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Name : Clerilia Al Prihi (2018.

Sukma Indah Ayu. P (2018.047)
Class : IA

What the tasks of a nurse in hospital?

1. Measuring the patient's vital signs.

As a nurse must monitor the progress of the patient, therefore one of them is by
measuring the patient's vital signs which include measurement of temperature, pulse,
and patient's respiration on a regular basis.

2. Give the patient medication carefully.

The nurse must be careful in giving the drug and must know the 6 correct rules of the
drug, namely: Correct patient, Correct medication, Correct dosage, Correct way /
route, Correct time, Correct documentation.

3. Changing the bed linen to keep it clean.

Maintaining patient comfort is one of the duties of nurses in caring for patients and
therefore one of the efforts made by nurses is to change linen regularly.

4. Give a sincere smile.

The attitude of nurses is one of the supporting factors for patients to recover, so a
sincere smile is needed to provide comfort for patients to get well soon.

5. Listen to the complaints of patients with patience.

As a nurse it is necessary to listen to the patient's complaints to be closer and
understand the patient, besides that the patient will feel cared for by the nurse.

6. Observing the patient's progress.

The nurse must monitor the progress of the patient, it is not enough just to examine
vital signs but also need to observe other things to find out the development of the
patient such as food intakes, outputs and fluid inputs, etc.

7. Helps to bathe the patient with sincerity.

Maintaining the cleanliness of the patient's body is urgently needed, especially for
patients with immobilization and unable to care for themselves, so nurses must help
maintain their personal hygiene by regularly bathing the patient.

8. Give motivation to patients.

Giving motivation to the patient is needed to improve the patient's psychology,
because if the patient's psychology improves, the patient's health is faster to recover.
9. Treat wounds on patients.
Maintaining safety and comfort for patients is the duty of nurses, one of which is to
treat wounds in patients who have wounds, to prevent patients from infection and
replace wound dressing as well as improve patient comfort.

10. Giving, treating, replacing, and removing infusions.

The infusion is carried out by nurses, and infusion treatment is carried out to monitor
the conditions in the stabbing area so that there is no problem in the infusion area,
replacing the infusion when the infusion is used up, and also remove the infusion
when the patient is not in need of an infusion again.

11. Feeding of patients with sincere.

Nurses should help patients who cannot move independently, like eating, the nurse
must help to feed the patient eats.

12. Helping patients do ROM (Range of Motion).

To avoid joint stiffness, pressure sores, and prevent muscle weakness in patients with
impaired mobilization, nurses need to help patients to ROM.

13. Provide education properly.

Nurses must give proper education to patients because the education will provide
improved patient knowledge about health, with the aim to accelerate the healing of

14. Keeping the environment clean.

Nurses must always maintain the cleanliness of the environment by disposing of
garbage according to the indication of the trash bin that is provided, also not to forget
to always wash hands thoroughly.

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