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Schedule of final exams will be determined by the professors and the students.

A. Classes with graduating students

The schedule of final exams for classes with graduating students will be maintained. The exam period
for these classes will be from May 6 (Monday) to May 11 (Saturday).

The schedule for submission of grades for classes WITH graduating students are as follows:

a. Input of grades online (MLS ) will be open from May 6 to May 23;
b. New professors who may not yet have their MLS account. Some professors prefer to submit their
grades with the assistance of the staff. If you are in any of these categories, please send the pdf
file to on or before May 21 (Tuesday), 6:30 pm;
c. Professors with access to the MLS and choose to submit directly must upload the grades on or
before May 23 (Thursday), 8:00 pm. IN ADDITION, submit via email the copy of grades to by May 23 (Thursday), on or before 9:00 pm. We will need the
grades to respond to any queries if the system breaks down and to determine eligibility of
students to enroll in subsequent terms.

Grade consultation day and online correction of grades for courses/sections with graduating students
is on May 24 (Friday),up to 8:00 pm. If the professor asked the staff to input the grades, they must
send an email AND text message to the staff on or before 4:00 pm on this day.

We request all professors to determine if there are students who APPLIED for graduation in their
classes. If they have students in their classes (including elective courses) who APPLIED for graduation,
they should determine the day and time of the exams early so that the students can respond if there
are conflicts, and the beadles can reserve the rooms.

B. Other classes

If there are no graduating students in their classes, professors MAY choose to hold make-up classes
from May 6 – 11, if they find it necessary. Professors MAY also conduct the exams during this period.
The exam period for these classes (without graduating students) is from May 6 (Monday) to May 17
(Friday). Exams may be moved to the week of May 14 to May 18, ONLY if ALL the students can attend,
or the professor may (at the discretion of the professor) create a special exam for those who cannot.

This is being done to allow us to have gaps between exams and to allow for make-up classes. We
suggest that the schedule should be set early so that we minimize conflicts in schedules.

The schedule for submission of grades for classes WITH graduating students are as follows:

a. Input of grades online (MLS ) will be open from May 6 to May 31;
b. New professors who may not yet have their MLS account. Some professors prefer to submit
their grades with the assistance of the staff. If you are in any of these categories, please send
the pdffile to on or before May 29 (Wednesday), 6:30 pm;
c. Professors with access to the MLS and choose to submit directly must upload the grades on
or before May 31 (Friday), 8:00 pm. IN ADDITION, submit via email the copy of grades to by May 31 (Friday), on or before 9:00 pm. We will need the
grades to respond to any queries if the system breaks down and to determine eligibility of
students to enroll in subsequent terms.

Grade consultation day and online correction of grades for courses/sections with graduating students
is on June 1 (Saturday). If the professor asked the staff to input the grades, they must send an email
AND text message to the staff on or before 4:00 pm on this day.


Students who plan to take the bar exams in November 2019 (including those who graduated in
December 2018) are invited to attend a workshop on May 15 (Wednesday) and May 16 (Thursday).
This will be conducted at DLSU Taft Campus. The topic will cover study techniques, preparing your
schedule, stress management and other interventions to help you prepare for the bar exams. This
will also be the time for us to discuss the preparations for the bar exams. If you wish to sign up, please
send an email to Melchor Allauigan at on or before April 23
(Tuesday). There will be no extension of the deadline for signifying your intention to join. There are
no fees for this activity.


Enrollment for the summer term of AY 2018-2019 will be on:

May 22, 2019, Wednesday, 0900 to 1000 – online enrollment for those listed in the 5YR program

May 22, 2019, Wednesday, 1000 to 1700 – online enrollment for ALL students

May 22, 2019, Wednesday, 1700 to 2000 – manual adjustment for those listed in the 5YR program

May 23, 2019, 0800 to 1900 – manual adjustment for ALL students

The summer term is primarily for students on the 5YR program. They will have priority in enrollment.
We strongly suggest that you verify with Ms. Tabirao if you are on the list of students in the 5YR
program. Only 2-unit courses may be opened.

IF YOU wish to enroll for the summer term, you will need to accomplish the form attached. These
forms will give us an indication of the demand. You will still need to enroll ONLINE, or go to the manual

As of 13 April 2019, the courses to be opened are:

Torts and Damages
Legal Forms
Law on Public Corporation
Special Civil Actions
Special Penal Laws
Mergers and Acquisitions

If you wish to have other courses opened, please indicate these in the form to be submitted.

Please go to the Administration Office, fill up two copies of the form, keep 1 form and submit the
second form. Ms. Tabirao will acknowledge the form that you will keep. Deadline is on April 27, 12

Summer classes start on MAY 27, 2019, Monday and will end on July 6, 2019 (Saturday). Final exams
are from July 4, 5 and 6. Deadline for submission of grades is on July 10, 2019 (Wednesday). We will
be announcing the details of the submission.


Starting On April 25, 2019, we will conduct the pre-enlistment for the first semester. You will be
receiving emails in the coming days. We will follow the system we instituted in the previous
semesters. As always, those who are in-sequence will have a seamless enrollment experience.

