I

did before it! My favorite component of Acrobat is the ability to web capture resources. Before

this knowledge, I would find myself in situations where a website or link no longer worked or

was no longer available. Now, I can web capture it and put it into a portable document format

(PDF) and save it forever.

Another piece of technology I found to be powerful was ScreenCastify. I had always

wondered how anyone created videos that included their computer screens with their voice

and/or face in the presentation. This is another tool I use quite often in my classroom now. I

have created lesson plans, professional developments, and have even used it to have for the

substitute when I was out!


Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary, but in the end, those risks pay

off! “You only do good work when you’re taking risks and pushing yourself” (Hawkins, 2012,

para.29). I have been pushed to challenge myself by reaching outside my level of comfort and

the payoff has been tremendous. The growth I have had in this past year with technology will

forever change my ability to teach, as well as my creativity!

Life Long Learning Plan

• Attend more trainings in the field of technology

• Utilize my Professional Learning Networks (PLN’s) so that I can collaborate and continue to

be inspired

• Volunteer to be involved in tasks at my school site

• Try and experiment with new material

• Take risks

• Seek out my options for new jobs and/or roles that utilize my new found skills with

technology at my school site, or district

• Possibly look into teaching online


After completing the EDTC program at APU, my plan is to continue learning. I

have a deep desire to continue discovering new technology, software, and apps that I can use in

my classroom. I have seen the impact these things have had with my student and it has been

empowering. I will always be grateful to the professors I have crossed paths with, and to the

guidance I have been given throughout this journey. I can’t wait to see what is next!


Bacer, K., Effinger, K., McMillan, B., Bruzese, J., Price, K., Temple, T., Wilson, T., Silver, E.,

Brown, J. (2018 - 2019). Master of Arts in Education: Learning and Technology. School

of Education, Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, CA. Retrieved from

Bacer, K. (2018). EDTC526: Practicum in Educational Applications of Technology. Master of

Arts in Education: Learning and Technology. School of Education, Azusa Pacific

University. Azusa, CA. Retrieved from

Hawkins, S. (2012, November 10). Sally Hawkins: You only do good works when you’re taking

risks. Retrieved from:

Hochheiser, D. (2014,September 16). Growth Mindset: A Driving Philosophy, Not Just a Tool.

Retrieved from:

Prensky, M. (2017). The New Educational Paradigm. Retrieved from

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