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Literary works is one of the works of art that produces a paper that can be enjoyed by the public
either in the form of writing or staging a drama. Basically, literature is not just a story, but it is
a description of social conditions in a state. In its development, literature progressed rapidly
into a place where people could write their ideas, sadness, kindness, truth, love and satire to
make a change and motivation to make social change in society. Researchers also want to use
the approach of genetic structuralism and use literature study and analyzed descriptively using
this novel. This research using theory Genetic Structuralism by Goldmann. In analyzing this
novel the researcher uses qualitative methods because there are no calculations or numbers in
the data used. This research purpose is to find out the sosial aspects in the Scarlet Letter novel.
The conclusion of this research is the social aspect of Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "scarlet
letter" is family, religion, tradition, economy, and education. The five aspects are very superior,
related and affect the contents of the story.


Literary works is one of the works of art that produces a paper that can be enjoyed by the public
either in the form of writing or staging a drama. In the literature itself, there is a very precious
moral message for the readers and the audience. Literary work is also an expression of thought,
ideas, ideas, and imagination, as well as the feelings of a person who poured through language
as his medium. Sometimes too, literary works are created from the harshness of one's life in
reaching a dream, an experience that gives meaning to life. A literary work is incomplete if it
is only about the content within the literature, readers can also conclude a brief story from a
novel, but there are some things that the reader does not realize, like the point of view of the
people or the circumstances occurred at the time the literary works were made.

The purpose of literature itself is not only as entertainment, but also literature has the purpose
to educate, inform the public, and provide an overview of events in the past. Literary works
can also be said ink history because in truth literature itself is a container to convey ideas, ideas,
and feelings. Basically, literature is not just a story, but it is a description of social conditions
in a state. In its development, literature progressed rapidly into a place where people could
write their ideas, sadness, kindness, truth, love and satire to make a change and motivation to
make social change in society.

One expert states a theory related to social life of society. "the form and content of this novel
comes closer to a social phenomenon than to art, except perhaps a cinema, the novel often
seems tied to a particular moment in the history of society.The novel can provide an existing
story and escape from everyday life, many novels encourage the reader to think of problems
social, moral, conflict, and philosophical "Zeroffo in Mulawati (1973: 53).

There is a novel about social life, this novel is a "scarlet letter", the novel is written by Nathaniel
Hawthrone. This novel tells of a social life that took time in 1642-1649 and housed in
Massachusetts (in the Puritan period). The novel was written in 1850 and became the
masterpiece of Nathaniel Hawthrone. This novel tells about the circumstances of the puritan.
Characterization in this novel is played by Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmensdale, Roger
Chillingworth, Governor Richard Bellingham, and Pearl.

This novel tells of the scandal that happened to Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmensdale
bringing them to the day of punishment. Hester is the wife of a European man who later settled
in America. Hester's husband told Hester to leave first, because he was still taking care of
several things. For two years in America, Hester's husband never gave word to him. In the
United States he met a priest named Arthur Dimmensdale. The scandal that occurred in this
novel is Hester had children from the results of adultery with Arthur, then the community
punish Hester by dressing the dress in front of his chest written the letter "A". With a glowing
red color embroidered very nicely using gold-colored threads. Hester stood in the humiliation
for three hours and remained silent over who the father of the child was carrying. After that,
Hester returned to prison. It was this jail he met his husband, who has now changed his name
to Roger Chilingworth.

Hester was later exiled from society for many years. He and his son lived in a small lodge on
the edge of town. One day, the priest Arthur came to see Hester. He was sorry and he should
have admitted that Pearl was his son and accompanied Hester on the stage of humiliation. In
the end, the priests arthur, Hester, and Pearl climbed the stage once used to punish Hester by
dressing the A-written gown. Their return to this stage is a request from the pastor Arthur. At
this moment, the priest Arthur acknowledged his misfortune and soon Pastor Arthur passed

During this sixteenth-century Puritan there were religious groups fighting for individual and
group purity and piety. At this time there was also a conflict between puritans and the king,
affecting aspects of social life such as family, religion, tradition, economy, education and
structural elements found in The Scarlet Letter novel. Therefore, this researcher wanted to
study social life related to author's background and social reality in puritan period. Researchers
also want to use the approach of genetic structuralism and use literature study and analyzed
descriptively using this novel.