Those who are not in-sequence due to leaves or failures (this semester or in previous semesters), will
need to drop/add online. If slots are scarce, you may need to go to manual adjustment.

To facilitate the loading and selection of course offerings, PLEASE accomplish the forms we will deploy
for enlistment. We will monitor the outcomes of the fail/pass rate in all courses at the end of this
semester, but we cannot forecast this with 100% accuracy.

We will start classes on July 22 (Monday). There will be no manual adjustment after classes start.

The schedule for enrollment is maintained.

If you are not able to get the courses online, you will need to sign-up for the manual adjustment. To
manage the manual adjustment, we will institute a queuing system. This will avoid long waiting times.


July 13 Saturday 119 0900 to 1500 Manual adjustment for
incoming students
(119) ONLY at Taft
JULY 17 WEDNESDAY 112, 113, 114, 0900 to 1100 Online
115, 116 enrollment/adjustment
All students in 1100 to 1300 Online
the 5YR program enrollment/adjustment
(enlisted in the
117 students in 1300 to 1500
the 4YR program enrollment/adjustment
118 students in 1500 to 1700 Online
the 4YR program enrollment/adjustment
All students in 1700 to 2000 Manual adjustment for
the in the 5YR the first 60 students to
program arrive. The 61st student
will be asked to sign-up
for the next day.
July 18 Thursday All students in 0900 to 1200 Manual adjustment
the 5YR program 1330 to 1700 (priority will be based
1800 to 2000 on the sign-up sheet of
July 17 evening, but
were not processed)

July 18 Thursday 111, 112, 113, 0900 to 1200; Sign-up for slots in the
114, 115, 116, 1330 to 1700 manual adjustment on
117, 118 (4YR 1800 to 2000 July 19 and July 20
July 19 Friday 111, 112, 113, 0900 to 1200; Manual adjustment
114, 115, 116 1330 to 1700 following sequence in
(4YR program) 1800 to 2000 sign-up)
July 20 Saturday 117 (4YR 0900 to 1200; Manual adjustment
program) following sequence in
July 20 Saturday 118 (4YR 1330 to 1700 Manual adjustment
program) following sequence in
July 22 Monday Classes start

5. First Semester Calendar

A one-unit course offered in a term will require 18 contact hours. A semester should consist of not
less than 18 weeks. To allow the students more time to study, taking into account the suspension of
classes, the demands of the practice of profession of the part-time faculty, we will maintain the 18
contact hours per unit in a semester, but we will extend the semester so that at the beginning of the
semester, the students and the faculty may discuss adjustments for the foreseeable events.

We will add an extra 2 weeks within which to satisfy the requirements. The faculty member may
choose to stay within the 18 weeks, or to conduct the exams on the 20th week. The new schedule will
allow the professors more time to check the exams.

To implement this, we are proposing to the Academic Council to end semester (last day of exams) on
December 7, 2019 (instead of Nov 23, 2019).

Enrollment for the second semester is proposed to be conducted beginning on January 6, 2020
(instead of December 4 – 7, 2019). Classes will start on January 13, 2020.

We will advise you of the final calendar as soon as possible.


The College of Law has been allowed by the Academic Council of the DLSU to offer a Juris Doctor non-
thesis program. This will be the new program offered to incoming students in 2019-2020. We will be
transmitting our request to the Legal Education Board.

We are exploring steps to allow those who are already enrolled in the school to have the option to
shift. We want to be able to offer this option to students who are enrolled and do not wish to write
a thesis. You have the option to stay on with the JD thesis program.

We are seeking the guidance of the LEB to be able to manage this transition process. It is not a simple
task of removing the requirement. There are differences in the courses and unit-loads. For now,
course offerings will follow the existing JD thesis program.

Based on the initial studies, those who wish to shift will need additional courses. This is not a simple
case of removing the requirement to submit and defend a thesis. These are:

1. Legal Counselling and Social Responsibility (2 units)
2. Alternative Dispute Resolution (2 units)
3. Problem Areas in Legal Ethics (2 units)
4. Issues in Natural Resources and Environmental Law (1 unit additional to Natural
Resources and Environmental Law)
5. Remedial Law Review 2 (1 unit additional)

The eight (8) units can still be taken by the 116-students in the second semester of the 4th year. The
current curriculum calls for eight (8) units of electives. If they take these (less if they took ADR as an
elective), they will not need to write a thesis. 115-students who are delayed may be in the same

The 117-students and 118-students can still have adjustments over the course of their studies.

The DLSU will also start the process to be accredited by the LEB and SC so that we can fully utilize the
benefits of the Student Practice Rule. This will also allow us to prepare for the deployment of the
Community Legal Aid Service. The Developmental Legal Advocacy Clinic can be a venue for our
graduates to fulfill the requirements of the CLAS. 1 116-students who are now enrolled(or will enroll
in the summer term) in Summer Apprenticeship II will not be affected by this shift.

The implementing rules issued by the IBP explicitly provide that services provided under the Student
Practice Rule will not be considered for compliance of the CLAS if these are rendered in pursuance of
academic credits.


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