Music Technology Seminar: New School Jazz - A.Cuadrado Final Audio - Pro Tools Assignment Checklist - 2018

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Music Technology Seminar

New School Jazz - A.Cuadrado

Final Audio - Pro Tools Assignment Checklist - 2018

❏ Start your session, make sure that you check the Interleaved box. Make sure to be
aware of ​where ​your session is saved. Make sure to BACK IT UP! Set Auto Save to 1
minute! Tutorial ​HERE

❏ Import the audio file to your pro-tools session. Make sure that the audio file is in the
“Audio Files” folder. Documentation ​HERE

❏ Edit your track down to 1:30 max. Lynda tutorial on editing ​HERE​. Use “free flow” editing
techniques by identifying downbeat transients visually in the waveforms. For this, work
on Slip and Shuffle modes. Lynda tutorial on editing modes ​HERE​. ​And NEW Video​ of
me doing this is and the next following steps ​HERE​ (you need to be logged in to your
New School google account in order to watch it)

❏ Once your tune is completely edited, switch to Grid mode and match the tempo of the
track to the bars and beats grid in Pro Tools using the Identify Beat function. Two
tutorials on this ​HERE​ and ​HERE

❏ Create a click track. Lynda tutorial ​HERE

❏ Create an instrument track and record and edit your MIDI data. Lynda tutorial on
composing with Virtual Instruments ​HERE​ and editing MIDI data ​HERE

❏ Convert MIDI to audio - Use the Commit Track function. Lynda Tutorial ​HERE

❏ Add any additional audio or Instrument tracks. Lynda Recording Audio tutorial ​HERE

❏ Make a basic mix - mix window allows you to control pan and volume. Lynda tutorial on
Mix Window ​HERE

❏ Export your track as an MP3 file - ​IMPORTANT​: ​make sure interleaved is checked​.
Otherwise you will generate two mono files. Lynda tutorial on Creating an MP3 ​HERE

❏ Save your session. Make sure all audio files are present in the Audio Files folder. To
double check you can save it to a cloud drive and open it in another computer.

❏ Put your ENTIRE session folder AND your MP3 file in one new folder that you should
name as FIRST LAST NAME - KISS. Then compress this folder intoto a zip file. Tutorial

❏ Submit to Canvas

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