1. Theory
To find out the results of this study, researchers used the theory of Lucien Goldmann,
a French sociologist. Genetic structuralism tries to correct the weakness of the approach
of Structuralism, ie by incorporating genetic factors in the understanding of literary
works. Genetic structuralism is often also called historical structuralism, which
considers the literary work typical to be analyzed from a historical point of view.
Goldmann intends to bridge the gulf between structuralism (intrinsic) and sociological
(extrinsic) approaches. The theory is genetic structuralism.

Faruk (1999: 12) calls his theory a genetic structuralism. That is, he believes that
literature is a structure. However, the structure is not something static, but is the product
of the ongoing historical process, the structures and destruction that are alive and
internalized by the public from the relevant literature. According to Goldman in Faruk
(1999: 12-20), to support his theory of building a series of interrelated categories to
form what he calls-genetic structuralism. Categories that are facts of humanity,
collective subjects, structures, worldviews, insights and explanations.

In Goldmann's theory, it consists of three aspects, namely, the facts of humanity,

collective subject, and world view. The facts of humanity are all the results of human
activity or behavior, both verbal and physical, which science is trying to understand
(Faruk, 1999b: 12). This is a human behavior that must be adjusted to the circumstances
surrounding environment. To form a social state, individuals come together to form a
community group. With this, the human need to adapt to the environment can be

Faruk (1999: 13) assumes that all human facts are meaningful structures. The point is
that fact also has a certain structure and meaning. Therefore, an understanding of the
facts of humanity must consider its structure and meaning. The relationship of these
three aspects leads Goldmann to believe that there is a homology between literary and
community structures that are the creators of literary products. The relationship
between community groups and literary works is mediated by ideology or worldview.
This approach has a useful and highly efficient aspect, if the researcher himself does
not forget or keep an eye on the building's intrinsic literature. In addition to paying
attention to sociological factors, and fully aware that literary works created by some
creativity by utilizing the factor of imagination.
In its development, literary works are facts of humanity created by individuals from
certain influential societies. Thus, a particular society that supports the authors can
automatically produce literary works. The author as an individual subject tries to create
his vision in the world to his collective subject. Clearly, genetic structuralism is the
analysis of structures by paying attention to the origin of literary works, which means
that genetic structuralism draws attention to the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of
literary work (Ratna 2004: 123).

The work of genetic structuralism research can be formulated in three stages; First, the
researcher will analyze the intrinsic aspect, either partially or as a whole the intrinsic
aspect of the literary work. Second, the researcher will analyze the writer of social
culter, because he is part of a particular community. And finally, researchers will
analyze the social and historical background that influences the literary work when
created by the author.

2. Method
In analyzing this novel the researcher uses qualitative methods because there are no
calculations or numbers in the data used. Qualitative data is not a number. Data can not
be calculated because all data is word-shaped so that the data is called qualitative data.
McMillan (1992: 9) claims that qualitative data is based on research that focuses on
understanding and meaning through verbal descriptions and not through numbers. How
to collect this data allows authors to allocate time by reading several books and
classifying relevant data found.

The data used in this study is novel Nathaniel Hawthrone's novel entitled Scarlet Letter
and to assist researchers in researching this novel, researchers assisted by data obtained
also from the internet then collect the data and use it because it still corresponds well
with the topic of this research. After getting the data that can help in this research, the
researcher read the novel text very carefully and try to find out the idea that related to
the formulation of the problem under study. After getting the information from the data,
do not forget also the researchers record the important things and find out more through
the data obtained through the internet.

