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Employment Relation / HR Manual

What is Employment Relation / HR Manual?

A written Manual or a handbook outline principles or rules that members of an organization must
follow. Each policy addresses an issue important to the organization's mission or operations. A
procedure tells members of the organization how to carry out or implement a policy.
What Is The Purpose of Your Manual?
1. Communication Resource
2. Company mission, values, policies, procedures and benefits
3. Limits Legal Liability Protects against discrimination and unfair treatment claims Explains
applicable laws.
4. Administrative Time Saver
5. Helps orient new employees
6. Answers questions that arise during employment
Why are polices so important in writing?
Communicate values and expectations for how things are done at your organization Keep the
organization in compliance with legislation and provide protection against employment claims
One Size does not Fit All Determine the purpose of your company’s ER manual. Some companies
prepare one manual for the entire organization while others construct manual for each
department. Manufacturing department involving high level health and safety may not be
applicable to desk work departments.
Major Sections
1. Company’s History
 Message from the CEO
 Company’s History
 Vision
 Mission
 Products
 Future Vision
2. Employment
 Employment
 Employment categories
 Equal Employment Opportunity
 Sexual Harassment
 Employment Documentation
 Moving Expenses
 Attendance
 Orientation
 Probation
 Promotion
 Transfer
 Layoffs / Separation Retirement
3. Compensation
 Salary Ranges
 Salary increase procedure
 Overtime Pay Payday
 Bonus Policy
4. Benefits
 Medical Insurance
 Patrol
 Transport
 Utilities
 Accommodation
 Holidays Paid and Unpaid
 Time off Work Assistance with Kids Education etc.
5. Performance Management
 Performance Appraisals Types
 Time Duration Improving the Performance
6. Learning and Development
 Training and Development Opportunities
 Fair Selection Criteria
 Career Management
 Succession Planning
7. Conduct and Ethics
 Necessary Precautions
 Smoking
 Disability
 Workplace Injury
 Workplace Violence
 Weapons
8. Workplace Environment
 Office Physical Environment
 Dress Code
 Working from Home
9. Conduct and Ethics
 How to do Business?
 Respect for Others
 Conflict of Interests
 Records, Disclosure, Confidentiality
 Protect Company’s Assets
10. Grievance and Discipline
 What counts as Grievance?
 Reporting Grievance
 Procedure of dealing with Grievance Discipline Policies and Procedures
Every company may have added / subtracted policies as per its needs. However staying within
the legal requirements.
Writing the Policies
For policies required by legislation, much of the policy content may be driven by the
requirements of the legislation. It is not feasible to review all the possible legislation. Therefore,
you need to be aware of the legislation that applies in your jurisdiction and area of work.

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