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October 27-29, 2010

Global Coffee Quality

Research Initiative Congress
Expected Outcomes of Congress

1. To achieve shared clarity on the problem – a challenged supply of quality

coffee and a paucity of research related to coffee quality
2. To achieve shared clarity on the benefits of the Collaborative R & D model to
industry, and on GCQRI as a feasible solution to coffee's looming supply
3. To present and gather input on key components of the GCQRI model: the
financing mechanism, structure and governance, and research priorities
4. To expand industry involvement and identify clear next steps in the areas of:
raising awareness of the program; launching Temporary Task Forces around
financing, structure and governance, and research priorities; increasing
GCQRI's funding base and funding opportunities
Today’s Agenda (Day 2)

• 8:30 – 12:00 Session One: Discussing and Testing a

Model for GCQRI

• 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

• 13:00 – 15:45 Session Two: Identifying Research Projects

• 15:45 – 17:00 Session Three: Session Three: Moving

Forward – What’s Next

• 19:00 – 23:00 Texas Dinner at the Brazos Cotton Exchange

Potential Coffee Research Project Groups

• Coffee Genetics

• Agronomy

• Processing
• Storage and shelf life

• Appellation development and identification of causal factors

determining taste attributes

• Roasting, packaging, storage, grinding, and brewing of quality

Research Priority Activity Instructions

1. Self-Selection into Initial Research Groups (5 min)

2. Group Sharing/Brainstorm (50 minutes: 5 rounds, 10 min each)

3. Prep for Report-out – 1 clean list (5 minutes)

4. 5-min Large Group Report-outs (30 minutes)

5. Selection Criteria and Voting (30 minutes – includes break)

6. Final Review and Report out (15 minutes)

Potential Prioritization Criteria

• Would this project increase coffee cup quality?

• Would this project increase the quantity of quality coffee?
• Would this project be inexpensive to implement (define
• Would this project be applicable to multiple origins (not region-
Research Activity Flow
• 1:30 – 1:45 - 15 minute intro and break into groups (Shauna)
• 1:45 – 1:50 - 3-5 minute generate ideas (Individual/write down)
• 1:50 – 2:20 - 30 minute group brainstorm and prep for report-out (report
this out in whatever way you want that inspires, excites, compels you
and other relevant stakeholders who may not be here?)
• 2:20- 2:55 - 35 min (5 minute each) of presentation; in each case, large
group adds other options (ideally, get each brainstorm on a single
page, and add 1 blank flipchart page right next to it, providing voting
room next to each option)
• 2:55 –3:05 - 10 min – overview of potential selection criteria (group can
add to list if desired) explanation of voting process
• 3:05– 3:25 - 20 minute break – walk around room, use your three votes
• 3:25 – 3:45 – Research teams re-group, react to results, and give 2 min
highlight of top ranked recommendations
• 3:45 – close/intro to Moving Forward/What’s Next

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