In the achievement of research, the result is a thing that becomes the main factor in an article.
Given the results obtained in the article, readers can know the results of the research and
conclude that there is a lot of information contained in a novel. Based on the theory (genetic
structuralism), the first thing done by researchers is to know and analyze the intrinsic elements
(structure). These elements will show evidence that can be a benchmark of success in a study.
A. Intrinsic (character and setting)
The first element in this novel is character. For characters there are four characters. The
main character in this novel that greatly affects the story is Hester Prynne. Hester is one
of the most important characters that makes the story of this novel an interesting story.
Hester was involved in an adultery scandal that he did with Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale.
He was imprisoned and taken to the stage of humiliation and put on a dress that read
"A" in front of his chest for good. Arthur Dimmesdale is a zealous pastor to learn to be
a true religionist. However, Arthur has engaged adultery with Hester who tipped Hester
to bear a son named Pearl. Arthur became a bad history in Boston because of this
adultery and tarnished the good name of the pastor. However, at the end of the story the
minister Arthur confessed his actions because he felt very sorry to do and did not help
Hester when Hester was punished on insult. The people of the Puritans honored the
pastor for daring to admit his mistakes and the young priest to his death.

The third character in this novel is Roger Chillingworth. In this novel Roger is the
husband of Hester Prynne. He is an antagonist character full of ambition and anger. He
saw the betrayal of his wife as an embarrassing disgrace. The fourth character is Pearl.
He is a child of adultery Hester and Prynne. Has a beautiful face and very soft and has
good properties. The second intrinsic element is setting. The setting in this story is the
city of New England in 1642 - 1649 which means it is puritanical. In the 17th century
in England, the state religion was the Church of England, which had separated itself
from the Roman Catholic Church some 200 years earlier. The Church of England has
removed or seriously reduced many Catholic practices such as the worship of the saints
and the emphasis on the work (doing good things) rather than the grace (in the belief
that God will save you), but the Puritans regard it as yet far enough.

Puritans are a Protestant Christian sect influenced by Calvinism, the idea that salvation
is doomed. You'd better expect you to be lucky, because there's nothing you can do to
save yourself, not even go to church any time. How do you know if you've been saved?
Well, you really like going to church. Religious behavior (and worldly success) is the
result of salvation, but also the evidence. Because Puritan society is truly holy (duh) sin
is rooted and punished rudely. Unfortunately for them, the Church of England is
basically obligatory. You should appear at least a few times a year, and you can be
seriously persecuted for practicing different beliefs. So, what should the Puritans do?
Obviously, sailing on a dangerous and many-week-long journey to settle in barbaric
and wild lands, basically like staying on the moon - so you can eradicate sin in peace.

This is the setting of The Scarlet Letter. This is a community designed specifically to
be purely religious, which means secular. In the first chapter, we get a mini tour of the
city's most important buildings and structures: jail and city scaffolding. Law and
religion form the heart of the city. At this time, the people strongly uphold their religion,
they follow the existing religious rules. They have pure thoughts and ideas for a very
fatal sin. Society will punish the sinners who sinned greatly. The public will punish
them by wearing a dress marked with the letter "A" which means that the adulterer will
be strongly attached and become the dentity or symbol of the person.

B. Extrinsic (social aspect)

In this novel, there are some aspects that the researcher concludes. The aspects are about
the social conditions that happen in Puritan era. Based on the scope of the study, this
section will discuss the social aspects of the novel which is divided into five basic
future, there is religion, family, tradition, education, and economy. There is:

1. Religion
In religious matters, puritanical societies are very obedient to their religion. They
highly uphold their religion. From this aspect, the events that tarnished this religious
aspect were priests Arthur Dimmedale and Hester Prynne. The brand has caused
people to get angry and punish Hester for wearing a "A" dress that has resulted in
Hester and Pearl being expelled and suffering terribly. They are driven out of town
and live in small huts on the edge of town. Everyone who sees Hester is insulted or
those who see Hester use a dress that has the letter "A" which means adulterers scoff
at him. However, they are not satisfied with just mocking it. They want Hester dead.
a judgment of the puritans "So he will be a living sermon against sin, until an
embarrassing letter is engraved on his tombstone" (Hawthorne, 1850: 63). The
public wanted to see Hester die and when buried, they wanted Hester's headstones
marked also with the letter "A".

