Food and Nutrition Vocabulary

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No. Terms Definition

1. Nutrients Substances in foods that the body needs to regulate
bodily functions, promote growth, repair body tissues,
and obtain energy
2. Metabolism The chemical process by which the body breaks down
food to release energy
3. Basal Metabolic Rate The rate at which a person uses energy (burns
(BMR) calories) when at complete rest
4. Calorie A unit of energy (heat) released when nutrients are
broken down
5. Carbohydrates Starches and sugars found in foods which supply
energy for our body
6. Simple Carbohydrates Also known as sugars
7. Glucose The simplest of all carbohydrates, this is the major
provider of energy for our body's cells
8. Complex Carbohydrates made up of sugars that are linked
Carbohydrates together to form long chains

9. Fiber The tough, stringy, indigestible type of complex

carbohydrate that is found in plants and is necessary
for proper functioning of the intestines
10. Glycogen The major fuel for the body during the day, it's a
carbohydrate-like substance which humans make and
store for energy
11. Fats A high calorie nutrient, this nutrient supplies energy,
insulates, and protects organs and nerves
12. Unsaturated Fat A healthier fat with at least one unsaturated bond and
is usually liquid at room temperature.
13. Saturated Fat An unhealthy fat that has all the hydrogen the carbon
atoms can hold and is usually solid at room
14. Cholesterol A waxy, fatlike substance that is found only in animal
products and clogs our arteries
15. Trans Fat The most health damaging fat that is synthetically
made when manufacturers add hydrogen to fat
molecules in oils
16. Protein This nutrient aids in the growth and repair of your
body's tissues
17. Amino Acids Smaller links that are bound together chemically to
form proteins
18. Complete Proteins Proteins that contain all nine essential amino acids
needed in your body
19. Incomplete Proteins Proteins that lack one or more essential amino acids
20. Vitamins Nutrients required in small amounts, and are classified
as "Fat-Soluble" or "Water Soluble"
21. Fat-Soluble Vitamins Vitamins A, D, E, and K, occur in olive oils, liver, eggs,
and certain vegetables
22. Water-Soluble Vitamins Vitamin C and the B vitamins, are found in fruits,
vegetables, and other sources
23. Minerals Nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil
24. Electrolytes Minerals that regulate many processes in cells such
as regulating water movement between cells
25. Body Composition A measure of how much body fat a person has, as
compared to muscle and bone
26. Body Mass Index (BMI) A ratio of a person's weight to height
27. Overweight Term used to describe a person who is heavier than
the standard for the person's height
28. Obesity A condition adult who have a BMI of 30 or higher
(significantly raising their risk for certain diseases)

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