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Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Topic: Ancient Rome

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Good luck!
(In other items that has no choices just write the answer on the blank.)
1. Upper class in the Roman Empire and was a small group of wealthy land owners.
a. Patricians
b. Plebeians
c. Emperors
d. Teachers
2. The Romans were heavily influenced by the Greek’s __________.
a. religion
b. architecture
c. alphabet
d. all of the above
3. Christianity was a threat to Roman rulers because ___________.
a. Jesus preached against Roman rule
b. Christian refused to worship Roman gods
c. Christians tried to overthrow Nero
d. Romans were considered heretics
4. The period of Roman peace and prosperity was known as ____________.
5. ___________ were the lower class in the Roman Empire and consisted of peasants, shopkeepers,
artisans, and laborers.
6. Aqueducts _______________.
a. is a system of roads
b. carry water from the distant lakes/rivers to cities
c. are fancy water slides
d. are hydro motors
7. Julius Caesar was killed by a group of his most trusted friends.
a. True b. False
8. A government in which citizens have the right to select their own leader is __________.
a. republic
b. plebian
c. senate
d. dictator
9. The most enduring contribution of Rome was _________.
a. its law
b. the use of aqueducts
c. the roads
d. the Latin language
10. The first Roman emperor was ___________.
a. Julius Caesar
b. Octavius
c. Constantine I
d. Theodosius II

11. The Romans improved upon Greek building design with two new features. They are ______ and
a. arches and domes
b. columns and arches
c. houses and schools
d. none of the above
12. Who, according to myth founded Rome?
a. Romulus and Remus
b. Julius Caesar
c. Hannibal
d. Armenius
13. The system of government established by Augustus remained stable because ________.
a. his successors were capable administrators
b. Roman customs spread throughout the provinces
c. The succession of emperors was clearly defined.
d. He established a civil service.
14. The last king of Rome was driven from power in 509 BC. Rome formed a new government called
___________ in which the power rests with the citizens who then elect leaders.
15. Why did a group of senator murdered Caesar?
a. because he was unpopular
b. to destroy the republic and restore monarchy
c. they were afraid of him
d. to prevent him from destroying the Roman republic
16. The basis for Roman law was the ____________.
17. This group consisted of over 300 men in the Roman government.
a. Roman Forum
b. Emperor
c. Consul
d. Senate
18. The Roman Empire changed the Pax Romana. How so?
a. there were more battles over power and land
b. slaves forced farmers out of business
c. it grew larger and wealthier
d. there was major reform of laws
19. When the Roman Republic was believed to establish? ____________
20. What were the Punic Wars?
a. wars between the Barbarians and Rome
b. wars between Rome and Germania
c. wars between Rome and Gaul
d. wars between Rome and Carthage
Topic: Ancient China

1. A series of leaders from the same family is called a _________.

a. group
b. partners
c. dynasty
d. colony
2. He was the ruler of the state and proclaimed himself to be the first emperor of China.
a. Huang he
b. Marco Polo
c. Shih Huang Ti
d. Hudson Taylor
3. Which was China’s longest dynasty?
a. Xia
b. Shang
c. Beijing
d. Zhou
4. The Silk Road was important to China because it provides ____________.
a. Contact with other culture through trade
b. A means of administering civil service exanimation
c. A military route for the defense of the northern border
d. A means for the country to expand its borders
5. What is a filial piety?
a. the expectations of children
b. the respect and loyalty that children owed from their elders
c. the process of eating
d. a family of royalty
6. Confucius suggested a set of rules for behaving based on strict moral ideas?
a. True b. False
7. _____________is an artistic form of writing.
a. Lithography
b. Cartography
c. Cryptography
d. Calligraphy
8. Around the first dynasty in 1500 B.C. the Chinese developed a system of writing that involved
more than three thousand symbols.
a. True b. False
9. _____________was an Italian trader who wrote a book that gave Europeans information about
10. During the Tang Dynasty, who served as China’s government officials?
a. Merchants
b. Confucians scholars
c. Landowners
d. Nomads

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