2. Family
In this novel it is explained that Hester Prynee is the wife of Roger Chillingworth.
They are planning to move to Boston. Roger sent his wife away first to Boston,
while he stayed temporarily because there was a business that had not been resolved
by Roger. Upon Hester's arrival in Boston, he meets Arthur Dimmesdale. Arthur is
a pastor. For two years, Roger did not tell Hester. Then, over time. Hester and
Arthur get closer and they do things that are prohibited by their religion, something
a couple who is not married couples should not do. As a result of this incident,
Hester gave birth to a princess and was given the name Pearl. After the public
learned that Hester had a daughter but it was not clear who the father of the child
was, they were punishing Hester on the stage of humiliation. After that he entered
into the prison, this is where Hester meets her husband. However, her husband has
changed her name and Roger asks Hester to hide their marital status saying that her
husband has died so that the public does not know the true identity of Roger

After from the prison, Hester was expelled by the public. They live on the edge of
town and just the two of them. Hester loves Pearl very much. He realizes that he
has to face this problem himself. Hester realizes that people's views of him have
turned hateful. Hester takes care of Pearl and keeps and taught Pearl to be a good
3. Tradition
In the Puritan period, the people are very much at keeping with their religion and
tradition. They created many of the most extreme constitutions and laws that control
the social system of puritan society in Boston New England. They make rules for
polygamy. They limit polygamy at that time. They also made a very heavy
constitution and painful punishment for adulterers. Hester is arrested to stand in
front of the public with a scarlet letter, and he must wear the symbol to death. The
Puritans will give adulterous punishment to adulterers by standing for a few hours
at the crossing in front of them or the prisoners have to whip and always wear
symbols. Everyday Hester will face insult to society. Hester's attitude became a
tradition in puritan society.

4. Education
In the Puritan period, people were only able to get a good education. In Boston, a
man of high religious knowledge is considered to be a priest. At that time, Arthur
was a highly religious man. He always shares his knowledge with puritanical
society. Because in Boston is wild and less educational. The young priest's voice is
sweet, rich, deep and damaged. So it manifests, not direct words, makes vibrations
in the hearts of all, and brings the listeners to sympathize.

Medical science was also very important at that time. It is Roger Chillingworth,
Hester's husband is a doctor who can cure illness. Roger is someone who is
intelligent. By the time Hester got into jail, here was Roger treating Hester and his
baby. Although Roger was furious and disappointed, he remained in Hester and his
baby. Based on his background, he once treated the young priest when he was sick.
He must be a professional because the doctor's primary job is to treat without
discriminating his patients.

5. Economics
With the problems facing Hester, he thought hard about how to survive and tried to
find a way out to survive for him and his daughter, Pearl. He works at an embroidery
shop. He wants to change people's view of him and improve his image. The
humiliation directed against Hester from the people made him a strong woman. He
continues to work and produces scarves. These scarves are used by people for
ceremonial ceremonies. Because of Hester's skill in making these scarves, people's
views of him changed little. In addition, from his embroidery income, he prefers to
share the fortune he gets to the beggars who are more miserable than he is. Hester's
skills help and satisfy material needs for himself and for his daughter, Pearl. Pearl
also grows into a good and beautiful child.
Based on data that has been obtained and has been analyzed, the researchers concluded that
this story has some moral messages that can took by te reader. This story teach the people how
to follow the rules and do not try to ignore the rules. This novel also teach the readerabout the
concequences of the things that people do. The reasrcher also get some result related with the
topic that discuss in this research such as intrinsic and extrinsic elements that this novel has.

By this novel, the researcher also concludes that the structural elements that support the whole
idea of the story are themes, characters, characterizations, setting, and symbols. They affect
each other, and get more important story information. Meanwhile, the social aspect of
Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "scarlet letter" is family, religion, tradition, economy, and
education. The five aspects are very superior, related and affect the contents of the story. All
of that aspects can show to the reader how the condition of the people, environment, and the
kingdom rules in Puritan era at that time.

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